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Messages - TristanLuigi

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Off Topic / Re: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD
« on: June 06, 2018, 07:07:23 PM »
I mean Cord's right literally none of you have addressed the story and have instead decided to just make fun of Cord

You look like midgets
I mean, really, want do you want us to address? It's a thing that happened in a previous administration that was, I'll be honest, pretty scummy. But it wasn't illegal, it served a purpose, and it doesn't really have any bearing on the future. There's pretty much nothing to comment on here.

I'm not going to pretend it was a good thing (it wasn't), but I'm also not going to pretend it's an earth-shattering revelation (it isn't)

I just leave YouTube on autoplay.

Funny, I would expect all the "free market anti-PC" people on the forum would be all over this stuff. You got what you wanted! Steam isn't censoring you!

I'm okay with this. It means the platform will be more open to everyone, even if that does mean some stuff games make it onto the store. I find that garbage games rarely end up in my recommendations or front page anyway, and you can filter by ratings or popularity. However, I do think their search engine could still use a little work, and that's even more important if they're going to be taking a hands-off approach; it seems Valve agrees:

“We’ve decided that the right approach is to allow everything onto the Steam Store, except for things that we decide are illegal or straight-up trolling,” Johnson explained. “Taking this approach allows us to focus less on trying to police what should be on Steam and more on building those tools to give people control over what kinds of content they see.”

With that goal in mind, Valve is once again promising to improve its personalization tools that surface games that Steam thinks you will like. It has had many of these features for years now, but Johnson says that they not prominent or comprehensive enough. The Steam dev team is also going to offer you more direct control over how the store works for you.

“We are going to enable you to override our recommendation algorithms and hide games containing the topics you’re not interested in,” said Johnson. “So if you don’t want to see anime games on your Store, you’ll be able to make that choice. If you want more options to control exactly what kinds of games your kids see when they browse the Store, you’ll be able to do that.”

Also important:
In the short term, we won't be making significant changes to what's arriving on Steam until we've finished some of the tools we've described in this post. As we've hopefully managed to convey, navigating these issues is messy and complicated. Countries and societies change their laws and cultural norms over time.

We'll still continue to perform technical evaluations of submissions, rejecting games that don't pass until their issues have been resolved.

Games / Re: homebrew, coming soon to a switch near you
« on: June 05, 2018, 08:41:40 PM »
this is pretty exciting for reasons other than piracy, though
running linux on switch is really cool and it means you can play all sorts of steam or emulator games on your switch

so, like, a good portion of your steam library will now be portable

Off Topic / Re: mustard tastes bad
« on: June 05, 2018, 08:31:06 PM »
yeah I don't really get it either, I might put a few drops of mustard on a hot dog for a bit of tang, but any more than that and mustard will loving ruin your food
it's so goddamned pungent like aye mate I definitely wanted my burger to taste like loving brimstone

exception: honey mustard is fine

edit: so apparently American yellow mustard is one of the most mild forms of mustard and it's still really pungent
I can't imagine eating anything with "real" mustard, all other flavors in the food would just be annihilated
you liked all those subtle flavors? too bad they're gone from this loving plane of existence
the only thing you can taste is mustard

all we want is equal rights. and even when we have it, we want you to have less.
ah yes
the infamous liberal plot to deprive straight people of rights, as evidenced by the fact that they're trying to ban straight marriage

you're not expecting me to believe they're just joking, are you? they're edgy because their views are edgy and going out of style, so they're lashing out
Eh, personally I think it's between the extremes of "they're just trolling" and "they really believe it." Usually this sort of "edgy humor" is an exaggeration of their actual beliefs (because normal people wouldn't be alright with advocating gassing the Jews, even jokingly). It's like people that post national socialist memes - they may not literally be national socialists, but it's quite likely that they hold strong right-wing beliefs.  

They aren't even being funny, it sounds literally exactly like my 16 year old brother.

Actually the coincidence is funny.
clearly you don't realize that posting "jews aren't people" on a lego forum is the epitome of humor
i personally cannot think of anything funnier

i find it funny you get uppity about anonymous teenagers saying mean things on the internet
hey, a few people asked why LGBT people need a pride month, and I answered

it just sounds like you're sensitive
Lol, I'm not even LGBT, I just find it funny that a lot of people here are spewing family values and then following it up with "so hey why do they need a pride month again"

LGBT people wouldn't need a pride month if there wasn't any animosity towards them, but as this thread seems to have proven, there most certainly is

"Why do friends need a pride month," says everyone proving exactly why a pride month is necessary by being toxic towards LGBT individuals.

Off Topic / Re: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD
« on: June 01, 2018, 04:05:32 AM »
btw you just set yourself up for such comments
I'm well aware, but it sort of kills all the humor if I pre-empt it

Off Topic / Re: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD
« on: June 01, 2018, 03:55:57 AM »
forget, Marry, Kill

Master Mathew, Corderlain, Unova
I would say I would just pick Kill three times, but I'm not really in the mood for seventeen "so much for the tolerant left!!!" comments

Off Topic / Re: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD
« on: May 31, 2018, 11:19:39 PM »
Tristan dude, you really need to get some serious mental help if you think that people that hold different political opinions than you are "national socialist's".
And where, pray tell, did I state that?
I'm not calling everyone I disagree with a national socialist. I am pointing out that a self-avowed Neo-national socialist - who actively promotes himself as an antisemite and is a former leader of the American national socialist Party - is running under the GOP banner in Illinois, and there are similar situations in California and Wisconsin. I'm not calling them Neo-national socialists because I disagree with them, I'm calling them Neo-national socialists because they identify as Neo-national socialist (or other similar terms such as "countersemite") and hold beliefs consistent with Neo-national socialistsm.

What else do you want? A photo of him with a swastika armband?

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