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Topics - PhantOS

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so much racial diversity jeez

WARNING: this thread contains a bunch of racially unsound and bigoted material. if you're a rich white christian minister father, please bring your children to the nearest church until this post gets deleted

Chapter One: Why the forget does this still exist?

              I know the futility associated with complaining about radical clans and groups of hate criminals. I know that everybody has a right to their opinion. I'll be honest with you: I'm not going against anybody's opinion. I'm just sharing my opinion on the matter of stupidity and bigoted white folk. Just bear with me for a couple minutes as I go through and express my feelings on the Ku Klux Klan.
              I'm an individual of mixed descent. My father is African American, and my mother is Canadian German. Therefore, I find tribal clans such as the kool kids klub to be extremely offensive, but I prefer to look at it from an unbiased view. So, i'm not going to be spewing out how tribal these people are. Instead, i'm going to be highlighting discrepancies in their website and recruiting form. But before I get into that mess, i'm going to go over a brief history of the Ku Klux Klan to put this stuff into perspective.

              Quoted from,
"Spreading far beyond its roots in the Reconstruction South, the resurgent Klan of the 1920s was a short-lived but potent phenomenon. By equating white Anglo-Saxon Protestantism with "true Americanism," it fueled intolerance for blacks, Catholics, Jews, and immigrants. In the guise of protecting community morals, it expanded its victims of vigilante justice to those it deemed lawbreakers, bootleggers, unfaithful spouses, corrupt politicians, etc.—all with no judge or jury beyond the local secret "klavern." Whippings, tar-and-featherings, threats of violence, and for black victims, lynching, became common practice in some regions of the South, Southwest, and Midwest (Indiana was the stronghold of Klan power in the decade)."

            Most people that have heard or read information about the Ku Klux Klan know that they were a violent group from the late 19th century that targeted racial minorities, non-white peoples, and members of different religious groups.

            They killed people. They terrorized people. What else can one say? THEY WERE TERRORISTS. With such a violent history, one would expect them to have been destroyed, obliterated. However, there are people today that still follow the traditional customs of the Ku Klux Klan.

So, without further ado, The Knights Party:

Chapter Two: amerikas wite futur begins hear

As it goes:
All of us at the national office would like to thank you for stopping by our site. We have prepared this site in order to give an accurate portrayal of the Nationalist Movement.

The entertainment industry backed by individuals with a Marxist agenda have waged an attack upon the consciousness’ of white Christians. To further obliterate any remaining racial instinct among our people, those who hate white Christian civilization have chosen to desecrate anything which might cause a stirring of loyalty and heritage in the heart. They say Christianity must go and they say nationalist pride must go.

Are you saying you're being systematically oppressed by 20% of the United State's population? No joke, you're trying to revive a community that's still alive and takes up the majority of the United states.

You can basically crush anybody who gets in your way

Even many European nations forbid their citizens from flying or displaying their very own country’s flag. Sounds extreme, but the logic is that displaying ones own flag means you are a nationalist. And if you are proud of your country and have nationalist feelings than surely you must be a tribal or bigot of some sort

i legit googled these images

We belong to The Knights because we love our people – yes, even those who hate us. Klansmen and Klanswomen throughout the nation are at work distributing literature, passing out cards, talking to friends and neighbors…always spreading the good news of white Christian revival…not because they hate you, but because they love you.

I gotta say i'm absolutely convinced by this paragraph. (THE IRONY ESCAPES ME)

In fact all white Christian civilization is in jeopardy.

This would make a good movie plot. (THE IRONY ESCAPES ME YET AGAIN)

Recruiting new associates and volunteers for The Knights Party who will work toward the election of Klansmen and Klanswomen to public office.

We must take back control of OUR U.S. government. We intend to put Klansmen and Klanswomen in office all the way from the local school board to the White House!



I have no words.

When Abraham Lincoln was killed everything was changed. The crooked men got their way and the South was treated awful. White people had to salute black people on the street. Whisky sellers came and sold liquor to blacks who excited about no longer having a curfew would roam the countryside hurting men, women, and children. The people suffered horribly. Most people never owned slaves. And some blacks even owned slaves. But the ex-slaves didn’t care. They were hungry for power.

hey, i dont remember reading that in my textbooks


Six men who had once been Confederate soldiers decided to start a club. It would be a secret club, with secret code words, and neat costumes. The club was around for several months and they would meet in different places. It was very dangerous though. Bands of violent african americans traveled around at night terrorizing families. One night when the club was meeting they accidentally came across an outlaw band of african americans. But, this time instead of the white people getting murdered, the african americans ran away screaming. They thought the men in their costumes were the ghosts of dead soldiers who had died in the Civil war just a couple of years earlier.

Hey now. That doesn't look right. Maybe THIS is what you meant:

But, this time instead of the white people getting murdered, the african americans got murdered. The men in the neat costumes captured them and burned them on a cross.

Soon a new idea caught on. These deeply religious men felt God had given them a great gift in disguise – a peaceful way to defend themselves.

At this point i'm actually done. Why am I even satirizing this stuff. why did I create this thread in the first place. These people are so batstuff crazy I actually feel bad I made fun of them

Gallery / Angus ghosts - d4nk w33d edishun forget
« on: July 13, 2015, 01:51:45 PM »

Drama / Pidgeon - Possible owner of blhack.dll, image heavy
« on: July 13, 2015, 03:15:43 AM »
I was exploiting this one part of a map which made me invincible, and Pidgeon begins to question me.


