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Topics - Mocha Furrier

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6
Gallery / Futuristical Mini-Bus B-45 + Army Transport C-33 [NEW]
« on: October 30, 2012, 04:29:59 PM »
Mini-Bus B-45


Designed to be a public transport vehicle in the space, the model of 2053, has the capability of 7 people.

Army Transport C-33


Army Transport vehicle for small space areas, has the capability of 8 people.

Rating is allowed, constructive criticism appreciated, tell me if something could be added!

use x/10 pls

Suggestions & Requests / Make The Edit appearance Event into an Add-on
« on: October 21, 2012, 08:29:47 AM »
You remember that Edit appearance event what came with the bot events, which you could use to change your avatars and other players avatars through events? Due to the thing that bot events was CRC'd, I didn't really use them after that.
I wonder, could someone pick the edit appearance event from the file and convert it to a single event add-on?


Here is the link to bot events, find it there:


Help / How to store my auth. key into bl?
« on: October 20, 2012, 02:04:35 AM »
Since my bl folder is read-only, I need to enter my authentication key every time i connect to the internet.

Could there be a way how to compress the key.dat somehow to work without being affected by read-only

(And i have tried putting it in read-only, it only makes blockland unable to use)

Suggestions & Requests / Avatar parts contribution
« on: October 19, 2012, 12:07:08 PM »
It would be so good if badspot would make some kind of competition contribution event where you can contribute different kinds of avatar options/change-able models what would be voted by the people and would get added to the game in a upcoming update. My friend has some very cool hats what could fit kinda good, and i bet many others would too.

So, what do you think?


Gallery / Blockland - Top Secret [720P]
« on: October 14, 2012, 12:32:52 PM »
Well, not much to say, made by me (Bull Dog), Negative and Master Blaster.


Also, I got this video featuring a flip style what i will be using on further videos:

Experimenting Backflips.

Suggestions & Requests / CityRP add-ons
« on: October 12, 2012, 10:42:13 AM »
Yeah, any of them? I have tried finding some before, but none of them were that good. If you know a good city RP add-on or something, please let me know.

Help / Cannot Uncheck Blockland Read-Only
« on: October 07, 2012, 10:03:53 AM »
Well, Everytime I open my net connection/computer, and whenever i launch blockland, I have to enter my authentication key, and then restart to make it work.

I know that it is a problem in windows 7, I have tried this already:

I tried those attrib r-/r+ thingies but they dont seem to work. How could i get this to work?

Also my bl folders are stored in (User)/Documents/Blockland, and the CMD code i have tried was:

attrib -r +s c:\Users\(User)\Documents\Blockland

How can i remove the read only setting without uncheckking it?

Help / Runtime Error: Not enough thread space
« on: October 01, 2012, 02:37:27 PM »
Yeah, i had it only 1 time, but it occurred when suddenly my server shut down because authentication fail.

Suggestions & Requests / Basketball Item
« on: September 12, 2012, 09:34:46 AM »
Well, the thing i'm suggesting, is some kind of throw-able round item (A basketball or something like that) What by throwing to a other player, would make the projectile disappear and mount it to the players hand (Like a ball-catching script)

tl;dr A throw-able ball what mounts to the other players hands on contact.


Help / 2x4 Brick can't be placed. Badspot fix this please.
« on: August 10, 2012, 10:02:07 AM »
Where ever you place the 2x4 it wont place.

It looks like when you try to build with no trust but no message is received about the trust thing.


Suggestions & Requests / Could someone make this as a playertype?
« on: August 02, 2012, 02:38:13 PM »

I got this leaper zombie code, but i want you to modify it:

Make it not give the player zombie colored skin, make it easily modifyable, and send the package as private for me.


