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Messages - BobSevenSevens

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 5 6 7 ... 382

i think i play this game too much


after 1 round in badwater on a valve server, i was up to 8 doms at one point (according to one of my friends, i only noticed 7)

also my sf sniper hit legendary yay

rate the most disorganized backpack ever pls (except for the 10th page, thats actually organized)

Any tips on charge-kills?
Get them weak first before charging

This, you also have to get a feel of the range to charge them at, since the targe only does damage near the end of the charge.


The quest to 100 continues.

shotty hit australian today whoooooo


This took long enough.

Games / Re: Team Fortress 2 Megatopic + Trade: SUMMER SALE!
« on: July 12, 2013, 10:57:01 PM »
what do you guys think of my heavy


i hope

Why is this worth bragging about? What a cool net profit of 1 reclaimed

Any profit is still something to be happy about.

just so everyone's clear, you can't use the summer claim check to get these new summer appetizer crates

ran into jairo on a pub earlier

was fun

9/10 would tf2 with again

-1 for not accepting my high-fives and making me high-five him :c

new spy loadout

the chapeau is crafted by HelenAngel, the SR admin and Mattie's wife

Sellin' some stuff:
dashin hashashahdbwhafdin for a key and 4 ref (who can spell this thing seriously)
Tuxxy for a key
Tough Stuff Muffs for 1.66
v. stockbroker's scarf for a ref sold to grassy

Also, I'm looking for a Critical Kills strange part, I'll pay a key and 3 ref or my dashin hashsagfsfhdvghsin.

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