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Topics - Wesley Williams

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 5 6 7 8
Help / Laptop Resolution Issues
« on: December 25, 2014, 05:12:54 PM »
When I set my resolution to 1920x1080 in fullscreen mode, the game window looks like this:

Then in windowed mode, I can't make the resolution go beyond 800x600.
(Error message: "can't switch to resolution larger than desktop in windowed mode!")

Using setres(1280,720); in windowed mode I get the following:

My graphics drivers are up-to-date (NVIDIA GeForce 820M)

Help / Bot Holes Don't Work
« on: December 07, 2014, 04:40:31 AM »
My bot holes won't spawn bots and are acting like normal bricks (don't have the ON/OFF buttons in the wrench menu). I've looked through my console.log and they're executing fine, so I assume another add-on must be conflicting with them. Could someone help me figure out the problem?

Creativity / Poop Flinger: An App About Poop
« on: November 29, 2014, 01:03:16 PM »
I recently decided to make an Android app in Unity about chucking poop at people (as recommended by a member of the BLF) The app is currently downloadable as a beta (Google Play) with 24 playable levels, and the hot music was made by Plastiware. Please download the app and stay tuned for future poopy updates!

Promo Video


As you can see, the graphics are poop.

  • Make levels for Exhibit 2
  • Animate tourists/add textures/add random appearances
  • Add more sounds and music

Let me know if you have:
  • Ideas for improvement or new turd types
  • Zoo name ideas
  • Complaints about the difficulty
  • A theory on how poop first came to be (seriously, I'll use this for a poster in-game)

Want to help make poop hit the fan? I need:
  • Artwork (posters, signs, etc) for levels (doesn't need to be poop related, can be about Blockland etc.)
  • Sounds (poop plopping noises, people yelling, running water, etc zoo noises)
  • Models (chairs, tables, tires, poop, etc zoo items)
PM me or post below with anything you create! Make sure not to use any copyrighted material and I'll put it into the game.

I'm also looking for something more humorous to replace this with; post anything you come up with below.

tl;dr poop jokes, begin!

Add-Ons / Ostinyo's Christmas Brick Pack!
« on: November 21, 2014, 12:09:04 PM »
In preparation for Christmas, I've made this brick pack to help with any Christmas/winter themed builds! You can find these bricks in the Special>Misc section next to the default Christmas tree.

-Light (up & down)

Download (64.12 KB)

Let me know if you have suggestions for more Christmas bricks or improvements!

Other Christmas Add-Ons (Tested & working)
   Short loops by Ostinyo
   Christmas Jingle
   Deck The Halls
   Grinch Theme
   Christmas Dubstep
   Full songs by Tommy631 & Proog
   Christmas Time Is Here
   Let It Snow
   Big Present (by Tommy631)
   Present (by Tommy631)
   Small Present (by Tommy631)
   Snowboard (by Cap)
   Snowman (by Chilmans) Warning: low quality
   Snowmobile (by Masterlegodude)
   Toboggan (by Kaje)
   Candy Cane (by Tommy631)
   Candy Gun (by Tommy631)
   Dreidel Grenade (by Chilmans)
   Manora (by Chilmans)
   Snowball (by africasballah)
Hats: (require Simplewell Hat Mod)
   Christmas Hats (by Tommy631 & Proog)

Off Topic / Urgent: Integral Homework Help
« on: October 20, 2014, 03:42:09 PM »
The following are integration by parts problems I have to do for homework but don't understand. I need to finish all of them by 6:00 PST, so if you can help post asap please ;) And don't just give the answer, please explain your method so that I can figure out what I did wrong.



Modification Help / 3DS Max Brick Alignment + Blender Import
« on: June 19, 2014, 03:38:30 PM »
I am trying to replicate a 1x4x5 brick in 3DS Max to figure out how brick alignment works. I made a cube that is a 1x4x6 in Max and scaled it by 0.025 when I exported (Max units are massive in BL).

Here's what the model looks like in Max (grid lines at every 0.25 unit)

This was the result after exporting as an obj and converting to a blb using Baddy's converter:

Notice that there's a gap on the bottom and on each side.

