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Topics - Space1255

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Forum Games / Try to make a more hardcore statement than the above user's
« on: November 13, 2015, 01:15:38 PM »

1: I punched a cop in the face
2: Well I walked past five gees and fought all of them
3: I took a bullet
And so on

Starting statement:
I brush teeth and drink orange juice daily.

General Info
This addon dump will contain a bunch of military-like medals (I.e. The ones you display on your jacket, pin-like) that will either buff your attack or defense.
Pack 1 (Basic Protection): ~27%

Pack 1 (Basic Protection): 0% - MODELLER REQUESTED (Shield-like, will post concept art if requested)

To be Added
Pack 2 (Damage Buffer)
Honor Medals (Extention of Pack 1)
Rage Medals (Extention of Pack 2)
Pack 3 (Mixture between Pack 1 and Pack 2 Ideas

Concept Art
First half of pack 1: (might just split them into smaller packs)

General proportion / positioning of medals:

if you wanna work with me, ask for my skype details.

Forum Games / "DONT GET ME STARTED!!!" [TOPIC: Scooby Doo]
« on: November 03, 2015, 04:38:06 PM »
RULES: You must write a moderate length (or long if you want to) angry rant about the topic, which will be changed when it feels necessary.

May as well apply my own submission too.

Oh my loving God, BANANAS. They can look so perfect on the outside but if you do so much as POKE them the wrong way, that's area gets bruised to hell and gets all gross-looking. And their loving PEELS! You can pull as much as you want but there will almost always be one of those GOD DAMNED STRANDS in your loving banana. And they only last for like two or three days if unrefrigerated! And the only thing they're good for is tasting MEDIOCRE and giving potassium. Their peels aren't even that slippery! And who was the loving fool who said their peels can be used to polish leather?

Ok, your turn, forums.

Edit: stuff I forgot to put angry rant in OP. Fixed.

Suggestions & Requests / Bowling Ball
« on: November 02, 2015, 10:36:56 AM »
When thrown, it rolls on the ground. Can be used infinitely, no damage, small explosion enough to knock over a 2x2x2.

Modification Help / How does armor damage buffing work?
« on: October 30, 2015, 09:44:41 AM »
Reason I ask is because I'm giving it a go and I have no idea as to what I'm doing.

Code taken from Gravity Cats military gear
Code: [Select]
   if(%obj.getMountedImage(2).getName() $= "gc_BucketMountedImage")
      if(getWord(%pos,2) > getWord(%obj.getWorldBoxCenter(),2) - 3.3*getWord(%obj.getScale(),2))
        %damage *= 0.9;
So how does it work?
What I want is how to make a 100% and 200% body armor stuff

Suggestions & Requests / Mech / Robot player types?
« on: October 13, 2015, 04:49:15 PM »
Not looking for a particular theme (yet), just some player types with multiple sizes, speeds, and HP stats. I'm planning on working on a Mech TDM soon.

Forum Games / Motor Blitzkrieg! (Adventure / RP) [Tutorial!]
« on: October 11, 2015, 09:41:50 PM »
Hey so I'm trying another tank game requiring crafting. Why I'm bothering after so many previous fails, I have no idea. But I'm gonna try again.

It is v50. You are in a public server. One player nexus, so to speak, containing Greek2me, Pecon, Tezuni, and Xalos, other popular hosts, and a new unnamed popular host hold a monopoly over all servers. You are stuck with whoever else decided to hop on board with this adventure in a survival server using an advanced RPG server the unnamed popular host is using. You all are getting by (barely) in your camp. Why not leave? You're basically stuck in this server, since you got bored of the others. Why not host? The Nexus has a monopoly on servers, remember? Even Badspot tried intervening, but it was all for naught. The Nexus essentially owns the game through their skillful coding. Then something changed. Old addons resurfaced in the server. Letters fall from the sky.
     We will grant the leader of whoever completely conquers this server. We will call this challenge the Final Blitzkrieg, since most of you will be trying to get this over with as fast as possible. Be wary though, we will clear all bricks and load quite the dangerous area. You must find materials and make the ultimate weapons... Vehicles. Craft the best vehicles you can, and if God wills its dominance, it will win this challenge. We've installed a way to break the vehicle limit, so there are unlimited vehicles allowed. We will shortly drop down parachuted crates with parts for a starter vehicle. This will no last long. You also must find Feul or other ways to propel your vehicle. Many hardships will come your way, as whoever dies will get revoked and won't be able to purchase a new account until this is over. Good luck.

