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Messages - Tophat2

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Games / Re: League of Legends - I'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO BE A BAKER.
« on: September 09, 2016, 12:42:32 PM »
I've never looked into magikarpusedfly until now, though one of his friends who's BrickyOrchid8, I'm hooked on his content. not 100% league, but a decent amount of league. watched his stuff maybe two times over or more, depending. if you take a look at him, he's got puns so be wary lol

Games / Re: League of Legends - I'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO BE A BAKER.
« on: September 08, 2016, 08:50:52 PM »
have to say, your clip was preeeetty good. I don't even.

Games / Re: League of Legends - Yorick Rework Teased!
« on: August 19, 2016, 06:29:19 PM »
do big reworks tend to increase the IP cost of champions? I know Ryze has been at 450 regardless but I haven't been around long enough to witness much. I figured I'd ask if it was worth getting Yorick early because I've been really interested in his rework that's been going around for a while now

"tophat i was joking calm down"
"look what you have done to me"
"i'm very sorry"
Pecon started it for pissing him off

No idea why you'd say Pecon started it when I'm the one who banned him four times over out of those seven. I am also sure that the spam sent to my profile was just a joke, surely. Can't forget that I was on his list of people who should commit Self Delete either, that was probably also 'just a joke'. Yeah, no.

Seems like a weak form of damage control to me, same old cycle of asking people to forgive him after he has a tantrum which lead to his bans. I've already had to use my time to deal with you, I don't appreciate it.


I managed it grab it up via steamdb,

76561198059373649 for easy copy-pasting

He seems to be constantly changing his name as well

saw topic, did some checking after reading, figured I'd leave this here. Danksign is Scaredhappyguy by the way

04/14/12   00:23:15   Frontrox   8124   ?   27181   605   Turn off funky shirt
02/27/14   08:43:59   Zuki   43023   ?   27181   5760   Spamming, admiting to trolling, evading filters.
03/03/14   18:45:44   Zuki   43023   ?   27181   20160   Royal Pest. Second ban. No relation to the other Royal Pest.
03/18/14   17:19:53   Aware   9374   ?   27181   10080   Stop avoiding the god damn filters.
10/20/14   12:06:21   Tophat   43023   ?   27181   7200   Rules 1/3/4/10. Attacking players for no real reason.
04/05/15   02:18:20   Soroxzion   19578   ?   27181   4320   Evasion of mute, Annoyance to the server, General pest.
04/05/15   11:30:17   Tophat   43023   ?   27181   -1   You're permabanned for being a royal pest. Breaking rules 1, 4 and plenty others beforehand which also had you banned.

I'll let the bans speak for themselves

Off Topic / Re: i no longer have a job, AMA
« on: August 06, 2016, 02:56:28 PM »
your internship ended? I had to throw a guess out

Games / Re: Battle for Wesnoth - GREENLIT
« on: August 02, 2016, 08:28:48 AM »
Oh wow. I used to play this all the time years back on linux. It was one of those games I just came across while browsing, ended up being really really good, though a bit bs in some situations. My brother and I spent dozens of hours on this game, I can't believe it's gotten this far, I am impressed. I'll end up re-downloading the game now. Thanks for the heads up.

Oh yeah, mods made this game huge. In-game browsing was a neat feature that really helped keep gameplay fresh.

or stop taking it so serious
its a game
that you're not getting paid to play

now, i'm not saying troll or feed. but like, just play, don't worry about some forgetin, out of game numbers and stuff.

I aim to have a good time in my matches and I try to play for fun, but getting thrown against a mastery 7 riven or something when I'm forced toplane on someone I've never used before does get a bit agitating(thanks Susan). I guess my team wasn't really doing anything that game and I guess it's a bit of my fault that I picked Nasus, but when someone goes full tryhard on me it's kind of unenjoyable when I'm still inexperienced. Sometimes feel like the matchmaking system could be better :P

General Discussion / Re: Boss Battles!
« on: July 06, 2016, 04:21:09 PM »
I wish I could play but i'm banned.

On what counts of rulebreaking?

Off Topic / Re: I'm about to loving snap.
« on: July 01, 2016, 05:02:12 PM »
maybe find a funny to watch, either by youtube or some other method. Or try to relieve stress by doing some basic exercises, although it's easy to go overboard and hurt yourself, so be careful if you try that

Damn. Wonder if others have had the same problem.

Anyways, looking forward to the changes to the site and good luck on doing so!

Off Topic / Re: Furry Megathread - Furry Things Here
« on: June 27, 2016, 10:15:35 AM »
adorable, I love it

Off Topic / Re: Furry Megathread - Furry Things Here
« on: June 13, 2016, 01:27:53 AM »
New avatar thanks to FelisRandomis


General Discussion / Re: Boss Battles!
« on: May 07, 2016, 02:33:21 PM »
You were originally banned for posting a trap link, which by the current rules always results in a perma. It has been 3 and a half years since then, though. I'll need some second opinions from the other admins first.

Opinion granted.

I got banned from the server a long time a go, like, 2 computers ago. The reason i was banned was because i was littler with a mind that couldn't comprehend to not be a rage induced little twat, so young me insulted an admin (i was stupid back then) now 3-4 years have passed and I've changed and would love to play boss battles but I cant.

I was going to give you benefit of the doubt since I don't recall your name, except I looked at the chat logs and it was a bit more than a trap link. Go for multiple whilst spamming them. Bypassed the filters a decent number of times as well. So basically the type to explode and attempt to break any and all rules as soon as there's no admins. Unfortunately I'm not forgiving, so I'm against an unban.

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