« on: October 07, 2015, 08:57:29 AM »
The code is loving huge so I'm going to PM it to whoever wants to proofread it. What it is is an edited version of the deflector. I want to make sure that it's all correct before I put it in an add on folder.
//Mega Hand X Grade 1
//Reskin of deflector, somewhat stronger
//Do away with projectiles, maybe even send them right back.
datablock AudioProfile(MegaHand1XSound)
filename = "./Deflect.wav";
description = AudioDefault3d;
preload = true;
datablock AudioProfile(RedirectSound)
filename = "./Redirected.wav";
description = AudioDefault3d;
preload = true;
datablock ParticleData(MegaHand1XParticle)
dragCoefficient = 0.1;
gravityCoefficient = 0;
inheritedVelFactor = 0;
constantAcceleration = 0.0;
lifetimeMS = 400;
lifetimeVarianceMS = 0;
textureName = "base/data/particles/thinring";
colors[0] = "0.2 0.9 0 0.6";
colors[1] = "0.4 0.9 0 0.5";
sizes[0] = 0.2;
sizes[1] = 18;
times[0] = 0;
times[1] = 1;
useInvAlpha = true;
datablock ParticleEmitterData(MegaHand1XEmitter)
ejectionPeriodMS = 6;
periodVarianceMS = 0;
ejectionVelocity = 44;
velocityVariance = 0;
ejectionOffset = 0;
thetaMin = 0;
thetaMax = 0;
phiReferenceVel = 0;
phiVariance = 360;
overrideAdvance = false;
particles = "MegaHand1XParticle";
UIName = "Mega Hand X Grade 1";
datablock ItemData(MegaHand1Item)
category = "Weapon"; // Mission editor category
className = "Weapon"; // For inventory system
// Basic Item Properties
shapeFile = "./MegaHand1X.dts";
rotate = false;
mass = 1;
density = 0.2;
elasticity = 0.2;
friction = 0.6;
emap = true;
//gui stuff
uiName = "Mega Hand Grade 1 X";
iconName = "./Icon_mghand1 X";
doColorShift = true;
colorShiftColor = "0.50 1 0.1 1.000";
// Dynamic properties defined by the scripts
image = MegaHand1XImage;
canDrop = false;
datablock ShapeBaseImageData(MegaHandImage)
shapeFile = "./MegaHand1X.dts";
emap = true;
mountPoint = 0;
offset = "0 0 0";
eyeOffset = 0; //"0.7 1.2 -0.5";
rotation = eulerToMatrix( "0 0 0" );
correctMuzzleVector = true;
className = "WeaponImage";
// Projectile && Ammo.
item = MegaHand1XItem;
ammo = " ";
projectileType = ""; //We use a connical search rather than a projectile.
melee = false;
armReady = true;
doColorShift = true;
colorShiftColor = MegaHand1XItem.colorShiftColo r;//"0.0 0.0 0.75 0.85";
// Initial start up state
stateName[0] = "Activate";
stateTimeoutValue[0] = 1;
stateTransitionOnTimeout[0] = "Ready";
stateSound[0] = weaponSwitchSound;
stateName[1] = "Ready";
stateTransitionOnTriggerDown[1] = "Fire";
stateAllowImageChange[1] = true;
stateName[2] = "Fire";
stateEmitter[2] = DeflectorEmitter;
stateScript[2] = "onFire";
stateEmitterTime[2] = 0.05;
stateEmitterNode[2] = "muzzleNode";
stateTransitionOnTriggerUp[2] = "AmmoCheck";
stateAllowImageChange[2] = false;
StateSound[2] = DeflectorSound;
stateName[3] = "AmmoCheck"; //An ammo system is the only way I know to alter the state of a mounted image through script.
stateTransitionOnNoAmmo[3] = "Reload";
StateTransitionOnAmmo[3] = "Ready";
stateName[4] = "Reload";
stateTransitionOnTimeout[4] = "Ready";
stateTimeoutValue[4] = 1;
function MegaHand1XImage::onFire(%this, %obj, %slot)
%obj.setImageAmmo(0, 0); //Disable the gun.
