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Topics - Ninja guy

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Games / I review: WWE 12
« on: March 29, 2012, 07:30:27 PM »
Before I start, let me explain to you what WWE 12 is.
WWE 12 is a console-only wrestling game that is loved because of its huge creation system, and its "fun" while playing.
About a year ago, when Smackdown VS. Raw 2011 came out, I got it because I expected that I would create a storyline and do alot of fun stuff, SVR 2011 was a good game, but I never did do what I wanted because it lacked alot of things, and the superstars in the game aren't all what I wanted, so I left the game on the shelf for awhile.

Then I figured I'de wait a year for Smackdown Vs. Raw 2012 to come out.
I did wait a year for SVR 2012, but instead we got WWE 12, the same game with a different title, why they changed it i have no clue.
So I bought the game, put it on the shelf for a week because I was busy, and then when I wasn't, I started playing.

The first thing I always do was create a fully customized character, so I figured I would do that, play a bit, then log off and play another day like I usually do with games now.
I was dissapointed as soon as I got to the customization menu. I realized that the title music wasn't random, it was a 3 minute song played over and over again, you have to atleast start a match for it to change music, but it still repeats over and over again.
Why would you not bother to fix that?
I forgot about it and started to customize my character, but was extremely sad when I saw that they only added about 6 new apperal items, and the motto was "Bigger, badder, better", so that should mean that you should add a ton more items instead of just 6 or 10.

I played my customized character in a match, I always do a match to see whats new. But there was no "starters guide", no "tutorial", so I had no idea what buttons are which, in SVR 2011 they had a tutorial at the very start of the game, but not here, so what the forget.
Something I noticed was that my reversal button wasn't working, it says in the game manual, and even on the loving screen of the game that when you are about to get hit you have to press R2 (ps3) and you can reverse it, but no. I had to push and hold the R2 button about 2 seconds before I got hit, and even then I had a milisecond oppurtunity to reverse anyway, the NPC can always reverse every attack you make, even on easy difficulty.

This NPC stuff was unplayable, you can't even win a match anymore. I thought "maybe multiplayer would be better".

Holy loving stuff.

Every game has a terrible multiplayer, and I usually refuse to play multi player games where I can't reach through my screen and slap the other player across the face, but this reached a new low.

Let me debrief you on some gamemodes.

Royal Rumble: The first 2 guys are always friends and just taunt at eachother until someone comes out, the first guy who comes out is always beaten by the 2 gang-bangers, and when you get put back in you are usually immediatly put out, and you cant do stuff about any move they throw at you because of the broken reversal system.

Tag Team: 2 vs. 2, I actually had a hard time finding a tag team, because every other tag team was a Divas tag team, a match that it wouldn't let me into, or I got kicked from the match as soon as I joined. When I did find a match, I wasn't able to play it because the game litterally glitched so no matter how many players joined, it didnt start.

TLC: I knew 1 vs 1 would suck bad so I saved a ragequit and didn't play it, so I went to a TLC fatal 4 way because I thought It would be kinda cool, but nope. When the match started I was immediatly met by a raging fist that was too fast for my slow character, luckily I had the escape from ring perk and I just watched from outside the ring, which sucked because I didnt get to play. Eventually a guy came out to beat me up, and he kept punching me faster then I could comeback, and because of the broken reversal system, I wasn't even able to defend myself and I was stuck in an endless loop of being knocked down and being draged up again. I left the match at that point.

Oh, and another thing; each loading screen takes about 20 seconds. EVERYTIME you go to a new screen you have to wait 20 seconds, and if you leave a match in the community area they take you back to the start meny, where you waste 2 minutes getting back to the community section.

So I wasted $49.99 on a COMPLETELY broken game that the creators don't even bother to fix. It's an unplayable forgetfest of broken reversals, lag, kicks, loading times, and i'm sure there are other problems I didn't get to see.

Was a big waste of my time, if I was a critic I would rate this game a 22 out of 100.

