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Topics - boodals 2

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Gallery / Video: Hologram Event System Teaser
« on: January 13, 2013, 08:28:27 AM »
So, I made a hologram event system. It has VCE functionality, with more coming (when i can be bothered (soon)).


Add-Ons / Advanced VCE v2 - Raycast event! Uploaded to RTB.
« on: November 26, 2012, 04:17:59 PM »
Advanced VCE

After finding that default Variable Conditional Events had no Sin, Cos, or Tan functions, I made a brick which basically you relay and it calculates the sin, or cos of whatever you send it. However, i got fed up with having to set them up, so I made an extension to VCE.

Self Output: VCE_AdvModVar > "Target list", "Variable Name", "Logic", "Second Variable/Number"
Target List is the same as VCE_ModVar; Self, Player, Client, Minigame, Vehicle.
Variable Name is the name of the variable to change.
Logic is what you want to change in the variable; Sin, Cos, Tan, DegToRad, RadToDeg, FloatLength, VectorAdd, VectorSub, VectorScale, VectorDist, VectorLen, VectorNormalize, GetSubStr, StrPos.
Second Variable depends on the Logic. For Sin, Cos, and Tan, putting "-1" in this will change it to Inverse Sin, Cos, or Tan. FloatLength sets the amount of decimal places the variable can go to. VectorAdd, Sub, Scale, Dist needs vectors. GetSubStr accepts one or two words. If only one number is given, it will get everything afterwards.

Self Output: VCE_Expression > "Expression", "Expression", "Expression", "Expression"
Allows you to combine a crapton of lines into one. Its basically a programming language in an event. Massively WIP, don't get too attached.
Currently includes: + - * / Sin, ASin, Cos, ACos, Tan, ATan, DegToRad, RadToDeg, FloatLength, <var:x:y>, x%y, =x%y. x%y is my own variable replacers, target%variable. Target can be B/Brick/S/Self for Brick variables. P/Player for player. C/Client/[blank] for client, M/Minigame, V/Vehicle. Using =x%y sets the variable, otherwise it will get the variable. If you don't understand, don't use it.
Eg. "<var:player:yaw> degToRad sin * 5 =C%AimVectorY" This gets the players yaw, converts it into radians, finds the sin of it, multiplys it by 5, then sets the client variable "AimVectorY" to the result.

Self or Player Output: VCE_raycast > "Setting", "Vector", "Range", "Targets"
Fires a raycast in the given direction. Setting modifies what the Vector does. World, Forward (For player target), and Variable (Brick/Player:rcvec). The raycast then outputs details into variables brick or player: 'rctype' type of object hit. 'rcpos(x,y,z)' position raycast hit. 'rcdist(x,y,z)' Distance from starting position.
If range is set to 0, it will use the vectors distance. If not it will only go as far as the range. Targets is what to look for, Bricks, Players, or Vehicles, or any combination of the three. If the raycast hits something, it triggers OnVCERaycast.
Note: Does not detect the non-brick ground!

Input: onVCERaycast > Targets Self, Player, Client, Minigame, TargetBrick, TargetPlayer, TargetClient, TargetVehicle
Triggered when a raycast hits an object. Use to affect objects from another brick without namedbricks, relays, projectiles, you name it. Only works on the owners bricks.

Generally if you do not understand something in this, don't use it.

Variable Replacers
  • rhealth - Rounded Health (Ceiled)
  • renergy - Rounded Energy (Ceiled)
  • rdamage - Rounded damage (Floored)
  • pos - Position (X, Y, Z)
  • state - State (Honestly, no idea..)
  • isPassenger - If the player is a passenger in a vehicle/bot
  • isDriver -If the player is driving a vehicle/bot
  • altFire - If the player is Alt Firing
  • veDamage - Mounted Vehicle's damage
  • veHealth - Mounted Vehicle's health
  • veMaxHealth - Mounted Vehicle's max health
  • veDatablock - Mounted Vehicle's datablock
  • weDamage - Currently equipped weapons projectile damage
  • weRadiusDamage - Currently equipped weapons explosion damage
  • weDamageRadius - Currently equipped weapons explosion range
  • weSpeed - Currently equipped weapons projectile speed
  • weArc - Currently equipped weapons projectile gravity/weight
  • item6 - Item name in slot 6
  • item7 - Item name in slot 7
  • item8 - Item name in slot 8
  • item9 - Item name in slot 9
  • item10 - Item name in slot 10
  • yaw - Players yaw 0 - 360 degrees
  • pitch - Players pitch -90 - 90 degrees
  • pos - Position (X, Y, Z)
  • type - Brick type (Tab in Brick GUI)
  • pos - Position (X, Y, Z)
  • yaw - Vehicles yaw 0 - 360 degrees
  • pitch - Vehicles pitch -90 - 90 degrees
Still no vehicle roll..
  • simSecond - The second since the server started (Floored)
  • simMinute - The minute since the server started (Floored)
  • simHour - The hour since the server started (Floored)

