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Messages - Jam_Jar

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General Discussion / Re: new server in development
« on: December 21, 2016, 05:05:47 AM »
id need more info than that. unfortunately never been to spades :(
Well you'll soon be in luck boi ;)

*hint hint*

Add-Ons / Re: Make Eventing Great Again
« on: December 21, 2016, 04:59:28 AM »
.. so what happens?
Nothing "happens" to the events. It just doesn't dupe any indentation or colours; that's out of Dren's control, Zeb would have to add support for MEGA for it to copy that data

Add-Ons / Re: Make Eventing Great Again
« on: December 14, 2016, 10:24:40 AM »
I can see you have Client_EventGUIPlus installed too. If you remove that it will work fine.
Nothing to do with VCE Client button. That would have 0 effect.

System_Eventing replaces all the functions of it anyway, so you won't be missing much :p

Modification Help / Re: Make Eventing Great Again
« on: December 12, 2016, 09:33:57 AM »
How about this for the buttons.

One core reason the copying wouldn't really work in that position is this:

It currently allows for multiline selection, then paste-ing that as a whole.
There is also the insert line function which performs a similar task. Allows you to quickly insert lots of editable lines after the gap:

As for changing colors how about having a color chooser on the right side of the events.
Yeah, that could work nicely. As a rebuttal, it is quite nice at the moment having the large area to be able to click. I could see using the small button a bit frustrating.
But here's how the colouring currently looks as a frame of reference:

One feature planned is to have it possible to select multiple lines using the select tool then, set the colour of all the selected lines on mass.

The reason I'd adhere to having the indent/move positioned like that is because there isn't an actual correlation between up-down movement, which is systematical, and indentation, which is only for readability, so I think it's counter intuitive to make them appear as if they actually behave the same.
I can get behind that logic.

Not to mention that the indentation icons should maybe be more than a mere arrow.
Hm. This is what I came across as a common "indent" button design

Working with the space we have, this is what I've got for an imitation

The issues arise when you realise how little space there really is. Not only is it tight when designing the buttons at full size but when the are scaled down for the UI, it becomes approximated and blurry:

Oh and by the way, here's an example of the buttons in use in the proposed layout:

And the original buttons for comparison:

In that regard, the indentation could also be made into a single button functioning with left/right mouse button, which would allow the fitting of all functions in the presumed 2x3 grid.
I think we talked about doing that for the colour selection mode and have it cycle backward and forwards, but Dren found that it wasn't able to recognise the difference between left and right clicks or something? Would be nice tho.

There will also be support for mass indenting. So if you select multiple lines, you can indent and outdent them all together.

Otherwise a perhaps heretic suggestion, what if instead of moving events with buttons you could drag & drop them around.
Not from my knowledge but hearing it from people like Dren and Zeb, I'm not sure that's even possible :c
It would be so great if you could

But yes, having any feedback about the different functions and UI is super useful and helpful!
It's far better to iron all those things out now rather than have complaints further down the line and attempt to rearrange it then, hence why the beta testers are super useful.

Modification Help / Re: Make Eventing Great Again
« on: December 11, 2016, 06:23:14 PM »

I mean really it could be perceived as that connotation from your perspectives, but I definitely don't see it as salt in the wound.
The core idea behind it all is to really make eventing great again. I'm sure we can agree not as many people are really into events or even understand how to use them as effectively. Heck, it's a HUGE feature that is pretty much ignored in the game steam trailer and has no mention anywhere in the default tutorial.

I'm all for the name MEGA, because it is exactly what this is. A mega-step in the right direction for events.

Also, OP is DrenDran?
Sure is!

We're currently going through all the features and we're figuring out an optimal interface/GUI layout for all the features rn

This is so great, can't wait to see it all working out. I feel as though it's what every eventer has wanted for years c:

Add-Ons / Re: Blockland Glass 3.1.4
« on: October 30, 2016, 09:13:21 PM »
I'm still not payin $29 for a font I'm only going to use once.
Which font is it?

Add-Ons / Re: Blockland Glass 3.1.4
« on: October 30, 2016, 08:10:02 PM »
Primary point of the design was to move away from the 2 cliché ideas connected to the name.

- The first being "Blockland" and related logos/imagery having something to do with blocks/bricks. It is by far the most obvious route the take when naming something with in Blockland and then subsequently signing a logo for it but it was a rule I set myself before starting to try and exercise some creativity. I'm not condemning the idea of using blocks or bricks in Blockland related projects at all! But in my personal approach, I avoided it :p

- The second was "Glass". Basically going down the window/material route. To just go and just make something shiny/lower opacity felt a bit lazy and cliché. It's been done 100s of times not only within the Blockland echo system but ALSO in the outer design world.

