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Topics - Bloxxed

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 6
General Discussion / I'm having problem's building, seriously.
« on: June 09, 2011, 02:26:22 PM »
This is the 3rd time I've asked the forums for help on my building idea's, back in V12-15 I was a awesome builder, I could build builds that looked the right shape, I could build really good, etc, but now, I'm really stuck, these are the problems I am having problems on:

1. The building height for a floor, how many blocks should I have it high or not?

2. How can I plan the exterior? I always build about half of the build, find it rubbish, then I dump it.

3. Should I put interior in? Whenever I do put interior in, I find it a issue to build 2x thick builds, espically with 2 layers of 1x thickness.

4. The shape, I use to be able to plan in all different shape and sizes, but now I can only build in a box, and if I try build in a different shape, it really does fail.

5. I dislike the designs I have for my walls, for example, I use to use that method where I use brick, then a 1x1x- etc, I hated that style, tried new styles and I'm failing with it

6. How can I choose different wall designs/styles? Like in number 5, I try different wall styles, and I can never seem to choose a right one then I delete it.

7. I have a look at other's builds, and I start to get inspiration, I try and replicate it, but at the end I totally copy the builds style/pattern, and then people accuse me of build stealing.

I was a awesome builder in V11-15, but where the hell has it all gone?

Off Topic / Can't stop god damn sneezing
« on: May 27, 2011, 03:15:06 PM »
Within the past 15 minutes I've been sneezing violently, I'm feeling like stuff and this has come on in the past 1 hour.


Hey, guys, even though this topic will probably be hated upon, just wondering
I'm trading a few TF2 hats for GTA 4 or IV, add me on steam if your intrested

Off Topic / Nyan Viking
« on: May 10, 2011, 12:37:20 PM »

Games / Anyone got HL2 to gift?
« on: April 20, 2011, 01:09:37 PM »
I have no money at all to get it, although I want it badly :c

Thanks if you do :c

Modification Help / Need help fixing Iban's Lockpick.
« on: April 17, 2011, 01:15:07 PM »
I need some help fixing the script, it's a edited script by JJStorm, it somewhat doesn't work, and I do not know why, it's two pieces of codes, it's the Lockpick code and the Baton code as they are both broken, I don't know what to do because I don't know about JVS's new content.

Thanks if you can help.

Code: [Select]
function CityRPGPicklockImage::onHitObject(%this, %obj, %slot, %col, %pos, %normal)
%client = %obj.client;

if(%col.getType() & $TypeMasks::FxBrickObjectType)
if($CityRPG::pref::canpicklockadmindoors != 1)
if(getrandom(0,3) == 2)

commandToClient(%client, 'centerPrint', "\c6You have commited a crime. [\c3Breaking and Entering\c6]", 3);
CityRPG_AddDemerits(%client.bl_id, $CityRPG::demerits::breakingAndEntering);
commandToclient(%client, 'centerprint', "\c6Picking Lock...", 3);
commandToclient(%client, 'centerprint', "\c6Lock Is unpickable", 3);
else if(%col.getType() & $TypeMasks::VehicleObjectType)
%col.locked = false;
CityRPG_AddDemerits(%obj.client.bl_id, $CityRPG::demerits::grandTheftAuto);
commandToClient(%client, 'centerPrint', "\c6You have committed a crime. [\c3Grand Theft Auto\c6]", 5);

parent::onHitObject(%this, %obj, %slot, %col, %pos, %normal);
This code, the door does not open for some strange reason.

Code: [Select]
function CityRPGBatonImage::onHitObject(%this, %obj, %slot, %col, %pos, %normal)
%client = %obj.client;

if(%col.getClassName() $= "fxDTSBrick")
else if(%col.getClassName() $= "Player")
if((%col.getType() & $typeMasks::playerObjectType) && isObject(%col.client))
if(%col.getDatablock().maxDamage - (%col.getDamageLevel() + 25) < %this.raycastDirectDamage)
%col.setDamageLevel(%this.raycastDirectDamage + 1);
commandToClient(%client, 'CenterPrint', "\c3" @ SPC "\c6is resisting arrest!", 3);
else if(CityRPGData.getData(%col.client.bl_id).valueBounty > 0)
commandToClient(%client, 'CenterPrint', "\c3" @ SPC "\c6is not wanted alive.", 3);
%doNoEvil = true;

if(%doNoEvil) { %this.raycastDirectDamage = 0; }
parent::onHitObject(%this, %obj, %slot, %col, %pos, %normal);
if(%doNoEvil) { %this.raycastDirectDamage = 25; }

Games / Funny TF2 Screenshots
« on: April 14, 2011, 06:37:27 PM »
Post your funny TF2 Screenshots, whatever they are.

Sorry for page strech.

And incase you didn't see, I want for(%i = 0; %i < 4; %i++) explaining.

Can someone explain to me in steps why it is used, what it is used for, and why it is so important?


General Discussion / Why cannot I simply build, what the hell.
« on: April 13, 2011, 06:28:52 AM »
Ever since I've joined I was able to build whatever and it was looking good, but now, whenever I try build something I think "Scrap it" and literally just loving chuck it away, when I try think of new idea's but I can't think of them.
Help me :c

Off Topic / How can I get alot of views on my Youtube videos?
« on: April 03, 2011, 12:22:27 PM »
My first video that I put up about Minecraft, how to find diamonds, it got around about 100 views in 1 month, obviously, I'm releasing more videos and I'm wanting to get more views, etc, any tips on how to get views/subscribers on youtube?
My youtube channel like is below if you would like to see some tutorials on Minecraft.