Black = Credits to me.
Yellow = Credits to Boom.
Red = Credits to Clockturn / M

NOTE: Most of these Replacers are from other Packs. Disable "Event_MoreVariableReplacers", and "Event_VCEReplacers".
I have asked Clockturn (M), and he said that I can use the Yaw and Pitch from his pack, however Boom hasn't been online for a while, and i cant find him on the forums. If he asks me to, i will remove his replacers, and tell you to get his instead.

Beta Testers needed!
Keep an eye out for my server.

Future Updates
Rewrite of the Expression, a lot more features, who knows what else.

Modification Help / Math problem with SetTime event [Solved]
« on: October 06, 2012, 07:10:15 PM »
I made a SetTime event for the Environmental Control event pack, but I cant get my head around the math. I'm fairly sure its simple math, but I've tried for hours now and I just cant work it out.
I have 4 variables; Offset, Time, SunTime and Amount. SunTime should be Time+Offset. I want to change Offset so that SunTime = Amount.
Time and Offset have to be between 0 and 1.

Relevant Code, in case i'm derping somewhere else, and its really obvious:
Code: [Select]
//Basically, since you cant even detect where the sun is, i use Lugnut's code below
//to work out the time its on, then calculate a fraction and move the offset by that.

%offset = $EnvGuiServer::dayOffset;
case 0: //set
%time = (getDayCycleTime()/$EnvGuiServer::dayLength);
%offset -= (%time+%Offset)-%amount;
case 1: //increase
%offset += %amount;
if(%offset > 1)
%offset -= 1;
if(%offset < 0)
%offset += 1;

I've tried working it out, writing it down, I even made a flash app to help me, but nothing's working. If you can, go through it one step at a time, so I can see where i'm getting confused.

General Discussion / The Hunger Games - Still goin'!
« on: August 26, 2012, 04:49:28 PM »

The Hunger Games
By Boodals

The Hunger Games is a competition which takes place annually in the country of Panem. Every year, one boy and one girl between ages 12 and 18 is selected from each of the twelve districts as tributes, who prepare for a week and then go into an outdoor arena to fight to the death. The event is nationally televised as mandatory viewing for all citizens and the last living tribute is declared the victor.

There are 3 books, the first having been made into a film. I suggest you go watch the film at least if you haven't already. Anyway, I am making a Hunger Games in Blockland, inspired by the film, and the books.

Current progress of the terrain using 8x8 ModTer blocks. The whole terrains size is 1024x1024. Picture taken on 26/08.
Picture is of the old terrain, the arena is being remade. It is not using ModTer any more.
Current Progress

Terrain v2 6%
Hunger System v2 40% (Sprint added, hold Right Click to use)
Game Maker Traps v2 10%

Terrain v2 5%
Hunger System v2 1% (Remaking to have more effect)
Game Maker Traps v2 8% (v1 lost in saving failure)
Random Items v2 0% (Restarted due to lagginess, and bad customization)
Topic Revived (Again)

Terrain v2 2%

Terrain lost due to saving glitch.
Terrain v2 0%

Tribute Managing System 99% (Bug Fixed? Testing)
Terrain 15%

Tribute Managing System 95% (Bug Fixing)
Cornucopia 100%
Topic started

12/08 - 23/08
Was away from home.

