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Topics - Cucumber!

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Off Topic / Honest Trailers
« on: September 29, 2012, 01:51:28 PM »
Oh boy I'm loving these! And that voice is just too damn awesome.

The Avengers

The Hunger Games





Creativity / Cave Story - My Alternate Ending [About 1/2 Done]
« on: September 15, 2012, 08:30:50 PM »
      It had happened. Everything changed in that split moment where two figures of untold power had clashed together. The good versus the evil. The oppressed battling the oppressors. The angels battling the demons. It had happened. The vital line of the cruel and evil island was cut. The life signs that caused hundreds to die was at the presence of death itself. The Undead Core was finally put to rest. Quote stood there, breathing heavily, scars torn across his body. With his machine gun in hand, he gazed at the spectacle. The core was limp and lifeless. He had defeated the demon; the oppressor; the evil.
      The ground beneath Quote began to shake. Trickles of dust fell on his cap, sifting through the edges. Trickles became bulbous rocks. Bulbous rocks became stones. As stones became boulders, Quote leaped down into the Migma holding cells. The innocent, bunny-like creatures that were once held there to be experimented upon were free. The cell bars seemed, in a way, to vanish as if some evil force finally lifted the restraints. The stone table was ostracized from ever being experimented on again. Quote could only imagine the horrors that took place on that slab of malice and wrong. He dropped down another level, gazing at the throne that once held the evil tyrant; The Doctor. Though nobody was there, the imprint of pure evil was still upon that throne..that seat of unjust power. The boulders began to crush it, piece by piece. The imprint seemed to fade as every stone cracked architecture a little bit more. It gave Quote a sense of gratitude; it gave the entire island a sense of freedom.
      Quote exited the palace. The winds thrashed at him harshly, as the clouds traversed the skies left and right. Yet, blue hope in the sky remained visual. It created an environment of calm, as if the courtyard was in it's own suspended tranquility among the chaos. Quote walked down the path, looking at the horizon in the skies. Where will I go after this? he wondered. His steps tread slower and slower as he pondered what would happen next. He felt empty, as if his obligation was not met to the full extent. He became bothered by this. Am I forgetting somethi- a rupture of voices broke the tranquility. In the distance, a sleek, grey helicopter shone in the distance. The blades whirled rapidly, breaking the rusty stillness. As the blades whirled more rapidly, the voice of Ioth's loud muttering was overpowered. Sue came running up behind Quote as they deflected the boulders in perfect unison. "Quote! We have to hurry!" screamed Sue. Something kept bothering Quote, though. The feeling of emptyness overcame him as they ran. He remembered. He took out the Iron Bond from his inventory. He remembered. Curly was still out there. She had saved his life, and now it was time to return the favor once and for all. A nearby hut had its door open, in an almost welcoming way. Quote rushed inside and slammed the door behind him, while Sue screamed in agony for him to come back. "Quote, no! What are you doing?!" cried Sue. She banged upon the iron door, attempting to force it open, tears welling down her face. Quote turned around, seeing Sue's desperate pleas through the iron grating in the door. He gave her a nod, and a grin. "Quote! You have to get out of there! What on earth are you doing? We're so close to ending this!" Sue exclaimed. Quote dropped down, out of Sue's sight. Back into the system of caves that held him for so long. Sue could merely watch, griefing.
     A black aurora surrounded Quote as he fell into the abyss. He felt feelings of despair, and loss of hope. Of anger, and fury. Quote fought the feelings though, as he dropped farther and farther. It seemed neverending. Every direction he looked there was only black. He checked his booster, and his machine gun. Everything seemed in order; a calm stature filled him. Suddenly, light. For a brief second, it was a small peephole of hope. Then, the peephole opened onto a brightly lit cliff.

