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Topics - Red Penguin

Pages: [1]
Clan Discussion / [PT]Penguin Toy
« on: February 11, 2006, 08:21:18 PM »
K I made a clan named Penguin Team though that was a weird name didn't really exist. Anyways! Again I can't make servers so a member can make a server for us. We are going to build..... well......... stuff and we might make a small RPG Game just for fun. Sometimes we will play deathmatches and we also discuss stuff. Soooooo ya. If anyone wants to join then......... join ^_^ This is a fun clan so don't be afraid MUAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA.... erm.... ahem... *cough* *cough* Uhh ya.

Clan Discussion / [PT]Penguin Team =D
« on: January 22, 2006, 12:06:01 PM »
Ok I made a new clan and it's just a clan where we hang out, build for fun, make ramps and use atvs to try them out. We don't really have much battles but if people really want to they can turn on DeathMatch. Or, we just make it that weapons are on but you still can't get hurt. (for the fun of it) Anyways some stuff you should know about me.
  • I can't host servers =(
  • etc. lol

Please don't hate me =\

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