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Messages - Crook

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Yeah I stood out without private investigating, stalking + anything loving illegal.
They aren't pretending they didn't play a hand in making the community into the stuffhole it is today though. You can't go around claiming to be the king of stuff mountain and then act like you had nothing to do with it's current state.


Bro will say everything except the word sorry. It's really not that hard

I was just the one who went above and beyond the other trolls and stood out.

To be fair that could be the entire DBD audience

There it is. As always, I'm the guy you begged for addons.

For those curious

Welcome back bro

In 10 years time when I'm in my mid thirties and I have to crawl back to this place to apologize for being a handicap please remind me not to say "At-least I never got someone fired from adult swim!"

This is what I mean, you can't actually have these kind of conversations because you're intellectually inadequate, so you just default back to this insincere dumb-playing troll "character" you've supposedly been cultivating for teh lulz. Grave robbing already?

Obviously the guy who exposed you doesn't give a forget about your snake apology. He just wants $50. You owe the apology to the communities you trolled.

The more I read... whatever your post is supposed to be, the more I realize how much of a egotistical maniac you are. "Above in beyond" in trolling? Half of this post is just you stroking yourself off. You can't even call it an apology or even remorseful. Instead of "explaining the situation" about how "jealous fake fans" subverted you by telling people the truth about how you used to torture autistic children on the internet for fun, you should explain what's wrong with your brain that caused you to act this way for 15 years an adult. That's the true tragedy of your admission to trolling, your troll "character" was the perfect cover for how stupid you are. Now you don't have that anymore.

No stuff right? Wouldn’t life be so much easier if everyone you ever made into an enemy took the high road for you? The “punished lord tony was never a saint…” gag is super uncompelling when you immediately subvert it with “…but I never really did anything THAT bad and my detractors are just jealous of my bandz”

Would you like a cookie? If the goal here is to act like you’ve grown and moved on you probably shouldn’t be trivializing your behavior, planting a flag on bare minimum moral accolades, and then stuff talking the people that forced you to apologize in the first place.

But I know you’re not actually apologetic, you’re too prideful to even switch up your alias when you transitioned from life long career troll to social media streamer. Imagine flipping 10 years of character play on its belly in an attempt to damage control a DBD channel.

I’m not doing a PM slapfight with you to prevent drawing attention to your expose thread. I don’t care if someone asked for $50, he could’ve been trying to scam you for all I care. It’s not like you’re going to go around and “make it right” with everyone you forgeted with as atonement, so if the guy can stick you for $50 I’m sure he’d take it.

Does that matter? You made it your business to be an awful and offensive person, the smartest thing that person could’ve done was not interact with you and give you the attention you craved. You stuff all over communities that people value for your own entertainment. You don’t have to go to the guys house and assault him to make him a victim.

I don’t doubt they’re psychotic. I just find it super undignified for a grown man to try and punch down at the autists he tormented for a decade because they are seeking retribution. It makes me think you’re not actually sorry at all.

Imagine cornerstoning your entire personality for over a decade on making enemies with everyone around you for a morsel of autistic self satisfaction and then trying to make them out to be “jealous pocket watchers” lol

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