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Topics - Greek2me

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Modification Help / Support_Updater
« on: April 05, 2014, 04:14:21 PM »
Support_Updater v0.11.1

Introducing a simple, easy-to-use update system for Blockland mods... Clients will be notified of updates when running either the Blockland client or the Blockland dedicated server.

Every add-on requires a file called "version.txt". This file contains a version number and the URL of a repository. Support_Updater will check the repository on startup to look for a newer version. When a new version is found, the user will be notified and will be able to download the new file.

Also includes support for change logs using special TML formatting.

Support_Updater Usage Documentation
(or you can find it in the README file included with Support_Updater)

It's really that easy! Just remember that your users need to have Support_Updater installed. I recommend making it a required add-on.

Execute this file in your add-on's client.cs to automatically download Support_Updater for your users.

No website? No problem!
If you don't own a website, you can still use Support_Updater. You'll need a free account on either Bitbucket or Github.

Bitbucket Instructions
Create a public repository called "yourBitbucketUserName.bitbuck" and simply add your repository.txt and *.zip files to it. It can then be accessed at

Github Instructions
Create a public repository called "" and simply add your repository.txt and *.zip files to it. It can then be accessed at

I made an easy script to run a Blockland server on Linux. Follow the instructions below.

  • Place all Blockland files in $HOME/blockland-server/. (You can specify a custom path - more on that later)
  • Take this script and place it in a file called blockland-server in your ~/bin directory (create if needed):
Code: [Select]

## Blockland Dedicated Server Launcher
## Written by Greek2me.

# Define defaults.


# Parse arguments.

while getopts "ac:d:g:ln:p:" opt; do
case "$opt" in
a) attach_screen=true
c) server_customArgs=$OPTARG
d) server_path=$OPTARG
g) game_mode=$OPTARG
l) server_mode="dedicatedLAN"
n) server_number=$OPTARG
p) server_port=-port $OPTARG
shift $((OPTIND-1))
[ "$1" = "--" ] && shift

# Validate the server path.

if [ ! -f "$server_path/Blockland.exe" ]; then
echo "No Blockland server was found at $server_path."
exit 1

# Determine which server number this is.

if [ "$server_number" -lt 0 ]; then
server_number=$(screen -list | grep -c blockland-server)

# Launch the server.

screen -dmS blockland-server$server_number xvfb-run  -a wine wineconsole --backend=curses $server_path/Blockland.exe ptlaaxobimwroe -$server_mode -gamemode $game_mode $server_port $server_customArgs

sleep 1

# Check that the server exists.

if screen -list | grep -q "blockland-server$server_number"; then
echo "Starting server $server_number"
echo " > Running game mode $game_mode"
echo "Failed to start server."
exit 1

# Attach to the server.

if [ "$attach_screen" = true ]; then
screen -x blockland-server$server_number
if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then
echo "Failed to attach to server."
  • You can now launch the server by running blockland-server. Arguments:
    • -a Attach to the console automatically. Otherwise, the server will not be displayed in console.
    • -c '-trace -exampleArg' Allows you to pass custom arguments to the server.
    • -g gamemode_name Specify the game mode.
    • -l Starts a LAN server.
    • -n number Specifies a server number. Not needed for most people.
    • -d /path/to/server Specify a custom location for the server.
    • -p 28000 Specify a custom port number for the server.

To attach to a running server's console:
Type this into terminal:
Code: [Select]
screen -x blockland-server0Increment 0 if you have multiple servers.

To detach from a server console:
Press Ctrl+a and then press d.

Required Packages:
  • wine
  • xvfb
  • screen

Changes 2017/01/09:
  • Added shutdown script.
Changes 2016/12/13:
  • Now works on Debian
  • Added -p argument for port.
  • Changing server path now uses -d argument.

NEW - Shutdown Script:
Code: [Select]

SERVER_COUNT=$(screen -list | grep -c blockland-server)
while [[ $IDX -lt $SERVER_COUNT ]]
        echo "Shutting down server $IDX"
        screen -S blockland-server$IDX -p 0 -X stuff "$(printf \\r)commandToAll('MessageBoxOK',\"Warning\",\"The server is shutting down in 5 seconds.\");scheduleNoQuota(5000,0,shutdown);scheduleNoQuota(7000,0,quit);$(printf \\r)"
        IDX=$(( $IDX + 1 ))
echo "Sent quit command to all servers."
Shuts down all servers.

Help / Linux Headless Server
« on: February 22, 2014, 01:42:51 PM »
I created a script to launch a headless server:

Code: ( [Select]
echo mypasswordhere | sudo -u game-servers -S screen -dm -S blockland0 -X "GAMEMODE=\"trench_ctf\"; xvfb-run --auto-servernum --server-num=1 xterm -e 'wine ~/servers/blockland/server0/Blockland.exe ptlaaxobimwroe -dedicated -gamemode $GAMEMODE'"
I get this error: (evidently from screen)
No screen session found.

Any ideas on what's wrong?

Add-Ons / Greek2me's Mods (GreekMods)
« on: February 17, 2014, 09:21:46 PM »
This is a dump of most of my add-ons that were released on RTB, even including the terrible ones! This is pretty much just here temporarily because somebody asked for an add-on.

