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Messages - DrenDran

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 5 6 7 ... 1445
Off Topic / Re: blockland rebuilt
« on: July 20, 2023, 10:51:06 PM »

Ah, so 'early access' just means 'dont criticize it too much.'
I hate modern video games lol

Off Topic / Re: blockland rebuilt
« on: July 20, 2023, 10:04:44 PM »
no loving way they're going to increase it what lmao where'd they say this
Isn't that the point of early access?
That you're playing a less well rounded version of the game, but for helping support them early on you get a bit of a discount?

Off Topic / Re: blockland rebuilt
« on: July 20, 2023, 09:16:48 PM »
my take on brickadia is that it will not find lasting success without modding. and from what I can tell they aren't really interested in adding that. sooo I guess we'll see
Yeah all the people saying it's dead or that the issues surrounding their (past?) staff are going to kill it are grossly hyperbolic or just kidding.
I actually think it will do pretty well, but also understand that at a certain point it is competing with Roblox (and even Minecraft), not Blockland.
A $30 price tag (which will probably increase after early access lol) and lack of modding will be the real things that stunt it's growth if anything.

Off Topic / Re: Land of Dran
« on: July 20, 2023, 09:31:10 AM »
Moved to a SimpleMachines forum and appear to have less issues now.
This theme seems good, I'll install it when I get home :)

Off Topic / Re: Land of Dran
« on: July 19, 2023, 09:01:28 PM »
Your website is down.
Yeah all of a sudden it's been having memory issues. I've restarted it for now. I hate webdev stuff

Off Topic / Re: blockland rebuilt
« on: July 19, 2023, 05:05:47 PM »
Brickadia is dead. Dran is dying. Blockland reborn will rise from the ashes and take blockland and destroy it, while blockland crumbles in its presence all will hail blockland rebuilt.
Someone should repackage vanilla Blockland as "Blockland Unbuilt" and people will play it just for the hype.
"At least it has an active developer!"

Off Topic / Re: Land of Dran
« on: July 13, 2023, 04:02:26 PM »
So I won't lie I did sort of 'take a break' for almost 2 months just cause I was busy or frustrated with trying to get some glitches fixed or whatever.
But I do wanna get back into working on this.
At a bare minimum I hope to get a client auto-updater and maybe an accounts system with a server master list done this weekend.
Though first I gotta figure out where I left off and what I broke last time I was working on it lol, maybe finally make a github for LoD to use for version control

edit: Making a new video with things like spot-lights, ropes, the new better way to 'slice' vehicles, emitters, jets, vehicle loading/saving, and gui additions, that have been added since the last video wouldn't be a horrible idea either.

Drama / Re: Badspot came back (kinda)
« on: July 03, 2023, 01:01:24 AM »
Argument confusing because:
1. some people say those women are actually attractive, not ugly
2. others say women in games shouldn't (always) be beautiful
Some waver back and forth between both points as it suits them.

If you have the choice to make something more beautiful or less, it takes a broken mind to choose less.

Off Topic / Re: happy pride month everybody
« on: June 28, 2023, 07:50:41 PM »
how could you possibly give a stuff about this?
'You ugly'
'Rent free!!!'

Off Topic / Re: happy pride month everybody
« on: June 28, 2023, 07:22:06 PM »
Three video game characters, actually, not "tons". .
The fact it was allowed to happen more than once is alarming.

Off Topic / Re: happy pride month everybody
« on: June 28, 2023, 05:44:26 PM »
what did you expect, the school of athens? we learned it from watching you dumbass

anytime you see a lady with an afro you take a screenshot and put it in ur brown lady folder, the fact that you can't see how pathetic that is, it's boggling.

Missing the point that a ton of viddy game characters are all based off the same one bug eyed lady, race aside.

Off Topic / Re: Land of Dran
« on: April 27, 2023, 06:33:50 AM »
you should make a gore emitter that has a lot of particles and objects so that people can have realis tic gore and totally not to spam and lag servers

Believe it not, particles that don't have partial transparency / don't need sorting have very little performance impact. You can have 100,000s of them on a modern PC and still probably get a decent framerate.

It's emitters like the fog or smoke that have a greater impact.

Also, check this out:

Off Topic / Re: Land of Dran
« on: April 23, 2023, 01:17:45 PM »

update, emitter script that gives me jet emitter:
Code: [Select]
function jet()
d = getClientByName("DrenDran"):getPlayer()

settings = {}
settings.texture = "assets/particles/cloud.png"
settings.color0 = "0.0 0.0 1.0 0.6"
settings.color1 = "1.0 0.46 0.0 0.5"
settings.color2 = "1.0 0.46 0.0 0.4"
settings.color3 = "1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0"
settings.size0 = 1.6
settings.size1 = 1.0
settings.size2 = 1.0
settings.size3 = 2.1
settings.time0 = 0
settings.time1 = 0.2
settings.time2 = 0.3
settings.time3 = 1
settings.drag = "0.2 0.2 0.2"
settings.gravity = "0 -5 0"
settings.inheritedVelFactor = 1
settings.lifetimeMS = 200
settings.lifetimeVarianceMS = 10
settings.spinSpeed = 1
settings.useInvAlpha = true
settings.needsSorting = true

settings = {}
settings.particles = "playerJetParticle"
settings.ejectionOffset = 0
settings.ejectionPeriodMS = 8
settings.ejectionVelocity = 5
settings.periodVarianceMS = 0
settings.phiReferenceVel = 0
settings.phiVariance = 360
settings.thetaMax = 3.1415
settings.thetaMin = 3.1415
settings.velocityVariance = 0
settings.uiName = "Player Jet"

