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Topics - IkeTheGeneric

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Off Topic / Everything is too perfect for me.
« on: December 15, 2010, 11:35:45 AM »
My dad has a fruitful job, my siblings are nice and caring, everybody likes me, I live in like the most beautiful spot in all of north-eastern USA and the recession hasn't hit my family almost at all.

But, my cousins are messed up, they're broke and homeless, my grandparents aren't talking to us anymore for some reason and to top it off my uncle and aunt aren't really happy at all.

My whole neighborhood is struggling, and my family may be the only happy family for miles!

Something is going to happen. I just know it.

This Christmas I'm getting a nice amount of presents (not too many since I don't feel like building 1306+ bricks together at once), the bills are being paid off right on time, nobody's depressed or anything...

I just need somebody to explain to me why we're so good off when our other family isn't :(

It's saddening to know this.

Drama / Bloody Mary is A.R.C!
« on: December 14, 2010, 08:57:51 PM »
It's true! They were talking to me and I found out they were the same people!

steam chat:
ARC: lol im bloody mary
Me: HOLY stuff!!

I never would have guessed, he really fooled me! Some more proof:
I did a search, and I found out that A.R.C always says Mary's favorite word!!

Another thing, Bloody Mary is using A.R.C's avatar, but cleverly disguised!

Both of them have the same amount of posts, and post at the same time in the same thread!

Discuss this shocking phenomenon

Off Topic / Guess the favorite color of the user below you!
« on: December 14, 2010, 10:29:43 AM »
A simple game! Guess the user's favorite color. If you guess incorrectly, you are not smart

Is it black

Forum Games / The Quest for the Golden Spiritbox - The text adventure
« on: December 11, 2010, 09:04:05 PM »
The Spiritbox. Made of pure gold. Said to have held souls of great demons.

The main target of many treasure hunters, it is. It's pure beauty enlightens the top of the Mountain of Old. Many people have died over it, many people have betrayed their friends to get it. No mortal man has touched the box.

Until this morning, have you set out on your quest.
You are but a pilgrim. You have set out to find great treasure for your village to prosper. Your mission is only of peace. You care not for the wealth of yourself, but for the fortune of others around you. Nobody expected you, a pilgrim, to look for goods.

Right now you are equipped with these items >

-Worn leather boots
-Stitched cloth cap.
-Long baggy worn leather pants
-The iron gauntlets you saved up some coin to buy
-Worn leather shirt

Special word legend >
Important detail
Interactive object
Enemy/Dangerous object
Name of a person

While walking through the forest, heading north, you spy upon a lone cat. He walks up to your leg and starts purring. You aren't one for cats.

>>What do you do?

Gallery / My second attempt at a house - WIP
« on: December 11, 2010, 03:07:09 PM »
I seem to be doing quite good with making houses!

But I still don't like it. I hate making interiors.

But, some screenshots nonetheless

The attic. Notice how you're not supposed to see this.

The garage. Notice it's simplicity. I think it looks like a doghouse :cookieMonster:

Nothing back here. Nope, no way.

The inside of the garage. Cool beans.

The house inside. Next to the stairs.

The stairs. Dramatic. I hate building stairs btw

Upstairs. This is where magic happens.

The house itself. It's lovey.

You can rate it x/10. You can comment on everything except about the trashcan up front

You can't say anything about that.

Drama / Ningyou - I'm a girl, that means I am your god
« on: December 10, 2010, 09:53:06 AM »
Can somebody say "attention whore"?

When she's not picking on her internet boyfriend to look badass, or attempting to be sarcastic and ending up looking like a jackass, Ningyou is acting like boobs = power, no matter how flat they are.

Also, this person was perma'd before, if I've read correctly. She shouldn't be here in the first place.

Most of her posts are in this thread. Surprising, no?

She made this thread. It shows her true potential as a good contributor.

Her boyfriend, the infamous white knight, MegaScientifical made this thread about her. She actually posted a picture of the bottom of her panties to get attention.

Sickening, just sickening.

Off Topic / An issue I might have, and I need to ask about it.
« on: December 08, 2010, 09:54:39 AM »
Before I registered this account, I had attempted to make another account. Although it failed miserably due to the fact that I had entered in the email address incorrectly.

So, if anybody IP checks me, they will notice it matches with two different accounts - one is "Qyail", the incorrect email account, the other is Giroian, my brother's account.

And don't worry, Giro is truly my brother, he even has his own blockland key.

Creativity / The comics that I shouldn't make
« on: December 05, 2010, 02:45:51 PM »
These are based off of fictional events, none of this has happened. Some material may seem graphic to some people. Viewers are warned.

Several years ago, scientists developed a new kind of organism...One that should have never existed...

Part 1: The mutant organism is being tested

They still don't know what to call it.

Oh and did you hear dave from the computing labs has a new dog?

Drama / The thread that keeps me from spamming this board.
« on: December 05, 2010, 12:56:46 PM »
Yes, I made a megathread of my Drama topics.

now, instead of making new threads, I will post them in here! COLLECTIVE RANTING FTW

The constant furry topics are getting on my nerves.

