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Topics - jes00

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Help / Port Forwarding [Mac]
« on: December 03, 2015, 11:46:20 AM »
I've the THE TUTORIAL, but whenever I put in my IP address and internet password then I get this:

Modification Help / Parent In vs. Outside A Package
« on: November 12, 2015, 08:43:42 PM »
What's the difference in putting a function with a parent inside and outside of a package? It obviously still does something when it's not in a package. Some add-ons do it(default included). And in the default water bricks it doesn't parent onTrustCheckFinished, but when it does(even though it's not in a package), it's called fine.

General Discussion / [GUIDE] Base Raiders
« on: November 05, 2015, 08:55:53 AM »
In light of Base Raiders being public, I guess I have to write a guide for all the new people.

What is it?
Basically in Base Raiders, the goal is to get more money, a better base, and to destroy everything everyone else has. You make/join a gang, find an empty building and start your base there, build printers to print money, buy bricks and weapons to defend your printers with, and/or raid other people.
Some bricks take up a certain amount of city power and require at least that much power available to plant them. The maximum city power is the number of people in the minigame x 8. If there is no city power available, you can't plant some bricks. The used city power will go down when you delete some of your own bricks that take up city power, or when you destroy someone else's.

This gamemode is divided into two phases, usually lasting 3 minutes each. In the building phase you build up your own base(all bricks cost money to place), recruit gang members(explained below), or scope out other people's bases to raid(explained below). It's impossible to hurt people in this phase.
During the fighting phase you can hurt anyone that's not in a spawn. In this phase you either defend your own base from raiders, or raid other people. People will drop some money and all of their weapons when they die.

Gangs are a group of your homies. If you're in the same gang you can't hurt each other, you share bricks, and you can team chat together. It's the peeps that you defend and raid with.
You can either start your own gang with /makeGang [GANG NAME] or someone can invite you to their already existing gang with /invite [PLAYER NAME]. You can leave the gang you're in at any time with /leaveGang, or if you're the owner you can disband the gang with /disbandGang. The leader of a gang can also promote or demote the gang's members to other ranks with /setRank [Member, Colonel, Commander, or Owner] [PLAYER NAME(or use their BL ID if they're offline)].
Any member of a gang can turn one of the gang's brick into a door with /makeDoor. Members of your gang can now open this door by clicking on it.
Different ranked people have different abilities.
Colonels can invite other people to the gang(With the command mentioned above) and cancel invites that people have received to join your gang(/cancelInvite [PLAYER NAME]).
Commanders can rename the gang(/renameGang [NEW NAME]), kick people from the gang(/gangKick [PLAYER NAME(or use their BL ID if they're offline)], and do everything colonels can do.
The gang owner can disband the gang(mentioned above), set the ranks of people in the gang(mentioned above), and do everything the lower ranks can do.

Printers are the lifeblood of your existence. They drop money for you over time. The manual printer is the only printer that doesn't take city power, but(as implied by the name) you need to power it up every now and then by clicking it. The other printers are more expensive, but they take require city power and run automatically. The better the printer, the faster it prints money.

Any brick that's not part of the default map can be destroyed using almost any weapon(Use /buy to buy a weapon,  spawn one on one of your bricks, use an item barrel, or get one from a storage crate). The fireaxe is the cheapest weapon there is, while the handcannon is the cheapest gun.
You can either raid people solo style, or do it with your gang. The goal is to kill them, break into their base, find their special bricks(printers, storage crates, item barrels, health boxes, and safes), and get money for destroying them. You also free up city power when you destroy some of their bricks, so it's a good idea to have someone back at your base ready to claim it.

Storage Crates
Storage crates are useful when you collect items from people you've killed or for when you use item barrels.
With storage crates you can put any sort of weapons in them and take them out whenever you need them. Use /put while holding the desired item and looking at the storage crate to put an item in it.
When you click a storage crate, you get a list of the items inside of it, each with a number next to it. Use /take [NUMER THAT WAS NEXT TO THE ITEM NAME IN THE LIST THAT WE JUST TALKED ABOUT IN THE LAST SENTENCE] to take an item out of the storage crate. But be aware! Anyone can put items in or take items out of your storage crate, even if they're not in your gang.

Item Barrels
Item barrels are for buying weapons in bulk and getting a sweet discount. You use them by spawning an item on them, just like you would any other brick and then click the barrel to retrieve one of the items. The only downside is that it takes time for the item barrel to make the items, the more expensive the item, the longer it'll take.
Be aware! Anyone can take an item out of your item barrel, wether they're in your gang or not.

