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Messages - gizmo

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Forum Games / Re: What is the person above you avatar saying?
« on: May 27, 2006, 06:54:36 PM »
I'm what my mom plays with in bed to emulate the seamen she can't get.

Forum Games / Re: What is the person above you avatar saying?
« on: May 27, 2006, 06:42:20 PM »
fuck butter

*Gizmo is Italian and sends his buddy Vino to interracially bitchslap people* *hums Godfather theme...*

Clan Discussion / Re: clan shirts
« on: May 23, 2006, 05:57:05 PM »
I was pm'ed to make a Special Forces Decal, so here it is:

I'm sorry for acting like a jerk. I was just a little too defensive. BJWay's site looks awesome, and hopefully it won't crash a fith time. As for being associated with the tbm crew (which is irrealevant as far as affecting my judgement of his site) BJWay's relationship with them is indirect and purely professional. His connection to TBM is Mix, who runs the tbm forums and is in the credits page of BJWay's site for helping him. (Not that it was wrong for BJWay to seek help from mix, nor do i judge him for doing so.) As long as I don't get the following measage within the next year or two  I won't comment any further on BJWay Upload service.

Look i'm not trying to harm you in any way shape or form bjway, i'm just trying to find the community a place to upload files that won't crash once a month. bjway is cool, but you do not have the resourses (e.g. a server that works) to pull it off. Really the only reason i go to the measures i go to is because you're always advertising an unreliable service. It also doesn't help that you're assosiated with members of the tbm crew, allthough i'd be happy to overlook that if your service worked. Plz don't overreact, i don't mean to flame, but you should create a working upload service BEFORE advertising for it. You should have learned from Advent Rising's mistake.

O, and only someone with no life and too much time on their hands would go to the trouble of reading/translating/abiding by a license agreement of a FREE service (no offense).

no really, type "failure" into google.
btw- heres another pic of our intelligent and respectable president:

go to google and type: failure

I'm not done yet:
an interactive 3d Back to the Future screensaver.

i don't think there is. I'll find out though. eventually.

To put it in comparison, you could upload rtb, tbm, and the original blockland all at once and only use half the max. space. It's a professional site, and you can sign up for gold membership allowing you to password files, and a few other features. regular uploaders are able to add a description to the file AND send it to up to five people via email. AND IT'S ABSO!@#$INGLUTELY FREE!!

I found a new upload site with a 700 mb limit! that's right, you can upload the contents of a CD-ROM! It accepts any file type and provides a link for deleting files you've uploaded. Post here if you find any problems with this site so people know. Sorry BJBandit, but your once awsome site has been beaten.

How is that possible? Something cant be retail if it isn't retail! Unless retail is unretail but that wouldn't make it retial wich would have to be retail but wich is making it unretail but that wouldn't make it retial wich would have to be retail but wich is making it unretail but that wouldn't make it retial wich would have to be retail but wich is making it unretail but that wouldn't make it retial wich would have to be retail but wich is making it unretail but that wouldn't make it retial wich would have to be retail but wich is making it unretail but that wouldn't make it retial wich would have to be retail but wich is making it unretail but that wouldn't make it retial wich would have to be retail but wich is making it unretail but that wouldn't make it retial wich would have to be retail but wich is making it unretail but that wouldn't make it retial wich would have to be retail but wich is making it unretail. that's confusing.

If you have a problem with this concept, then I'd have to say that you should avoid time travel at all costs. Now THAT can get confusing. If you couldn't guess, some of my favorite movies are the Back to the Future trilogy. I'll give you 3 guesses what my dream car would be... Here's a hint. It's the same vehicle that I took about 100+mb of JPG pictures of. They have one on display at Universal Studios in Florida. I spent about $100 in merchandise on that car alone. And, in case it was confusing, it's NOT the train that they also have at Universal Studios (though, I wouldn't mind having one of those either). Which reminds me. Anyone here happen to know where I could find a buyable version (like as in, model) of that train? They didn't have one at Universal Studios, and I couldn't find it on eBay.

All in all, I'd say it's safe to say that I'm a time travel freak. That stage of my life has passed, for the most part, but I sure would like to have it back... :P Mouser X out.
A bunch of Star Trek episodes revolving around time travel.
Edit-heres another 2:
search for these on limewire if you want to see them.

Clan Discussion / Re: clan shirts
« on: May 06, 2006, 12:50:11 PM »

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