General Discussion / Re: What would you like to see in an RPG / what would make an RPG compelling?
« on: February 02, 2017, 06:09:15 PM »I get that pretty terrain is nice and all, but you're really sacrificing the brickcount for what could essentially be done with GSF mod terrain for 20x less bricks. In an RPG, the environment should have less focus than the mechanics.
Along with that, you're putting a lot of extra bricks into what's essentially supposed to be foundation for the setting. You have a really nice and detailed terrain map, but it's consequently barren and looks absolutely boring to play on. Your big open world just means there's more downtime between walking from one landmark to another. That ruins the fun.
Every RP host wrote me off as a moron for trying to imply that basing traditional roleplaying around actual game mechanics would work better than a 100% pure roleplay. Check out games like Space Station 13, which still has the same amount of player agency as a traditional roleplay game while still being able to hold up as it's own game if you took away the roleplaying.
I understand your concern, however I just did not want to settle on a boring gsf map, I honestly think it looks really bad and wanted to put more effort into it. Also the reason why it looks so barren is because we haven't even gotten into putting all the ruins / foliage yet I will be doing that soon. I also was worried that people wouldn't have a lot of motivation for exploring a gsf flat map, Wanted to make it look nice to attract people's eyes into areas. Yes there might be a huge gap between quest points but that just makes it more fun imo since you can get sidetracked and maybe discover a giant robot head that has been burried into the side of the mountain that has a room inside of it or something. It just gives more opportunities for you to find random events etc.
At this point I really do not want this to be a Medieval RP that wasn't what it was intended for it anyways. I won't mind adding rp elements if that is something the community really wants but its not at the top of my list at the moment but is worth looking into. When people say RP Elements what do you mean, just like a chat system etc or? I don't really rp that much so my knowledge of this is really limited.