Health Boxes
Health boxes are bricks that heal you when you click them. Health boxes can only heal you a certain amount before they run out. Regular health boxes are simply deleted when they run out of health stored inside of them. Electric health boxes recharge after they've been used, but they required city power.
Be aware! Anyone can use your health boxes, even if they're not in your gang.

Safes do exactly what you would expect. They store your money. Use /deposit [NUMBER] while looking at a safe to put money in it. Use /withdraw [NUMBER] to take it out.
Be aware! Anyone can deposit/withdraw from your safe, even if they're not in your gang.

1. Listen to and respect the admins.
2. No building in someone else's base(If it has no default ceiling then it's no man's land and doesn't count).
3. No going outside the build.
4. No building outside the build.
5. No blocking other people's bases with bricks.
6. No blocking people in with bricks(if they're too stubborn to move or if they're in your base and you simply repaired it/they won't leave it, then you're not blocking).
7. No blocking up any spawn(must leave at least one side and the roof open).
8. No spamming(chat, mass brick spam, etc).
9. No placing sentries out in the open.

Just a list of all the non-admin commands included in Base Raiders.

/donate [NAME] [AMOUNT] - Donate money to someone.
/dontSpawnWithTools - Makes it so you don't spawn with and can't pick up hammers, wrenches, or printers. Use again to turn off. You can still obtain them with /buy for $5 each.
/buy - Buy an item/weapon.
/put - Use while looking at a storage crate. Puts the item you're holding in the crate.
/take [ITEM NUMBER] - Use while looking at a storage crate. Takes an item out of the crate.
/deposit [AMOUNT] - Use while looking at a safe. Puts that much money into the safe.
/withdraw [AMOUNT] - Use while looking at a safe. Takes that much money out of the safe.
/repo - Repossesses the brick you're looking at for a partial refund(doesn't work on barricades). Also works on placed sentries.
/listGangs - Lists all the gangs in the server.
/makeGang [NAME] - Create a gang.
/renameGang [NAME] - Renames your gang to that name.
/disbandGang - Disband your gang.
/invite [NAME] - Invite someone to your gang.
/cancelInvite [NAME] - Cancels that person's invite to your gang.
/joinGang - Accept an invite to a gang.
/declineGang - Decline an invite to a gang.
/gangKick [NAME] - Kick someone from your gang.
/leaveGang - Leave the gang you're in.
/setGangRank [NAME] [RANK] - Set the rank of someone in your gang.
/gang [OPT: PERSON'S NAME] - List all the members of your gang, or the gang of that person.
/makeDoor [OPT: TIME(MS)] - Turn(almost) any of your bricks into a "door" that's only usable by your gang. Click to open.
/unMakeDoor - Convert doors back into barricades.

Modification Help / Raycast Explosion
« on: October 22, 2015, 05:39:18 PM »
What would be the best way to make a container radius search, get the position that the search hit a brick, and then fire a raycast from that position to the center of the radius search?

I'm trying to detect the bricks that an explosion hits and then make sure that there's nothing in between the explosion and the bricks that it hits.

Modification Help / Best Way To Search For Players In A Box [Solved]
« on: October 16, 2015, 12:28:18 PM »
Any ideas? I know that I a containerBoxSearch isn't accurate for players and vehicles, and I can't use a trigger.

Modification Help / Base Raiders [BETA!!!]
« on: September 11, 2015, 03:07:15 PM »

Base Raiders is a gamemode that Reinforcements made and hosted from approximately February 16, 2015 to August 06, 2015. You made a gang, picked a building, started up a base, built printers to print money, and then defended your base. Or you could just go around and attack other people's bases for money.

I am going to college real soon so I'm shutting this down for now. Thank you everyone for playing and thank you admins for admining. It's been great. Whether or not I'll ever host again is unknown at this time :^|
You should consider either giving it to a trusted host or releasing it to the public.
When I asked, he said he wasn't going to.

So I decided to remake it, but as a Slayer gamemode. With some more improvements.

It's now going to be a Slayer gamemode and it's going to be entirely minigame dependent; meaning that you could potentially have two people running their own Base Raiders minigames on the same server. It's going to include lots of Slayer preferences and will use Slayer's new gamemode API.
I'm also making a Base Raiders client for easily seeing item prices, brick prices, and brick damage multipliers.
When it's finished I plan on either having someone very trustworthy host it, and then release it later. Or just release it to the public when it's done.

Slayerness - Around 100% done with Slayer integration.

Gangs - Still have some work to do here. Gangs are going to be a combination of brick groups and Slayer teams. Around 100%.