Off Topic / how do i remove: popup thingy
« on: March 20, 2012, 03:07:19 PM »
so yesterday i started getting this popup from a site called ""
whenever i click on certain links this stupid page comes up. went ahead the viewed the script for it:
Code: [Select]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<style type="text/css">body {padding:0; margin:0;}</style>
<body onload="initPage()">
<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript" SRC="${PUB_URL}"></SCRIPT>
<script TYPE="text/javascript">
function SetCookie(c,e,a,h,d,g){var b=new Date();b.setTime(b.getTime());if(a){a=a*1000*60*60*24}var f=new Date(b.getTime()+(a));document.cookie=c+"="+escape(e)+((a)?";expires="+f.toGMTString():"")+((h)?";path="+h:"")+((d)?";domain="+d:"")+((g)?";secure":"")};
function initPage() {
var d=new Date();
<script type="text/javascript">
  var _gaq = _gaq || [];
  _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-29961398-1']);
  _gaq.push(['_setDomainName', '']);
  (function() {
    var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true;
    ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '.google-brown';
    var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s);

any idea how to remove this stupid pop up?

Suggestions & Requests / Event: Player move to brick/setplayeraim
« on: March 19, 2012, 05:17:49 PM »

In bot events you have SetBotAim, and Botmovetobrick, so why not just make it for players?

Also, I would like a playertype that works with this that the player cant aim, move, jump, or anything, but the events can make him move like that.

It's annoying when someone posts useless stuff in your clan topic, and you are forced to look at it for all eternity, that annoying post that says
"lol forget". Now I for one do not wan't something saying "lol forget" in my clan topic. I think it would be a good idea for clan topic creators to be able to remove posts.

Would appreciate feedback.

General Discussion / 2 series that we need to remake in blockland
« on: March 04, 2012, 06:03:22 PM »
i remember this was one of the first things of old blockland ive seen

and who could ever forget sampapa's Things to do in blockland series.

We really need to remake these, they were both good films and had alot of views.

Off Topic / So I had this weird dream
« on: March 03, 2012, 11:48:05 AM »
I dreamed that me and some other guy put ephialtes' "EPHIALTES IS WATCHING YOU" on a huge cargo truck and drove it around the city.
We got mixed reactions and people kept on screaming and running into walls. Eventually ephialtes came out of the truck and pointed at people.

Later on the dream recurred and ephialtes drank ketchup with a spoon and we had a huge party. We got drunk.

Discuss weird dreams like these.

Off Topic / blingee
« on: February 25, 2012, 08:22:18 PM »
step 1. go here
step 2. follow directions

step 3. post here

note: very adheavy, i suggest you get an adblocker.

Clan Discussion / -Social Blockland- +BFT+
« on: February 25, 2012, 11:46:00 AM »
Thanks to Firecycle for the logo!

Blockland Social is a clan where you get to socialize with everyone else, it is a clan for discussions, building, and eventing.


Now I think you are wondering: huh? wtf is this stuff
Well, that is a really good question! So let me get into more detail.

Building and Eventing: Building is actually, the smallest part of this clan. You can show us your build you make in this topic, and show them off to your clanmates, or you can go to the main server and build one there for only server eyes to see, the choice is yours.

Socializing: Socializing is the biggest part of Blockland Social, and that's pretty obvious because of the title. We try our best to make socializing our main priority. How do we do it? Well here's how

-Debate Room-
The Debate Room is a way of letting the members talk about what they like, hate, want, you get the picture.
Debates I say, are the best part of the group, because you can talk about anything.

Topics are how we get started on our discussions, we put a topic on the chalk-board and let you talk about it all you want. You can go offtopic, as one discussion leads to another. But please do not lead the discussion off topic on purpose, don't just walk in and scream "snake" and walk out, that is frowned upon.