     It is not the strongest nor the most intelligent that survives,
          It is the one that is most adaptive to change
   - The Nexus"

If you want to join, simply say an action.

TL;DR: Famous block landers host a competition to stop their reign on servers, build badass vehicles, etc.  
Also no, I'm not suiciding after this.

Help / I crash on Brian Smith's server.
« on: October 11, 2015, 06:53:12 PM »
console.log posted.

Games / Free Robot Fighting Games!
« on: October 09, 2015, 08:12:02 AM »
Feel free to add more btw

Gear Up is a game where you can either capture certain points to win, play in a TDM, or play in FFA. With quite a bit of parts you can use, once you buy them with in game currency you get with how well you do, you can have quite a bit of vehicle combinations. With various propulsion methods, you can change your combat strategy by being a sniper who can get in water without drowning, or climb on walls with your spider legs. This game is extremely fun, and it's definitely worth trying.

Imagine minecraft and Gear Up had love. You get Robocraft! With even more infinite possibilities of machine building, you can buy pieces and stick them together as much as you want as long as your machine's CPU can handle it. CPU basically decides how much stuff you can put on it. Also really fun, try it some time.

... Think what it should look like, as in what parts should I use, should I make custom parts, rethink the stuffty pun I just made that literally nobody would get, what it should look like, etc?
Also I'm totally gonna try to have it water cooled because I saw one water cooled system and it looked loving awesome.

I don't remember it well so I just found it online.

Once upon a time there was a woman named Abigail who was in love with a man named Gregory. Gregory lived on the shore of a river. The river, which separated the two lovers, was teeming with man- eating alligators. Abigail wanted to cross the river to be with Gregory. Unfortunately, the bridge had been washed out. So she went to ask Sinbad, a riverboat captain, to take her across. He said he would be glad to if she would consent to go to bed with him preceding the voyage. She promptly refused and went to a friend named Ivan to explain her plight. Ivan did not want to be involved at all in the situation. Abigail felt her only alternative was to accept Sinbad's terms. Sinbad fulfilled his promise to Abigail and delivered her into the arms of Gregory.
When she told Gregory about her amorous escapade in order to cross the river, Gregory cast her aside with disdain. Heartsick and dejected, Abigail turned to Slug with her tale of woe. Slug, feeling compassion for Abigail, sought out Gregory and beat him brutally. Abigail was overjoyed at the sight of Gregory getting his due. As the sun sets on the horizon, we hear Abigail laughing at Gregory.

/discuss who's the most innocent and the most guilty.
IMO I think Sinbad is the worst followed by Slug then Abagail.

The code is loving huge so I'm going to PM it to whoever wants to proofread it.  What it is is an edited version of the deflector. I want to make sure that it's all correct before I put it in an add on folder.  

//Mega Hand X Grade 1
//Reskin of deflector, somewhat stronger

//Do away with projectiles, maybe even send them right back.

datablock AudioProfile(MegaHand1XSound)
   filename    = "./Deflect.wav";
   description = AudioDefault3d;
   preload = true;
datablock AudioProfile(RedirectSound)
   filename    = "./Redirected.wav";
   description = AudioDefault3d;
   preload = true;

datablock ParticleData(MegaHand1XParticle)
   dragCoefficient      = 0.1;
   gravityCoefficient   = 0;
   inheritedVelFactor   = 0;
   constantAcceleration = 0.0;
   lifetimeMS           = 400;
   lifetimeVarianceMS   = 0;
   textureName          = "base/data/particles/thinring";
   colors[0]     = "0.2 0.9 0 0.6";
   colors[1]     = "0.4 0.9 0 0.5";
   sizes[0]      = 0.2;
   sizes[1]      = 18;
   times[0]     = 0;
   times[1]     = 1;