Also, I strangely had to offset the model to make it align better in BL, but I have no clue why that was. Without raising the model up by .25, it sunk into the floor by about the height of a plate. I also tried importing the model into Blender and then exporting as an OBJ, but no brick appeared when I did this. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Export properties:

Off Topic / Looking for a new laptop - Suggestions?
« on: April 19, 2014, 01:08:20 PM »
I need a laptop for college, but want to keep the price low because it'll mainly be for classes (I'll still have my desktop for gaming/intense work).

Minimum Specs:
Core i5
200GB Hard drive
5 hour battery life
(Aka 75% of laptops for sale on the market)

Maximum Price:

Dell Inspiron 7000 series

PRICE: $770

Lenovo G710

PRICE: $600

Lenovo Y510p

PRICE: $800

I don't really want to look into getting an Apple product because of the price, but if anyone knows of a really REALLY good deal then I'd be glad to hear about it.
Does anyone have good suggestions or info about what to get/avoid? Any help is appreciated :)

Hey all. I have a math paper about AI pathfinding due Friday, and I figured that a few people here might know a thing or two about these algorithms. I am having trouble understanding two algorithms: A* and Jump Point Search. I have already written and calculated on Dijkstra's, which seems to be the most straightforward of the three. Below is what I have so far for the step-by-step outline of each algorithm. As far as I can tell, my descriptions are extremely flawed.

1.   Assign a cost value of zero to all nodes.
2.   Consider the position of the start node to be at the origin.
3.   Allow the start node to be the active node.
4.   Calculate the distance from the each adjacent node in the open set to the goal node.
5.   Set the adjacent node with the smallest distance to the goal as the active node, and add the previous node to the closed set.
6.   Let the cost of the active node be the distance from the node to the goal node plus the g score.
7.    Let the g score of the neighboring nodes be the cost of the active node.
8.    Let the neighboring node with the lowest g score be the active node, unless an adjacent node is the goal.
9.    Add the previous node to the closed set.
10.  Repeat steps 4-9 until the goal node is reached or there are no remaining nodes in the open set.

Jump Point Search: (this is wrong)
1.   Give all nodes a distance value of infinity except for the start node, which is given a distance value of zero.
2.   Consider the start node to be at the origin.
3.   Allow the start node to become the active node.
4.   Calculate the angle from the active node to the end node. (referred to as the end angle)
5.   Calculate the angle of each adjacent node in the open set.
6.   If the angle to an adjacent node is equal to the last angle, automatically make the adjacent node the active node, and skip step 7.
7.   Let the node with the angle closest to that of the end angle become the active node.
8.   Remove the previous active node from the open set, and add it to the closed set.
9.   Repeat steps 4-7 until the end node is reached or until there are no remaining nodes in the open set.
10.   Return the first path found.

Internet resources:
Jump Point Search

The setup I am using for my example problem:

Any help figuring out how these work would be greatly appreciated! (images are welcome!)

Help / Crash when trying to host?
« on: December 17, 2013, 07:26:43 PM »
Everything in my Console.log looks fine up until this point, at which it continually repeats the last 4 lines. Could anyone help me figure out the problem?

Code: [Select]
*** Stage 1 create

Add-Ons/Bot_Hole/events.cs (582): Unable to find object: '40875296' attempting to call function 'getClassName'
BackTrace: ->ServerSettingsGui::clickLaunchGame->createServer->createMission->[Slayer_Dependencies_Brick]onMissionLoaded->[Slayer_Dependencies_Minigames]onMissionLoaded->onMissionLoaded->[BotHolePackage]startGame->createHoleBotList

311 environmental resource files found
Regenerating file manifest
Add-Ons/System_ReturnToBlockland/support/xmlParser.cs (231): Unable to find function getStringAttrib
Add-Ons/System_ReturnToBlockland/support/xmlParser.cs (231): Unable to find function getStringAttrib

getSubStr(...): error, starting position and desired length must be >= 0: ("neral Discussion"",0, -1)
BackTrace: ->ServerSettingsGui::clickLaunchGame->createServer->createMission->[Slayer_Dependencies_Brick]onMissionLoaded->[Slayer_Dependencies_Minigames]onMissionLoaded->onMissionLoaded->RTBCC_Socket::onLine->XMLParser::bufferData->XMLParser::parseBuffer->XMLParser::parseStanza