-Rave Room-
The Rave Room is where you can dance and have fun with other players. We have most events in the Rave Room, but the events are yours

Now I know you are probobly saying "wut? ours? wtf"
When I "yours" I mean that you can schedule events! Rave Room events are perfect for showing off your comedy sketch, stand up, lightshow, magic show, and anything else!

This is where you fly around a map and shoot other people who are also flying around a map.
This isn't a normal stupid gun deathmatch, that's handicapped. We had to add planes because planes are awesome.

How to join + Member list

Here is one thing we hate at Blockland Social:  those clans where you have to work your way to be in.
Not only is that totally not cool, but most accepters are biased, (for example: GARFELD, seriously, those guys suck)

So how do you get in? It's about as easy as your mom was last night!
You just have to join the steam group!
Yeah! That's it!

The member list is also on the steam group page, as well as scheduled events and debates.

Associate List: Firecycle


The founder of this group was not me, it was hodototman.
He has oppointed me, Jericho, to be the CEO.

If you want to schedule an event, you talk to me.
If you want to request admin, you talk to me.
If you want to ban a user, you talk to me.
If you want to unban yourself, you talk to me.
If you want to talk to me, don't talk to me, private message me.

Current Events + Projects

Debates are held each Saturday, DOGEfights are held whenever I feel like it, and rave room parties are scheduled by you.

BFT Topic located in General Discussion.

Current Rave Room schedules:
no information

General Discussion / Shadows thread = locked?
« on: February 22, 2012, 06:12:31 AM »

Suggestions & Requests / muscular/beefy player
« on: February 19, 2012, 05:09:28 PM »

Also needs: big trapezius muscles, and maybe alot of customization options. (as in you can change the color of almost every bodypart)

Suggestions & Requests / GP-5 gasmask
« on: February 18, 2012, 11:48:58 AM »
russian GP-5 gasmask i need for use in one of my servers.


i would accept it either as an equiptable addon built into rusty's hatmod or as an equiptable like aware's gasmask

Modification Help / I need help with converting a file into DTS format.
« on: February 14, 2012, 06:14:47 PM »
Alright. So, I have this model im trying to convert from OBJ to DTS.
So I downloaded a progam (found here: ) to convert them.

When I first tried to convert my OBJ to DTS, it said this:

Code: [Select]
Problems with .obj file:  faces do not match vertex. texture vert, and normal data.
However I am dumb, so I thought that this ment I need to make textures.

So I plugged a PNG, MTL, and the DTS all together, and it crashed.

Please help, I am so new at this.

Drama / LolCatz Co. and Snickerz
« on: February 09, 2012, 06:12:32 PM »
Here's just a quickie.

So I join a Military RP called "Military RPG V2 0.1". It sounded like it had alot of potential because it had the version name in it, which means that usually it has nice admins and work put into it.

But alas, I was wrong as soon as I joined the server.

In this picture, he talks about swag. I wasn't angered by this, but I felt the need to make a reference to "swog". (Swog means that you are trying to have swag, but you cant)

So i tell him straight up, trying to be funny

I told him that when you're 16 and white, you don't have swag, you have swog.

He tells me his age. Then things get even worse.

In this picture,  he tells me he slapped me, then tells me I am a stupid five year old.
So I return the mutual feeling, and make fun of the host.
I say "you just added the version name to it"
and "this isnt an RPG, it is an RP"

This is the last image before I got banned. The last text came from Snickers, the rest of the text is from when i joined another server to take screenshots.

So, basicly it's a low-end server with terrible admins. I noticed LolCatz had RTB, so I looked both of them up.

Snickerz' ID and previous names:
LolCatz' ID and previous names:

Now, look at the huge amount of names LolCatz has.
He appearently tried to impersonate Badspot at one time, and Telemon from Roblox.

Wow. I am truly shocked by the idioticy in this server.

Off Topic / Where is this sound from?
« on: January 26, 2012, 06:42:35 PM »
What is the name of the sound at 0:24 on this video?

Why i'm wondering is i've heard it before and I was going to use it to micspam.

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