10/08 (Approx)
Tribute Managing System 70%
Hunger System 99% (Balancing)
Terrain 10%
Cornucopia 60%
Random Item Chests 95% (Bug Fixing)
Timing System 70%

08/08 (Approx)
Project Started
How the game works

Players are spawned in a room, where up to 12 Tributes will be picked (Rather than 24, as I doubt I will get that many people on often). These Tributes then get teleported to a tube elevator, which brings them to the arena at the same time. There they wait for 10* seconds. The platforms are in a semi circle around the Cornucopia, a large metal horn, with lots of useful food, water, tools, and weapons in and around it. This is where the initial blood bath is, trying to get the best kit to start the games with. Items will also be scattered around the map, but fairly rarely.
* After testing, 60 seconds (as in the films and books) was too long of a wait.
Current Features

Automatic Tribute Selecting with Late Joins - When you spawn, up to 12 players will be chosen as tributes. If you join half way through a game, you will be killed so that you can spectate the remaining tributes.
Tube Platforms - Each Tribute is put into a tube, in which a platform rises with you on top. This puts you into the arena like in the books/film.
Count Down - After the tubes stop, there is a 10 second countdown both above the Cornucopia and in Center Print, complete with sound effects. This really brings up the tension before the game.
Randomized Loot Chests - There are chests scattered around the Cornucopia (and eventually the rest of the arena) that hold random items based of variables that I can change. So some times there will be only weapons, some times only food or water, sometimes even empty. All to add to the replay value.
Hunger/Thirst System - Running around a lot will get you hungry and thirsty! If your thirsty, find a drink, else you wont be able to sprint. If your hungry, then your health regeneration will stop, and eventually you'll start to lose health! Food and Drinks can be found in chests. Each one has a Strength and Size variable, so try to find the best ones before you leave.
Death Display - Every night (Using v21s day/night cycle) a chat message will be displayed with the names of the players killed that day. This is from the books/film. And also when somebody dies, a cannon fires that everyone can hear, again to copy the books/film.
Known Bugs

Some times two or more tributes will be put in the same tube. - Still not fixed. Unsure what may be causing it. Still working on it..
Rarely, a player may get two or more Fist items before the games begin. This is very rare, and it hasn't happened in ages, so it might be fixed.
When drinking/eating, the corresponding variables don't always decrease. I believe that is a VCE glitch, and i'm trying to find a workaround.
A lot of chests are empty when the minigame is reset. This happens when a food/drink chest turns into a weapons chest, then bugs, and doesn't get an item inside for some reason. If next round it is an weapon chest again, it will have a weapon in.

If you find a bug on the server, please tell me as soon as you discover it, unless its on this list.
To Do List

In list of priorities, the top being the highest;

Finish an arena for temporary public use. - Partially done
Remake/Adjust item chests for more customization, and less glitches (hopefully).
Simplify some systems, hopefully fixing glitches.
Work on a few basic Game Maker traps (again). - Started, easily expandable
Maybe make my own day/night cycle time system.
Other Info

I am currently needing 1-3 people to work on the arena terrain. I can do most of it, but it will take a lot longer without help. Ideally these people would have worked together on terrain before, and use similar styles. The reward for this is the best I can give; being on the credits list. Admin may result from trust.
Want to help?

If you join at any time, and find yourself stuck in a minigame, just ask and i'll kick you out of it.
Build things on a baseplate that I can duplicate into the final build if/when I want it. Things i'm currently needing: Vegetation, Rock foundations, City Ruins. A more complete list is on the server.
Events, same as the above. I don't mind much about looks, however keep in mind I regularly remove spammy looking bricks.
Testing, just join the server at some time, and say to me that you want to help test things. This most likely means you get to play it over and over again in its current stage, which judging by the people I've had, isn't a bad thing.
Admin, become friends with me, i might make you an admin. Become good regular friends, and you may get Super Admin. I do not hand it out easily.
Helper List

The list for people who have helped me in any way is already too large to even try to remember, so these are the people who have, and are continuing to support the project:
Boodals - 3504 - Project host, Builder, Eventer, SAdmin, Tester, Terrain.
VoX - 37478 - Terrain, Tester, Admin.
Stress - ID too lazy to find.. - Admin, Tester, Motivational Distractions.

