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Topics - SlayerZ99

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Off Topic / College visit at UMASS.
« on: April 25, 2014, 11:52:41 AM »
So since I'm on vacation I decided to go to UMASS Amherst for a college visit. The school is pretty sweet and I think thats going to be my 1st choice. I plan on studying either Engineering or Kinesiology. After looking at UMASS it looks like it would be a great school to get into. I hopefully would get into the honor dorms too. You have to have something like a 1400 between Math and Critical Reading and a 4.0 GPA weighted on their scale. If you get a B in a honors class it would count as a 3.5. Regular B would be 3.0. B in AP class would be 4.0. I don't have any AP classes done yet but I do have 3 or 4 honors classes where I've gotten As so I should be just around a 4.0.

Off Topic / How would you want to die?
« on: April 22, 2014, 10:53:52 PM »
Personally I'd want to die by having my parachutes fail to open

maybe burned alive
or bring blown up
or peacefully

Drowning would be the last way I'd want to go

Games / Anyone have AC Ezio Trilogy for Xbox 360?
« on: April 19, 2014, 09:35:04 PM »
So I just received my of Assassin's Creed Ezio Trilogy today and I heard that Assassin's Creed II comes with the DLC but Im not sure how to download it. Is the AC2 DLC a PS3 exclusive? I've already googled a ton and can't find a clear answer.

Off Topic / Top Animal : Pack of wolves vs. a lion
« on: April 16, 2014, 10:07:39 PM »
I was discussing with a friend today about a pack of wolves vs a lion. I think a pack of wolves would mess a lions day up but he said the lion would win.

Also Polar bear vs. tiger

Who do you think would win

Off Topic / Opinions on joke bomb threat
« on: April 15, 2014, 08:05:34 PM »
Really wondering what you guys think about that girl tweeting @AmericanAirlines saying that she was part of Al Qaeda  and on June 1st something big was going to happen

I think her and all the people making continuous jokes on twitter should be put on the No-Fly list as a joke by the airlines lol

Some guy commented on this facebook posting

"Yes, let's punish teenagers as severely as possible for making jokes on the internet. Because that's what America is all about - grossly overreacting to every stupid little thing while blithely ignoring all of our REAL problems. We have truly lost all semblance of common sense."

Off Topic / a dumb riddle
« on: April 14, 2014, 08:46:36 PM »
try and figure out my riddle that I have to write for english class
i apologize in advance for terribleness

Sharper than a sword yet duller than a butter knife
In a weather of weapons I am strongest
I have killed scores of men without a single strike
Standing straight as a soldier I carve my weapons
Mighty men have mastered me
War I can bring yet war I can cease

i really am bad at this

Games / Why video games are great.
« on: April 06, 2014, 10:15:27 PM »
I'd just like to share 6 scientifically backed benefits of video games.

1) Video games stimulate the brain therefore making you smarter

When playing video games your brain is constantly put to use. Your brain in used in making tough decisions with consequences that you must face. Every action has a consequence, whether it be good or bad. You must live with these decisions. Its a good life lesson. But remember, in video games you can reload your last checkpoint.

2) Video games relieve stress and help you relax

Whenever I'm feeling upset, frustrated or crying uncontrollably I turn to video games. Video games help me get my mind off things for a bit. I surround myself in the surreal world of video games. I like to jump on a FPS and mercilessly slaughter any richardhead who stand in my way. Sometimes I get stressed about a huge project due the next day. I usually relieve this stress by playing some video games for 5 or 6 hours.

3) Video games keep you loveually pure

When playing video games you are distancing yourself from any male/female that may try loveually distract you, even though you are fantasizing about video game characters. Video games help solve this problem. Your contact with the outside world is limited thanks to video games. Do not become loveually impure.

4) Video games give jobs to immigrants

Because you are playing video games you probably don't have a job and aren't planing on getting one anytime soon. Don't worry this is good! Because you're playing video games and don't have a job, this means that potential job you could have is now given to some immigrant who's paid under the table at $3.00 an hour.

5) Video games save the environment

You're living in your parents basement or your room mindlessly playing the day away. Because you probably aren't going to move out and start a life of your own, you aren't getting an apartment or house. Imagine, all the kids that play video games today who could move out are saving the environment. Because they aren't moving out and getting apartments or houses they aren't causing new construction, thus saving the environment.

6) Video games help people express themselves

I used to be a shy kid. Thanks to video games like Call of Duty it really helped express my emotions and feelings. All the feelings of hate and rage that I've built up for so long can now finally be release thanks to video games. It helped my with my shyness too. I used to rarely talk to other but thanks to video games I don't even hesitate before cussing someone out over game chat!

Please feel free to share your scientifically backed benefits of video games!


Games / Questions about BioShock Infinite. Spoilers
« on: April 05, 2014, 08:47:50 PM »

Seriously. My brain hurts.

Off Topic / Internet question.
« on: March 28, 2014, 09:46:49 PM »
My internet has been very slow lately.
I logged into my Netgear Router and checked the logs and this

UPnP set event: add_nat_rule
and this
UPnP set event: del_nat_rule

have been repeating non-stop all day today.
Usually on my router logs theres nothing except when my iPod connect to the wifi at my house.
sorry Im not savvy with this stuff

Games / Should I buy Bioshock Trilogy or Tomb Raider?
« on: March 28, 2014, 07:07:59 PM »
On xbox right now they at selling Bioshock, Bioshock 2, and Bioshock infinite for $20. I currently have $20 in credit just sitting on my microsoft account

should I buy them?

Games / Assassin's Creed Unity
« on: March 21, 2014, 01:55:14 PM »
Assassin's Creed Unity is the 7th(?) installment to the series.
It takes place during the French Revolution and features a male protagonist
Its set to be release later this year.

Here is the teaser.

Games / Hardest COD Mission?
« on: March 18, 2014, 08:59:39 PM »
Please do not post "COD isnt hard" No comparing it to other games beside COD series.

Anyways, what do you think is that hardest COD mission?

I just finished COD 4 on Veteran and I think the hardest one was Mile High Club. It wasnt the enemies really it was just barely running out of time but once I memorized the patterns I could get through it pretty easily.

Some people said One Shot, One Kill and No Fighting In The War Room were the hardest but I disagree.

So far I've beat COD 4, MW2, MW3 on Veteran. Working on BO II then onto Ghosts and BO. WAW is last because I heard that was terrible.

Games / Games that they should HD Remake
« on: March 17, 2014, 03:01:05 PM »
What games do you think they should make a HD Remake of

I was just thinking today that it would be cool if they did a HD Remake of Medal of Honor Frontlines and Rising Sun

Games / $20 on Xbox Account.
« on: March 10, 2014, 08:52:42 PM »
I have $20 in credit on Xbox and Im not sure what to buy.
I was thinking about Assassin's Creed Season Pass but not sure if its worth it since I dont really play multiplayer

Im open to suggestions. I would list games I already own but thats a long list

Off Topic / Are people too dependent on technology now a days?
« on: March 05, 2014, 07:26:26 PM »
Wondering your opinions. Had to write an essay in English class today and was thinking how easy this was. I thought that even though we are very dependent on technology, it had some huge advances like increase in communications and making our every day lives better.

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