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Messages - boodals 2

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Modification Help / Re: Boodals' Untitled D&D-like RPG
« on: May 04, 2015, 01:29:16 AM »

The server now requires a client sided add-on to join. If anybody is curious, its due to the Missing Sequence error that is caused by having custom TSShapeConstructors.

While searching for the answer to the error, I found several people who had also had the error. Some people had managed to fix it, others couldn't. I did my own research, and it turns out that it is a TGE bug that several developers have had to work around or patch, including (I believe) Badspot. The problem is that when a client is downloading datablocks, the whole datablock is packaged up into a single packet, and the packets have a size limit. Since TSShapeConstructors have a bunch of sequences which all need a file address, the limit is easily reached, and so a bunch of data is cut off, which causes the missing sequence error (since it cant find the cut off sequence file).
The solution was to put the datablock definition on the client, and have it load when they join the server. However defining an actual datablock caused a ton of issues because it was being assigned an ID which mismatched the ID on the server, so instead of defining it using datablock I had to define it using new, which assigns it an object ID (which I didn't know was possible, and I have no idea how the networking works with it). It seems to work perfectly though.

I think I might make a support script which will allow add-on makers to send these pseudo datablocks to clients, maybe even have .ifl file downloading..

tl;dr you need the client to be able to join. If i let people join who didn't have the client, they would run into an error which can potentially crash your client.

I should add that the client can be downloaded here.

Edit: I really should clean up the OP at some point, or maybe ill make a new topic since everything is so outdated..

Modification Help / Re: initContainerBoxSearch Size Issue
« on: April 30, 2015, 06:54:11 PM »
No, only ones that use the default player dts.

Using a debug function I created to draw the world box of objects:



Unless getWorldBox() is different to whatever is used for container searches, then it is for all bots.

Also, double checked with mission editor:

Apparently bricks and transparent materials are rendered above players in mission editor..

Ninja: Checked the pirate cannon and rowboat, same result. I don't have any other bot vehicles installed.

Modification Help / Re: initContainerBoxSearch Size Issue
« on: April 29, 2015, 06:57:36 PM »
you mean a hitbox?

If that was meant for me or anyone else talking about the large player box; no, it definitely isn't the hitbox.

Modification Help / Re: initContainerBoxSearch Size Issue
« on: April 29, 2015, 04:51:36 PM »
Yeah, all Players (including bots, and bot vehicles) have a world box that is 4x larger than it should be.

Modification Help / Re: for statements?
« on: April 29, 2015, 04:46:18 PM »
What if I don't want an iteration?

You can do for(%x=0; %x < 10; %x) { ... } , but at this point you should ask whether a while loop would be better suited.

Also, if you want to start at a different point depending on some code further up in the script, you can do
Code: [Select]
if(something) {
        %x = 10;
} else {
        %x = -1;

for(%x; %x < 20; %x++) {

What I ususally do when I find that some math is wrong and working with vectors isn't coming out as expected, is to try it from an entirely different approach.
So instead of rotating the vector by an angle, let's try just doing vector addition.

Code: [Select]
%vec0 = %player.getMuzzleVector(%slot);

%forw = vectorScale(%vec0, 10); //Our projectiles will go 10 units forward, and one to each side. You can work out the angle using trig
%right = vectorCross(%vec0, "0 0 1");
%up = vectorCross(%vec0, %right); //May actually be down, but it doesnt matter

%vec1 = vectorAdd(%forw, %right);
%vec2 = vectorSub(%forw, %right);
%vec3 = vectorAdd(%forw, %up);
%vec4 = vectorSub(%forw, %up);

//Might want to normalize these vectors too

I believe this should work. It probably isn't 10 degree angles (i just pulled out numbers that seemed nice), but you can do the math and work out what numbers will make it be 10 degrees.

Modification Help / Re: Console throwing an error
« on: April 19, 2015, 08:24:39 AM »
The error is from the eval , and you have literally no reason to use eval here. You're literally doing %line = %line; , which does absolutely nothing.
If you're trying to replace expanded characters, you can use expandEscape(%str) (or something like that, cant remember precise name).

Regardless, the error is as follows.

