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Topics - Alpinu

Pages: [1]
Add-Ons / SpeedKart Add-On: Death Timer Upon Leaving Vehicle
« on: August 14, 2017, 05:28:39 AM »
Hey, I've been working on making mods useful for SpeedKart, and one that I swear I have seen before but never found on the forums, is an add-on that kills players if they leave their vehicles for more than ten seconds. So, since I have been running SpeedKart lately, I decided to take the time to recreate it. Harder than expected, but all the kinks seem to be worked out, so it's good to go! Hope it's as useful to you as it is to me.

If you have any questions, or ideas for add-ons, feel free to mention it! I'm open to suggestions.  :cookieMonster:


Off Topic / It's My Birthday!
« on: July 07, 2014, 10:22:19 PM »
It's my birthday today (July 7th)! I hope everyone else is having a splendid day while I do nothing really but play videogames through the internet.

P.S. Someone buy me The Conga for TF2 thanks  :cookieMonster: :cookieMonster: :cookieMonster:

Pages: [1]