     He landed with a thud, dust covering his body momentarily. The cliff was eerie. Quote looked around the brightly lit area; nobody or any form of life was in sight. He could hear screams. Screams of horrific magnitude. He heard malignant laughter from every corner, and yet, there was an eerie quiet covering the canvas of his hearing. He couldn't locate the screams; the audible delerium. At the edge of the cliff, Quote noticed a small sign barely grasping the ground it used to be so securely pummeled to. In large, crooked letters, the sign read "Welcome to Hell!". Quote understood. Be it metaphorical or not, he knew getting out of the literal hellhole was imperative to his survival. What was more imperative than his own life, however, was the life that he was saved by; Curly. Through his expedition in the caves, Quote saw her as a beacon of hope. A sign that there was going to be a happy ending. Quote gripped the Iron Bond tightly, took a deep breath, and plunged off the cliff into Hell itself.
     Quote darted downwards, dodging the viscious spikes surrounding the ground. He remembered those spikes. He remembered how sharp they were, how body-piercing they were. He wondered how many lives those spikes claimed as he glided through them. Spike after spike, the booster carried him; its green coating contrasting the menacing red interior around him. But Quote pushed onwards, remaining the calm self was in the black aurora. Suddenly, there was a large drop in the pattern of spikes. Quote fell, helpless. Bright clumps of stone surpassed him, blurring his vision a state of vibrant awe. He noticed something. A dark blob in the ground below him. As Quote fell, he veered to the right of the figure as he imprinted the ground with a loud thud. The dark blob was no longer a dark blob, it was a figure. A person; it was Curly.
      Curly's body was mangled in with the vibrant stone. He saw no signs of life in her. Quote was practically crushing the Iron Bond as he saw the horrific sight. All of a sudden, he heard it. A soft grunt, barely audible. It was coming from Curly. Immediately, he pulled the towrope he had used to carry Curly with. The memories flooded back to him, momentarily; the depressing look of dormant steel in her eyes when he first carried her out of the murky waters looked just as they were now. "...Quote? Is" Curly barely voiced. Curly barely voiced. Quote opened his hand, revealing the Iron Bond which he had held so closely to him in his time of desperation. Curly smiled weakly, and clutched the Iron Bond. A moment of silent tranquility pierced the malicous and cruel cave. The two simply held the Bond, looking into each other's eyes. Quote wished the moment to never end. He smiled. She smiled. Bits of cracking stone fell upon Quote's cap. The cave system started shaking more violently. Quote broke his gaze from Curly, willing her to get up. She tried. Curly forced her mettalic arms to push her half-buried body out of the ground. But she was weak. Only a few attempts were made until she was winded out. Curly gave a worried look; this was not the first time she was maimed out of working condition. She gave the same look of shame and sadness when she was in the Labyrinth..lying on the rusting hospital bed, helpless to continue her quest. There was no Cure-All this time. There were no doctors. " have to go...I can't move, and if I could, I'd only be a burden to you..." she whimpered. Quote stood in denial, he refused to let her to die. He pulled out his machine gun, his finger quivering on the trigger. He aimed towards the surrounding ground in which curly was implanted. He fired. A brilliant flash of light blinded the two as the gun produced gigantic, powerful blasts, angrily smothering the bright stone. The flash dimmed, smoke sputtering from the muzzle of the gun. As the smoke began to clear, Quote pleaded silently that she would be free. That the two would make it to the helicopter in time to escape safely. That Professor Booster, Sue, and Ioth would be there, overjoyous to see them climbing into the copter. That he would be there, embracing Curly with all his might and never wanting to let go. All he could do now was hope.
     The smoke finally cleared, particles of dust trickling to the ground. Quote's pleading and hoping...his crying of desperation for Curly to be free had gone unanswered. There was no effect upon the bright, unforgiving stone. Quote felt something. It felt terrible, as if something inside of him had died. A single metallic and rusted tear peaked out out of the corner of his eye. He let go of the Iron Bond. Curly lay limp, with barely any vital signs. "Quote..I don't want this to happen...I don't want to leave you!" she yelled, willing it with all her might. Tears began to fill her eyes. Quote didn't want to leave either. He wanted to lie with Curly right there on that evil-reeking floor, and let the boulders crush them together, holding the Iron Bond, and never letting go. Curly's sobbing began to slow, the rusted droplets fading. She was nearing the end; it was inevitable. Not even the tow rope, the very same old rope Quote had used to save Curly before could pull her out of the stone. "Remember our bond, Quote. Remember...our..." the metal face looked cold. The signs of life had diminished. Curly's hand let go of the Iron Bond...only Quote wielded it now.

Hope you enjoy it!

Off Topic / Derp News Debate
« on: September 15, 2012, 11:36:11 AM »
Every time I turn on the news I see this:

usually the news anchors are pretty dumb though (*cough* Fox *cough)

Creativity / Let's write a story, guys!
« on: September 14, 2012, 03:04:02 PM »
So this topic will probably crash and burn with a lecherous amount of rape and all that but it's worth a go!

Before we get our story going, we need the three essentials: characters, setting, and plot. So let's get started on that.

Who will be our first character?

Character List:
- Rammerfish the Glandular, the Harkonnen knight
-Sir Crepesly Von Darken, Baron of Pencil-vain-ia
-Peter McBehr, a candy delivery man

"Under water on an alien planet where all the fish are actually aquatic aphid larva with snorkeling gear." [On the planet Planeto]

Off Topic / Just about fainted today..
« on: September 14, 2012, 09:36:11 AM »
So yeah, it was a normal Friday morning with little sleep and some cereal. First hour health class was going on and I heard we were going to watch a video. The teacher then said "in separate rooms". Well right off the bat I knew I was going to see some form of love-ed right there. Turns out it was a video on how to check yourself for testicular cancer. Usually I don't feel queasy AT ALL in these types of videos (then again I haven't seen a love-ed video since 8th grade or so). But then right after the video, it happens.