Code: [Select]
function ZombieLeaperArmor::onCollision(%this, %obj, %col, %pos, %vel)
if(%vel > 12 && zombieValidTarget(%obj, %col))
%dist = mCeil(vectorDist(%obj.zombieLeapPos, %obj.getPosition()));
%mini = getMiniGameFromObject(%obj);

%damagetype = $DamageType::BurningLeaper;

%damage = mFloor(%vel * 0.862) * mFloor(%dist / 22);
%damage = (zombieGameSetUpRight(%mini) ? mDirMod(%damage * 0.75, %damage * 1.25, %mini) : %damage);
%damage = mFloor(%damage);

if(%damage > 75)
%damage = 75;
%damagetype = $DamageType::LeaperJump;

%damage = mFloor(%vel * 0.475) * mFloor(%dist / 18);
%damage = (zombieGameSetUpRight(%mini) ? mDirMod(%damage * 0.5, %damage * 1.0, %mini) : %damage);
%damage = mFloor(%damage);

if(%damage > 50)
%damage = 50;

if(%damage > 0)

if(%damage >= 15 && !zombieBot(%col))
%usedTool = %col.currTool;

if(%usedTool == -1)
for(%a = 0; %a < 10; %a++)
%usedTool = %a;

if(%usedTool != -1)
serverCmdDropTool(%col.client, %usedTool);
%obj.playThread(0, 'root');
commandToClient(%col.client, 'centerPrint', "<font:impact:32>*POUNCED*\n<font:impact:16>A Leaper caused you to drop your weapon!!", 2.5);

commandToClient(%obj.client, 'centerPrint', "<font:impact:32>*CRUNCH*\n<font:impact:16>" @ %damage @ " damage + weapon lost!", 1.5);
else if(!zombieBot(%obj))
commandToClient(%obj.client, 'centerPrint', "<font:impact:32>*CRUNCH*\n<font:impact:16>" @ %damage @ " damage!", 1.5);
else if(!zombieBot(%obj))
commandToClient(%obj.client, 'centerPrint', "<font:impact:32>*CRUNCH*\n<font:impact:16>" @ %damage @ " damage!", 1.5);

serverPlay3D(ZombieCrunchSound, %pos);
%col.damage(%obj, %pos, %damage, %damagetype);

return parent::onCollision(%this, %obj, %col, %pos, %vel);

function ZombieLeaperArmor::onImpact(%this, %obj, %col, %vel, %z)
return parent::onImpact(%this, %obj, %col, %vel, %z);

function ZombieLeaperArmor::zombieDetectRoute(%this, %obj, %canSee, %dist, %reach, %zDist, %hCol, %lCol, %hHit, %lhit, %fhit)
if(%canSee && %dist > (%reach * 3) && %obj.getEnergyLevel() >= 50)
return "special";
return parent::zombieDetectRoute(%this, %obj, %canSee, %dist, %reach, %zDist, %hCol, %lCol, %hHit, %lhit, %fhit);

function ZombieLeaperArmor::zombieSpecial(%this, %obj)
%energy = %obj.getEnergyLevel();

if(%obj.isCrouched() || zombieBot(%obj))
if(%energy >= 50)
%start = %obj.getPosition();
%end = vectorSub(%start, "0 0 2");
%masks = ($TypeMasks::FxBrickObjectType | $TypeMasks::PlayerObjectType | $TypeMasks::StaticObjectType | $TypeMasks::TerrainObjectType | $TypeMasks::VehicleObjectType);

%ground = getWord(containerRayCast(%start, %end, %masks, %obj), 0);

%canJump = true;
%end = vectorSub(%start, %obj.getForwardVector());
%ground = getWord(containerRayCast(%start, %end, %masks, %obj), 0);

%canJump = true;

%aimVec = %obj.zombieAimVec();
%obj.setVelocity(vectorScale(%aimVec, 40));

%obj.setEnergyLevel(%energy - 50);
%obj.playThread(2, "jump");

%obj.zombieLeapPos = %obj.getPosition();

return true;
commandToClient(%obj.client, 'centerPrint', "<font:impact:16>Crouch before Jumping", 1.5);

return false;

Gallery / [VIDEO] Good Computer, Bad Skills. [HD]
« on: August 01, 2012, 07:52:51 AM »
Hey and welcome, without no longer discussion, here it is!

Blockland - Good Computer, Bad Skills

Acting, by Bull Dog (Mocha Furrier) & Master Blaster (Someone, don't ask me!)

Voice acting, by Master Blaster!

This was a test video so dont ask why it is that short.

Modification Help / Make this a playertype
« on: July 31, 2012, 01:33:53 PM »

I got this leaper zombie code, but i want you to modify it:

Make it not give the player zombie colored skin, make it easily modifyable, and send the package as private for me.


