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Topics - MYST

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Help / No Port Forwarding with Modem?
« on: December 08, 2009, 04:25:24 PM »
I was on blockland and my friend was saying that my server is dead and stuff, (what a shock my server is dead).

And then we got into this discussion and they were like,

Friend: Do you have a cord coming out of your computer?

Me: Yes

Friend: Then you don't need to port forward.

And i was all confused and stuff,
And they said it was a modem and stuff and I dont need to port forward.
And that really threw me off...

Is this really true?

General Discussion / Making Songs for Blockland (.ogg)
« on: September 26, 2009, 09:14:27 PM »
What's Been driving me crazy.. is that i don't know how to make songs (.ogg) files on blockland.... I've never gotton clear answers so if someone could help me out here that would be a big help :/

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