Also a list of all functions on the server so far:
Code: [Select]
numVehicles = getNumVehicles()
x,y,z = brickCar:getPosition()
x,y,z = brickCar:getVelocity()
client = brickCar:getOwner() - Returns nil if the creator has since left the server
numBricks = brickCar:getNumBricks()
brickCar = getBrickCarIdx(index)

count = getNumBricks()
brick = getBrickIdx(index)
count = getNumNamedBricks(name)
brick = getNamedBrickIdx(name,idx)
brick = getBrickAt(x,y,z)
name = brick:getName()
width,length,height = brick:getDimensions()
r,g,b,a = brick:getColor()
x,y,z = brick:getPosition()
bool = brick:isSpecial() - Does it have it's own model as opposed to being a regular rectangular prism
id = brick:getTypeID() - Returns nil if isSpecial == false
client = brick:getOwner() - Only gets the owner if they're still online
brick:remove() - Removes the brick, using any lua reference to the old brick after deleting it will crash the server for now. Very fun.
brick:setAngleID(angleID) - From 0 to 3

client = getClientIdx(index)
client = getClientByName(string)
client:toggleRotationControl(bool) - snaps the player's (if available) rotation to a rotation around Y axis equal to client's camera yaw
client:bindCamera(dynamic) - Set client's camera to follow a given dynamic object around
client:setCameraPosition(x,y,z) - Unbinds client's camera from dynamic if bound and fixes camera position
client:setCameraDirection(x,y,z) - Unbinds client's camera from dynamic if bound, direction has no effect if freelook == true
client:setCameraFreelook(bool) - Is the camera direction fixed? No effect if camera bound to dynamic
client:sendMessage(text,category) - Category is optional, but will allow the client to filter certain types of messages. CEGUI text formatting tags work here.
name = client:getName()
howMany = client:getNumVehicles() - How many vehicles this client currently has on the map
client:spawnPlayer(x,y,z) - Removes old player and creates a new one, binds camera to it, and gives it a hammer and wrench
client = gcbn(string) - alias for getClientByName(string)
client:clearBricks() - Quickly clears all of a clients bricks
client:bottomPrint(text,timeoutMS) - Timeout can be 0 (to clear message) all the way up to 65534 milliseconds. CEGUI formatting tags can change text color and other properties.

echo(string) - Can accept and render CEGUI text formatting tags for display in client developer console.
saveBuildLod(filePath) - Saves all static bricks (i.e. the main build) to a file (do not add a file extension)
registerEventListener(eventName,functionName) - Will call your function any time a given event occurs allow you to change if and how the event fires
clearAllBricks() - Clears all of the bricks in the server
loadBlocklandSave(filePath) - Loads blockland BLS save at that given relative file path
unregisterEventListener(eventName,functionName) --- Disables a package
printNetIDs() - Puts how many objects of each type (i.e. vehicles, clients) have been allocated since server start.
clearAllCars() - Removes all built brick cars
bottomPrintAll(message,milliseconds) - calls bottomPrint on all clients
ScheduleID = Schedule(milliseconds,functionName) -- Calls named function if it exists in a certain  amount of time
Cancel(scheduleID) - Cancels a schedule if it exists

dynamic = getDynamicIdx(index) - Find dynamic object at given index
dynamic:setGravity(x,y,z) - Set gravity of a particular object
dynamic = getPlayerByName(string) - returns a dynamic
num = getNumDynamics()
num = getNumClients()
dyanmic = client:getPlayer()
dynamic:setAngularFactor(x,y,z) - Sets if and how much a dynamic can be affected by rotations around a given axis from collisions and such
dynamic:setRotation(w,x,y,z) - A quaternion
dynamic:setRestitution(restitution) - Sets how bouncy something is, 0 is not at all, 1 is normal, can go higher
dynamic = addDynamic(typeID)
dynamic:setShapeName(name,red,green,blue) - You can also omit the color arguments if you want
x,y,z = dynamic:getPosition()

addParticleType(datablockName,table) -- The table contains all of the properties for the emitter
addEmitterType(datablockName,table) --
emitter = addEmitter(type,x,y,z) --- x,y,z are optional
emitter:attachToDynamic(dynamic,nodeName) -- nodeName is optional, it's where to attach the emitter
emitter:attachToBrick(brick) -- nil can be passed and emitter will stay at its last position then

Off Topic / Re: Land of Dran
« on: April 21, 2023, 08:06:47 PM »
i forget coconuts
He said topical, not tropical.

General Discussion / Re: The things I forgot to remember
« on: April 19, 2023, 08:24:12 PM »
I also joined this "Land of Dran" discord to figure out what exactly it is, a lot of the links on threads related don't seem to work anymore.
I worked on it from sept. 2017 to jan 2018 then gave up. I started from scratch again this January, so that's why old links don't work anymore.

As an aside, you really choose the best time to stop playing. 2009-2014 was peak Blockland.

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