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Messages - Tyler66

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Off Topic / Re: blockland: the community that killed the game
« on: January 25, 2023, 05:49:03 PM »
Blockland ISNT TORQUE 3d!!!!
MSVC and the Blockland binary would disagree.

Its TGE 1.3 and not only that, but a heavily modified version of TGE 1.3.

So unless blockland releases source code or we manage to find tge 1.3 and replicate the same modifications the exact way they did it, Its not going anywhere.
If you read 16-bits' post I was replying to, you'd see it was regarding if we had Blockland's source.

Off Topic / Re: blockland: the community that killed the game
« on: January 22, 2023, 07:17:04 PM »
Blockland will forever stay stagnant because there is nothing more that could be done to the base game engine.
Not really. Torque3D came with its source. The biggest hurdle would be modernizing its OpenGL 1.4(?) renderer. The work would be monumental but still possible.

  • those that soaked in the toxicity and still bear some kind of allegiance to eric hartman. the people that stayed because they became more like the loudest people already here
  • those that will spend the rest of their lives growing in spite of the parts of the forums they hated the most. the people that stayed because they had nowhere else to go
This definitely resonated with me. I definitely still carry a lot of the toxicity and anti-social behavior I inherited from here when I was a teen, because in all honesty it's very cathartic. It's something I still really need to work on.

Off Topic / Re: Foxscotch reveals the truth about love
« on: January 18, 2023, 09:26:43 AM »
damn worst take of 2023 and its not even february
reported for defective penoid

Off Topic / Re: blockland: the community that killed the game
« on: January 15, 2023, 04:37:25 PM »
Most people played their virtual lego game, posted in the community, bantered, got made fun of, made fun of others, etc. and just sort of moved on silently as they grew up and got busy.
The people who are still here, are here for a reason.
I hope you're not implying being gay or trans or whatever makes one linger here longer than they would otherwise.

It may have more to do the people still here are social rejects, whether they want to admit that or not.

Off Topic / Re: blockland: the community that killed the game
« on: January 15, 2023, 11:11:17 AM »
Badspot is a run-of-the-mill starfish with a superiority complex. He just so happened to strike gold with an idea before anyone else was able to execute it.

I'm not sure why Goth77's recent post history is sympathizing with this man. Everything to how the community formed, developed, its totality, and its legacy is all the product of his stuffty behavior. He has indirectly changed many young lives for the worse because of his inaction and general lack of regard for the children he was completely aware his game would attract.

He does not deserve anyone's sympathy. Not an ounce.

To be fair though, even after the key leak happened he chose to save the game and address some other bugs instead of letting it crash and burn - surely there must be some part of him that still gives a stuff? I seem to recall badspot saying that he would continue to support the game as long as people continued to play - and believe it or not quite a few people still enjoy playing blockland, myself included.
I would believe this if they all were not small bug fixes that slightly incremented the build number. And, everything that ultimamax just said.

Undoubtedly, BL could be saved with some advertisement and the forums too with some revisions. Also, Badspot mentioned something about implementing a cooldown timer so people can change their names again, they just wouldn't be able to do it as frequent as before which I think is a better solution than disabling name change entirely....unfortunately we never got to see this feature
Badspot has had many an opportunity to grow his game for a long time. He got an early head start before the giants like Roblox and Minecraft were even a sparkle in the eyes of their developers.
He's accused forum members of still trying to get full-fledged content updates for a game they spent $20 when they were still kids, all while Minecraft was becoming a internationally recognized game for half the price and Roblox's upfront cost to play was free.

Point is, yeah, Blockland and its community could be fully resurrected given substantial updates to the game and with an advertising effort, but neither of those will happen. Because Blockland's developer is Badspot.

I know it was already shrinking, but now it's inevitable for the forum population to shrink to zero with this current status.
I'm sure that's the whole point. Disabling account creation puts a closer end-of-life on the forums instead of having it taper off for another decade.

What is Badspot doing now? He made just a single post in 2021 and then zero posts in 2022. I'm sure he's burned out on this game by now, but I feel like there's a few little things he could do to keep the game/forums a slightly more afloat.
He doesn't care.

