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Topics - ZombiLoin

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Games / Those are some big "changes" Patty...
« on: August 18, 2014, 01:41:17 PM »

You sure you're okay? You look a little different.


Was just confirmed on the konami Twitch stream, no release date given just that Ground Zeroes will come out first.


Jesus Christ is a good Silent Hill game finally going to come out?

There's a playable tech demo on the PS4 store, a video of a playthrough is shown below.


The court required surveillance data that was to be used as evidence in the case, the NSA decides it would be better off to delete the evidence and not inform anyone but their defendants. They had to be asked three loving times to stop deleting evidence.

"After the third court order the NSA argued against the judge’s order, and said that not only were its systems too complicated to stop the deletion, forcing the agency to do so would have a detrimental effect on national security."

"The National Security Agency secretly tried to delete part of a public court transcript after believing one of its lawyers may have accidentally revealed classified information in a court case over alleged illegal surveillance."

Thanks NSA. Really trustworthy, eh?

Games / Thank you based Roger Ebert for making us make games art.
« on: August 06, 2014, 02:50:37 PM »
Thank you based Roger Ebert for this awesome inspiration.


*click on the image for a cool video

It's like Quake! No, it's like Minecraft! No, it actually doesn't look like stuff!

You can edit with other people in real time. It uses cubes and stuff but you can edit the cubes and add world models and stuff. Pretty fun. Based off the old Cube 2 engine but it's a modern update with HDR and real-time shadows, volumetric lighting, and all of that stuff. It's open source and free too.

I'm not able to host but hey, whatever.

Forum Games / Vault 61 - A Fallout RP
« on: July 24, 2014, 07:39:04 PM »

11:30 AM. May 1st. 2245.

Morning. Supposed to be, anyways. Can't really tell when you've spent your whole life underground.

The reactor is being cranky again. There are rats in the storeroom, but the turrets are able to take care of them. The water chip is actually going strong, the overseer is in a happy mood, and most people aren't suicidal. Most people. Whatever, it's time to eat.

Some machine on a wall dispenses a slice of some brown, fleshy substance on your stainless steel tray. It's supposed to be beef, which is meat from a cow. A cow is some kind of quadruped mammal that grazes and tastes good grilled. You wouldn't know because you've never seen one.

The next machine on a wall dispenses a glob of gelatinous baked beans. Somehow you get the feeling that it's supposed to be in some kind of sauce and not half-encased in bean jello. Maybe someone should check that out if anyone has the time.

The next machine on a wall dispenses nothing. Absolutely nothing. It's busted.

The last machine on a wall drops down a cup and fills it up with apple juice. They call it apple juice anyways, but apples are hard to come by in an underground vault, so again, you wouldn't know.

Time to dig in. You sit down at a table with the same people you've known your entire life and start eating.

But the lights darken. The wall on the far north side of the cafeteria creaks and squeals with a metallic scream, cracking under the pressure of motors powered by nuclear energy. The concrete gives way to a wooden, and the wall lays itself down flat on the floor, and a pristine podium pops up in the middle of the stage. The overseer walks on stage, his tall 7 inch 6 foot stature overshadowing almost everyone in the room. He looks like he could crush the podium under his bootheel.

He coughs into his hand and prepares himself for what seems like a several hour long speech. He's done it before- seven times prior, all 5-7 hour speeches made to keep your morale up and to prepare you to resettle the land. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. For most people it's just something they have to slog through. Whatever, time to stop eating and listen.

"I don't intend to make any arduous, long, ranting speeches-"

The last seven times he made arduous, long, ranting speeches he started out this way too.

"-but today is a momentous occasion. Today we start to reclaim the outside world and create a new United States of America!"

Silence. Holy stuff.

"Before we thrust ourselves into the outside work, we have to prepare. We have to scout out areas, execute specific instructions from before the war. We require sharp, intelligent, able-bodied men and women to do this."

"For that reason, the overseer's office is now open to anyone under the age of 30 to come and apply to join a scouting party. God bless the vault, and God bless America."

"That's it. Speech over. You can start eating now."

The overseer greets you with about as cheery a smile a depressed, tired, possibly suicidal old man can muster and signals you and the people with you to come inside.
"I see you all are some of the best and brightest we have to offer. Please it down."
You sit down in some rather nice chairs that circle the overseer's desk.
"Please, just fill out these forms and that will be all."
Code: [Select]
[b]Prior Occupation, if any:[/b]

"Once that's over your doctor will complete a simple physical examination and we will see if you're a candidate for the expeditionary party."

-taking applications now gogogo-


'pparently the doctor was carrying and shot the shooter. How ironic.
Well stuff, good on that doctor.

Off Topic / What are you guys eating?
« on: July 07, 2014, 04:19:54 PM »

I made a thread about getting a new computer a while back, but I wanted to know if I should just get an all-in-one AMD APU instead of a seperate AMD CPU and nVidia GPU. I'm asking this because the APU seems to be cheaper than buying the two seperately. My concerns are it's not worth it down the line because it's hard to upgrade.