My vision started to close in as I began to perspire like I'd just run a mile. I felt the urge to just puke everywhere as my stomach twisted and turned. A high pitched ring pulsed in my ear as the effects got worse. I started to hear things as if someone put a wall between myself and the world; everything sounded so strange. The teacher saw me, told me to lie on the ground and put my feet up on my backpack. I started to feel more normal but the perspiring didn't stop for a while.

After I was lying on the ground, the class was rushed out of the room for "privacy" and soon some nurses came and took me in a wheeled chair. It was kind of funny, everyone was clapping for me as I was being wheeled away lol

So I'm at home now. Have you guys ever fainted or felt this same way..?

Off Topic / Choose your method of execution
« on: September 09, 2012, 03:43:11 PM »

I'd have to say...death by a horde of naked women chasing me off a cliff

Suggestions & Requests / Animation Add-Ons
« on: September 08, 2012, 03:59:47 PM »
Now, I'm not sure if this is possible or not so this is just a suggestion. I think it would be interesting for players to be able to download new animations for their characters. Such as a new running, or jumping animation, or...clicking. As a blockland filmer, I would certainly like this :P

But is it possible? I know there's that DSQ editor so that could possibly be used to edit the animations..?

Off Topic / Just Finished Watching God Bless America
« on: September 08, 2012, 03:08:55 AM »
Holy damn, is it late. But HOLY DAMN, was it worth it staying up to watch God Bless America. It's a I might get the description wrong, but to me it is about a man who is fed up with the world of today (in America). He is fed up at how the weak get made fun of and how cruel we really are nowadays.

In a weird, twisted and sick way, I felt like I could connect with Frank's mindset.

Discuss this movie; share your point of view. It is very controversial, it would seem. I almost felt like tearing up at the end not gonna lie :p

Off Topic / Scout Vs. Witch: A Tale of Boy meets Ghoul
« on: September 07, 2012, 05:47:01 PM »
So...I might be late on this, but what I saw here in SFM was completely epic beyond anything I have ever seen in a long while.

WARNING: It's pretty graphic n' all because it has zombies.


Games / Cave Story
« on: September 03, 2012, 03:30:14 PM »

Cave story is by far my favorite 2D platformer-type game that really clenches you with its story and gameplay.

(From the cave story tribute site): Cave Story is really one of those games that can be considered a masterpiece of game design. There are so many wonderful and classic gaming elements, that I cannot even begin to describe just one quality well enough to say "It is for this one reason alone that Cave Story is a great game." There is just so much effort, originality and ingenuity behind this game and it really shows more and more as you play through it.

It was made by one person, Daisuke "Pixel" Amaya, and he made it in his freetime over the course of 5 years.

Cave Story has many different versions now, such as Cave Story+ (on steam) and Cave Story for the wiiware

I'll add more to this post if you want me to, but please discuss this amazing game :o

(Right now I'm at Hell) Gameplay of myself in Hell (Might be spoilers)

Off Topic / Your idea of FUN
« on: August 29, 2012, 08:28:37 PM »
I'm interested to see what forumers here think as fun.

My idea of fun is basically just to either A. Hang out with friends for a good 4 hours or so in town, B. Go crazy apestuff with people during the night, or C. Playin' some good ol Battlefield 3 and screwing around in it lol


Off Topic / I love to pee
« on: August 28, 2012, 12:23:43 AM »
Especially outside. Its a wondrous feeling.

/discuss this heated controversial topic

Off Topic / I got hurt feelings
« on: August 25, 2012, 12:07:26 AM »
I can relate to the wetsuit so vividly

also flight of the conchords for the loving win

Honestly I'm just going to post this before I go to bed and never bump it again


sure rate or whatever but I promise I'll be getting a more video up soon :3

Off Topic / Khyan - Not Like The Pepper
« on: August 20, 2012, 10:03:46 PM »
Khyan is a youtuber who likes to team up with Tomska, Bing, and other famous youtube peoples. I find his stuff quite hilarious, its a sort of subtle/depressing humor and I just keep watching his videos so much. Take a look at his work:

Khyan's Channel

Ledge Man & The Assassin

These Are My Thoughts

How NOT to Write a Valentine's Message

I Am A Writer

All Cars Are Girls

Top 5 Misconceptions: Being British

Go take a looksy

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