   useInvAlpha = true;
datablock ParticleEmitterData(MegaHand1XEmitter)
   ejectionPeriodMS = 6;
   periodVarianceMS = 0;
   ejectionVelocity = 44;
   velocityVariance = 0;
   ejectionOffset   = 0;
   thetaMin         = 0;
   thetaMax         = 0;
   phiReferenceVel  = 0;
   phiVariance      = 360;
   overrideAdvance = false;
   particles = "MegaHand1XParticle";
   UIName = "Mega Hand X Grade 1";
datablock ItemData(MegaHand1Item)
   category = "Weapon";  // Mission editor category
   className = "Weapon"; // For inventory system

    // Basic Item Properties
   shapeFile = "./MegaHand1X.dts";
   rotate = false;
   mass = 1;
   density = 0.2;
   elasticity = 0.2;
   friction = 0.6;
   emap = true;

   //gui stuff
   uiName = "Mega Hand Grade 1 X";
   iconName = "./Icon_mghand1 X";
   doColorShift = true;
   colorShiftColor = "0.50 1 0.1 1.000";

    // Dynamic properties defined by the scripts
   image = MegaHand1XImage;
   canDrop = false;

datablock ShapeBaseImageData(MegaHandImage)
   shapeFile = "./MegaHand1X.dts";
   emap = true;

   mountPoint = 0;
   offset = "0 0 0";
   eyeOffset = 0; //"0.7 1.2 -0.5";
   rotation = eulerToMatrix( "0 0 0" );

   correctMuzzleVector = true;

   className = "WeaponImage";

   // Projectile && Ammo.
   item = MegaHand1XItem;
   ammo = " ";
   projectileType = ""; //We use a connical search rather than a projectile.

   melee = false;
   armReady = true;

   doColorShift = true;
   colorShiftColor = MegaHand1XItem.colorShiftColo r;//"0.0 0.0 0.75 0.85";

   // Initial start up state
   stateName[0]                       = "Activate";
   stateTimeoutValue[0]            = 1;
   stateTransitionOnTimeout[0]        = "Ready";
   stateSound[0]                  = weaponSwitchSound;

   stateName[1]                  = "Ready";
   stateTransitionOnTriggerDown[1]      = "Fire";
   stateAllowImageChange[1]         = true;

   stateName[2]                  = "Fire";
   stateEmitter[2]                  = DeflectorEmitter;
   stateScript[2]                  = "onFire";
   stateEmitterTime[2]               = 0.05;
   stateEmitterNode[2]               = "muzzleNode";
   stateTransitionOnTriggerUp[2]      = "AmmoCheck";
   stateAllowImageChange[2]         = false;
   StateSound[2]                  = DeflectorSound;

   stateName[3]                  = "AmmoCheck"; //An ammo system is the only way I know to alter the state of a mounted image through script.
   stateTransitionOnNoAmmo[3]         = "Reload";
   StateTransitionOnAmmo[3]         = "Ready";

   stateName[4]                  = "Reload";
   stateTransitionOnTimeout[4]         = "Ready";
   stateTimeoutValue[4]            = 1;

