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Messages - Deus Ex

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Generally speaking insect genocide isn't a good long term investment

If they're in my house though? It's over. Ya dead fred

Just buy a bluetooth speaker for the shower. Why even risk your earbuds like that? I dont get it

Recent events have shown we need to enact the final solution of gun control once and for all. Clearly common civilians cannot be trusted with guns. The police, however, can, as it has been shown time and time again that when the chips are down, they will surely save you. I mean, even the Supreme Court ruled they have a duty to...wait......oh...

Musk is rich and if he truly didn't do it, then proving his innocence is better for his image and business than settling with NDAs.

I mean this is good logic if you're socially illiterate, but the truth is having some cunt parade herself around accusing you of something you didn't do is far worse is for your image and business than just giving her money to shut up and forget off.

And the timing of breaking the NDA leads me to believe it's purely political and gives less credence to it being real. Believe what you want though, it's not my problem either way

I hope you guys win the lottery and get accused by some front hole so you can understand why settling is easier than going to court and proving them wrong

Americans cannot comprehend the European realities of national socialist nuance

dunning meets krueger, conceives Ceist, aborts him before he can attempt another stuff tier clapback

The west has complete brain rot and is completely devoid of any nuance in their politics

This extends to their brown townysis of european conflict. Russia is wrong for invading, therefore there are no national socialists in Ukraine, because national socialists are bad, and Russia is wrong, so Ukraine is right, and how can be national socialists if right? Impossible.

That's gotta be the most bad faith faux handicap question anyone's ever asked in this thread

spoken like a true child rapist, typical furry behavior

Anyone who calls the parental rights bill the dont say gay bill is actively engaging in family values by implying homoloveuals are child enthusiasts who want to groom kids

God it must be so sad to be you

Cope and project harder manlet

God, even after 15 years the BLF still contains the worst takes imaginable. Nuclear bad takes. Bottom of the bottom-most barrel of takes.

Suck that boot leather harder bitch boy, raise a bunch of sissies that will gather supplies for my bloodchild army to take for free

So you're black? What made you hate modern black women? Did they have an older ideal that you wish they still conformed to?

I wish they didnt act like brothers

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