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Topics - SuperSuit12

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General Discussion / Spacebuild: Building, in space!
« on: August 06, 2016, 02:43:39 PM »
I'm starting a new thread because the other turned into pure drama.
If you want to discuss drama, go there.

To be clear, I have no malicious intent with this server. It is not an attack or insult to the host, admins, or players of Trogtor's Floating City Freebuild. It's a great server, go check it out if it's up. I just don't like the way they run it, so I made my own. [meme]I'm making my own server, with brick packs and hook guns![/meme]

Building Rules:
Music bricks should be toggleable by pressing a button so anyone can shut them off.
Do not expand the roads. New ones will be added. Build within sight of a road or grav-path.
DO build on the paths! Just don't block them.
Do not block the gravity pathways.
Request any addon or change to the server you want! Seriously! If I think it'll make it better, I'll look into it! Non-space sky requests will be ignored, most likely.
Do not request to be made admin. You may request things of admins, however. If I want you to be admin, I'll make you admin.
Do not cause lag for the servers or players. (brick-count based lag is pretty unavoidable, just turn off shaders if it reaches that point I guess)
Hilarious Shenanigans Ahoy!

On Shenanigans:
Shenanigans are what make servers like this fun to be on. You see what crazy shenanigans occur when you press that button, or jump in the fire, or click that pill bottle, or turn off the jukebox.
Shenanigans, however, can go too far.
When it comes to shenanigans, the main rule is "If it doesn't cause a problem, it isn't a problem."
However, to retain some sense of sanity, here are some more.
-Anything involving loud sounds, flashy colors/lights, or anything that affects players unexpectedly must be restricted to the Rainbow Zone. Enter the Rainbow Zone at your own risk.
-Keep shenanigans to a minimum in the Blue Zone(s).
-Trolling is not allowed. If it's only funny to you and frustrating to everyone else, stop doing what you're doing and go back to the drawing board.
-Generally things should have to be activated in some way to do anything at all to players. Don't have hidden kill-on-contact bricks strewn around the map, k?

-Behave yourself.
-Do not curse excessively. You can curse, just don't be cursing in every single message. Do not avoid the filter.
-Everyone's here to have fun.
-When there's a dispute, try rock paper scissors or something.
-Administration staff: Always say something when someone does something bad. Don't just silently remove their stuff and ban them. Also, don't ban on the first offense unless you're very, VERY sure that this person intentionally did something to troll basically the whole server.

-If there's a section of road shooting lasers into the abyss, step onto it and it should throw you along a line of zero-gravity to a similar launcher in another area.
-Do not claim space you don't need with modter bricks.
-Try to stay compact and use space efficiently when it comes to placing builds.
-Administrators should warn you if you've done something wrong before any other action is taken unless it's a real problem.

General Discussion / The Spacebuild Drama
« on: August 06, 2016, 11:49:11 AM »
Please move this to drama. That's where it belongs. There's nothing but drama here. Info may be outdated for anyone looking for info.

I'm making like my third spacebuild!

Explanation of below drama:
-bad choice of words for the first title
-I had been banned from trogtor's and people thought this was my "revenge" or something
-what the heck are you talking about? Trogtor's is cool, I just want more addons and a higher tolerance for shenanigans.
-also jofy is somehow involved some think, no idea how this would be "revenge" against someone who isn't even the host

To be clear: This is not an attack on anyone. This is just me making my own server with my own rules instead of telling Trogtor and his admins how to run their server and what they should and shouldn't allow. I want to do things, I can't do them there, solution is to make my own place. Stop with the "YOU'RE JUST MAD AND ARE DOING THIS TO SPITE TROG AND MYST AND JOFY" stuff. Get it out of my thread. I am mad, yes, sort of. I've had bad experiences with trogtor's server so I left. I don't want to hang out somewhere where I do nothing but build things I think are neat and will be funny to all and get banned for it, then get trolled by admins.

Music bricks should be toggleable by pressing a button so anyone can shut them off.
Do not expand the roads. New ones will be added. Build within sight of a road or grav-path.
DO build on the paths! Just don't block them.
Do not block the gravity pathways.
Do not ask for a non-space sky.
Request any addon or change to the server you want! Seriously! If I think it'll make it better, I'll look into it!
Do not request to be made admin. You may request things of admins, however. If I want you to be admin, I'll make you admin.

The Shenanigans Policy:
Shenanigans are okay if:
-it doesn't lag the server (no latency, doesn't cause everyone to have FPS drops)
-anything super loud is restricted to the Rainbow Zone
-anything seziure-inducing is restricted to the Rainbow Zone
-anything that will affect people's ability to play is restricted to affecting the Rainbow Zone and 30 seconds maximum.
-it's funny to everyone, not just you
-anything involving relay loops spawning things is limited to 30 seconds
-anything involving relay loops not spawning things can be toggled on or off
-if it goes wrong once and bugs people, you'll get a warning
-if it goes wrong twice, ask an admin for help debugging your events or judging what is and isn't ok
-if it goes wrong thrice, stop
-it doesn't cause any issues once complete

Drama / jofy - being really weird and threatening
« on: August 06, 2016, 10:08:51 AM »
Trogtor's Floating City Freebuild admins seem to generate drama at a higher rate than other admins. Jofy is a standard admin, like Flamecannon, not superadmin.

