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Messages - Tophat2

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Games / Re: League of Legends - sleeper galio rework!
« on: March 20, 2017, 12:41:18 PM »
Not exactly a fan of bork on ashe but I've been hearing mixed thoughts on it, you can probably back into a BF then go into early lifesteal(if needed), get hurricane and then finish bork. skipping over bf sword does hurt your trading early on by a fair bit. Maybe if you avoid trading as much until you start finishing items up. would still recommend picking up a bf first though.

now with lucian, played him on a few arams and I'm loving the changed bork. works on his passive, or maybe I just sorta learned how to play lucian. twitch is probably a decent contender for it as well. Probably anyone who could build a BF into hurricane could fit a bork before said hurricane. So the likes of Kog'maw('course), Tristana who I haven't tried yet, Kalista but it's Kalista, etc. Idk if you could use the same build on most marksmen but I tend to build bc on tristana whenever possible. though I don't play her often. Could work on Lucian if you replace hurricane with rapidfire cannon.

side note; after an interview with Bang(skt adc) on some tourny game that I didn't get to watch all the way through, he's basically said that ninja tabi are overpowered. Something like you get to a point of "too much attack speed" if you're piling on serker greaves, two attack speed items, or in the case of Ezreal, he doesn't exactly have a good choice other than ninja tabi. Helps win trades bot lane early if you can afford it. Just wanted to mention that here. also it's probably going to be reworked in the future since too many champs can easily look to get it.

Just got a penta as Cait in a game since the enemy Naut didn't ult me as they were doing baron, wew. 6 slotted cait is great

Games / Re: League of Legends - sleeper galio rework!
« on: March 11, 2017, 06:09:32 AM »
Recently decided to start playing Singed. Been having a blast so far, though the most recent game I couldn't do much more than I already had.

tl;dr; enemy mid panth was 29/2/10(wtf?) and kog'maw went 20/7/10 after having a bad early game. Did most damage at 51k compared to the next highest on my team at 23k.

Singed is so much fun. Playing him in another match in a moment hopefully

edit: went 6/1/6, nearly got screwed in laning phase because blind pick into Quinn, but it's funny to watch them panic and miss the skillshots. also, flinging after she tries to vault. much fun. did ok on farm and got a mejai's in the game. She just left me alone at top lane to farm, their trundle jungle did nothing to me except chase me all over the place

Games / Re: League of Legends - sleeper galio rework!
« on: March 09, 2017, 11:39:22 AM »
It's really good on singed if you want to go a more team-oriented build with rylais. Abuse it while you can.

I figured as much. I don't remember if it was a quote or life advice from someone(talking about games) of; Abuse early, abuse often. Stuff won't be around forever so Imma play Poppy support again if I get a chance, but I'm heading to bed now so I might be screwed. Maybe get a Singed game in if I can.

Games / Re: League of Legends - sleeper galio rework!
« on: March 09, 2017, 08:01:58 AM »
So like, I just tried the new Stoneborn Pact on Poppy in an aram and ended up healing teammates for almost 9k at the end of it. All of her powers apply the mark, assuming you hit someone dashing with the w. Only the shield doesn't apply said mark, unless you have an iceborn on her. I want to say it's busted just from how much stuff you can do with it. Literally every tanky support will be running it, which is kinda what they needed. At the same time, though, if someone were to run it on Singed(which I'm thinking of trying) you'd lose out on DFT(or whatever you run) but be extremely useful in teamfights after grabbing up a Rylai's. think it'll get nerfed like CoC did?

As much as having the mods would be neat, I really, really don't want to see this server go. I'm sure I can throw in a month or two's worth of donation money tonight or tomorrow if you're interested in stalling the closure a little longer.

Pecon did mention wanting to get back to Nov.4th for a finale, so I don't see a reason as to why you couldn't donate. I put this at the top because I might've gotten a little carried away with the rest of the post.

Ah, none of us really want to see it go. Many a good time were had, though in those times more recent, server's been entirely empty. At least when I've checked on it, but people have life to deal with unfortunately. Still, it's a shame.

For me, I am more than thankful for the server existing. It brought me experience and into contact with many people, furthering more experiences for me down the line. I've basically grown up with the server. Sad to see it go(or rather, notice that it'll be leaving us soon), but I still have things to remember it by and friends I've made there. I couldn't ask more of something or someone than having a good impact on my life, cheers.

