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Topics - Amade

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4
Help / Router Issues
« on: June 30, 2009, 08:20:30 PM »
I'm using a Netgear WGR614v7 router. It's worked fine for a year or so no, no issues until a little after v11 came out (started playing sometime in January). I hosted for about a month after v11 came out, at which point my servers inexplicably got really slow. No biggie, I stopped hosting and just played in other people's servers. Recently, I can't even do that very well any more.
I'll be in a server for an hour, maybe two, and I'll leave and quit out of Blockland. Nothing's wrong yet. However, after that, if I try to join any other servers, the connection gets REALLY slow (as in 10,000 latency) and drops from 54 mbps to 36, or lower. I've tried pinging the router when this happens and I get times that are usually 3 or 4 ms but can be higher and occaisionally no response. Repairing the connection helps, but not for long. After leaving, the internet is a bit slow for the rest of the day, and youtube is very slow and stops loading after just a few seconds.
I've done some research on this and I've found that Netgear routers just plain don't like peer to peer data transfer and this happens to other people with torrent programs, which are also peer-to-peer.
I've tried resetting the router to its factory defaults and I even set my labtop next to it and wired them together. Neither of these helped.

Is there anything I can do to fix this, or at least help? I'd like to buy a new router, but is there anything I can try to fix the problem with this one?

Add-Ons / Tool Particles
« on: June 15, 2009, 10:11:47 PM »
Tool Particles
Lets you use the particles from various tools on bricks!

This add-on allows you to use the particles from the following tools on bricks:
Spray can
Deploy Brick (the 1x2 plate you hold when placing bricks)
Admin Wand

This uses no datablocks, at all.
I see no reason to post pictures as these are simply emitters that you've already seen before.


Download (Last Updated: Mon Jun 15, 2009 9:09 pm)

Put into the Add-Ons folder in your Blockland folder.

Click Here to view this file on the RTB Download Manager

General Discussion / controls are reset to the defaults
« on: June 05, 2009, 07:03:36 PM »
Whenever you enter a server or the map changes, your controls are reset to the defaults, no matter if you've set them or not.

Drama / Supermarioguy: "Unban me or i ban u"
« on: June 03, 2009, 10:37:43 PM »
I was on Super Puppy's server arguing (that goes in another topic, he's still stupid by the way).
Supermarioguy (10440) comes up to me and starts spamming my name, and I reply "What?"
He bugs me about unbanning him from my server which I can't even host anymore.
I say no and continue arguing with Super Puppy and Space Block.
A little later he starts spamming again. And again. And again. I get tired of it and just say "SUPERMARIOGUY, SHUT UP AND I'LL UNBAN YOU FROM MY SERVER."
Later he says "Im a super admin I can ban u." I ignore him.
About a minute later: "You have been banned from this server by Supermarioguy. Reason: Ya u r!"

Seriously? What the heck?
I haven't had a server up in AGES because I can't host, and I checked the ban list: he wasn't even on there. This guy is seriously stupid.

tl;dr: Supermarioguy bans me because I wouldn't remove a nonexistant ban from my server that I can't host.

Add-Ons / Blood and Gore (v1.5)
« on: June 02, 2009, 12:41:36 AM »
New topic
You need to re-download it.

Music / Aces High by Concord Dawn
« on: June 01, 2009, 07:08:16 PM »
This is a three-second loop of the song Aces High by Concord dawn. It may be a bit loud, but it's about the same volume as the default track "Rock". The loop is flawless. I just wish more people would learn to loop things.
Direct Link (save to Blockland/Add-Ons/music)
View on RtB

Modification Help / Model crashing Blockland
« on: May 18, 2009, 05:33:57 PM »
I'm using blender, if you're not experienced with blender, you probably won't be able to help.

The ME109 that I'm formatting for Absolution is having some issues. I followed the guides on creating a collision mesh as best I could, and I've got this hierarchy:

Detail32 and col0 are both empties parented to Shape. The collision mesh is parented to col0 and everything else is parented to detail32.

Everything is working fine, until I attempt to spawn the vehicle. At this point I get the "Blockland has encountered a problem and needs to close" dialog.
I've imported it as a static shape and everything is just fine except the collision mesh is visible and the shape has no collision.

Here's the .blend file: Mediafire

Add-Ons / Dual G36Cs
« on: May 13, 2009, 07:57:27 AM »
Dual G36Cs
Twice the power!

Two G36Cs at once!
Sadly, as it is very hard to move your left hand to the front of the gun to use the grenade launcher when it is occupied by an assault rifle, these can not fire grenades.
These have slightly reduced damage (8 per shot, 1500 RPM), but are still much more powerful than the original G36C (10 per shot, 750 RPM)


Download (Last Updated: Wed May 13, 2009 6:55 am)

Put into the Add-Ons folder in your Blockland folder.

Required Add-On
This Add-On requires in order to work, so make sure to download it too!

Click Here to view this file on the RTB Download Manager

Add-Ons / Chat Binds v2
« on: May 07, 2009, 08:59:53 PM »
Chat Binds
Press a button, send a message!

This is a client sided add-on (I did make sure it was client sided) that lets you say something by pressing a button you assign in the controls menu. The phrases are pre-designated and can be edited by changing Phrases.txt in config/client/ChatBinds/Phrases. It only works up to nine lines.

This was originally requested by Demian for use with TDMs to avoid deaths because you were sitting around typing.

Changes in v2:
- GUI, set a keybind to open it.
- You can change or use the phrases in the GUI.
- You can update the file from ingame with the GUI.
Here's a picture of the GUI:

Put into the Add-Ons folder in your Blockland folder.
Click Here to view this file on the RTB Download Manager

Add-Ons / Shrink Ray
« on: May 03, 2009, 07:10:53 PM »
Shrink Ray
What else is there to say?

