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Messages - carolcat

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General Discussion / Re: Saved!: Best rescues you made or had on BL!
« on: September 17, 2010, 05:53:51 PM »
Make him.
Errrrrr.... "her".

 But please... Don't argue. And Twente, you can't force me to do anything. Even though you might possibly be older than me, you don't control me. But perhaps if you asked nicely, people would listen more and you'd get better results. Just a suggestion. And I'm fully aware of what Badspot or Ephi or whoever the admins are can do, so please don't start.
But Carolcat isn't breaking any rules, now is he?
She, please. But besides that, agreed. Not surprisingly.

General Discussion / Saved!: Best rescues you made or had on BL!
« on: September 17, 2010, 05:25:26 PM »
 Whether you've seen them, did them, or expirienced them, post them here! It doesn't matter if they were accidental, by the way.

  For me, it was on Clone Trooper's Duck Hunt server. I was playing as a duck and was at 1-hit-KO health. I was on the run from a hunter when another player, I don't know who, slammed into me and took the hit. The slam managed to knock me out of the way, by the way(lol rhyme)

  Another one was on Jaeden 7060's zombie server when I was on the run from a Tank. Another player, I don't remember who, stepped in the way of the Tank right as it was about to attack me. He took the hit, and right as he landed, another person was about to use a medkit and healed him. Someone else distracted the tank while Jae and I killed it.
  Epic teamwork and save ;)

Forum Games / Re: Describe the above avatar in 3 words
« on: September 17, 2010, 12:37:14 PM »

Four letter word


Forum Games / Re: The Name Game
« on: September 17, 2010, 11:17:44 AM »
As far as I know, my name does not contain three Es.
I was merging multiple names, not just two.


Forum Games / Re: Pick up the nearest object.
« on: September 17, 2010, 11:14:11 AM »
My handgun icecube mold...
  1. Nope.
   2. Freeze him? Nope. (Well, I could smack him...)
    3. Nope.
 If only it was a real gun...

General Discussion / Re: Funniest sayings you've heard on Blockland!
« on: September 06, 2010, 09:05:49 PM »
Here's one by Marioguy0:
"My imagination broke. And they're out of replacements at Wal-Mart."

Help / Re: Glitch: Server control, then server options.
« on: September 06, 2010, 04:49:12 PM »

General Discussion / Re: HEADSHOOOT: The craziest kills you've made on BL!
« on: September 06, 2010, 04:35:34 PM »
SS Dogfight, flying a plane over enemy carrier.  I leapt out of the plane when it was about 20 feet above the carrier.  My plane dropped out from below me, truck'd someone on the deck, and bounced back up where I re-mounted it in mid-air.

I boasted for quite a while on that one.
Reminds me of something I did once... Long story short, I was on a dogfight server. I was teamed up with someone, the last person on my team(excluding me), compared to at least 5 on the other team. I loaded up an HE grenade and was flying past the enemy's carrier. I jumped off he plane to get a better shot and launched the grenade. My teammate circled back around and I barely managed to get back on before the grenade blew up.
Won the game :D
 Then there was the time when I killed 2 ppl and headshot'd one while under the effects of a flash grenade.

General Discussion / Re: Funniest sayings you've heard on Blockland!
« on: September 06, 2010, 04:13:40 PM »
Don't have a screenshot, but here's what it was anyways:
"Union of Sarcasm: Like we need your help."
"Don't you feel the power? Soon the whole universe will play Blockland. Including you."

Both quotes from me :3

 I'd like to help out with the acting part, since I don't really have any impressive builds or go through the trouble of posting them.
 Just send me a PM if you'll let me help, and my BL name is Circuit Breaker, except with some alt codes, but you get the point.

Forum Games / Re: Do you think the above person should change his avatar?
« on: September 06, 2010, 11:21:56 AM »


Forum Games / Re: Derail This Topic
« on: September 06, 2010, 11:01:24 AM »
What a cool thread, I am not going to contribute it it by contributing to it, by which I mean by contributing to it, you're not, but you still are. But then you're still not contributing. So this is actually an endless loop.

But to brake the loop, somebody has to NOT derail this thread by talking about this game, to spare our sanity.

So this game is cool.
Been there, done that.
On-topic which is really off topic because I'm not doing what the topic tells me to do yet still talking about it...(that will turn into a run-on sentence so I'd better stop it before it does)
 To actually de-rail this topic, you have to go AGAINST the topic which is to derail it. Therefore, since I am not attempting to de-rail it, I win.

Forum Games / Re: Describe the above person's personality
« on: September 06, 2010, 10:58:22 AM »
Nice person

Forum Games / Re: The Name Game
« on: September 05, 2010, 09:05:00 PM »

Massive merge time (again)


Forum Games / Re: Do you think the above person should change his avatar?
« on: September 05, 2010, 09:03:15 PM »

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