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Messages - Gunnyz

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I get that pretty terrain is nice and all, but you're really sacrificing the brickcount for what could essentially be done with GSF mod terrain for 20x less bricks. In an RPG, the environment should have less focus than the mechanics.

Along with that, you're putting a lot of extra bricks into what's essentially supposed to be foundation for the setting. You have a really nice and detailed terrain map, but it's consequently barren and looks absolutely boring to play on. Your big open world just means there's more downtime between walking from one landmark to another. That ruins the fun.

Every RP host wrote me off as a moron for trying to imply that basing traditional roleplaying around actual game mechanics would work better than a 100% pure roleplay. Check out games like Space Station 13, which still has the same amount of player agency as a traditional roleplay game while still being able to hold up as it's own game if you took away the roleplaying.

I understand your concern, however I just did not want to settle on a boring gsf map, I honestly think it looks really bad and wanted to put more effort into it. Also the reason why it looks so barren is because we haven't even gotten into putting all the ruins / foliage yet I will be doing that soon. I also was worried that people wouldn't have a lot of motivation for exploring a gsf flat map, Wanted to make it look nice to attract people's eyes into areas. Yes there might be a huge gap between quest points but that just makes it more fun imo since you can get sidetracked and maybe discover a giant robot head that has been burried into the side of the mountain that has a room inside of it or something. It just gives more opportunities for you to find random events etc.

At this point I really do not want this to be a Medieval RP that wasn't what it was intended for it anyways. I won't mind adding rp elements if that is something the community really wants but its not at the top of my list at the moment but is worth looking into. When people say RP Elements what do you mean, just like a chat system etc or? I don't really rp that much so my knowledge of this is really limited.

An RPG that ends. Almost all RPGs on blockland fail due to their endlessness, making it an increment game (a game where you accumulate some quantity indefinitely until you get bored). It would be nice to see an RPG that people advance in to reach a conclusion, where it promptly ends and resets, giving a different outcome with different ways to complete it again

I think this is the best idea I have heard from anyone yet jesus, I will be sure to look into this.

rip Elm

Really appreciate the feedback, I'm gonna sit down and write a story in a few days randomly got motivated. Refering to what Dragonoid said, we will have the basic mining / crafting goods but we will not force you to only mine and craft crap for 6 hours. Dungeon loot whoring will be a thing probably the main way to get items we just need to flesh out mechanics. Overall i was planning on have a giant spire dungeon as the main one and then scattered ruins with maybe 2 or 3 levels to explore as mini dungeons. (Main dungeon will most likely be randomly generated so it won't be repetitive).

right now the only thing i'm worried about is brick count, seeing how massive this thing might get i'm hoping we don't run into any huge bumps while building.

dino rpg

build is amazing

Thanks, we're trying to make it so its not just another generic grindy rpg, but we're just curious on what kind of mechanics people wanted

General Discussion / Re: Late Night Servers Are So Dead
« on: January 27, 2017, 08:22:05 AM »
I wasn't afk lmao

Help / New video card problem
« on: January 03, 2017, 07:35:19 PM »
   This just randomly happened the past few days but shaders do not seem to work. I have a 980ti and I even forced it to be the only gpu in use from the bios settings however shadows don't seem to be able to work now.

Anyone have a fix?

Creativity / Re: Painting Minigame [Starting 11/5/2016]
« on: December 04, 2016, 02:14:10 AM »
Reserved for winners

Creativity / Painting Minigame [Starting 11/5/2016]
« on: December 04, 2016, 02:10:12 AM »


Hello for those who don't know my backround i'm currently a art student at Art Center and been a ongoing student for a few years now. I'm off term currently
and I am having a creative stump so I decided to make this little minigame that will happen for the next eight or so months.


I will be drawing one thing everyday so if you wanted something painted that you have always wanted now is your chance! At the end of every
 month i'll put a poll and let the community decide which painting was the best during that month, the winner (person who chose the theme) will receive a game
in the list below. I'm just doing this to motivate myself to paint more since i've been slacking off during my time off.

Please read these

1.You aren't limited on amount of wins, if you win a round you will be valid to win another game the next month.
2.Nothing extremely explicit, I will do certain things to a extent but do not ask for anything that the community would frown upon.
3.If I don't paint anything daily,[Please call me out on it unless I post something beforehand] I will give away another game during that month. EX[if I missed 2 paintings there will be 2 winners in that month.]
4.Feel free to have discussions on here but don't completely spam the board
5.The winner at the end of the month will be decided on a poll based on everyone, I will not be making the decsision
6.Feel free to use the paintings that I make in anyway you want, just give me credit somewhere
7.If you have already picked a theme for that week and won you will have to wait another week before you can submit one.


Basically all you have to do is pick a Topic, details, and a art style[this ones optional]

[T] Spaceships      "This is the main thing you want to be painted"

[D] Maybe some organic spaceships kind of like zergs     "Random details"

[TM] Pixel             "Art style [optional I really recommend you leave this blank for my sake]"

This is a very simple format but just do something like this and post it on the topic. I will pick one everyday around 12:00pm PST


Skyrim Legendary edition
Shadow of mordor
Battlefield 4
Ark Survival
Witcher 2
Left 4 dead 2
Dishonored Difinitive Edition
Darksouls 2
Citys Skylines
Call of duty WAW
Call of duty Modern Warfare 2
Call of duty Modern Warfare 3
XCOM Enemy Unkown
Mad max
Stardew Valley
The Evil within
Mount and blade warband
Rebel Galaxy
State of Decay
This War of Mine
Total war 2 Shogun
Company of Heroes 2
Company of Heroes
Dead Island
Guns of Icarus
Arma 2
Stalker series[All of them]
Dying Light
Sup com series

and a lot more im getting lazy and dont want to list, if you are curious feel free to ask.

For everyone wondering, this is not sponsored by anyone, i'll be paying this through my own pocket. [ I have a lot of dosh ] Have fun. Memes.

Just random stuff I have painted

Add-Ons / Re: Prop Tool - V1.3 [Added Event, Emitter, and Item Rotation]
« on: September 19, 2016, 06:47:09 PM »
ill go over this mod and recode/bugfix things at some point. for now, it would help to PM me about specific issues you come across. this was my second coded mod ever, so thats probably why its so buggy

I think the issue im having is rtb, the preferences aren't even showing up

Add-Ons / Re: Prop Tool - V1.3 [Added Event, Emitter, and Item Rotation]
« on: September 17, 2016, 11:34:07 PM »
The cost of prop placement doesn't work, has anyone found a fix?

Help / Re: Blockland Crashes When i host a server
« on: September 03, 2016, 01:49:07 AM »
Im actually also having this problem

I found out it was actually RTB for some reason, even on default with RTB Running it still crashes the server for god knows why

Modification Help / Re: Player.obj
« on: September 02, 2016, 11:59:57 PM »

You are a life saver! I was making armor around the skinny version and things began clipping around. Thanks locking

Could someone help with the code, I didnt want to start a new topic again.

Modification Help / Setting movement speed on unmount / mount
« on: September 02, 2016, 10:42:07 PM »
Does anyone have the player.obj? Not the skinny one, the normal rectangular one?

I tried fiddling around with this but I kept getting unabletofindfunction setMaxForwardspeed etc.

Heres what the line of code looks like i'm using gcats armor as a base

Figured it out

Creativity / Re: The new and improved 3D model topic!
« on: September 02, 2016, 04:03:45 PM »
Got the chest part working



« on: September 01, 2016, 10:39:50 PM »
What even is the armor mod

Working on a Metro 2033 / last light armor for a friend
Fixed it

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