Code: [Select]
function ZombieLeaperArmor::onCollision(%this, %obj, %col, %pos, %vel)
if(%vel > 12 && zombieValidTarget(%obj, %col))
%dist = mCeil(vectorDist(%obj.zombieLeapPos, %obj.getPosition()));
%mini = getMiniGameFromObject(%obj);

%damagetype = $DamageType::BurningLeaper;

%damage = mFloor(%vel * 0.862) * mFloor(%dist / 22);
%damage = (zombieGameSetUpRight(%mini) ? mDirMod(%damage * 0.75, %damage * 1.25, %mini) : %damage);
%damage = mFloor(%damage);

if(%damage > 75)
%damage = 75;
%damagetype = $DamageType::LeaperJump;

%damage = mFloor(%vel * 0.475) * mFloor(%dist / 18);
%damage = (zombieGameSetUpRight(%mini) ? mDirMod(%damage * 0.5, %damage * 1.0, %mini) : %damage);
%damage = mFloor(%damage);

if(%damage > 50)
%damage = 50;

if(%damage > 0)

if(%damage >= 15 && !zombieBot(%col))
%usedTool = %col.currTool;

if(%usedTool == -1)
for(%a = 0; %a < 10; %a++)
%usedTool = %a;

if(%usedTool != -1)
serverCmdDropTool(%col.client, %usedTool);
%obj.playThread(0, 'root');
commandToClient(%col.client, 'centerPrint', "<font:impact:32>*POUNCED*\n<font:impact:16>A Leaper caused you to drop your weapon!!", 2.5);

commandToClient(%obj.client, 'centerPrint', "<font:impact:32>*CRUNCH*\n<font:impact:16>" @ %damage @ " damage + weapon lost!", 1.5);
else if(!zombieBot(%obj))
commandToClient(%obj.client, 'centerPrint', "<font:impact:32>*CRUNCH*\n<font:impact:16>" @ %damage @ " damage!", 1.5);
else if(!zombieBot(%obj))
commandToClient(%obj.client, 'centerPrint', "<font:impact:32>*CRUNCH*\n<font:impact:16>" @ %damage @ " damage!", 1.5);

serverPlay3D(ZombieCrunchSound, %pos);
%col.damage(%obj, %pos, %damage, %damagetype);

return parent::onCollision(%this, %obj, %col, %pos, %vel);

function ZombieLeaperArmor::onImpact(%this, %obj, %col, %vel, %z)
return parent::onImpact(%this, %obj, %col, %vel, %z);

function ZombieLeaperArmor::zombieDetectRoute(%this, %obj, %canSee, %dist, %reach, %zDist, %hCol, %lCol, %hHit, %lhit, %fhit)
if(%canSee && %dist > (%reach * 3) && %obj.getEnergyLevel() >= 50)
return "special";
return parent::zombieDetectRoute(%this, %obj, %canSee, %dist, %reach, %zDist, %hCol, %lCol, %hHit, %lhit, %fhit);

function ZombieLeaperArmor::zombieSpecial(%this, %obj)
%energy = %obj.getEnergyLevel();

if(%obj.isCrouched() || zombieBot(%obj))
if(%energy >= 50)
%start = %obj.getPosition();
%end = vectorSub(%start, "0 0 2");
%masks = ($TypeMasks::FxBrickObjectType | $TypeMasks::PlayerObjectType | $TypeMasks::StaticObjectType | $TypeMasks::TerrainObjectType | $TypeMasks::VehicleObjectType);

%ground = getWord(containerRayCast(%start, %end, %masks, %obj), 0);

%canJump = true;
%end = vectorSub(%start, %obj.getForwardVector());
%ground = getWord(containerRayCast(%start, %end, %masks, %obj), 0);

%canJump = true;

%aimVec = %obj.zombieAimVec();
%obj.setVelocity(vectorScale(%aimVec, 40));

%obj.setEnergyLevel(%energy - 50);
%obj.playThread(2, "jump");

%obj.zombieLeapPos = %obj.getPosition();

return true;
commandToClient(%obj.client, 'centerPrint', "<font:impact:16>Crouch before Jumping", 1.5);

return false;

Help / Make this a playertype
« on: July 31, 2012, 11:32:40 AM »
I got this leaper zombie code, but i want you to modify it:

Make it not give the player zombie colored skin, make it easily modifyable, and send the package as private for me.


