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Messages - communistsquared

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3x as powerful than the 980 in VR

you're literally showing me about x1.8, which is exactly what I said it is. i didn't doubt you there. i'm asking where you got the x3 from. you responded with something completely different so yeah it's kind of annoying

i don't know if you even took basic algebra but a "relative gaming performance" (whatever the hell that means) of 4.5 is not 3 times larger than 2.5. that's x1.8, which is just in line with the previous graph i posted. i don't know where you're pulling the x3 from

And also, will a free-sync monitor with a Nvidia card cause screen tearing?

well it'll be just like a regular 144hz monitor. so yes it'll tear if you aren't vsynced or have low frames

It is according to their chart, and 3x as powerful than the 980 in VR

~x2.6 in some VR demo, ~1.6-1.8 in normal games.

i don't know where you got x3 from.

it's not x2 as powerful as a GTX 980. that's only in their newly-implemented multi-projection function that's specifically for VR... it's significantly less powerful in a normal gaming environment.

The extra cost of gsync is a fair tradeoff, considering amd dosnt even loving make video cards...
uhh what

tbh what is the difference between G-Sync and Free-sync? Like, would a Free-sync monitor work just as well as a G-Sync one? Because I was going to get a BenQ XL2730Z for my 1070 build.

freesync works only with AMD GPUs and future Intel GPUs

g-sync works only with Nvidia GPUs

  • free to implement, most future monitors are going to have it since it is a part of the VESA DP 1.2a standard
  • more monitors currently have it
  • allows for more ports on monitors

  • proprietary and expensive hardware, so monitors are significantly more expensive with g-sync
  • gsync's frame repeating function (doubling refresh rate if framerate falls below lower bound of gsync range) works better than freesync's LFC
  • variable overdrive, guaranteed low ghosting due to the standardized hardware (while freesync can be hit or miss, depending on the panel)

honestly though, for the price increase, gsync's advantages are kinda moot. the second point only matters if you have a lower-end PC and the third point really isn't a problem on most higher-end monitors. so generally, the difference is close to zero. besides the fact that AMD cards work with freesync and nvidia cards work with gsync

really sucks that nvidia doesn't support freesync. it's a free standard but they're really interested in making money off of Gsync

also, i just got that same monitor. it's pretty damn nice. quality is amazing. colors are meh, but 144hz is simply stunning.

but you should get a g-sync monitor to compliment your GTX 1070. i'm going to wait until the GTX 1080 releases to look at performance numbers and if they're really good then I'm going to be swapping the XL2730Z for some sort of gsync panel and getting a GTX 1080.

1080 > sli 980ti and titan x

only $600 :D

(so is 1070 for $400)
only outperforms SLI GTX 980 (not Ti) in VR while running their new multi-projection feature... it's significantly less powerful in a normal environment

lol what the forget i just bought a freesync monitor for my R9 390X

I have an EVGA GTX 970 in a different computer that I'll probably use to step up to the GTX 1080... but now I'm gonna have to return the freesync monitor and get a gsync model

that's all assuming that the claims are true and the GTX 1080 doesn't perform just slightly above a GTX 980 Ti in practice (just like with the GTX 980 and GTX 780 Ti)

Off Topic / Re: Ted Cruz drops out of the presidential race
« on: May 04, 2016, 02:45:45 AM »
all the candidates suck ass

Off Topic / Re: people collect vintage washing machines
« on: May 02, 2016, 11:26:20 PM »
wow it's almost as if people have different hobbies

Off Topic / Re: French teacher gave us a handicapped project
« on: May 02, 2016, 10:34:33 PM »
Im not complaining that its easy. Its what we have to do is handicapped.
i'm le born in le wrong generation xD hashtags r dumb

Off Topic / Re: Naruto makes no sense.
« on: May 01, 2016, 12:04:22 PM »
narooty is a chinese cartoon
itts actually korean....

Add-Ons / Re: Theme - Mild
« on: April 29, 2016, 12:29:04 AM »
idk where else to put this but client_themes causes my game to lag like crazy every time it sees a new image/texture and its extremely annoying.

yes I have the same exact problem

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