Off Topic / Just got a Soldering Iron Burn
« on: March 24, 2011, 06:20:23 PM »
It hurts like hell, there is a MASSIVE lump on my finger where the Soldering Iron touched my skin, wat2do?

Help / Slash Server commands don't work
« on: March 24, 2011, 12:59:26 PM »
I went into a PLAIN basic City RPG with the exploitable commands Iban put it, it appears whenever I slash then type them they do not work, but work for others, why?

Help / Changing Server Host's Name
« on: March 13, 2011, 05:31:59 PM »
I've noticed that Kalphiter hosts servers with his dedicated hosting service, but what I don't get his, how does he change the name to the player who wants Kalphiter to host the server?
E.G Gravity Cat's server is being Hosted by Kalphiter, but yet it shows on the server list "Gravity Cat's Team Death Match"

Can anyone tell me how to do this?

Drama / The Sad Short Life of Terminate
« on: February 28, 2011, 02:32:54 AM »

Modification Help / Fixing the Lockpick
« on: January 30, 2011, 03:00:30 PM »
Trying to fix the City RPG lockpick, I'm not sure what is up with it, but I'm assuming that because from the JVS change, it's broke the lockpick
Here's the part of the code I think which is going wrong.
Code: [Select]
// Section 2.1 : Visual Functionality
function CityRPGPicklockImage::onPreFire(%this, %obj, %slot)
%obj.playThread(2, "armAttack");

function CityRPGPicklockImage::onStopFire(%this, %obj, %slot)
%obj.playThread(2, "root");

function CityRPGPicklockImage::onHitObject(%this, %obj, %slot, %col, %pos, %normal)
if(%col.getType() & $TypeMasks::FxBrickObjectType)
%client = %obj.client;
%brickData = %col.getDatablock();
if(isObject(%col.door) && %col.door.closed)
if(getRandom(0, 3) > 2)
for(%i = 0; %col.eventInput[%i] !$= "" && !%doorPath; %i++)
if(%col.eventOutput[%i] $= "doorOpen")
%doorPath = %col.eventOutputParameter[%i, 2];

case 0: %doorResult = %col.doorOpenCW();
case 1: %doorResult = %col.doorOpenCCW();
default: %doorResult = %col.doorOpen();

%col.schedule(3000, "doorClose");  //Is this the problem?

if(%doorResult == 1)
%col.schedule(3000, "doorClose"); //Is this the problem?

commandToClient(%client, 'centerPrint', "\c6You have commited a crime. [\c3Breaking and Entering\c6]", 3);
CityRPG_AddDemerits(%client.bl_id, $CityRPG::demerits::breakingAndEntering);
commandToClient(%client, 'centerPrint', "\c6You have commited a crime. [\c3Attempted Breaking and Entering\c6]", 3);
CityRPG_AddDemerits(%client.bl_id, $CityRPG::demerits::attemptedBnE);
commandToClient(%client, 'centerPrint', "\c6Picklocking attempt failed", 1);
else if(%col.getType() & $TypeMasks::VehicleObjectType)
%col.locked = false;
CityRPG_AddDemerits(%obj.client.bl_id, $CityRPG::demerits::grandTheftAuto);
commandToClient(%obj.client, 'centerPrint', "\c6You have committed a crime. [\c3Grand Theft Auto\c6]", 5);

parent::onHitObject(%this, %obj, %slot, %col, %pos, %normal);

Second part is the variables.
Code: [Select]
$JVS::Types::doorAnimationLengthClose = 833;
$JVS::Types::doorAnimationLengthOpen = 833;
$JVS::Types::doorAnimationNameCloseCW = "closeCW";
$JVS::Types::doorAnimationNameCloseCCW = "closeCCW";
$JVS::Types::doorAnimationNameOpenCW = "openCW";
$JVS::Types::doorAnimationNameOpenCCW = "openCCW";
$JVS::Types::doorDatablockBrick = "doorBrickUnbreakable";
$JVS::Types::doorDatablockDebris = "doorDebrisSecurity";
$JVS::Types::doorDatablockExplosion = "doorExplosionSecurity";
$JVS::Types::doorDatablockProjectile = "doorProjectileSecurity";
$JVS::Types::doorDatablockShape = "doorShapeSecurity";
$JVS::Types::doorDatablockSoundClose = "doorSoundCloseSecurity";
$JVS::Types::doorDatablockSoundOpen = "doorSoundOpenSecurity";
$JVS::Types::doorGroups = 4;
$JVS::Types::doorGroupColor0 = "color1";
$JVS::Types::doorGroupColor1 = "color2";
$JVS::Types::doorGroupColor2 = "color1";
$JVS::Types::doorGroupColor3 = "color1";
$JVS::Types::doorGroupName0 = "door";
$JVS::Types::doorGroupName1 = "panels";
$JVS::Types::doorGroupName2 = "knobs";
$JVS::Types::doorGroupName3 = "bars";
$JVS::Types::doorName = "Unbreakable Door";
$JVS::Types::doorSearches = 1;
$JVS::Types::doorSearchBox0 = 1.9 SPC 1.9 SPC 2.80;
$JVS::Types::doorSearchPositionCCW0 = 0 SPC -1.2 SPC 0;
$JVS::Types::doorSearchPositionCW0 = 0 SPC 1.2 SPC 0;
$JVS::Types::doorSize = 1 TAB 4 TAB 15;
$JVS::Types::doorSoundDelayClose = 650;
$JVS::Types::doorSoundDelayOpen = 0;
$JVS::Types::doorSubCategory = "CityRPG Doors";
I think it's the second part with the $JVS::Types::doorAnimationNameCloseCW = "closeCW";
Can anyone help me?

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