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Messages - hitm4n

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Gallery / 128x128 Retail Pixelart
« on: February 25, 2007, 02:46:29 PM »
Quote from: wedge
Post pictures of your build soon! :D
OK :)
Work in progress. Bricks in server currently 12145 but not all my own.

General Discussion / Re: Add bricks?
« on: February 25, 2007, 02:32:33 PM »
Something like jetforce will be changable in the console won't it ? What you need to know is the command name it uses. Badspot may have changed most of them, and with the files DSO'd you can't find the right names out.

So, people need to try things like jet=20, jetthrust=20, jetter=20  etc. until its found.

Either that or wait for released info on some of these things. Personally i'd like a bit more thrust and speed just to get around quicker, but i can live with it for now.

You have to remember too that this game is out barely 2 days and everyones moaning about "i can't do this, i can't mod that". Give it time.

General Discussion / Re: Glicthes bugs and Fixers!
« on: February 25, 2007, 01:57:16 PM »
Well, my build is at 10,000 bricks or so now so i've been playing a while.
Admin controls over the server are great. I can turn off vehicles and weapons and emotes and music if i wish, which for me is great. I can destroy from the ground up with the destructo wand, again, very handy. Clients bricks are safe from other players, unless trust mode is used and again i like that.

What i don't like is the fact someone can come in, save, take my build away and load it elsewhere and claim it as their own. Also, kinda linked to this is if i save, close the server and reload it later, all the other peoples bricks become mine. I end up running round making edits for people.

i think nrick ownership should save too and i don't think people should be able to save others work (apart from admins).

I'd like to congratulate Badspot right now on a damn fine retail release. Its back to the old days of proper building and good fun. Hope the moneys rolling in now BS. Don't forget the updates though ;)

I will post more concerns or bugs found as they arise. Cheers.

Gallery / Re: Post pics of your blocklanders (retail)
« on: February 25, 2007, 01:42:26 PM »
ok, here i am.

Gallery / Re: Retail
« on: February 24, 2007, 11:56:30 AM »
It has been known to happen from time to time :)

I'm keen for retail to be as great as everyone hopes it to be. By submitting bug reports it can only get better...

Now i must get back to my first piccy in retail :)
128x128 16 colour. made totally from 1x1f's !! This would have lagged to kingdom come in 0002.

Gallery / Re: Retail
« on: February 24, 2007, 11:27:19 AM »
Regardless of if i can rebind those keys, it seems odd to have Free look on Z and Zoom on F. They are right next to each other in the key bindings and it just strikes me that they are swapped in error. And it really doesn't matter what the keys were before, you should think about ease for new players and old. Z for Zoom and F for Freelook just makes sense.

Brick slot 1 doesn't have a bind ? So how do i select the brick thats in it ? Basically the 10 slot brick window only works on 9 slots. Is that intentional ?? I doubt it.

Gallery / Re: Retail
« on: February 24, 2007, 10:52:08 AM »
Then everyone that finds the same bug will pm him over and over.
I think a public section makes sense, BS can see, fix and delete threads or mark as "resolved" as we go along.

Free Look key is Z
Zoom key is F

i'm quite sure these are meant to be t'other way round :)

Brick slot 1 doesn't work or theres something i'm missing. If i have brick 7 selected and i press 1 for brick 1, it closes the bricks list. If i press 1 again to re-open it, it opens and its still on brick 7.

I'm very happy with retail though, it works great with low lag, great lights and very nice particle system. Very extensive brick selection too and i suppose not bad player customisation. Would like to see more faces and costumes though.

2000 bricks into my first build now :)

Gallery / Re: Retail
« on: February 24, 2007, 10:36:36 AM »
i've found some bugs already, Badspot, where should i post them ?
maybe you could make a retail bugs section ??

General Discussion / Re: Retail Discussion!
« on: February 24, 2007, 10:31:16 AM »
guys, just buy it. you know it make sense. i've started my first build already

Gallery / Re: RMS Titanic v.3
« on: February 23, 2007, 09:13:05 PM »
coming along nicely bones, but progress does look like its slowed down.
i'm keen to see it fully decked out :)

We have to have limits somewhere. Lego bricks are fun in the first place because they impose limits that challenge you to create something interesting with limited varieties of pieces to construct with. EW has absolutely ruined Blockland for me, and I hate myself for helping create it. The original goal of just making builds non-laggy has been utterly perverted IMHO. Now builds have crappy stretched textures, they have unlimited details that should never be possible from bricks, and they add stupid expectations to future builds where someone might not want to crap all over the Lego heritage of the game. I hate it when someone says "Why would you stack blocks when you can stretch them! 5/10 because you did too much building and not enough shaping." :(
The EW is great in theory, and for its intended use. But like you say its abused to the point where blockland is now just a detailed 3d modeller. The tank further up this thread is great, has nice detail and must have taken some time. But it just isn't lego is it.

That will be the day. Still I fear that a few will slip through the net. I'm only 13 but I understand most huge words. I once had to read up: "I'm disinclined to aquiest your request" only to find that it means no.
Hehehe, that really made me chuckle. It is nice to see a younger poster that actually writes in english, uses punctuation and makes sense and with a great sense of humour. You are few and far between here.

General Discussion / Re: Retail Blockland Countdown!
« on: February 10, 2007, 07:35:32 AM »
lol, you guys are hilarious.... all trying to post how long it'll be and all living in different time zones and posting wildly different times. So is it 22hours or 2 days still ?? hahaha. If you jump in a fast jetplane and fly round the world backwards maybe you could speed up time.

Wait, some people simply "can't get" retail? Is there something I'm missing, or are there people out there that are literally not willing to pay a piddly 20 dollars for an incredible sandbox game? Heh.
What you are missing is the fact that on this forum 90% of the people (read kids) here are 12 years old or less. They don't have credit cards and mommy won't buy them it. I highly doubt old BL0002 based mod based builds will be loadable in retail, i think the save data will be very very different now, and unless badspots coded a loader/converter they won't work.

People are NOT choosing to build without EW due to retail coming out, thats ridiculous. Some people are still using it and some aren't, just as they always have.

For me, wanding the crap out of everything means you can build absolutely anything you want with any amount of scale or detail. Blockland is NOT a 3D modeler and there are far better tools for that job anyway. Blockland is to build stuff from bricks, bricks that are blocky, and you can do it in a land... Hence Block..Land..

I think using a wand is good to reduce lag. Like wanding a plain wall from a single brick instead of using 200 bricks for it just makes sense. Making a proper lego build with some style and detail isn't easy, and for me, shows more skill and imagination than any of the high detail superwanded rubbish shown on here.

I'm glad retail is coming, and i'm glad many of you kids can't get it. It'll mean a couple of months of nice servers before it all turns to crap again. I'll be buying it out of appreciation for the hours of fun i've had in BL0002 and i hope the reduction of lag and server security holds against the dumbass hackers and modders that basically add stuff into the game and ruin it.

Ban the EW. Gnight.

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