Look at his forum posts since the genesis of this forum. He's always retained complete apathy and resentment towards the game and its community since the start and that's remained unchanged for the past almost 20 years. If he was burned out he would've sold off the game to a larger company for some 5 or 6 digits many years ago and then moved on to pursue his next project.

Off Topic / Re: brickadia devs stop grooming challenge [IMPOSSIBLE]
« on: January 10, 2023, 02:12:10 PM »
Who could've possibly foreseen the disgusting and mentally deranged community of Blockland go off and form their own more disgusting and mentally deranged community?

GSF Ghost was taken from us too soon, and could've made the shining and benevolent alternative to this garbage.

I had a friend in elementary school tell me about a free MMORPG called God's of Time. From there I found a Blockland banner ad.

I've long forgotten that guy's name, as I never saw him again after 4th grade. There's no doubt he has any clue what butterfly effect he had started by innocently recommending me that game- as most of my life, interests, and personality have been both directly or indirectly influenced by Blockland and my time here on this forum.

Off Topic / Re: what changes as you grow older?
« on: November 17, 2022, 02:53:16 PM »
I became openly hostile to people I don't like and dependent on amphetamines.

Calypsus12 - Age 27
BL_ID 119993
Map_Kitchen @ x: 13856.8 y: 894.61
Last seen alive 12:04 PM February 1, 2017

Off Topic / Re: bloukface wanted me to say hi on his behalf
« on: October 30, 2022, 04:45:09 AM »
The person with a Shiba Inu profile pic is a babyfur artist? Wouldn't have guessed.

Off Topic / Re: resonte dabbles in 3d code
« on: October 30, 2022, 04:22:58 AM »
Now make in Vulkan :^)
The retro style your going for looks absolutely sick, keep it up.

turns out when you're starting from not much, the normal is pretty sensitive to the order of the input vertexes, which also screws up brightness
Yes, winding order is pretty important but your normal is mostly going to come down how you're calculating your cross-product as well as if your view matrix is left or right-handed. I personally stick to CCW as it's the default for both DirectX and OpenGL.

instead of printing debug data on the top-left corner of the screen, it rendered it in 3d space instead and upside down
You've probably already found a solution to this but I'll go ahead and mention it anyway: if you're using shaders you can just submit an identity matrix for what would normally be your model-view-projection.
If you're using OpenGL's internal pipeline this is as simple as popping all matrices on the stack or just doing
Code: [Select]

For a debugging UI I'd recommend getting ImGui as it should integrate with whatever rendering library you're using. It's a very useful library and I use it in all my little projects all the time. But, it's not a necessity- one can understand if you want to roll your own if not just for the learning experience.

Lastly, based off your GIFs I can tell you have face culling disabled or that it's disabled by default and you don't have it enabled. Either way, I recommend you have it enabled as it provides a small performance boost as the GPU doesn't have to render and shade triangles the player wouldn't see anyway. It also helps you identify triangles that may have an incorrect winding order, as lighting isn't always a good indicator. You can enable it with glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE); and put it wherever you do your graphics initialization.

Off Topic / Re: Another Forumer Has Passed Away
« on: October 23, 2022, 02:44:28 AM »
Looking at his post history from about a decade back it looks like there was plenty of time for someone to have recognized and intervened to get him the help he needed. It's entirely possible this could have been prevented.

Awfully tragic.

it would be better to wipe this place and forget the blf ever existed
erase this stuff its decades of negativity, trolls, trauma, and parasocial identity good riddance
I doubt anyone is going to argue this place has always been a stuffhole, but that doesn't mean it deserves to be lost to history.

im surprised how many people want it wiped based on the poll. for one thing you're basically anonymous here if you want to be. and i like to be able to look back on posts i have with years-old dates and be like "yea i was there... back in the good old days..."
Yeah, this place also holds a lot of mid-2000s and early 2010s internet cultural zeitgeist and should be preserved. Places like this are few and far between; even 4chan's early history is limited to just a few hundred scattered, crusty, cropped, highly-compressed JPEGs.

I'd like a wipe, the amount of cringe stuff I posted is too much.
You will be fine.

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