Add-Ons/System_ReturnToBlockland/support/xmlParser.cs (231): Unable to find function getStringAttrib

General Discussion / Ostinyo's Prison Escape
« on: November 01, 2013, 04:55:45 PM »

Ostinyo's Prison Escape is riddled with secret passages, making it necessary for guards to be on constant alert.
With an arsenal of weapons and variety of vehicles, can you stop prisoners from escaping? Or will you start a cou and escape?
Soon to be added: Item searcher(guards)/Concealment bag(prisoners)

1. No freekilling of innocent prisoners
2. No complaining or raging, it's a game
Out of Bounds: Vents, locked areas, parking lot

Make sure you download textures/prints!

Suggestions & Requests / Collapsible RTB Prefs!
« on: October 09, 2013, 09:16:28 PM »
Tired of scrolling through a maze of RTB preferences? Why not make each add-on's prefs collapsible?
Note: All prefs would start out collapsed.



Which is your preference? Vote!

Help / Score Saving with Slayer
« on: June 07, 2013, 10:37:40 PM »
I recently switched my TDM server to an RTB server, but now scores refuse to save. I am using DrenDran's position saver to save scores, and I tried Destiny's saved score mod as well. Neither have worked for me. Can anyone help me get score saving to work with slayer on an RTB server?

Help / Graphics Problem: Green Flickering Wall
« on: May 25, 2013, 06:26:36 PM »
So I have been having this problem lately where this green line starts flickering across my screen when I look in a certain direction (usually west). Does anyone know what is causing this and how I can prevent it? The side of the screen upon which it flickers depends on whether you are facing north of west or south of west.

Help / VCE - Finding Brick Color
« on: May 13, 2013, 11:10:54 PM »
Please help me figure out why this simple event does not work:

I have tried VCE_ifVariable as well, but without success. Is the variable not colorID?

Off Topic / Need Help with HTML/Javascript Simple Game Code
« on: March 15, 2013, 08:10:58 PM »
So for my school computer science class I have to write a web page in HTML and Javascript, and decided to make a game where you explore different locations and collect the money there while trying to beat your record time.

My problem is with using cookies. I cannot seem to make them ever work, and don't even know how to use the js cookie library- nor do I have time this week to find out. I will also need to eventually figure out how to store the final time variable, check if it is a high score, and save it as a cookie. The current web page code is as follows:
Code: [Select]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="">

Treasure Hunter

<script type="text/javascript">
var c_time = 0
var c_coins = 0

function countUP () {
 c_time = c_time + 1;//increment the counter by 1
 //display the new value in the div
 document.getElementById("timer_container").innerHTML = "Seconds ellapsed: " + c_time;

function incCoins () {
 c_coins = c_coins + 1;
 document.getElementById("coin_counter").innerHTML = "Coins collected: " + c_coins;
function changeImg(img, nocoins) {
img.src = nocoins;

function setCookie(c_coins,value,exdays)
var exdate=new Date();
exdate.setDate(exdate.getDate() + exdays);
var c_value=escape(value) + ((exdays==null) ? "" : "; expires="+exdate.toUTCString());
document.cookie=c_coins + "=" + c_value;

function getCookie(c_coins)
var i,x,y,ARRcookies=document.cookie.split(";");
for (i=0;i<ARRcookies.length;i++)
  if (x==c_coins)
    return unescape(y);


<body onload='timer=setInterval("countUP()", 1000 );'>
<img src="courtyardbackground.png">

<a href="garden.html">
  <img style="position:absolute; TOP:450px; LEFT:170px" src="courtyardgardensign.png">

<div onclick="incCoins()">
<img onclick="changeImg(this, 'nocoins.png')" style="position:absolute; TOP:550px; LEFT:470px" src="coins.png">

<div id="timer_container" style="position:absolute; TOP:780px; LEFT:50px">Seconds ellapsed: 0</div>
<div id="coin_counter" style="position:absolute; TOP:780px; LEFT:400px">Coins collected: 0</div>


Note that this code does not include my attempt at loading a cookie, but merely modifies the variables. Any help with this cookie business would be greatly appreciated.

No, you will not get a cookie for your help.

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