function MegaHand1XImage::onFire(%this, %obj, %slot)
   %obj.setImageAmmo(0, 0); //Disable the gun.
   %client = %obj.client;
   %eye = %client.player.getEyeTransform(); //Because I hate typing it out over and over again.
   %mask = $TypeMasks::ProjectileObjectType; //I was originally planning to make it shove players around, but I decided this should be better for medium-long range encounters.
   InitContainerRadiusSearch(%eye, 12, %mask);
   while(isObject(%Proj = containerSearchNext()))
      if(!miniGameCanDamage(%Proj, %obj) && (isObject(%proj.client.minigame) || isObject(%client.minigame))) //Don't touch it if it's involved in a different minigame
      %velAvg = (mAbs(getWord(%proj.getVelocity(), 0)) + mAbs(getWord(%proj.getVelocity(), 1)) + mAbs(getWord(%proj.getVelocity(), 2))) / 3;
      if(!%proj.origVelocity || %proj.origVelocity < %proj.getDatablock().muzzleVelocity / 2) //We don't want too small of an original velocity to base our reflections on, otherwise we couldn't get it above half normal speed.
         %proj.origVelocity = %velAvg; //Speed cap is based on how fast the projectile was at first deflection.
      %repelForce = ((20 - vectorDist(%eye, %proj.getTransform())) / 6) * %velAvg; //Allow us to boost the speed based on what it already is, instead of the default speed.
      if(%repelForce > %proj.origVelocity * 2.25)
         %repelForce = (2.25 * %proj.origVelocity); //We have to cap it at some point.
      if(%repelForce <= %proj.getDatablock().muzzleVelocity / 2)
         %repelForce = (%proj.getDatablock().muzzleVelocity / 2); //Also imposing a minimum.
      %repelDir = vectorNormalize(vectorSub(%proj.getTransform(), %eye));

         %anglediff = vectorSub(%repelDir,vectorNormalize(%client.player.getEyeVector()));
      %anglediffavg = (mAbs(getWord(%angleDiff, 0)) + mAbs(getWord(%angleDiff, 1)) + mAbs(getWord(%angleDiff, 2))) / 3;
      if(%anglediffavg > 0.3) //Makeshift vector angle comparison. It doesn't work as accurately as I wish it did, but I'm not all that good with vectors.

      if(vectorDist(%eye, %proj.getTransform()) <= 6 && isObject(%proj.client.player) && %client != %proj.client)
         %ownerDir = vectorNormalize(vectorSub(%proj.client.player.getEyeTransform(), %eye));
         %ownerAngleDiff = vectorSub(%ownerDir, vectorNormalize(%client.player.getEyeVector()));
         %ownerAngleDiffAvg = (mAbs(getWord(%ownerAngleDiff, 0)) + mAbs(getWord(%ownerAngleDiff, 1)) + mAbs(getWord(%ownerAngleDiff, 2))) / 3; //I thought I've seen a cone-search function somewhere before...
         if(%anglediffavg <= 0.5) //If they're out of our sight, we don't send it at them.
            %repelDir = vectorNormalize(vectorSub(%proj.client.player.getEyeTransform(), %proj.getTransform())); //Step in and tell us where it should go.
      %newVelocity = vectorScale(%repelDir, %repelForce); //Get our final calculations as to where we should shoot this thing.
      serverPlay3d(RedirectSound, %proj.getPosition());
      %obj.setImageAmmo(0, 1); //Reenable the gun if we actually used it on something
      %p = new Projectile() //Because Projectile::Redirect didn't work, and Projectile::SetVelocity doesn't exist for some reason.
         initialVelocity      = %newVelocity;
         origVelocity      = %proj.origVelocity;
         initialPosition      = %proj.getPosition();
         datablock         = %proj.getDatablock();
         sourceObject      = %proj.client.player;
         sourceSlot         = %proj.sourceSlot;
         client            = %client; //Change the owner to us so we can damage the original attacker.
         scale            = %proj.getScale();
      %proj.delete(); //Do away with the old one so we don't get facerocketed.

Off Topic / Think of a solid and liquid before entering
« on: October 06, 2015, 08:41:30 AM »
You are made entirely of that solid, your blood and other body fluids you pee and spit is made of that liquid, and you're shoving the solid up your ass.

It's a template for weapons
I'm not sure if the link in this topic still works, but is the RTB Modification Forum download topic for it.
Also if someone can PM me the server.cs from this weapon template ( ) from here ( ) as text, too, that would be awesome! Thank you!

Suggestions & Requests / setPlayerAvatar event
« on: October 05, 2015, 09:54:49 AM »
Would this be possible? If so, can someone make it?

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