Gah, I officially hate tables. Anyone wanna help even them out? It looked great in the preview..

Gallery / Boodals's Castle Defense - Alpha 0.2
« on: April 24, 2011, 02:54:05 PM »
My latest build, and probably my most active one in a long time.

Inspired by Hugum's Original Castle Defense, I finally started making one that I might finish! Made partially as a test for my new Computer, but also just for the sake of it. Its focusing on Game play rather than Realism, which is why the build isn't close to great. However its the events that will (Eventually) be the main part of this.

Low quality images go!
The castle before any upgrades.

The castle fully upgraded (Without weapons).

The spawn room, where you can either spectate, or join the game if the door is open (Controlled from admins).
(Credits to The_Legend for the things around the doors)

The spectator room, filled with lots of seats.

The list, which is toggle-able, and the text is changeable to display all the things you can buy.

A projectile-less action shot of zombies attempting to break through the wall, and also the Pit which has spikes, and sticks over it.

A closer pic of the Pit. There is a random chance that the zombies will jump over the pit, but you can decrease the chance by upgrading 'Camo'. The sticks are no-collided.

The control room, where the admin(s) click stuff.

It is currently in Alpha 0.2. Eventually it will go to Beta, and then I might release it. It needs a lot of bricks and add-ons though.


Your main objective is to survive. Simple enough if there weren't THOUSANDS OF EVIL, BRAIN HUNTING ZOMBIES!!!! at your doorstep. Gladly for you, each time a zombie dies, a large, floating counter increases by a certain amount. It has been discovered, than when shouting out loud to no-one what upgrade you want, it will magically appear, and the number will decrease. The same goes for weapons.

The upgrades are visible by a huge list that appears when all (Or sometimes most) of the zombies are dead. They include the following:

Castle Upgrades
   Castle Rooms
   Spikes (They aren't really spikes, but bricks designed to keep zombies from climbing over the walls)(Needs all rooms)
      Front (of castle)
      Back (and sides of castle)
      Upgradeable firing speed
         5 secs (Default)
         3 secs
         1 sec
         0.1 sec
         For left/right separately.

Land Upgrades
      Gate (Closes automatically)
      Spikes (Kills when fallen in)
      Camo (Less chance of zombies jumping over)

   Bow (Free, default)
   Guns Akimbo
   Propane Tank
   Minigun (Spawns in pallet-like box)
   Rocket Launcher

Current helpers:
Me (Everything)
The_Legend (Made a few bricks that look lovey)
Nickle (Gave me a list of suggestions)
Hugums (The whole base, and inspiration)

Alpha Testers:
Currently, no one else. I know a some people tested it in A0.1, but I didn't get their names.

If you want to help, come by my server some time and test it. You will only be added to the list if you actually help, and not just play. I'm not excepting extra eventers/builders, unless you're a good friend of mine. My computer has bad internet, so if anyone can host too, that will help.

Please only rate on the poll above. Not in the comments!

Modification Help / Fantasy Mod Pack - Dragon, Goblin and possably more.
« on: February 28, 2011, 06:05:45 PM »
Fantasy Mod Pack

So, when the Dragon Playertypes mod was released, after i tested them, i was disapointed with the lack of Ridable-ness, and mixture between flying and walking. So out of curiosity, I started modeling one.

Around 5 months later, I saw a request of a Goblin in the Suggestions and Requests section, although I was, and still am working on the Dragon, I thought i would give a Goblin a shot. As its been requested a few times. And after 4-5 hours, i have made a model IMO nearly good enough to be animated, textured and scripted. But i want your opinons before i continue. So, lets begin.

lear (Left ear)
rear (Right ear)
larm (Left arm)
rarm (Right arm)
lhand (Left hand)
rhand (Right hand)
pants (Behind rags)
lfoot (Left foot)
rfoot (Right foot)

Tell me what needs improving. I am not going to add full legs or arms though. I made this from scratch, but based most of it off the Minifig. The rest (Ears, rags) I made up on the spot.

I will be animating, texturing, and possably scripting it myself. However, help will most likly be needed for animations and scripting. Possably texturing and joints aswell.