Item buying - Just about done here. 100%.

Phases - 100%. All done here.

Power - Just about done. 100%.

Brick buying and placing junk - Meh. 100%.

Admin commands/stuff - Pretty much done, unless there's something else for me to add. 100%.

Printer bricks - A little ways to go. Thanks to Darksaber2213 for the printer brick! 100%.

Storage bricks - Almost nothing done here yet. 100%. Thanks to Darksaber2213 for the safe brick!

Health boxes - Only a little bit done. 100%. Thanks to Darksaber2213 for the brick!

Overall Progress: 100%

How You Can Help
Feel free to make suggestions to the gamemode dynamics. Very open to new ideas.
I'm in need of a sound of a printer printing and of money being picked up(paper ruffling sound).
You could also be awesome and make(or suggest an already existing brick) one of the bricks below.

New Printer Bricks - Done by Darksaber2213.

Safe Brick - Done by Darksaber2213.

Health Boxes - Done by Darksaber2213.

(Please feel free to correct/add to/fill these)
Hammer = $5
Wrench = $5
Printer = $5

Assault Rifle(+SD) = $1,250 (changing to $3,200)
Battle Rifle(+SD) = $2,250
Bullpup = $3,200 (changing to $1,250)
Fireaxe = $150
Handcannon = $500
Pistol(+SD) = $600
Shotgun = $2,250
SMG(+SD) = $750
Sniper Rifle = $3,250
Uzi(+SD) = $750

Butterfly Knife = $300
Guns Tetrakaikimbo = $25,000
MG Sentry = $3,000

Manual Printer = $50 (Repo = $40)
Regular Printer = $??? (Repo = $???)
Advanced Printer = $400 (Repo = $320)
Printing Press = $4,000 (Repo = $3,200)

Small Storage Crate = $??? (Repo = $??? Storage = 5)
Large Storage Crate = $??? (Repo = $??? Storage = 15)

Small Item Barrel = $??? (Repo = $??? Item Number = 5)
Large Item Barrel = $??? (Repo = $??? Item Number = 15)

Gang Safe = $??? (Repo = $???)

Health Box = $??? (Repo = $???) (New repo will be a percentage of health left in box)
Electric Health Box = $??? (Repo = $???)

Barricade Prices = $???

Modification Help / GuiBitmapButtonCtrl::onMouseEnter
« on: September 03, 2015, 09:14:54 PM »
Code: [Select]
package BaseRaiders_Client
function GuiBitmapButtonCtrl::onMouseEnter(%obj)


This function is called when your mouse hovers over the bricks in the brick selector GUI. Why is it that the echoes never show up and nothing else I try to do happens?

Modification Help / [Solved] Brick Generation Problems
« on: August 11, 2015, 04:27:39 PM »
When I generate the desired bricks via script, some of them you can see, but I don't think they technically exists(it's usually every other one).

Also, you get the overlap error whenever you try planting a brick next to one of them. But you don't get it if you manually plant one of the bricks.

Code: [Select]
function BlockMiner_createRandomMineable(%pos)
if(getRandom(1, 100) <= 85)
%mineable = BlockMiner_getCurrLayer(%pos);
%layer = true;

%mineable = BlockMiner_getRandomOre(%pos);

if(%mineable == -1)
%mineable = BlockMiner_getCurrLayer(%pos);
%layer = true;

if(%mineable == -1)
echo("\c2BlockMiner_createRandomMineable - Something went very wrong!");


%color = $BlockMiner::LayerData[%mineable, "colorID"];
%fx = $BlockMiner::LayerData[%mineable, "colorFX"] == -1 ? 0 : $BlockMiner::LayerData[%mineable, "colorFX"];
%shapeFX = $BlockMiner::LayerData[%mineable, "shapeFX"] == -1 ? 0 : $BlockMiner::LayerData[%mineable, "shapeFX"];

%color = $BlockMiner::OreData[%mineable, "colorID"];
%fx = $BlockMiner::OreData[%mineable, "colorFX"] == -1 ? 0 : $BlockMiner::OreData[%mineable, "colorFX"];
%shapeFX = $BlockMiner::OreData[%mineable, "shapeFX"] == -1 ? 0 : $BlockMiner::OreData[%mineable, "shapeFX"];

%brick = new fxDTSBrick()
datablock = brickBlockMinerOreData;
position = %pos;
rotation = "0 0 0 0";
colorID = %color;
scale = "1 1 1";
angleID = 0;
colorFxID = %fx;
shapeFxID = %shapeFX;
isPlanted = 1;
isBaseplate = 1;
client = -1;
stackBL_ID = -1;

isMineable = true;
mineable = %mineable;