It shrinks things.
Sets the scale of whatever you hit to half its NORMAL scale. You must be in a situation where you can do damage to the target to shrink them (i.e., for other players, a minigame).


Download (Last Updated: Sun May 03, 2009 6:08 pm)

Put into the Add-Ons folder in your Blockland folder.

Click Here to view this file on the RTB Download Manager

Modification Help / BanHammer v2
« on: April 30, 2009, 08:07:35 AM »
I'm working on the second version of the banhammer, which should have 3 modes: destructo, kick, and ban. However, no matter what mode it's in, it will never kill bricks and always tries to ban and then kick players. Here's the script. There are other scripts which set up the prefs, so I know it's not that the prefs aren't being registered. They are executing before this too, in fact, this is the last script to execute.
Also, the centerprint stuff isn't working. Not as big as an issue and I'm going to take care of that myself later.
Code: [Select]
function serverCmdbhmode(%client, %arg) //Server command "/bhmode modename"
   switch$(%arg) //For argument is "" perform action
      case "": %client.centerPrint('5', '<color:ff0000>You need to enter a mode (destructo, kick, ban).', '');
      case "destructo":$Pref::BanHammer::Mode = 0;
      case "destroy":$Pref::BanHammer::Mode = 0; //I thought a lot of people would just type "destroy"
      case "kick":$Pref::BanHammer::Mode = 1;
      case "ban":$Pref::BanHammer::Mode = 2;

function serverCmdbanhammer(%client) //Command /banhammer
%client.player.mountImage("BanHammerImage",0); //Gives them a banhammer. They will be checked for admin next.

function BanHammerImage::OnMount(%this, %obj) //When you switch to the hammer
    %client = %obj.client; //This lets me reference the mounter's client more easily
    if($Pref::BanHammer::SuperAdminOnly && !%client.isSuperAdmin) //If super admin only and client is not super admin..
  %client.player.unMountImage("BanHammerImage"); //Unmount the hammer,
%client.centerPrint('5', '<color:ff0000>This tool is for super admins only.', ''); //And tell them why
    else if(!%client.isAdmin) //Otherwise, check if they aren't an admin
%client.player.unMountImage("BanHammerImage"); //If they aren't, unmount
%client.centerPrint('5', '<color:ff0000>This tool is for admins only.', ''); //Tell them it's admin only.
    else //Neither of the above happened, so take no action.
Parent::OnMount(%this, %obj);

function BanHammerProjectile::onCollision(%this, %obj, %col, %fade, %pos, %normal) //When the projectile hits something.
   if($Pref::BanHammer::Mode = 0 && %col.getClassName() $="fxDTSBrick") //If it's a brick and you're in destructo mode...
      %col.killBrick(); //Destroy it.
   else if($Pref::BanHammer::Mode = 0 && %col.getClassName() $="WheeledVehicle" || %col.getClassName() $="AIplayer") //If it's a vehicle or a bot, and you're in destructo mode..
      %col.kill(); //Destroy it.
   else if($Pref::BanHammer::Mode = 1 && %col.getClassName() $="Player") //If it's a player and you're in kick mode
      %client = %col.Client;
      %victimClientID = %client.getID();
   else if($Pref::BanHammer::Mode = 2 && %col.getClassName() $="Player") //If it's a player and you're in ban mode...
      %client = %col.Client; //Again, easier reference of client
      %BLID = %client.BL_ID; //Get their Blockland ID, needed to ban
      %BanLength = $Pref::BanHammer::BanLength; //Use the ban length preference for the ban length
      %reason = $Pref::BanHammer::Reason; //Use the reason pref for the ban reason

      servercmdban(%obj.client,%client,%BLID,%BanLength,%reason); //Ban them, using the above variables

Modification Help / Banhammer
« on: April 25, 2009, 10:37:56 PM »
Problem solved

Maps / Apocalyptic Wasteland
« on: April 25, 2009, 02:14:10 PM »

Add-Ons / Tommy Gun v2
« on: April 20, 2009, 11:36:51 AM »
Tommy Gun
Iconic of the 1930's era Gangsters.

This is a model that Absolution gave me to script. All I did was texture the model, adjust it, and get it exported. Absolution made the model, he deserves his fair share of I LOVE THE TOMMY GUN spam.

The Thompson Submachine Gun was a gun used in the 1930s and 1940s, both for military and criminal purposes.

This gun has 800 RPM and each bullet does 8 damage (13 hit kill). I was also sure to include an Icon and CI image, although I need to work on the CI a bit. Version 2 brought a new fire sound and the drum clip is now centered.

I hope this fits all of your cops'n'robbers builds!


Download (Last Updated: Mon Apr 20, 2009 10:34 am)

Put into the Add-Ons folder in your Blockland folder.

Click Here to view this file on the RTB Download Manager

Add-Ons / The G36C (v2.2)
« on: April 07, 2009, 05:41:26 PM »
A standard-issue military rifle, with a grenade launcher.

First of all, thanks to Pandan for the AMAZING model. Thanks to Destiny for the Grenade scripting (taken from the MP7). This has its own icon and CI image.
The G36C, a compact form of the G36K, is lighter and has a shorter barrel. It fires 750 rounds per minute (that's 12.5 per second), each doing 10 damage. Down from 15 damage per shot. It has a right-click grenade function, but can only fire a grenade once every 30 seconds. Yes, the real gun has a grenade launcher mounted to it.
No longer requires my "Grenade and Grenade Launcher" add-on.


Download (Last Updated: Tue Apr 14, 2009 3:45 pm)

Put into the Add-Ons folder in your Blockland folder.

Click Here to view this file on the RTB Download Manager

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