Code: [Select]
function ZombieLeaperArmor::onCollision(%this, %obj, %col, %pos, %vel)
if(%vel > 12 && zombieValidTarget(%obj, %col))
%dist = mCeil(vectorDist(%obj.zombieLeapPos, %obj.getPosition()));
%mini = getMiniGameFromObject(%obj);

%damagetype = $DamageType::BurningLeaper;

%damage = mFloor(%vel * 0.862) * mFloor(%dist / 22);
%damage = (zombieGameSetUpRight(%mini) ? mDirMod(%damage * 0.75, %damage * 1.25, %mini) : %damage);
%damage = mFloor(%damage);

if(%damage > 75)
%damage = 75;
%damagetype = $DamageType::LeaperJump;

%damage = mFloor(%vel * 0.475) * mFloor(%dist / 18);
%damage = (zombieGameSetUpRight(%mini) ? mDirMod(%damage * 0.5, %damage * 1.0, %mini) : %damage);
%damage = mFloor(%damage);

if(%damage > 50)
%damage = 50;

if(%damage > 0)

if(%damage >= 15 && !zombieBot(%col))
%usedTool = %col.currTool;

if(%usedTool == -1)
for(%a = 0; %a < 10; %a++)
%usedTool = %a;

if(%usedTool != -1)
serverCmdDropTool(%col.client, %usedTool);
%obj.playThread(0, 'root');
commandToClient(%col.client, 'centerPrint', "<font:impact:32>*POUNCED*\n<font:impact:16>A Leaper caused you to drop your weapon!!", 2.5);

commandToClient(%obj.client, 'centerPrint', "<font:impact:32>*CRUNCH*\n<font:impact:16>" @ %damage @ " damage + weapon lost!", 1.5);
else if(!zombieBot(%obj))
commandToClient(%obj.client, 'centerPrint', "<font:impact:32>*CRUNCH*\n<font:impact:16>" @ %damage @ " damage!", 1.5);
else if(!zombieBot(%obj))
commandToClient(%obj.client, 'centerPrint', "<font:impact:32>*CRUNCH*\n<font:impact:16>" @ %damage @ " damage!", 1.5);

serverPlay3D(ZombieCrunchSound, %pos);
%col.damage(%obj, %pos, %damage, %damagetype);

return parent::onCollision(%this, %obj, %col, %pos, %vel);

function ZombieLeaperArmor::onImpact(%this, %obj, %col, %vel, %z)
return parent::onImpact(%this, %obj, %col, %vel, %z);

function ZombieLeaperArmor::zombieDetectRoute(%this, %obj, %canSee, %dist, %reach, %zDist, %hCol, %lCol, %hHit, %lhit, %fhit)
if(%canSee && %dist > (%reach * 3) && %obj.getEnergyLevel() >= 50)
return "special";
return parent::zombieDetectRoute(%this, %obj, %canSee, %dist, %reach, %zDist, %hCol, %lCol, %hHit, %lhit, %fhit);

function ZombieLeaperArmor::zombieSpecial(%this, %obj)
%energy = %obj.getEnergyLevel();

if(%obj.isCrouched() || zombieBot(%obj))
if(%energy >= 50)
%start = %obj.getPosition();
%end = vectorSub(%start, "0 0 2");
%masks = ($TypeMasks::FxBrickObjectType | $TypeMasks::PlayerObjectType | $TypeMasks::StaticObjectType | $TypeMasks::TerrainObjectType | $TypeMasks::VehicleObjectType);

%ground = getWord(containerRayCast(%start, %end, %masks, %obj), 0);

%canJump = true;
%end = vectorSub(%start, %obj.getForwardVector());
%ground = getWord(containerRayCast(%start, %end, %masks, %obj), 0);

%canJump = true;

%aimVec = %obj.zombieAimVec();
%obj.setVelocity(vectorScale(%aimVec, 40));

%obj.setEnergyLevel(%energy - 50);
%obj.playThread(2, "jump");

%obj.zombieLeapPos = %obj.getPosition();

return true;
commandToClient(%obj.client, 'centerPrint', "<font:impact:16>Crouch before Jumping", 1.5);

return false;

Gallery / [VIDEO] Blockland - Sketches [HD]
« on: June 13, 2012, 04:29:09 AM »
I just decided to make this... I'm not sure if it is so funny...

Blockland - Sketches

Edit: Not that funny.

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