Either if it's "furries r dum" or "furries r cool shutup" threads, there's an abundance of them, and it's getting annoying.

Shut up about furries if they're so dumb

Shut up about ranters if they hate you for being a furry

Forum Games / Poll RPG
« on: December 04, 2010, 11:40:23 AM »
The poll RPG consists of the stats in the poll, you can only vote for three stats per person. You can decide what to vote for, you can take back your votes, and you can see what anybody has voted for.

In 20 days, your character will fight the evil demons of underhell, he has to work up his stats.


Strength - How powerful your character is
Agility - How agile your character is
Wisdom - How smart your character is
Magic - How much Marna your character has
Endurance - How much damage your character can take
Speed - How fast your character can swing weapons
Willpower - How strong-willed your character is
Wealthiness - How prone your character is to getting money
Immunity - How resistant your character is to poisons
Power - How much inner-power your character can tap into
Streetsmarts - Your character's knowledge of streets
Attention Span - How attentive your character is
Bravery - How brave your character is
Cleavage - How big your characters jugs are
Notoriety - How well known your character is
Belief - How strong your character is in faith for the lord.
Vision - How far your character can see
Darth Vader - How awesome your character is
Math Skills - How much your character knows of math
Security - How well your character is with picking locks
Stealth - How stealthy your character is
Work Ethic - How much your character likes working
Luck - How lucky your character is

Post what three things YOU voted for!

Drama / pvtcastro, Fizzle and super_sniper - no mods are on, let's spam irc
« on: December 03, 2010, 10:27:29 PM »

I was on IRC for the first time. And guess what happens, people decide to be stupid.

Shadowed999 also makes a cameo as spamming later on, too.

I don't understand why people do this.


You wake up in your house, in the middle of the night. You move your covers away from yourself, stretch yourself up and get up out of bed. The room is almost pitch black.

Currently you are in your underwear. You can see your wardrobe.

So far, you have nothing in your inventory.

You instantly remember of the old man. He was telling of a tale, as of yesterday. Something about a stupid sword of cool or something.

Your name is Dale Hewitt Bradwrom. You are a law writer, or you used to be.
You're a smart, funny, an ex-drunkard, bald, blue eyes and you're kind of overweight.

Your career ended after learning that you have a mental condition unsuitable of law writing. You write with your left hand.

No matter how objectionable you are towards this mixup, it doesn't change the fact that you have no career.

You have a slight headache from last night, you recall drinking yourself into a drunken haze. You were always the best out of your school friends as far as not getting a hangover. You then dwell on the though of how you used to drink all the time with your friends at the local pub. All the fun you had at that pub.

But now you just want to turn the light on and get your clothes on and go outside stargazing.

What do you decide to do?

Off Topic / Garfield! Explained from my point of view.
« on: December 03, 2010, 11:36:56 AM »
So, I am a big Garfield & friends fan. My first Garfield book was when I was vacationing in Colorado with my grandma and my cousin showed me the book "Garfield takes the cake." But, I always had a different outlook on Garfield comics, and as so, I will share that outlook with you.

I will start from the Garfield timebase at the beginning of the year 2007, and work my way up to the lastest comics.

And I will only explain ones that I want to.

First panel, Jon and Garfield often spend their whole day staring at eachother, hoping somebody starts a conversation. Although, I'd like to add the fact that Jon cannot hear Garfield's thoughts, only read them by his body language and facial expressions. In the next panel, Garfield's teeth are over-exaggerated, even for a cartoon. Cats have pointed teeth. And another thing that gets is the fact that he's laughing. I don't think a cat has very much lung capacity.

In the last panel, Jon goes back to serious face, telling Garfield that they ought to make a resolution, and you can tell that from his face, he knows it's quite a futile effort. Whereas Garfield tries to cease the moment and be the funny cat, as you see his main drive is to be better than Jon.

First panel. God, this is silly. Jon wants Garfield to lose 50 pounds. For Garfield's weight, as a cat that would be more than eighty percent of his body weight. And that would also kill Garfield.

Second panel, Garfield again uses the moment to build up an insult to look like a superior cat. But again, Jon does not understand him as he has the same expression as always.

Last panel, Jon notifies Garfield that he's only kidding, as you see. But really, though, is he kidding? He's told Garfield the same thing over a basis of thirty three years, why would he be kidding now? Oh yes and Garfield is being the typical Garfield.

Why is he intentionally putting his pants on backwards? What would make somebody do this? If it's not intentional, no wonder he ponders about seeing a therapist. This guy is a nutcase.

And the second panel is funny because he screams so loud right in there. I don't know how to explain it, but it's silly for the fact that he just realizes it's a problem, and yells it even when nobody around to his knowledge understands. This guy really needs help.

The last panel concludes is unusual, as Garfield doesn't crack a joke. All he does is state that Jon made an entire resolution about not putting his pants on backwards. As a small resolution, it seems nothing happens in the house at any time. I would expect him more to say something like "And it's anybody's guess to how he even got out of bet this morning".