%client = %obj.client;
%eye = %client.player.getEyeTransform(); //Because I hate typing it out over and over again.
%mask = $TypeMasks::ProjectileObjectType; //I was originally planning to make it shove players around, but I decided this should be better for medium-long range encounters.
InitContainerRadiusSearch(%eye, 12, %mask);
while(isObject(%Proj = containerSearchNext()))
if(!miniGameCanDamage(%Proj, %obj) && (isObject(%proj.client.minigame) || isObject(%client.minigame))) //Don't touch it if it's involved in a different minigame
%velAvg = (mAbs(getWord(%proj.getVelocity(), 0)) + mAbs(getWord(%proj.getVelocity(), 1)) + mAbs(getWord(%proj.getVelocity(), 2))) / 3;
if(!%proj.origVelocity || %proj.origVelocity < %proj.getDatablock().muzzleVelocity / 2) //We don't want too small of an original velocity to base our reflections on, otherwise we couldn't get it above half normal speed.
%proj.origVelocity = %velAvg; //Speed cap is based on how fast the projectile was at first deflection.
%repelForce = ((20 - vectorDist(%eye, %proj.getTransform())) / 6) * %velAvg; //Allow us to boost the speed based on what it already is, instead of the default speed.
if(%repelForce > %proj.origVelocity * 2.25)
%repelForce = (2.25 * %proj.origVelocity); //We have to cap it at some point.
if(%repelForce <= %proj.getDatablock().muzzleVelocity / 2)
%repelForce = (%proj.getDatablock().muzzleVelocity / 2); //Also imposing a minimum.
%repelDir = vectorNormalize(vectorSub(%proj.getTransform(), %eye));
%anglediff = vectorSub(%repelDir,vectorNormalize(%client.player.getEyeVector()));
%anglediffavg = (mAbs(getWord(%angleDiff, 0)) + mAbs(getWord(%angleDiff, 1)) + mAbs(getWord(%angleDiff, 2))) / 3;
if(%anglediffavg > 0.3) //Makeshift vector angle comparison. It doesn't work as accurately as I wish it did, but I'm not all that good with vectors.
if(vectorDist(%eye, %proj.getTransform()) <= 6 && isObject(%proj.client.player) && %client != %proj.client)
%ownerDir = vectorNormalize(vectorSub(%proj.client.player.getEyeTransform(), %eye));
%ownerAngleDiff = vectorSub(%ownerDir, vectorNormalize(%client.player.getEyeVector()));
%ownerAngleDiffAvg = (mAbs(getWord(%ownerAngleDiff, 0)) + mAbs(getWord(%ownerAngleDiff, 1)) + mAbs(getWord(%ownerAngleDiff, 2))) / 3; //I thought I've seen a cone-search function somewhere before...
if(%anglediffavg <= 0.5) //If they're out of our sight, we don't send it at them.
%repelDir = vectorNormalize(vectorSub(%proj.client.player.getEyeTransform(), %proj.getTransform())); //Step in and tell us where it should go.
%newVelocity = vectorScale(%repelDir, %repelForce); //Get our final calculations as to where we should shoot this thing.
serverPlay3d(RedirectSound, %proj.getPosition());
%obj.setImageAmmo(0, 1); //Reenable the gun if we actually used it on something
%p = new Projectile() //Because Projectile::Redirect didn't work, and Projectile::SetVelocity doesn't exist for some reason.
initialVelocity = %newVelocity;
origVelocity = %proj.origVelocity;
initialPosition = %proj.getPosition();
datablock = %proj.getDatablock();
sourceObject = %proj.client.player;
sourceSlot = %proj.sourceSlot;
client = %client; //Change the owner to us so we can damage the original attacker.
scale = %proj.getScale();
%proj.delete(); //Do away with the old one so we don't get facerocketed.