Problem: User does/says something bad.
Solution: Drama them. Let everyone know.

Problem: You can make it look like a player says something when they haven't with chatmessage and <color:ffff00>theirnamehere<color:ffffff>: Blah blah drama me.
Solution: ...What, shut down the drama subforum? Start doubting everything?

Drama / Harsh punishment, or do I not see how stupid I am?
« on: August 05, 2016, 03:53:29 PM »
This was on Trogtor's Floating City building server.

Okay, so I'm going to try to be as unbiased as possible. I have no evidence as I'm asking for your opinion on whether this punishment was harsh. I feel like it was, myst probably feels like it was fine, I'm not saying they're intentionally being mean. They're probably a bit grumpy at me. I'm not saying myst is terrible, I'm asking if myst is terrible or if I am, and for some reason I get the feeling you're going to say I am.

Day 1
Log in, do stuff, try to build maglev stuff with radius impulse, give up.
Clear my bricks.
Build a little UFO to suck people into an alien lab.
At some point I see a poll thing that says "Is Trogtor cool?" I say no to see what happens. My ears are assaulted and my FOV is set to something insane, lights are flashing and everything is rainbow, I'm trapped in a room of coolsmiles. Even after using ctrl-k my FOV is still messed up, I had to go into my settings to fix it. This is where I got my idea of the server's tolerance for pranks.
Log off and go to sleep. Nobody has told me to stop doing anything aside from bugging Cazzle with rockets, which isn't why I was banned. I stopped when asked.

Day 2
Alien ships are gone. I build one directly next to the lab to make it clear they're related, build another above on a street planning to remove it before I log out.
I make it hard to get sucked into the UFO or even notice the UFO is trying to suck you up unless you try to get sucked up. (You have to stand still and attempt to stay in the beam for like five whole seconds which is a lot of time for a 2x2 area to be walked through. You can walk through without really noticing it aside from the laser.)
I clear my bricks except for some unrelated house at some point either here or after the following prank.
Myst has said nothing, nobody on the staff has said anything to me about this.
I build a music brick as a joke that, following the rules, can be toggled off, but after 30 seconds throws you into the air and makes you blow up if you turn it off. I prank a few people and they go boom, at least a few people found it funny and nobody was like "THATS RUDE STOP THAT."
I build some USEFUL transport blocks that throw you to another color of path, since the different colors aren't connected. I was trying to be helpful with this. Almost forgot even now that I made them. Didn't remove those since I forgot about them... Or did I clear them? Anyways, I had no malicious or hilarious intentions, I just wanted to be helpful!
I remove one, the one I was duplicating around, and I thought I removed the other that I duplicated it from.
Myst has still said nothing, nor anyone on the staff.
I make a pill bottle floating above the road. I think I removed it? I was just trying something I saw someone else do with a specific brick pack. No malicious or prankster-y intentions. Pretty unimportant.
I make a bot standing on the road, in a corner, not really blocking traffic. Obviously a work in progress, as it talks to you but the conversation ends abruptly.
I make... ugh... I immaturely make a brown sideways cylinder that, when clicked, says "DO NOT QUESTION THE MYSTICAL FLOATING TURD". When touched, it says "HOW DARE YOU TOUCH THE MYSTICAL FLOATING TURD" and kills you. Something prompted this on the server, I forget what. I duplicate it around, presenting it to various players. Nobody touches it, several people click it and wander off thinking I'm immature. I present it to myst, they click it, wrench it, snipe me with their magical sniper rifle, and d-wand it. Okay, not acceptable. I remove my copy of it, and remove all other floating bricks of mine I can remember placing over roads aside from the bot. I ask myst if the bot is okay. They don't respond. I ask Flamecannon, they don't know whether it's ok. I say I'll move it somewhere else if necessary. They help me with coloring the text. While I'm coloring the text on a third line, I get banned for "Constant floating bricks over paths." 30 minutes. Paths are... A grey area? You're kind of supposed to not block them, after I posted about being banned in the thread for the server, Conan said "Don't build random spam with no intention over paths, or we'll clear it." Myst was actually dealing with someone else at the same time who had built an entire house over a path. I hadn't ever blocked a path or done anything more than a brick or two over it, and always as a joke aside from the bot, the transport bricks (trying to help), and the UFO, which was far above the path (though its zone affects the path. Again, you basically had to be trying to get sucked up).
Yes, I was being annoying. I was never asked to stop aside from being shot (at which point I went and cleaned up what I could), my bricks were never cleared by anyone but me, I was never kicked. I was really unhappy since this seemed unfair. I had tried to remove what I could since Myst obviously didn't like it, even.
So I logged in with my alt. This is probably the point where I lose most of the people on my side.
I had named my alt to, and it still is named to, "oopssorrymyst."
I tried to apologize, but before I could even send one message I was kicked. That's kind of acceptable. I log back in and say "Can I talk?" Between that and Myst's response, I said "I thought I had cleaned it all up" or something to that affect. Myst said "No, you can't," so I left. Perfectly understandable, I'm perfectly willing to comply. If you don't want to allow me to even talk during the 30 minutes, which is unrelated, fine. Be that way.