The first panel shows that Jon has a chance with Liz. It true shows when a woman loves you so much, when they are the ones giving YOU candy. It warms my heart that Liz cares so much about Jon, and not just Garfield. They're the perfect couple. A boring, socially disfunctional man and an interesting, caring woman. As you see, Garfield is shocked in the first panel from the fact that he's getting fudge.

The second panel is odd, just sort of a super lightning nothing going on.

The last panel is funny, Garfield is so shocked that he's both getting fudge, and the fact that Liz couldn't eat it all. What a concept indeed.

Again, it had to be done intentionally. Jon could NOT have noticed this. He wears jeans, I think he could tell the difference between jeans and a sweatshirt.

"There's something wrong with my richard"

Implying Garfield is not the one giving a headache, how the hell could Jon see Garfield from behind himself? Jon can't hear Garfield.

Or more in-depth, what if Garfield is actually a Tumor inside of Jon that makes him hallucinate?

The first panels includes the dog's first appearance in the year of 2008. So far, the strip tells us dogs take things too seriously in the world of Garfield. And Garfield tops it off with sarcasm.

Either Garfield slept five times in the day..or it was his best out of five naps he considers out of all his naps for the day.

Either way, Garfield needs braces in the second panel

Either the Yarn ball has control over his "body", or Garfield didn't get a good day's rest.

Seriously, this is Jon's pastime.

Being as boring as hell.

And it seems Garfield is just always trying to pop out a gag, no matter what.

Why would he make a snow version of something he despises?

Should I go outside and make a snow raisin?

And did Garfield just waste food?

Jon should just kill Garfield, he does nothing important except undermine Jon.

How the hell does somebody mistake a toy ball ringing for a phone ringing?

Jon is an idiot.

Jon has tumors.

And Liz must be blind.

Jon must be made out of money, I mean he keeps spending money on birds and fish for Garfield to eat.

And hasn't anybody noticed that Garfield is a cold-blooded killer?

You lost since you're moving in the next strip.

Jon's sarcasm is always funnier than Garfield's because Jon isn't trying to be as hurtful and mean.

If a ball of yarn's child would be a smaller ball of yarn, wouldn't that mean that the piece of string is a result of incest?

Drama / Kingdaro - Lord of the autistic flies.
« on: December 02, 2010, 12:38:20 PM »
It gets my goat that this guy is so oblivious to everything he says and does.

Now, I'm not going to be the guy who continues a verbal fistfight, I'm going to be mature and reveal how much of a poopyface this guy is.

His profile

His oh-so-clever avatar.

<^> O.O <^>
His personal text

You might say I'm annoying--you're only letting yourself get annoyed.
His clever signature

Age:    14
His accurate age

His posts

Notice 43% of his posts are in Drama and the rest of his posts are in off topic, and most of his posts are in the "Three word story" game thread.

Warning - while you were typing a new reply has been posted. You may wish to review your post.
Warning - while you were typing 4 new replies have been posted. You may wish to review your post.

Warning - while you were typing a new reply has been posted. You may wish to review your post.

Warning - while you were typing 2 new replies have been posted. You may wish to review your post.
I do. :) It was fun until he started being a cigarette. He wasn't the owner, he was the one in charge while the host was AFK.
You are free to do what the rules don't restrict, yes?

Also, "stupid" is an opinion word. As you can see, Badspot's definition of stupid may be a bit more lenient than our definitions, and unless it's to the point of harming the community in a way only do they get banned.
You get the @$$ of somebody you hate.

I insert an  :nes:.

Also, iEvent is a good one, IMO.

You are hereby forbidden to derail the thread from this point on.
Bad joke is bad.

Bad spam is bad.

Bad Parallel is bad.

Bad repetition is bad.
Not a huge fan of RTS, I'm more of a Rhythm/Music person.

Also, Kingdaro is !Cookie!


Compare their stats

So, yeah. He thinks memes make him cool.

Oh, and a cool quote from him
umad?  :cookieMonster:


No seriously, ustillmad? Go ahead, you have a right. I don't mind.

Watch as I cry myself a river, then proceed to jump off the Brooklyn Bridge.

Drama / Shinedown is stupid
« on: December 01, 2010, 12:34:27 PM »
If you don't agree with the thread title, then you've got some issues.
And I really don't understand why I need to post proof of his stupidity, but oh well.
Ok first of all, That link in my profile Leads to the profile of Whoever clicked it, And second of all, I made that cyan glow avatar in GIMP, I just said i edited yours to Piss you off.

Happy Now?
Bang My Hot Mom.
You'd better stop messing with me, I know a bunch of people. I know you're in Holland and I know how to check your IP, forgeter.

It seems he likes having most of his posts non-contributory to the thread itself.
Tee Hee i changed It :)

^ He doesn't know what spongebob is.

Does anyone know any good Places to find avatars?

He's inept of editing his own pictures and avatars.
Is anyone able to Trans the attached GIF for me?
Or you can do it yourself, Lazy ass.
Any thoughts on my Newest Avatar?

So he's an idiot.

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