Its evaling something like %line = this is stuff from the website; which is incorrect code, as you need quotation marks around it. To put quotation marks into a string, use \" .

Modification Help / Re: Boodals' Untitled D&D-like RPG
« on: April 12, 2015, 12:57:37 PM »
Battles are almost finished, just adding support for visual FX, then it should be ready for some alpha tests.

It occurred to me that this is less of an RPG, and more of a RPG game engine. The framework and content are being kept separate, so it should be very easy to use the system for other games. Obviously they'll have to follow a similar style, dice rolls and turn based combat and stuff, but things like the classes, skills, conditions, could all be changed entirely (without modifying any torquescript too). Its almost a shame I made this in blockland and not just as its own engine..

General Discussion / Re: Visual Representation of Server list
« on: April 11, 2015, 11:09:59 AM »
Oh hey, its me!

Add-Ons / Re: [Script] No Vehicle Push
« on: April 09, 2015, 03:35:29 AM »
Does this make clicking vehicles do nothing? I'd like a version that mounts you, maybe an optional disable for mounting by falling onto vehicles too.

Okay, there are several minor things ill pick up on because nobody else has yet.

%var = %var + 2; is the same as %var += 2; but it looks a lot nicer. There is also -= *= /= which have similar effects.
%var = %var + 1; or %var += 1; is the same as %var++; , it simply increases it by one. You can also use %var--; to decrease it.

And just to confirm, you only need serverCmdXXX in a function when you want players able to do /XXX or if you want a client sided script to talk to a server sided script, but that's a whole other topic.

Edit: gameConnection::onDeath works, but not on bots.

The reason for this is that a GameConnection is a client. Technically, a client is an 'invisible' object which stores information about the people who are connected to the server. When a person connects, a GameConnection is created, and when they leave it is deleted. If a GameConnection is ever deleted, the person who it belongs to is disconnected. A Player object on the other hand is visible, moves around, and is deleted when the player dies (or when they join a minigame, or whatever).
Usually, a client will have a single player, which you can get using %client.player , however you should always check to make sure they're existent (not deleted), by using the isObject(%obj) function. eg if(isObject(%client.player)) { %client.player.kill(); } . You can get a player's client from %player.client but again you should check to make sure they have one, because %player could sometimes be a bot (depends entirely of what you're doing).

I rambled a little, the reason it doesn't work is because bots don't have a client. You want a function for a Player, or an Armor (which is a player datablock, dont worry too much about it, just learn its arguments).

Add-Ons / Re: Real life time synchronized daycycle
« on: April 07, 2015, 07:16:08 AM »
Code: [Select]

case default:
%var = -1;

Correct me if i'm wrong, but isn't it just default: not case default: ?

Modification Help / Re: Making a hat in blender
« on: April 06, 2015, 08:43:12 PM »
Yup, just like that.

Modification Help / Re: Making a hat in blender
« on: April 06, 2015, 08:02:05 PM »
As far as the Hatmod side of things go, check out the included How to make hats.txt:

Code: [Select]
How to add hats

Easy method:
Stick the model and all the textures in a zip named "HatMod_*" where * can be whatever you like. Put the zip in the Add-ons folder. The .dts file name will be used as the hats ingame name.

Organized method:
The easy method will work fine, however you can put each hat in a seperate folder within the zip to keep it more organized. In this case, the name of the folder will be the hat's ingame name.

If you place a .txt document with the .dts file with the same name as the hat (Easy) or "config.txt" (Organized), it will be read for the following:
offset x y z: Offsets the hat in 3rd person.
minVer x: Makes the hat not load unless this version (or above) of HatMod is used. Use this if you are using a new config option, and the hat does not work without it.
eyeOffset x y z: Offsets the hat in 1st person. Default is 0 0 -1000 (so you cant see it). Added in v2.

So to adjust the offset of the model, use the text file, and just adjust it until it looks fine.

Add-Ons / Re: Killstreaks and Dominations v5.0.2 [Redownload!]
« on: April 05, 2015, 03:01:02 PM »
Jesus forget that's gonna literally rape anyone with not so great internet. Every time they get a kill, boom, everything lags, making it essentially unplayable.

I highly recommend you make a (at least optional) client sided part to this, which does the neat centerprint animation using only one commandToClient.

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