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Messages - matthewbim11

Pages: 1 ... 5 6 7 8 9 [10] 11 12 13 14 15 ... 198
Drama / Re: Ravencroft's Trench TDM: perma on entry, no warning
« on: November 04, 2014, 07:13:11 AM »
so you're like the server police...?
this drama wasn't needed, and a warning before getting banned for stupid things isn't really needed either, you'd obviously be aware of what you did.
Yeah but I didn't do anything, I joined and was permad 5 seconds afterwards. I'm not the "server police", I just don't like to be perma'd without reason on the only Trench TDM server active.

Drama / Re: Ravencroft(2229) - Abuse of admin
« on: November 04, 2014, 07:08:55 AM »
Raven perma'd me on site for "the potential to cause trouble".
I only cause trouble with badmins.
I would cause trouble in this server.

Drama / Re: Ravencroft's Trench TDM: perma on entry, no warning
« on: November 03, 2014, 08:10:54 PM »
I really dont feel like sifting through 2000+ posts, its hard even with search
What is cherrypicking

Drama / Re: Ravencroft's Trench TDM: perma on entry, no warning
« on: November 03, 2014, 06:15:41 PM »
How did you get me being an idiot out this thread? Your mind needs to be donated to science.

Drama / Re: Ravencroft's Trench TDM: perma on entry, no warning
« on: November 03, 2014, 06:13:18 PM »
Strife? He perma'd me on site without giving me a chance. The "run in's" he is talking about was me attacking badmins for badminning.

Drama / Re: Ravencroft's Trench TDM: perma on entry, no warning
« on: November 03, 2014, 04:48:57 PM »
I don't care about being banned, I just wanted to publicize this event. It is a pity though, great server.

Drama / Re: Ravencroft's Trench TDM: perma on entry, no warning
« on: November 03, 2014, 04:28:24 PM »
Glass was (is?) an egotistical cunt who didn't give a stuff about his admins or his server. Here's a link to (one of the) the glorious stuffstorm(s).

Drama / Re: Ravencroft's Trench TDM: perma on entry, no warning
« on: November 03, 2014, 04:24:47 PM »
Raven, are you referring to your SMM servers as a bad run-in? Please elaborate instead of saying "He's bad, ban".

I don't even have to explain myself about Glass, just helping bring his server down.

Drama / Re: Ravencroft's Trench TDM: perma on entry, no warning
« on: November 03, 2014, 04:22:59 PM »
Haha I bait admins? No, I witness badminning and then post to drama after it affects me. I haven't posted to SBKM in months. I trash talk in game, but that's part of the game. As for chatbot, my Orbweaver is set up to do very fast macros that I manually hit and it puts simple chat messages which are
tWhen will you learn?
tforget you

Drama / Re: Ravencroft's Trench TDM: perma on entry, no warning
« on: November 02, 2014, 11:14:43 PM »
I've made a reputation for myself? All I do is report problem admins in servers. He shouldn't have anything to worry about, his admins were fine in the time I was there.

Drama / Ravencroft's Trench TDM: perma on entry, no warning
« on: November 02, 2014, 11:03:35 PM »

So I joined Ravencroft's Trench TDM earlier today and had a fun time. After running errands, I come home and go back into the server. Within 5 seconds, I was permabanned with no reason. I asked Raven, via Sos who was in the server, why I was banned, and Raven said:

I don't troll servers I'm in, I just play and my tag's say "2pro" "4you".

Off Topic / Re: when mama isn't home
« on: October 26, 2014, 07:36:29 PM »

Games / Re: Five Nights at Freddy's
« on: October 04, 2014, 03:45:00 PM »
I got killed by Chica twice in a row. I checked the light on the left hallway and after flipping to pirate cove for half a second, and then it was there.

I don't like this game ;-;.

forget, this is laggy even at low settings.

i3 2.4 ghz dual core (quad virtual) laptop
intel hd 3k

I'm getting a gaming rig in February, so yey.

Are you happy?

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