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Messages - dom0

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Drama / Re: GreenBH - Total idiot, big ego cunt
« on: August 01, 2018, 11:17:20 PM »
wait so you're trolling, you aren't actually that handicapped

ok that really clarifies things

yeah i see this stuff write a big splurge with high caliber of vocabulary and the fireplace turns into a bonfire in seconds. i dont know why this was started and i don't intend to finish it. i just like spicing it up. oh and btw yes all that text i wrote i just so happen to get a copy pasta claim every now and forever. so basically yes im trolling the forums because i happened to look for this stuff.

Drama / Re: GreenBH - Total idiot, big ego cunt
« on: August 01, 2018, 11:11:43 PM »
Im kindling the fire for fun :3

Drama / Re: GreenBH - Total idiot, big ego cunt
« on: August 01, 2018, 11:09:39 PM »
Copy pasta my ass. I. Sorry you dont know bigger words and your vocabulary is lacking a bit. Im stating that this is the most redundent stretches of stuff on the web. Oh and please if you want to keep calling me autistic (which i am) then you need to rethink some choices you make for wording. Thank you for being my daily amusement. ;-)

Drama / Re: GreenBH - Total idiot, big ego cunt
« on: August 01, 2018, 09:22:13 PM »
Here's the big picture you insignificant, absent minded, weak excuses for argument starters. why are you still posting millennial age wordplay to this godforsaken forum? In which coincides with a game that's 11 years old. So please if you'd like to continue your toxic rambling i suggest going to a more firm standing ground, lest you like getting shot to the dirt for being here complaining like a bachelor's many interlopes collapsing on him while he spits in all of their drinks. Might i suggest Reddit, steam group or chat, or make your own website full of neat nit picks from website formulas. It's easy just say blockland is garbage and let the hate spark for 3 years. Or bash some actually popular game. I think iv'e been polite enough to say that i don't want this as the top result when i look for fun modifications for my gameplay. If you think your so high and mighty complaining about someone's hissy fit on a server and banned you you haven't played video games long enough to see the big picture. Oh by the way i wont be responding to what you reply with unless its more creative than your mental capacities form of a "comeback". See you never!

Game Modes / endless zombies issue. always find player not working
« on: July 19, 2018, 03:11:00 PM »
i have slayer v4 but i know the update came out. is there any mod im missing because i had to download something to fic the score but what about always find player setting. pls help.

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