View/Download Files
Alternate download (Dropbox)

I'll probably make individual topics for a couple of the larger mods, but this will work for now.

Quote from: Included
Server_AutoSave (ripped/modified from RTB)
System_ReturnToBlockland (modified, no web features)

And more!

Modification Help / Need to update your mods in the field?
« on: February 16, 2014, 05:02:08 PM »
Does anybody need to update some already-released mods but can't get them to everybody because RTB is gone?

As you might know, Slayer contains a rudimentary update system and is used by a large portion of the community. If someone writes a good, generic updater that can update any given mod, I'll ship it with the next version of Slayer so that we can get everybody back on the same page.

You guys discuss it, get it written, and I'll make it available.

Modification Help / Bricks Not Loading Correctly (resolved)
« on: February 09, 2014, 03:55:20 PM »
I'm trying to load a save file using this:
Code: [Select]
serverDirectSaveFileLoad("saves/Pyramid.bls", 3, "", 0);
Bricks stop appearing after the first couple bricks, even though the server is still "loading" them. It even says that it has loaded 14871/14871 bricks.

However, the brickcount is listed as -42616. (Negative!) This also appears repeatedly in console:
Set::add: Object "0" doesn't exist

base/server/scripts/allGameScripts.cs (3030): Unable to find object: '0' attempting to call function 'setTransform'
BackTrace: ->ServerLoadSaveFile_Tick

base/server/scripts/allGameScripts.cs (3031): Unable to find object: '0' attempting to call function 'trustCheckFinished'
BackTrace: ->ServerLoadSaveFile_Tick

base/server/scripts/allGameScripts.cs (3034): Unable to find object: '0' attempting to call function 'plant'
BackTrace: ->ServerLoadSaveFile_Tick

base/server/scripts/allGameScripts.cs (3055): Unable to find object: '0' attempting to call function 'setRayCasting'
BackTrace: ->ServerLoadSaveFile_Tick

base/server/scripts/allGameScripts.cs (3057): Unable to find object: '0' attempting to call function 'setColliding'
BackTrace: ->ServerLoadSaveFile_Tick

base/server/scripts/allGameScripts.cs (3059): Unable to find object: '0' attempting to call function 'setRendering'
BackTrace: ->ServerLoadSaveFile_Tick

It looks like the bricks aren't being created because of a quota or something. Any ideas?

Also, placing the code directly into the console works fine. Executing it through my function does not.

Add-Ons / Return to Blockland v4.05 (NO IRC)
« on: February 08, 2014, 01:44:02 PM »
This is the latest version of RTB, but it's very stripped down.

 - Mod Manager (modified to remove add-on downloading - useful for Groups feature)
 - Server Control
 - Info Tips
 - GUI Downloading and whatever else there is

The GUIs have been updated to look nicer and remove non-functional components. I also went through and removed all extraneous code.


Add-Ons / Server Events | Updated 02/09/2014
« on: January 31, 2014, 11:52:40 PM »
Events for loading and clearing bricks, echoing to the console, and more.

This adds a new "Server" target, which includes these output events:

  • Server -> loadSaveFile Allows for a save file to be loaded. You can specify the file name and ownership.
  • Server -> clearAllBricks Clears all bricks in the server. In conjunction with loadSaveFile, this can be used to reset a map.

  • Server -> setPreference Used to change either server name, password, max players, welcome message, or falling damage.

  • Server -> echo Prints an echo to the console.
  • Server -> warn Prints a warning to the console.
  • Server -> error Prints an error to the console.

Download (v1.1; February 9, 2014)

Quote from: Change Log
v1.1 (02/09/2014)
  • Added setPreference event.
  • Added load offset parameter.
  • Fixed loadSaveFile event.

Please note: All events are host-only.

Feel free to submit ideas for additional server events!

General Discussion / Blockland Content Updates & Dev Communication
« on: January 27, 2014, 05:49:58 PM »
I recently noticed heedicalking's post about content updates in Robox: link here

I can find out all about Roblox's plans, and they sound great. What about Blockland?

What's going on? Are there plans to develop a new terrain system? Movable bricks? Updates to the Events system? Various other things suggested by modders? Perhaps some of the things that Roblox is implementing? (see Heedicalking's post)

We need more communication from Badspot and whoever else (we don't even know! Anyone?) is developing the game. That's all I'm asking for.

Off Topic / Graphics cards... What to look for?
« on: January 25, 2014, 11:40:22 AM »
I'm looking for a new graphics card and I'm wondering what specs or whatever I should be looking for. How do you determine which card is best for you? Do you have any particular suggestions?

My budget is $100.

Off Topic / Psycho JIDF people on Steam Forums
« on: January 10, 2014, 09:42:56 PM »

Modification Help / Planting floating bricks
« on: January 06, 2014, 04:08:06 PM »
I'm running into the same issue that Port had:

Any solutions?

This helps you to easily create events such as onMinigameReset, where the event may exist on multiple bricks.

Source code, v1

To use, simply place the code in a file called "Support_RespawnTime.cs" and execute. Functions in the source code are well-documented for ease-of-use.

Modification Help / [Resource] Support_RespawnTime
« on: January 02, 2014, 03:13:46 PM »
This allows you to change respawn times on a per-client basis.

Source code, v1

To use, simply place the code in a file called "Support_RespawnTime.cs" and execute.

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