Games / I want to get into game development. How do I start?
« on: July 04, 2014, 04:05:31 PM »
I've looked at the Unity Engine, Blender Game Engine (kek), UE3 and 4, and even older engines like open-source idTech3 and idTech4. I'm worse than an amateur at coding, all I know is a little bit (and I mean a little bit) of Java, and while I'm learning modeling (I'm okay at it) it's really daunting to get into it.

Any tips or suggestions?

"The former NSA director General Keith Alexander stated that all those communicating with encryption will be regarded as terror suspects and will be monitored and stored as a method of prevention, as quoted by the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung in August last year. The top secret source code published here indicates that the NSA is making a concerted effort to combat any and all anonymous spaces that remain on the internet. Merely visiting privacy-related websites is enough for a user's IP address to be logged into an NSA database."

"Foreign politicians and officials who took part in two G20 summit meetings in London in 2009 had their computers monitored and their phone calls intercepted on the instructions of their British government hosts, according to documents seen by the Guardian. Some delegates were tricked into using internet cafes which had been set up by British intelligence agencies to read their email traffic."

"The G20 spying appears to have been organised for the more mundane purpose of securing an advantage in meetings. Named targets include long-standing allies such as South Africa and Turkey."

"• Setting up internet cafes where they used an email interception programme and key-logging software to spy on delegates' use of computers;

• Penetrating the security on delegates' BlackBerrys to monitor their email messages and phone calls;

• Supplying 45 brown townysts with a live round-the-clock summary of who was phoning who at the summit;

• Targeting the Turkish finance minister and possibly 15 others in his party;

• Receiving reports from an NSA attempt to eavesdrop on the Russian leader, Dmitry Medvedev, as his phone calls passed through satellite links to Moscow."


Taken from

 -  Two servers in Germany - in Berlin and Nuremberg - are under surveillance by the NSA.

 -  Merely searching the web for the privacy-enhancing software tools outlined in the XKeyscore rules causes the NSA to mark and track the IP address of the person doing the search. Not only are German privacy software users tracked, but the source code shows that privacy software users WORLDWIDE are tracked by the NSA.

 -  Among the NSA's targets is the Tor network funded primarily by the US government to aid democracy advocates in authoritarian states.

 -  The XKeyscore rules reveal that the NSA tracks all connections to a server that hosts part of an anonymous email service at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) in Cambridge, Massachusetts. It also records details about visits to a popular internet journal for Linux operating system users called "the Linux Journal - the Original Magazine of the Linux Community", and calls it an "extremist forum".

"The NSA program XKeyscore is a collection and brown townysis tool and "a computer network exploitation system", as described in an NSA presentation. It is one of the agency’s most ambitious programs devoted to gathering "nearly everything a user does on the internet." The source code contains several rules that enable agents using XKeyscore to surveil privacy-conscious internet users around the world. The rules published here are specifically directed at the infrastructure and the users of the Tor Network, the Tails operating system, and other privacy-related software."

"The former NSA director General Keith Alexander stated that all those communicating with encryption will be regarded as terror suspects and will be monitored and stored as a method of prevention, as quoted by the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung in August last year. The top secret source code published here indicates that the NSA is making a concerted effort to combat any and all anonymous spaces that remain on the internet. Merely visiting privacy-related websites is enough for a user's IP address to be logged into an NSA database."

"An examination of the XKeyscore rules published here goes beyond the slide presentation and provides a window into the actual instructions given to NSA computers. The code was deployed recently and former NSA employees and experts are convinced that the same code or similar code is still in use today. The XKeyscore rules include elements known as "appids", "fingerprints", and "microplugins".  Each connection a user makes online - to a search engine, for example - can be assigned a single appid and any number of fingerprints."

"This code demonstrates the ease with which an XKeyscore rule can brown townyze the full content of intercepted connections. The fingerprint first checks every message using the "email_address" function to see if the message is to or from "". Next, if the address matched, it uses the "email_body" function to search the full content of the email for a particular piece of text - in this case, "". If the "email_body" function finds what it is looking for, it passes the full email text to a C++ program which extracts the bridge addresses and stores them in a database.

"The full content of the email must already be intercepted before this code can brown townyze it. XKeyscore also keeps track of people who are not using Tor, but who are merely visiting The Tor Project's website, as this rule demonstrates:"

Taken from the news article

Games / Anyone here want to play Killing Floor?
« on: July 03, 2014, 02:58:05 PM »
New content just came out, wanted to know if anyone wanted to join an empty server and play.

Off Topic / Next-Gen Pig Removal Techniques from Russia
« on: July 02, 2014, 03:31:14 PM »

is of new russian hunting technology, very effective

Games / Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain - HOLYstuffforget
« on: June 10, 2014, 06:03:53 PM »

Can't loving wait. Over the summer I'm going to get the complete MGS collection and MGS4 and play through all of them.

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