As for the dragon;

That was v3 of the model. v1 is old, and I didnt get any pics of v2. I plan on animating the root to make the dragon look like its breathing. I will be remaking the wings and adding legs. I have already made a neck, but I havent got a picture of it. The bones are mostly done, but the joints arn't. This I again will need help with for the correct names and functions. As for the accual model, I can handle.

Also, for whatever reason, i added bones (Physical bones) and ribs to the model. No idea why, but i may make the death animation include them somehow. Also, the whole model is quiet high poly, so I may reduce some parts, or remake them.

Beta testers is a huge need, as due to my laptop not being able to run BL. I will probably get a new one before its released though, so no biggie. But if I find the goblin easyer to finish than I think, then i will need trustable testers to tell me in detail whats working, and what isn't.

So, tell me what you think and go vote. If you vote to change something, please tell me what part is bad. Just telling me that the feet are bad helps as much as if you said that the whole thing is bad. I just wont change it. If I continue with these, I will modify the topic to make it look decent and have some sort of order. But for now, im tired.

Good night :P

Suggestions & Requests / Block Hunt - Prop Hunt based Gamemode (TF2)
« on: February 19, 2011, 06:25:38 PM »
So, i've been thinking this through for quite a while. I beleave its completly possable.

Basicly, its a game similar to the "Prop Hunt" mod for TF2, but instead of Props, there are bricks. For those who haven't played Prop hunt it works like this:
Two teams are selected, each member of one team get randomly chosen with a prop (Or a brick for BL). They have around 30 seconds to one minute (Cant remember) to find somewhere inside the map to hide as the prop. Once they find a place where they think that the other team wont find them, they click to 'lock' they're prop/brick in place. In TF2 this makes the prop stand up, but in BL it will place a brick where the player is standing. Once locked you can look around without the prop/brick moving. After the time has ran out, the other team go out and find props/bricks that look out of place. They can then kill the hiding person easily with some sort of overpowered, close range weapon (In TF2, its the Pyro's Flame Thrower). Once dead you cannot respawn. When all the prop/bricks are dead, then the 'Hunting' team wins. Or if the new timer runs out (2-5 mins?), then the hiding team wins. Also, each time a hunter fires his/her weapon, he looses health. This stops people running around firing randomly. If all of the hunters die, then the hiding team also wins.

How I think the script would go for the hiding team:
When either a item or a custom playertype clicks, a raycast is fired downwards, and spawns the brick which is chosen randomly out of any non-special brick that is smaller than 4x4x5. Support for custom bricks could be included, but not needed. After the brick is placed, the player gets teleported somewhere far far away, but the camera stays spying the brick. This is so that you're player name isn't visable. If you click again, you're player is teleported to the brick, then the brick is deleted (Not killed!) and you can move around some more. You can set the bricks colour using your Paint Selector. This can be done before or after placing the brick.

The hunting team is fairly straight forward. A custom weapon may be needed to remove the players health when they shoot.

Also, some Preferences with RTB could be:
Brick size limit (X, Y and Z), for the limit of the size of which the brick is randomly chosen from.
Special Bricks, checkbox if Special Bricks can be chosen, these include ramps, rounds and fences, but it can't include bricks like Spawn Points, or Checkpoints.
Limit Paint, checkbox if the players are allowed to select the brick colour. If not it is selected to the following.
Paint Colour, if the above is checked, then the bricks are automaticly selected to this colour. Im not sure if you can have the colourset selection thing in Prefs, but if not just use some sort of colour code, then find the closest colour to that.
Health Lost on Shoot, the damage taken when the hunting team fires their weapon. Could be increased for more powerfull, single shot weapons (Eg Rocket Launcher).

I can do some models if needed. Just tell me what it looks like, and what it does and ill try my best. However I can't test anything untill I fix my laptop, or get a new one.

Oke, nao go vote :3

Off Topic / Blockland - Full-Life Consequences (30% by The Titanium)
« on: November 28, 2010, 01:21:39 PM »
First of all; The Titanium is banned from posting or sending personal messages on this forum for one week: Pointless unprovoked flaming. He says he no longer has PMS (Link)
Second; he asked me to post this here, and i take no credit for any of the work.

