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Messages - portify

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Modification Help / Re: Checkpoints?
« on: July 07, 2017, 03:41:15 AM »

Quoting this important part here so that nobody misses it and is potentially endangered:

The Christian Defense League of Texas is warning straight men to turn off the location feature on their phones and to use the buddy system, checking in with a friend or colleague every hour or so in case they are the target of a gay sting.

Suggestions & Requests / Re: A Better Engine Sounds Support
« on: July 05, 2017, 03:13:17 AM »
The reason it didn't work for public use is because it only worked for the host of a non-dedicated server.

General Discussion / Re: BLIVE Alpha v0.0.1
« on: July 04, 2017, 04:54:41 PM »
If you read the upload disclaimer, you would actually UNDERSTAND.

"To make a link to your file in the body of your upload, simply link it to /addons/"

Does this ring a bell?

Why not just add a link to the file on the add-on page (as a part of the site)?

We can't make it link because we don't have access to the FTP like you seem to think we do.

You are expected to compose the URL yourself based on the name of your file, I'm guessing.

General Discussion / Re: BLIVE Alpha v0.0.1
« on: July 04, 2017, 04:44:00 PM »
How do we know it won't end up like BJWayMods?

Hey Port, can you add support for YXZ Euler animations? Using XYZ Euler animations seem to mess up my animations that would require me to rotate an object along the local Y axis

The only places the plugin cares about rotation mode after I've changed how the animation exporter gets data is when determining what nodes rotation matters for (and writing into existing curves when importing). I just updated it to try to make sure that it looks at all the rotation modes though (QUATERNION, AXIS_ANGLE, XYZ, XZY, YXZ, YZX, ZXY, ZYX), please try it out.

  • Animating using bones instead of empties
  • Support for weight painting/vertex groups for bone influences
  • Ability to use actions instead of one long animation chain

Those are all on my wishlist. As you probably know, the last two both require support for bones, so that's the biggest thing. If I could support bones with similar feature parity I wouldn't even bother supporting bones, they're just a placeholder. I'd always like to work on bones, it's just a question of knowing how to do it.
Handling the overall structure is trivial, it's a question of getting actually correct data out of it (and whether or not it's even there), as Blender represents nodes entirely differently from Torque. I've had some ideas from time to time so it's not entirely out of the question, but it's nothing I can guarantee.

I also get this annoying error when trying to export "selected objects only". It occurs if you don't select all of the empties while exporting.

Can you try with the latest version from the dev branch (including commit ffb6d07)?

You underestimate how bad I am at this but I thank you for assuming I had some other reason behind it lol.
It's because I have no idea how to call the animations. I work 95% off of looking how other people work, so when I encounter someone naming something ./look.dsq and ./root.dsq and I only have 1 file I really have no idea what to do. I can copy but have no understanding of the underlying mechanism by which blender or torque works. So for good measure, can I ask what I should type instead of sequence0  = "./root.dsq root"; ?

In the sequenceN definitions, the first word is the name of the file, and the second is an optional name to rename the last animation in it to.

If you export look and root to 'my_animations.dsq' and don't need to rename them, you can just do:

sequence0 = "my_animations.dsq";

That single .dsq file contains both of the animations. You can simply add it to your TSShapeConstructor and both will be included. It doesn't yet let you choose which should be in the .dsq for when you really want to separate them (out of curiosity, why?), but that's a feature I'd like to add. In the mean time you can remove the markers from one before exporting.

I've updated the repository:

  • Instead of reading data directly from F-Curves, the exporter will seek to frames in the timeline and read transform data right out of the nodes for animations. This data is read the same way as the base node transforms (outside of animations), which are more reliable. Among other things, having empties offset from their meshes won't totally mess up like in the image below[1]. This probably fixes several edge cases as well.
    Ref. 1
  • You no longer need to manually seek to the "reference" keyframe when exporting, the plugin will do so for you.
  • The importer will now write durations (in seconds) to the Sequences document, and the exporter supports using user specified durations instead of ones computed directly from frame rate.

As I can't test that extensively, please let me know if you encounter any issues. I haven't tried blend animations with the new system yet.

Add-Ons / Re: [WEAPON] CS:S Deagle
« on: July 03, 2017, 03:13:48 AM »
- virtually no spread

wtf this isnt no css deagle

Are you planning to add an option for environment maps?

And if possible, be able to control how apparent it is

And speaking of possibilities, is it possible to mark certain meshes as a billboard/Z billboard?

Do you know for sure that these actually work in v21?

I think they're stored in the same place as normal game files, in which case you can just get<hash>.
If it's an error then it doesn't exist.


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