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Topics - Jerkface

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5
Creativity / Makin' Animated Avatars
« on: March 30, 2012, 12:51:22 PM »
Just post that you want one, and it'll be drawn and animated by me, or me with some help from Mr.Nobody.

It's based off the forum username you currently have, not your current avatar.

Brian Smith:  'Cause you're just that bland.

Frontrox:  Rockin' it from the front.

Nobot:  "Noooooooooo!"  Also, I can't decide.

Otto-san:  Konnichiwa, Otto-san!

Carolcat: "Horka Horka"  I'm generic.

.:FancyPants:.:  This is what you are, so this is what you wear.

Flamecannon:  I see you like canons, but how can you enjoy them while on fire?

*FacePalm*:  I chose to lightly pet your face instead.


PowerDag:  You just seemed a bit twitchy to me.

Fracture:  More of a tear than a fracture.  Oh well, you deserve it.

Supreme Guy:  Oh baby, you get da ladies.

Mega-Bear:  You are one secretive bear!  Why you hidin' those laser beams?!

Kevin:  Dude, you like sports.

Vegetarian Zombie:  Zombie's don't eat vegetables... they wear them, silly.

John Freeman:  I wonder where I got this idea from?

Xinakam:  Xinakam, Tin Kam, same thing.

Watcher In The Myst:  Takin' a wet one.

Maze24:  Why you so lost, broseph?  Why you so lost?!

Tetris: This hard enough for ya?  Eh?!

Mr. Jelly: Ready for prime time, Mr. Slime?

comedy101experiments:  We love you thiiiis much!

Mariobro123586:  So that's how you beat my record?

FireFish: How does this work under water?  Is it flying?

Alex Man!:  Keep on tryin', pal!  You'll become a beautiful butterfly someday!

Måster Blåster:  I think cannons are meant to have wheels...

Darkness ZXW:  Dude, just buy new batteries.

Slimabob:  You got a little something on your face-  er, nevermind.

Isaac Fox:  People dress up as animals, animals dress up as people...  same thing.


Bahamut:   The 80's and 90's man.  The racism was just... there.  Bad times.

By the way guys, you can't give me a description for what I draw.  You get what I think of when I see your name.  Period.

Also, I have the original 100x100 pixel pics if y'all want a better quality version.  Yeah, I stopped saving 'em.

Also also, the drawings are originally from Mr.Nobody.  His art style fits better.

1. Kickflow
2. Isaac Fox
3. Bosie1997
4. Edman
5. Bahamut
6. blocklandiansprofile
7. King of losers
8. Anti-Block
9. Arekan
10. Orion

Off Topic / Why did you choose your username?
« on: March 30, 2012, 12:27:57 PM »
Why?  WHY?!

If you want a format, use this one:

Username:  Jerkface

Other usernames elsewhere:  -blank-

Reason:  As an excuse.

Off Topic / Extremely Cheap Steam Game
« on: March 17, 2012, 12:44:15 PM »

Pretty cheap train simulation game, eh?

It wouldn't let me purchase it, though.

Off Topic / ASUS Laptops - Spelling
« on: March 09, 2012, 12:00:52 PM »
I went to browse for a cheap but effective laptop and I found this little error.

Is it wrong that I don't want their stuff now because of that?

I even looked it up just in case.  Dictionary!


Something else I should mention is that they have no way to purchase their equipment from the website.  You have to use Amazon or some third-party means.

Off Topic / Youtube Error
« on: February 06, 2012, 06:37:24 AM »
"An error has occurred.  Please try again later."

I left it alone for about 2 days now, and every video won't load due to this.  I didn't change any settings.  I simply saw two videos, and the third gave me this.

I tried looking for help, but Google basically gave me several Youtube videos that show how to fix it.  I don't think they realize that nature of the problem.

This has been yet another random topic.

Help / Can't Validate ID - Can't Connect
« on: January 12, 2012, 01:22:52 PM »
Code: [Select]
Client checking Add-On: Client_AdvancedMusic
Loading Add-On: Client_AdvancedMusic (CRC:-943724509)
Executing Add-Ons/Client_AdvancedMusic/client.cs.
Executing Add-Ons/Client_AdvancedMusic/AdMusicGUI.gui.

Error: GetAdaptersInfo() - Unknown error
Executing config/server/ADD_ON_LIST.cs.
Error: GetAdaptersInfo() - Unknown error
Engine initialized...
Connect error: 10038
Connect error: 10038
Connect error: 10038
Error: GetAdaptersInfo() - Unknown error
Connect error: 10038
Connect error: 10038
Exporting server prefs
Exporting client prefs
Exporting client config
Exporting rtb prefs
Shutting down the OpenGL display device...
Making the GL rendering context not current...
Deleting the GL rendering context...
Releasing the device context...

Off Topic / Dark / Ballroom Music
« on: December 11, 2011, 12:11:44 AM »
Does anyone know of any good dark-type music?  Like an evil ballroom themed tune.

I don't mind if it's classical, techno, or electronic.

I'll post some that I found that are along the dark theme, but obviously don't match the ballroomy feel.

If you don't feel like listening to them, skip about 20-30 seconds.  These are from Youtube's suggestions after searching "Dark Ballroom" "Dark Techno" "Evil techno" and the like.