Blockland - Full-Life Consequences (30%)

Please rate and comment. If you rate here, make sure to rate on Youtube and visa-versa.

Creativity / Moved.
« on: November 28, 2010, 01:07:04 PM »
Moved to Off Topic.

Delete if needed.

Suggestions & Requests / VCE Weapons - Customisable Weapons using Events
« on: August 12, 2010, 03:08:01 PM »
Ive been wanting a way to modify a weapons stats for some time now, but only using events. Ive asked Destiny/Zack0Wack0, and hes said that it is possible, but he doesn't know if he will make it..

I thought the best way to modify the stats is with VCE variables, possible stats; Strength, Speed, Range, Explosion size?, Name (In inventory) and Projectile.

(? = Unsure if possable, Strength is a must have)

The vars would be; <var:weapon_[Type/Name]:[Blah]> or <var:wp_[Type/Name]:[Blah]>, with the [Type/Name] being "G", "S", "B" and maybe "R" (For Gun, Sword, Bow, and Rocket Launcher), unless the weapons has been Named, which then would allow the named weapon. The [Blah]'s being Str, Spe, Ran, Exp, Name or Proj. The vars would (If possable) be kept with the weapon, even when dropped or picked up, and would have a Gun, Sword, and Bow. Maybe a Rocket Launcher?

Each person would be able to pick up more than one of each type of weapon, but not if they already have a weapon with the same name.

Gallery / (Krystal's Clan App) Tron
« on: May 11, 2010, 12:38:17 PM »

Just finished making my Tron game. Uses Multiple VCE's and a forgetload of Relays.
I have never played Tron, but after some Youtubing, i know what its like. I've played BMTron, and that's the same really..
Took me about 6 hours to make altogether.

Two Player (Only :(  )
Move-To-...Move... thing (Press W to move in that direction)
Only 7 NamedBricks!
Slightly hackish Team Method
Doesn't require TDM

Needed Add-ons:
Event_Variables (Latest version)
And that's all :o


Top Left: Tron in action. (Just me playing :/ )
Top Right: Tron not in action.
Bottom Left: Spawn Room (Choose team)
Bottom Right: The pads where you stand to control the Tron.

Make sure your schedule for events is some stupidly high number!
Not doing so will result in "Too Much Events (OnPlayerTouch)" 's. I may release a scaled down version to stop this, or try to simplify it.

If you find any bugs, post here, with a description of what you did to get the bug. Preferably what tile it happened in.
Remember to vote x/10 after you've played it.

Download in attachment. Download to Blockland/Saves/Slate/

Gallery / Accidently posted twice :(
« on: May 11, 2010, 12:36:17 PM »

Gallery / Bot Wars (By boodals)
« on: November 15, 2009, 03:00:20 PM »
Ive sacrificed a day of fun to make this;
Bot War
A DM where you don't fight!

Bot Wars is a DM where you controll the Bots to do your fighting for you. Specially designed to use only 2 Non-Default Add-ons.
(Event_Bots, Event_SetPlayerTransform)
1. Make a minigame without any tools and No-JetPlayer.
2. Admins press Grey "!", Nonadmins press a colored !
3. Read Tutorial


Download in Attachment. Download to Blockland/Saves/Slate/

Credits to:
2D, for Beta Testing.
Lugnut1206, for allowing me to get pics & testing in his server
Rate x/10

Forum Games / Bumping Game
« on: September 20, 2009, 08:58:36 AM »
Since that other noob failed to understand 'Bumping';

The Bumping Game
Bump the topic as late as you dare, the longer you wait the more points. Every hour from last post = 1 Point rewarded to the Bumper. Wait for at least half a day or your points wont count.
Flamers will be ignored.
Ill attempt to remember to try to keep updated on the Points.

Name     |     Score

User was banned for this post

Suggestions & Requests / Stamina Player
« on: September 08, 2009, 01:41:02 PM »
Recently ive been wanting a Player Type that to run you hold 'C', and while running/jumping you loose energy. Walking gains slightly, standing gains faster, and Crouching gains lots. When your out of Energy you cant move and must rest. Also isSurvivor=1 for Realistic Zombie games.

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