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Messages - Smashed_Eggs

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Off Topic / Re: blockland rebuilt
« on: July 19, 2023, 07:55:07 PM »
anywho, any update on dranland? It was fun while it lasted, but I havent heard any news.
dran's still working on it, started posting on his discord again after a short break

Off Topic / Re: blockland rebuilt
« on: July 17, 2023, 10:18:03 PM »
It would be nice if the de-compiled source was made public, though.
they have made the source available but they don't allow it to be modified period

Off Topic / Re: Land of Dran
« on: July 13, 2023, 06:50:53 PM »
DRAN DONT, really I am all for less bans and unbans (unless he is creep idek why he got banned) but he did center text and fit just feels so cursed dont unban him until he uncenters it.

Off Topic / Re: blockland: the community that killed the game
« on: July 05, 2023, 02:17:18 PM »
this guy looks like my friend.

I've found that BL will not close if I've clicked on a link in the game. It opens up internet explorer and will not shut down unless I kill internet explorer in task manager.
After doing that Blockland will stop running in steam.
that's interesting, steam might be misidentifying new tasks as being blockland

seems to have stopped happening, on my end at least
its habbening again

Off Topic / Re: wagner in open rebellion against russian army
« on: July 02, 2023, 08:26:02 PM »
Did they mean that they just dropped dead immediately, or do they mean it metaphorically? Like, all the traitors are going to be hunted down and prosecuted by the MoD?
Putin's god-spirit killed exactly fifty-thousand Wagner mercenaries on that night, all at once. They were so killed killed that nobody even remembers them anymore.

Drama / Re: Badspot came back (kinda)
« on: June 29, 2023, 02:32:35 PM »
his complaint here is that a 14 year old girl is cast by someone who looks like a 14 year old girl
cast by someone who looks like an ugly 14 year old girl*
the context might be questionable sure but his observation that one looks better than the other is based in truth

General Discussion / Re: Hol-E-FUK how y'all still alive
« on: June 29, 2023, 07:13:17 AM »
You picked the day of all days to revisit. Badspot is alive and has made 5 posts and 2 edits today. It really is a event.
that doesn't really solidify how much it is the day of all days to revisit and ask that question, he's practically been MIA on the forums for several years only banning people on occasion, but today/yesterday he abruptly showed up with several posts, so he REALLY picked the day of all days to revisit.

How is this community still together?
how the forum is still together i have no idea. i guess most of us just keep coming back as a habit, most of the community has since migrated from the forum over to discord servers, which i think is what is keeping the wider community together. without them i don't think we'd see anybody playing anymore. it's thanks to those servers that we still have new content to keep the heart beating (albeit rarely nowadays)

I would very much appreciate if anyone could catch me up with what's going on in the community.
Is it just the stone cold veterans still around? If so what have you all been up to on here?
we still have new people showing up but that's not common anymore, we did get a recent "surge" (it was probably like two people at most) that came from a video that mentioned blockland
but basically yeah it's primarily just veterans. v20 is still a recent memory to most of us, if that helps to get a good grasp

as for what's been going on, nothing major except for the blockland glass breach but soldier101 brought that up already. there's two gamemodes that have been pretty successful on bl, age of dungeons and farming, can get a good party of people on those at certain times. there's also someone working on updating blockland, biggest features i can recall from it is being able to download addons from a server whilst it's running and whilst you're playing, missing an addon? simple as just enabling it and it gets sent to all of the clients. pretty handy. shaders have also been made to work with maps (according to badspot this just wasn't feasible but here we have somebody only able to reverse engineer managing to get it working). but don't get your hopes up because this project will probably suffer from a lot of problems, likely mismanagement considering the specific community it's being developed in and also the fact it can't easily advertise itself, it's a niche community inside of an already niche community, so probably won't be a lot of people flowing into it i honestly think restarting on a new engine and new community is the best way forward though, so i might be a little biased about this project

i don't know how long you've been away for but if it's been a long time, then the other major thing on the block is brickadia, a successor game that started development a few years back but god it is plagued with so much controversy, child enthusiasts, very poor moderation, terrible project management, awful community yadayada. good building mechanics and nice website design but that's all the positives i have to say about it

but we haven't been up to much except the same old things. freebuilds, speedkarts, dms, roleplays, and just hanging out outside of bl.

