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Messages - MoltenKitten

Pages: 1 ... 3 4 5 6 7 [8] 9 10 11 12 13 ... 781
Games / Outerworlds to be 1 year Epic Store exclusive
« on: March 20, 2019, 02:52:41 PM » rip

(also windows but no one is gonna buy it there either)

if i kill 3 people am i innocent until the court says im guilty. forget off moron
If you don't admit guilt then yes, that is kind of how our legal system works we kind of have an amendment about it

Off Topic / Re: talk about the most gangster stuff you’ve done
« on: March 18, 2019, 11:11:59 PM »
I once pee'd in the toilet and didn't flush afterward

Games / Re: grid 2 free for 2 days
« on: March 14, 2019, 03:59:24 PM »
Includes 2 DLCs as well. I prefer the first game but this one is still a great racer.

I mean now, sure. But I'm fairly certain that it was originally a term for an internet in-joke as memes mostly had setups and punchlines.
The term "meme" existed long before the invention of the internet

I dont even think 'meme' can be classified as a joke anymore. It's become more of catch all term for popular online content.
To be fair the definition of meme is something passed around, not necessarily something funny

Games / Re: slime rancher free
« on: March 11, 2019, 11:02:19 AM »
by the way 2, this needlessly loyal behavior for Valve is dumb as hell and as much anti-consumer as the epic store itself (I do not own an Epic account or have downloaded it and own Slimerancher on Steam along with 550 other games)
We're not loyal, steam is the far superior platform so of course we are gonna stick with it. Epic severely lacks features and has security issues up the wazoo.


I was on a team with a guy with a hard to get as forget hat
I wonder what would happen if there was a day no one gifted anything, would the hat stay with the last guy or temporarily poof out of existence?

If your objector doesn't have something that makes people want to turn off TF2 and then dump their PC out their window then you're doing it wrong

Damn Vermont. What are you doing
Having one of the lowest gun homicide rates in the US which this study doesn't show very well

cue dissecting the study’s methods and why they dont apply to america at large in 3.... 2.... 1....
Well for one some states that are less restrictive and have higher ownership rates are clearly below some that have more restrictive and lower ownership rates even if as a whole less restrictive states have more. Second non mass shootings are significantly higher in some more restrictive states than some of the most lenient states.

Ok fine, then let's try asking you specifics:

What is your opinion on the current state of healthcare in the US? I'm certainly not happy about it, and I think the idea that the wealthiest nation on the planet not being able to afford universal health while the rest of the developed world can is a bit ludicrous.
We're also one of the most populated countries in the world meaning that we would be spending a hell of a lot more on healthcare. People spit "Oh just cut military spending" but even doing that will only pay for a slim margin of what we would need for universal healthcare in the US. What works for one or more countries doesn't necessarily work for all countries.

Something definitely needs to be done about healthcare but I think the way to solve it is to hammer down on the insurance companies and monopolies responsible for these ridiculous prices.

why is my peepee hard?

As much as I want this game gonna have to pass on that one

ill run if you guys vote for me
Will you pass a bill requiring BL 2 to be made?

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