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Messages - Juncoph

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 6 7 8 ... 466
Games / Re: Battlefield V Reveal
« on: May 29, 2018, 06:50:29 PM »
i don't really care about the fact that it's not historically accurate- they aren't trying to make it look realistic at all.

i care about the fact that they're turning battlefield into call of fortnite: modern dabfare

Games / Re: Battlefield V Reveal
« on: May 29, 2018, 06:26:22 AM »
i really really hate this footage

Off Topic / Re: Good free offline games for a planeride?
« on: May 23, 2018, 09:46:04 AM »
"planeride"? you mean like......... flight
plane ride?
you mean a flight?

yeah a plane ride

a plane is being ridden by him

Off Topic / Re: What the forget does covfefe mean?
« on: May 23, 2018, 09:29:39 AM »
severe typo of coverage

Games / Re: what are good free games
« on: May 16, 2018, 09:50:37 AM »
world of tanks, world of warships, warthunder

Off Topic / Re: What would you do during the purge?
« on: April 28, 2018, 04:30:55 PM »
pretend it's dayz and just hide in some bushes for 5 hours until some kitted out friend is walking down the street for me to stab in the neck and loot

or actually pretend it's dayz and just hide in some bushes until it's over

wtf the magic smoke is leaking

contact a plumber and have him check the seals, they usually refill the smoke can for free

conspiracy theory: nk top brass did a bloodless coup, kim is now a puppet controlled by a shadow council of generals

attempted Self Delete is punishable by death

idc about her dumb opinions, but giving out the hotline number should at least get her fired

Off Topic / Re: whats the past tense of speedrun
« on: April 16, 2018, 09:46:33 AM »

speedrun is a compound word wherein "speed" denotes what kind of run it is- as such, speed has no tense because run is the actual root word

Forum Games / Re: ABANDONED: Undead Text Adventure
« on: April 15, 2018, 07:00:49 AM »
are you a skeleton

As far as you can tell, you still have all of your flesh.

Failing to recall your name, you decide to create a new one for yourself.

"John Oln."

"John, eh? Alright. Since you're, uh, a bit out of it... why not tag along with me? I just happen to be headed to the local undead settlement. Might have answers for you."

Forum Games / Re: the above users avatar broke into your house v2
« on: April 15, 2018, 12:06:34 AM »
i would gore that emoji on my mosin's bayonet

Forum Games / Re: ABANDONED: Undead Text Adventure
« on: April 14, 2018, 11:46:46 PM »
rediculous lmao

god dammit

You stare at him for a moment, and blankly mutter "Thanks for... wait- I... what?"

He sighs. "Lucky you. You've still got at least one or two marbles left, looks like." He relaxes a bit, and lowers his shovel. "What's your name, eh? Seems you've been a few shuffles under for.... a-hundred-an'-one years, if this headstone's right."

Searching your memory for your name draws flashbacks forward. You audibly mumble "oh no" as you remember the ungodly pain of a javelin-sized arrow smashing through your abdomen. Your abs appear fine, but there is indeed a sizeable puncture left in your armor. Then the realization hits, albeit with its severity muddled by your grogginess: whatever struck you may still be out there.

"You're in dang- wait, wait- one hundred and one years...?"

"Yep, says so on your stone. One-oh-one. But you don't look like a rotted carcass, so I suppose that makes you undead. Didn't realize you lot were still growing in number."

You recall stories of the undead- those afflicted with the curse whose souls are whittled away each time they meet death again. You're well aware of the ramifications: all undead are exiled upon discovery.

After being left completely incredulous, you sit up in your casket with a dumb look on your face. "What... What year is it, then?"

"I asked first," he retorts, "what's your name? Your tombstone's got a big gash across the name, like someone tried forcin' it outta the way with a sh-nevermind that's not important."

You can't seem to actually remember your own name...

Forum Games / Re: ABANDONED: Undead Text Adventure
« on: April 14, 2018, 09:00:39 PM »
As you're about to knock, you hear the sound of latches being undone, followed by the voice of someone all too keen on hearing their own voice.
"Bloody morticians. These latches are ridiculous. Can't imagine what's inside. Am I gonna get pulled in by some kind of skeletal demon? Hah. Superstitious nonsense, I say."

You push open the top when he undoes the second latch. Alongside what he's said so far, your fears are confirmed. You were buried.
"What the hell?!" shouts the man, as he tumbles backwards in surprise.

After a moment, he orates further:
"Hey... You. Fella-in-the-armor-in-the-coffin-in-the-ground. You're not, uh, gone upstairs, are you?" He points toward his own head as he says 'upstairs'.

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