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Messages - Shadowed999

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I may not be plat (yet) but atleast im not boosted like cap KappaRoss

except singed is actually one of the weaker champions at the moment because the last "buff" he received was that flinging people makes him laugh and everything that counters him has been getting buffed.
He just needs a Riot™ rework. Playing around him is a pain for everyone.

Sion jungle in 2016 LUL

Ekko jungle has a rough a clear but hes decent if you go AP-bruiser, scales sorta well. Graves is my personal favorite, strong clears, but meh early ganks, can counterjungle well, can counter gank well, scales well. If you want freelo tho, play Skarner or Hecarim.

Stfu nerd, you play singed, you cant complain about anyone lmao

Kled is a beautiful champ, i loving love him and his toxicity

Yasuo isn't an assassin, he's a melee-adc-fighter-hybrid. Also hes not worth picking up if you arent going to dedicate a lot of games to him. So yea, id just go with AD J4 for supreme asspounding and/or GP for the freelo scaling. Seriously, hes in the top 5 winrate for mid and top after getting nerfed patch to patch.
I'd just go J4 tbh, full AD J4 is alpha as forget and GP is probably going to be nerfed again soon

Just play GP, flex him mid and top.


need a duo buddy? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
For how much Nah I still have things I need to work on, I won't get better by getting carried. Went 0-3 in promos, so there was something obviously wrong in my play. Guess i'm not ready to play against the good players just yet. . .

The infinity edge and ghost blade buffs
Don't you mean Essence Reaver buffs? Since it's one of Ashe's core items.

Also, in promos to S5. Maybe I can finally play with the good players . . .

Games / Re: League of Legends - Ryze rework number 340
« on: July 08, 2016, 07:10:48 PM »
start by changing up that build
those tier matchups though make no sense

wat even is mmr
Two possibilities,

1). Someone was in a party with the Gold 5

2). He's Gold 5 and on the brink of being demoted to S1 because he has S5-S4 MMR.

Games / Re: League of Legends - Ryze rework number 340
« on: July 02, 2016, 06:50:52 PM »
I saw Seraph play AD Nid top against Adrian's Riven, so I think it may just be a niche counterpick thing.

any of you guys done the armor pen gp build? thats some fun stuff
Yea, that was the way I played GP before the Tobias Fate build came out. Never cared for ER, so I got Youmuus after IE

Also, have a oneshot

Banner + ZZ'Rot Teemo is where its at. Although, GA is pretty busted, i'm gonna start buying that more

Quinn isn't all that good for botlane. She may be a marksman, but shes outshined by the other ADCs kitwise. She's better off deletedplayed in top/mid/jg and she does well in those roles. Graves and Urgot sort of have the same issue. I mean you can still play it and pull it off, but don't expect much out of it. You may like Draven, Jinx and Twitch, they're pretty fun IMO.

I dont think CS matters as much, as this was the game i've gotten my only S+ in

Ok kill participation/KDA, ok damage dealt, terrible CS. Unless simply not dying 10+ times on Lee sin qualifies you for a S.....

Games / Re: League of Legends - Taliyah Champion Teaser
« on: May 03, 2016, 05:28:51 AM »
Nj Cap, you'll get plat in no time


also #2,
mfw browsing through old high elo league of lego videos  and our very own Kojolika pops up.
(hes the Jinx)
RIP friend

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