That's all I got. There's no actual ingame evidence of this, just his chat and him claiming to have it.

Modification Help / Team-sided name color
« on: July 11, 2015, 08:21:02 PM »
Is there any way to manipulate the color of nametags so that all team members have a specified color, while all non-team members have ONE solid colored name tag, such as white

So that you know exactly who your teammates are

(preferably in slayer, or if it's simpler, just the base code for changing name colors)

EDIT: I'm not talking about your name when it shows up in the chat gui, i'm talking your name that is above the player object for everybody to see

Modification Help / Tier+Tactical - Expansion Pack
« on: May 18, 2015, 06:54:25 PM »
I started development on a little expansion pack based heavily on Tier+Tactical by Bushido. T+T was probably one of the best in terms of quality and weapon balance. I think it deserves a little contribution, especially since it's been basically dead and unused/replaced by new weapon packs.

This is what i've made so far in the last day or so.

Antique Pistol

Antique Carbine

Western Magnum

Guerilla Submachine Gun

Contemporary Shotgun

[ill fix the arm clipping/hand positioning sometime later]

I plan on making multiple tiers of weapon types, specifically in a couple categories:

Antique (Sepia) - Old, but powerful. Represents stuffty stats overall but very high damage output

Ultramodern (Purple) - The future is here. Represents well balanced stats

Western (Orange) - Howdy howdy.  Represents medium-high damage output and rate of fire, but slow reload times.

Contemporary (Blue) - Bon chic bon genre. Represents high stats overall, but suffers in fire rate

Guerilla (Green) - Say hello to my little friend! Insane rate of fire and reload time for those on the go situations

so yeah support me and stuff


This guy was floathacking and even showed a hint of admittance. He was able to type while floating, which is the most obvious flag of blhack.dll. It wasn't lag. He wasn't on an invisible brick, I checked it multiple times.

Found on Deathcube server. Multiple people who were present can bear witness if needed.

I'm trying to make a Turret vehicle, and I'm having a bit of trouble with the animations, specifically the looking animation. Just before anybody posts, I am looking for help specifically from users who have had experience with turret-like vehicles, such as the default Pirate Cannon or Bushido's Sentry Gun. If you really have no luck understanding what I am trying to communicate and/or you have absolutely no skill in this area, please ask for clarification, or, for the latter, please do not post. If you know someone who possibly has skill in this field, please, show him/her this topic. Thank you

Here comes the details:

I'm trying to make a turret-like vehicle, as I explained before, that functions identical to the default Pirate Cannon in terms of animation and movement. It will have three 'parts' of the model:

- The Base, which is immobile at all times

- The Body, mounted on top of the base, which has complete freedom of rotation along the Standard Z Axis (Yaw)

- The Gun, mounted on the top of the body, which has partial freedom of rotation along the Y Axis RELATIVE TO THE BODY (Pitch)

In terms of hierarchy, it's kinda like Base(Body(Gun)), so if the Body rotates 20 degrees to the left, so does the gun, but if the gun rotates 30 degrees upwards, the body will stay stationary.

Here's some imagery:

How exactly do I do this? If a .dsq is required, how should it be set up? I know that there are two variables in the .cs file of most turrets that control the maximum and minimum pitch theta, and that's not exactly what i'm looking for. I'm looking for what animations I have to make exclusively for the gun to look up an down while the body can move left and right. Simultaneously!

Fast Responses Appreciated, Trying to release this ASAP!

It's been almost a year since I 'permanently' quit Blockland due to some 'unsavory' experiences, which I dare not get into atm. Anyways, since then, quite a few people have been begging for me to continue work on this bs and I've been rejecting it over and over and over again. Well, I got bored of tf2 and decided to slip my way back into the community, and with it, slap my nuts in people's faces with

Alrighty now due to the total destruction of my PC I lost all development files, and the only thing I have is the final release of Wasteland Weapons V3 in my dropbox, with the model of the 10mm Pistol, Silenced .22 Pistol, and 12.7 SMG. Everything else got forgeted along with my computer. So I gotta basically start from scratch, save those models that I already have. Those aside, here's the game plan:

The Ressurection
  • Laser RCW (rip, gotta redesign everything, 0%
  • Fat Man (rip x2, gotta redesign everything, 0%
  • Laser Pistol [Model: Complete! / Code: Incomplete!]
  • Laser Rifle [Model: Complete! / Code: Incomplete!]
  • Sniper Rifle (rip x3, I miss you ol bud)
  • .357 Revolver (And Ranger Sequoia Skin) 0%
  • Oh Baby! (extra melee weapon, adding in because why not)

TBH i'm a lazy motherforgeter and I actually don't want to do this atm, so if you don't feel that there's any potential here, just move on and give the word that my efforts will be in vain, so I can, in turn, move on and design higher priority mods. However, if you actually want to see stuff happen, give the word, and the lazy motherforgeter will become productive.

The Old and Outdated Link Can Still Be Found On This Topic Just In Case Anybody Is Curious

thx i gess

Here's some old images just so people can know what kind of style it follows

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