Off Topic / Re: happy pride month everybody
« on: June 29, 2023, 06:36:05 AM »
na rw orgs are captured by feds to be demagogues, rope isnt coming unless u think thiel and online hyperborea posters will spontaneously rise up when nick instructs it on a livestream. that isnt how political organization works and you will continue to be zogged through the thousand year bugpaste reich. there is markedly less anti-gay/jew/trans/helicopter violence than any other time in history
the way i see his point of "the pendulum is swinging back" is that LGBT is still nowhere near being widely accepted throughout the world, i'd estimate at most 30% of the world's population are at the very least ambivalent about the topic, and less so perfectly happy about the topic
this "pendulum" swung too fast too far, only managing to get some acceptance, and it's being pushed too hard now and we're seeing it "swinging back". see the major rise in mainstream resistance to the movement, bud light is a recent and great example of this, a simple boycott like that caused serious ripples. or all of the anti-trans/gay laws being passed and celebrated. zoomers with their own gigachad superstraight vril waffen tiktok edits.
it's pretty clear that there's enough pushback to make LGBT fall over. whether the day of the rope will be one of violence, or one slowly marched to through politics and methodical persecution, the fact remains that such a day is in sight

Off Topic / Re: happy pride month everybody
« on: June 28, 2023, 07:35:57 PM »
I think you should keep in mind the context I was responding to, I had someone directly commenting on my lack of faith. I don't think all religious people are bad but I question them the same way as the religious question Atheists. I've been asked far too many times how I can have morals if I'm an Atheist. It's seriously discomforting someone could actually ask that.

The problem is the people that protect the child enthusiasts within their clan as to not tarnish their reputation, in doing so they continue the abuse. This is very prevalent in the Catholic Church.

Edit: It was okay to marry 14 year olds in the Vatican until 2019... now you can only marry 16 year olds.
sorry about missing the context, skimmed over most of the posts and noticed yours. i think your reaction internally is justified regarding such a question, it's like you aren't treated as human just because of some lack of faith, and it's such an easy question for the asker to answer themselves although i believe (almost) everybody deserves respect, it's hard for both sides to come to an understanding if there's only hostility involved, which i do have experience with, going from not listening to a word that an "enemy" has to say to most often ending up in a mutual agreement or at least an understanding regarding each other love your neighbor, and turn the other cheek. just to hammer it further about my growth coming from religion
i don't know if tribalism is the right word for the church but clan works. i've seen it with families too, with child enthusiast relatives getting off the hook to prevent both damage within the family and reputation, i have no experience with this and nothing to say about it

Off Topic / Re: happy pride month everybody
« on: June 28, 2023, 07:07:30 PM »
Found the guy who needs a sky daddy to tell him not to be a bad person.
as somebody who used to be a christian and also well aware of the loveual abuse, it's really unfair to compare somebody like me to somebody who sees a position of power they can abuse. this exact thing is commonly found with teachers too. lot of child enthusiast teachers, but you understand why that is. it's the same reasoning for the church.
the average christian i met genuinely wanted the death sentence for those types of people, drawing the line to the biblical punishment for child abuse of drowning them to death. christian philosophy is genuinely amazing and does wonders if you approach it right, i started off intolerant and hateful (using religion as a cover for this) and through the bible i grew into someone who is considerably more understanding and open to other perspectives. crazy what actually reading your holy text does doesn't it? next time you see a self-proclaimed christian and they spew any hatred, they don't represent the faith or philosophy. there's no need to go around mockingly saying "sky daddy" if you know this

the bible isn't just saying "don't be bad", it goes into the specifics of how you can really embody "don't be bad". would you say that same thing to an african or a latino who may otherwise have entered a life of violence, gangs, drugs, and crimes due to their circumstances, but was brought out of it through religion? through a "sky daddy"? don't let prejudice get in your way

Off Topic / Re: happy pride month everybody
« on: June 28, 2023, 04:30:14 PM »
honestly im just impressed there was a response at all
what i got out of this is that the report function actually works
why are you here, don't you have more digital black ladies to screencap for another incel collage
to be fair most of the ladies on that post are ugly but it got a little out of hand at some parts

Suggestions & Requests / Re: Vehicle Buy Script
« on: June 28, 2023, 10:46:41 AM »
you could probably do this with vce

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