Voted in favor of Scientist items. I'm fairly certain someone could end up using all of the pieces, or just parts depending on their server between another welder item, a trap and a couple guns. Would seem like one of the biggest packages someone could do something with. Golden Wrench was a close second imo, unsure which would have more use. Decker and Kaje are right behind those two as well.

Games / Re: League of Legends - warwick rework!
« on: February 19, 2017, 05:55:45 AM »
how new is this lethality because before i had a little hiatus i basically spammed Mundo and Leona because you could literally just run around and do whatever your heart desires and i seem to really struggle with that now

7.2 I'm fairly certain, could be wrong. speaking of which, talon at level 7 with only a dirk(I believe, maybe another longsword) shanked someone for a 300 crit. was watching a game and saw that happen, considering the typical yi who only has roughly 1k health at that time, ow. at least I think he had that much.

gonna try out Lucian with ghostblade/black cleaver and maybe mix in a manamune in there. I didn't like the two item spike pre-buff because losing all your mana on a caster almost makes you useless. had to space stuff out but with that extra piece after ghostblade I'm thinking it'll be golden in most of my games. anyone have experience with this build on more recent patches?

Games / Re: League of Legends - warwick rework!
« on: January 18, 2017, 04:27:13 AM »
watching LCK spring split atm

Thar be a Singed and there was a Kled last game. I really dig these 10 bans

Games / Re: League of Legends - warwick rework!
« on: January 09, 2017, 06:32:45 PM »
wonder how they'll make him different than Nocturne, considering I'm seeing just a teensy bit of overlap. trailer is neat though yeah, more adc nightmares because it's not like it's hard enough to play well as an adc without getting flamed by teammates. Hopefully they don't make him too complicated since he is a 450 so newer players can ease into whatever role they're throwing him into now.

Games / Re: League of Legends - Year In Review! How boosted are YOU?
« on: January 07, 2017, 12:13:12 AM »
Anivia is relatively weak currently I thought? she got nerfed pretty hard and life is tough for immobiles in the assassin meta.

Her cheesy R>E one shot is hilarious tho

oh right. I guess the other two are still standing tho. Yea I forgot about those nerfs they hit her with but I thought she was still pretty powerful. Eh

Games / Re: League of Legends - Year In Review! How boosted are YOU?
« on: January 06, 2017, 09:25:22 PM »
My highest mastery list says a lot. :)

[im g][/img]

Fizz being my main.

my first thought would be Ekko, three hit passive, weaving around in fights but isn't the squishiest target. otherwise I'm thinking Anivia perhaps, with that insane waveclear and whatnot, being a huge player in teamfights. IDK how strong Kassadin is atm but I want to at least mention him here. Could probably PM you about more details if you were interested so I don't spam up this page too much

Games / Re: League of Legends - Year In Review! How boosted are YOU?
« on: January 06, 2017, 03:42:47 PM »
I sit on 24k ip, idk what to buy.

I dunno if I could suggest anything, but I'm trying to flesh out my champ pool. I have a liking for heavy cc and needed a jungler I could build AD on, she's a perfect fit. I think you said you had all the marksmen some pages ago, which is kinda what I was trying to do too.

I could attempt to help tho if I knew what your fav champs to play were or somethin. other people are probably better to ask however but what the hey

Games / Re: League of Legends - Year In Review! How boosted are YOU?
« on: January 05, 2017, 05:31:46 PM »
1k IP away from Vi, so very close

in the meantime I've been playing a load of Jinx and Sivir, had some really good games lately. Feels good being able to farm well and dish out all of the damage

General Discussion / Re: Boss Battles
« on: December 28, 2016, 11:15:27 PM »

I recall throwing $40 in for the server and just had Pecon split it up between myself and another and it worked out fine. I probably asked beforehand though and that was a while ago, I haven't checked on how donations work nowadays.

Off Topic / Re: Iconic Star Wars Actress Carrie Fisher Dies at 60
« on: December 27, 2016, 02:24:42 PM »
I had thought she was stable, hadn't read the whole story but had heard of it. Was just told she died, sucks :(

May she rest in peace.

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