%brick.mineableName = $BlockMiner::LayerData[%mineable, "uiName"]; = $BlockMiner::LayerData[%mineable, "health"];
%brick.minLevel = $BlockMiner::LayerData[%mineable, "minLevel"];
%brick.dirtAmount = $BlockMiner::LayerData[%mineable, "dirtAmt"];

%brick.mineableName = $BlockMiner::OreData[%mineable, "uiName"]; = $BlockMiner::OreData[%mineable, "health"];
%brick.minLevel = $BlockMiner::OreData[%mineable, "minLevel"];
%brick.value = $BlockMiner::OreData[%mineable, "value"];
%brick.maxVein = $BlockMiner::OreData[%mineable, "maxVein"];

%error = %brick.plant();

echo("ERROR:" SPC %error);

//Brick ERRORS.
//0 = None.
//1 = Overlap.
//2 = Float.
//3 = Stuck.
//5 = Buried.

//Too far doesn't give an error number. Dunno why.
//No idea what error numbers Flood, Limit, Too Loud, or Unstable had.

if(%error != 0 && %error != 2 && %error != 3 && %error != 5)
//%brick.schedule(0, delete);
//return -1;

%brick.setPrintByName($BlockMiner::LayerData[%mineable, "printUI"]);
%brick.setEmitter($BlockMiner::LayerData[%mineable, "emitter"]);
%brick.setLight($BlockMiner::LayerData[%mineable, "light"]);

%brick.setPrintByName($BlockMiner::OreData[%mineable, "printUI"]);
%brick.setEmitter($BlockMiner::OreData[%mineable, "emitter"]);
%brick.setLight($BlockMiner::OreData[%mineable, "light"]);


return %brick;

Modification Help / Projectile That Never Dies
« on: July 31, 2015, 07:56:26 AM »
Is it possible to make a projectile that never dies until it his something?

Suggestions & Requests / Thor's Hammer Model
« on: July 27, 2015, 09:32:14 AM »

I want it so that I can make a boss awesome weapon.
I need a vertical weapon with a basic swinging animation(like the sword's) and a swinging in circles animation(Completely optional. By swinging in circles I mean to the side of you, not in front of you. Might require modeling a hand onto it if you did the swinging in circles).
I also need a horizontal version(no animations).
I also need a version with the handle pointing up(no animations).
Don't include a wrist strap.

OPTIONAL: Inscribe on one or both sides(in small text) "Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Badspot(or Kompressor, your choice)."

Inspiration To Model It: It'll be boss awesome.
Push the light key while wielding it to call a lightning strike from the sky. A storm cloud will brew(with a little bolts of lightning in it to effect). Then a big bolt of lightning will come out of the storm cloud and kill people.
Right click to chuck the hammer at people. Right click again to make it come flying back.
Click to swing your mighty hammer at people, hurting them and making them go flying.
Hold your click to charge your hammer and fill people with a shock of lightning when you hit them(may or may not do).

Modification Help / Unique Shapes With Triggers And Physical Zones?
« on: July 11, 2015, 01:45:03 PM »
Is it possible to use the polyhedron in triggers and physical zones to make it a shapes that's not rectangular? How does the polyhedron work?

Add-Ons / [EVENT] Bot - canMountVehicles
« on: June 30, 2015, 07:58:19 AM »
Sets wether your bot can mount vehicles or not. Works for every kind of vehicle.
Requested by Spartan224 in THIS topic.


Modification Help / Just Something I Never Knew
« on: June 23, 2015, 05:35:10 AM »
I just discovered by chance that you can use :: in local variables, just as you can in global variables. I never knew that before and I've never seen anyone do it.

Code: (Example) [Select]
%my::Fish = 3;
%my::Fish -= 2;
%my::Fish *= 5;

Modification Help / Strange Crash
« on: February 12, 2015, 07:35:40 AM »
No idea why, but this datablock is causing me to crash. But yet I don't crash if I put it in the console.
Code: [Select]
datablock ItemData(BlockheadBash_PatherItem : PrintGun)
uiName = "Blockhead Bash - Pather";
colorShiftColor = "0 0 1 1";
image = "BlockheadBash_PatherImage";

Modification Help / Check Trust Levels [Solved]
« on: January 19, 2015, 10:37:06 AM »
I've found some mixed results while searching. So, how can I check the trust level of two BL IDs? I need it to work even if one of the clients isn't on the server.

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