Off Topic / Justin Beiber is soooo popular.
« on: December 01, 2011, 12:05:04 AM »
As you all may have seen on Youtube, people went on strike against Beiber on Novemeber 28th.

While I didn't get the chance to go to this video and hit dislike... (Seriously, why the hell would I waste the mental energy to try to remember to...) Nvm.

Anyway, here is a screenie of the vid's likes.

Documented on Blockland for all to see.

God has praised me with this message!  ...I think.  I'll give anybody credit for this, actually.

Creativity / Creepy Character Design Thread
« on: November 26, 2011, 10:48:26 PM »
The Creepy Character Design Thread

~By Jerkface

Before you all ask, "Why is the background purple?", I'll tell you that it doesn't matter.

This thread was made to see all of your creepy characters that you can think of.  Follow simple rules, and I'll post 'em in the OP, and make 'em avatar sized for y'all if you guys want.

The Simple Rules:

1.)  Think of a creepy character (Human?  Monster?  Animal?  Eggplant?)
2.)  Draw the creepy character with visible markings. (Don't lightly pencil something and scan it.)
3.)  Upload your creations to an image hosting site (, etc)
4.)  Post 'em here with a name for the character, as well as why you made it.  It can be as simple as "Because I loving wanted to."


Creations: (If any)

-Superb (
-Xinakam (
-Tetris (
-Bahamut (
-Tingalz (
-Sabbin (
-Squideey (
-Captain Crazy (
-Alex Man! (
-LeetZero (
-Katamari007 (
-Eussorus (

Keep 'em coming guys.

Off Topic / Don't Hug Me, I'm Scared!
« on: November 19, 2011, 10:24:01 PM »
Let's All Be Creative!

A fun little video.  Please watch the whole thing, it gets better near the end.

Spoiler:  If you get scared, you can't sleep in my bed tonight. I'll take the couch.  No no! I insist!

Creativity / Free Verse Poetry
« on: November 15, 2011, 12:46:59 PM »
False Glory

With golden hair
   Flowing on the wind
               She rode onward
                  Down the path
                     To greatness
                  Never once stopping
               To notice the world
            Around her
      And with
   The greatest
Sorrow known to man
   She took the steed further than ever before
                 To the greatest lengths of adventure
                                Far into an alcove of danger
                                       To prove to herself that she was in fact
…Arriving on the scene she stopped…
Long darkness, darkening blackness, blackened fog, dense shadow, impaired vision.
She lost motive and will.
                           Unable to continue on.
         Wandering here and there… disturbed and confused.
She knew not how she got here.
                     Or why.
The blow came swiftly-
                           As fast as lightning-
                     She dropped to the floor.
Never finding what she sought after.
Never knowing why she existed.
Life left, and she cried not a tear.


Have any of you written/seen any other poetry like this?

Post some here.

Off Topic / Amazon - Best Deals Anywhere!
« on: November 13, 2011, 06:05:09 AM »

What the hell Amazon.  What the hell.

You guys see any other stupid "sales" anywhere else?

Games / Stronghold 3 - October 25th, 2011
« on: October 20, 2011, 10:36:48 PM »

I can't wait for this game.  I love this series (and I didn't see a topic about it) so I made one.

dgsdfgsdfgdsg Catapulting.

Gallery / Mr. Nobody's Ballroom <FINISHED>
« on: October 11, 2011, 02:22:11 PM »
We finished the Ballroom build, and we'll be hosting it now and then!  Be sure to stop by when you see it up!

 <-  Click the picture below of the update for a video of the entire Ballroom build!

(Just noticed that the fade forgets up.  I'll fix it soon, but too tired right now.)

Released a save for it here.

Hello forum people.  We have started on a new build while we finish the RPG, and this one will be finished, not only faster, but with a specific topic in mind.


Rating is fine.

Ballroom Song we're using:  HERE

Song is being edited and altered.  Horka Horka.


_____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____

One of the main sides to the Ballroom has been completed!
There are some pictues:

The Main Lobby.

Not a full shot, just of the head peice. The full room is much bigger.

The Main Lobby 2nd Floor

This shows a bit more of the Main Lobby. The Lobby is a room with a balcony 2nd floor. This is at the top of the stairs looking back at the Ballroom.

-Off the two hallways leading back into the main Ballroom are three rooms.-

The Storage room

A small but fancy storage room. It, really isn't used for storage though.
_____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ ___

The second half is still being built and probably wont be as extensive.
A video walk-through of the build is in planning.

The Kitchen

A nice and simple Kitchen. If you noticed, all the side rooms have working light switches along with an ambient light.

The Game Room

Rack 'em up man.


Update: 12/21/11

Storage Room

Room for storage.  A bunch of unused furniture items have been placed.  Maybe a few secrets are included as well.


Main Ballroom

Off Topic / Free Crunchyroll 2-Day Free Gift Pass.
« on: October 10, 2011, 09:56:46 AM »
I have a free 48-Hour pass to watch Anime on

If anyone wants it, it's first-come, first-serve.

47YK5HN57KQ - Old
8RFUB8V7H5N - Old
AO3CGO25 - Old
AE25BLWO - Old
R188OITO - Old
ZU19O9JP - Old
WLN81ZT5 - Old
F1CDB7HN - Old
GC3H0XQF - Old

If you can't figure out how to use it, please don't ask me.  I don't know either.

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