Again not condemning either route but in this specific case, I felt as like moving away from these would be best. The name Glass doesn't have the best history behind it. Distancing it from that history and producing new recognisable imagery for it is the best course of action.

Thanks man, appreciate it.
I'm acutely aware of what the rule of thirds is. The rule of thirds, golden ratio rule, eye line focus, hierarchical scale rule, and so many other rules is what you're taught in design as a comfortable and reliable toolset. But "rule" is a misleading part of each of them. Apply them if necessary, needed, or applicable, but never force. Forcing rules can do as much damage as good.

In the suggested case you've given, doing that would force the typography to be stretched and distorted from it's intended balanced design. And from a hierarchy perspective, the glass and liquid becomes unbalanced and looks too large comparatively to the "BLOCKLAND GLASS".

The original composition does follow other rules of its own, though. For example, the glass has been balanced to it is in fact 2/3rds full.

And just a really basic fundamental, the typography as a group is centrally aligned to the glass.

Also @Master Matthew, people gotta earn money for that kinda thing fam. It's big bizz B)

Add-Ons / Re: Blockland Glass 3.1.4
« on: October 26, 2016, 03:19:42 PM »
Not half bad! Great job on that logo!
Wow those look really cool. I like the loading animation too.
Those actually look pretty awesome. I'll see how well they fit in.
Thank you very much <3

If you want anything like .eps files or any other resources, just give a shout :p

Slightly tweaked the alignment of the text, looks a bit neater and stylised (i think)

Add-Ons / Re: Blockland Glass 3.1.4
« on: October 26, 2016, 12:33:41 PM »
Funnily enough, I've been toying with an idea for a BLGlass brand image too.

Basis off the BLG green from website.
Works in negative space (colour and monotone), and a full-colour variant.

Playing with other swatches

Loading animation (?)

Just feels as though it's about time the "brand" is solidified into something.

Willing to tweak anything from any criticism; it's an ongoing development on my part :P

Add-Ons / Re: Blockland Glass 3.1.4
« on: October 26, 2016, 12:33:10 PM »
ffs... need blue background

Some people feel as though they are entitled to see/get another soccer cup ASAP, and that it's a real problem that we haven't talked about much for 3 weeks since we officially closed the last season with a breakdown.

So when they started kicking off and spamming in the discord (that they are voluntarily in), I added a role to each of them to limit where they were able to send messages. A bull pen room named "#ball_gagged".
If you have the role you can still see ALL the other chats you usually can, but you're unable to send anything to them.

Click either image to see a bigger version.

And why on Earth Ragref (Gum) decided to bump this by nearly 3 weeks...? Beats me, he just seems triggered or something B)

Oh and I will probably lock this thread sooner or later, you'll hear back from us soon enough about future GBFL events. But for now (as we said before), we are on a hiatus to recharge and collect ourselves for the next cup.

Added a [$$$] B)


All statistics have been collated and managed by WALDO, with help from other players.
If you think there is a discrepancy in the data, then just mention it to us and we'll look into updating it ASAP!

Data on team cards include information from all 12 season games, but exclude the 3rd place and grand final match.

Original player

Joined team

Joined & left team

Left team

GS - Games Started    |    GP - Games Played    |    GA - Games Attended

Big thanks to everyone who helped in the stat tracking, and a MASSIVE thank you to WALDO for organising the process and giving us all of this great data!
If you would like to see the raw data, then follow the links bellow to our Google spreadsheets.

Match 1 | Match 2 | Match 3 | Match 4 | Match 5 | Match 6 | Match 7 | Match 8 | Match 9 | Match 10 | Match 11 | Match 12
3rd Place Match | Grand Final Match | Top Performing | Roster | Player Transactions

Stream - [18:50]

Stream - [0:00]

Stream - [9:56]

Stream - [4:14]

Stream - [3:37]

Stream - [3:44]

Stream - [8:10]

Stream - [18:57]

Big thanks to Mr.LoL for capturing all of these great moments in pictures for us.
If you have any notable images yourself, then feel free to share them with us! We may even add it to our official gallery section!

Thank you for participating and helping!





Jam Jar
Skill4Life [$$$]
Jam Jar
Blockland Classics
Crown & Niblics Jailbreak
Eksi's Vehicles
Playable Instruments
Skill4Life Streaming

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