And that's the story.

Am I being stupid and whining about a fair punishment, or is myst being unecessarily harsh? I would expect a five-minute ban, a kick, a jail, etc., but 30 minutes with no warning other than being shot in the face outside of a minigame? Really? It's not like there's a penalty for death.

Key words here: "Right now." I don't think a single server has double digits at the moment and the top server (last I checked) was cohortteam, which is just a building server. Usually there's a minigame of some sort at the top.

I'm not saying "R. I. P. Blockland nobody plays any more" I'm just saying "Huh, not many people around at this moment in time."
Hopefully this isn't bannable to note that not many people are playing at the moment.

I'm going to animate the pringles can
some day
probably a day when I haven't had insufficient caffeine

who wants a brick to be made, and whaddayawahnt? Please make it relatively simple. I also am not 100% clear on how textures work, I think I'll be able to figure it out though. I'd prefer modelling actual legos to something people make up.
As with last time, no guarantees whatsoever.

Forum Games / Forum Self Delete
« on: July 25, 2016, 09:44:54 AM »
No, I'm not committing forum Self Delete. You don't have to live without my wonderful, amazing presence on these forums. Post how you would commit forum Self Delete. (Don't actually post a forum Self Delete though.)

Act as if you're getting banned soon no matter what you do.

I'd probably post something I made in every thread I could until I got banned. PRINGLES CANS FOR EVERYONE

General Discussion / Steam Issues.
« on: July 16, 2016, 04:16:10 PM »
One Steam feature isn't supported by Blockland and the other Blockland feature isn't set up properly with Steam.
 -Family Sharing is entirely nonfunctional. It goes into demo mode. Not sure how this'd be fixed.
 -Dedicated servers can only be hosted on the same machine as the client so you can't dedicate a machine to the server. A separate process marked as a server would fix this I think? Not sure.

There's not really a workaround for either of these as far as I know.

Off Topic / I have rubber bands in my teeth
« on: July 16, 2016, 10:38:42 AM »

So basically my teeth are too close together for the thing that I have to have before I get braces so the orthodontist or however that's spelled stuck tiny rubber bands between my teeth. I can no longer eat and it hurts to swallow, I'm drinking those weird nutrition shake things and I hate them. It feels like the rubber bands are trying to pull my teeth out. And this is just the first of three things that has to happen. There's this, then an expander thingy, THEN braces. So I have to give up soda soon, but not immediately, because braces. It hurts.

giv simpathi plz

seriously I'm taking a generic-tylenol-thingy because it hurts so much without it, hopefully it stops hurting so much, the orthodontist says it's supposed to be annoying for a day or so and then not noticable, said nothing about "so painful when anything touches the teeth that have the rubber bands around them that you can't even eat solid food"

Off Topic / Can we just get a News subforum already?
« on: July 15, 2016, 09:50:15 PM »
so much news
(some of it bait, some serious)

Modification Help / Animating a sword-like weapon
« on: July 06, 2016, 05:02:07 PM »
How do I animate anything at all, even? I don't know how any of the animation stuff works and the relevant tutorials seem to be unusable (missing permissions, no images, etc) or just don't work.
(I'm using Port's .dts exporter and Blender.)

There are absolutely no promises here. I'm trying to get into modelling.
I'm taking simple requests, one at a time. I'm still learning to model, so if it's too complicated, I'm not doing it. I don't know how to animate stuff... yet.
Current project is in the title.
OBJ and MTL files of finished products:
Pringles - OBJ - MTL

Off Topic / BUGS
« on: July 05, 2016, 11:05:53 PM »

tl;dr bugs in my room, what do (ants are dead because winged ant = ant colony, silverfish A moved downstairs and lost because they're friggin' escape artists silverfish B was a itty bitty baby one I'm not messing with it)

General Discussion / [Server] Loot Dungeon, Build House (Down.)
« on: July 05, 2016, 03:05:46 PM »
I'm hosting a server.
Basically, you loot a dungeon (kill bots for $$$) and use that to unlock weapons and place bricks. It uses a modified version of System_WeaponShopSystem and Script_BrickPlantCost that uses Item_BLCurrency/Coinage instead of points. Simple enough to replace variables for score with variables for cash.
The dungeon is very much not finished, sadly. You can still beat stuff up and build, though.
I need suggestions and also to figure out how expensive to make everything.
I've got Gravity Cat's Raycast and Flintlock weapons, as well as Pixel Spells and the 20 gun edits. (found under 10 gun edits and 10 more gun edits.) If someone could get me a list of them by power, I would be really grateful.

this list may be behind and is currently kind of sad.
No. of rooms: 1
No. of bosses: 0
No. of weapons in dungeon: 2 (Cutlass, Flintlock Pistol (Single wield).)

I need ideas for dungeon sections. Give me written words, give me drawings, give me scale models on the server, I don't care, I need ideas.

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