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Messages - Space Guy

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General Discussion / Re: TDM lives
« on: June 02, 2011, 05:24:31 PM »
Select the 0 before typing the 1.

Suggestions & Requests / Re: Anti - clientsided add ons
« on: June 01, 2011, 05:55:05 PM »
Anti-aimbot will not be possible. In any case lag, distance and everything else make these worse than just trying to aim. SourceMod "anti-aimbot" scripts that I've seen in the past work by either blinding you and seeing if you can hit things (disruptive/annoying, being lucky or having projectiles in flight then get you banned) or by seeing if you're hitting the same part of the body consistently (the only hit areas in Blockland are usually "whole head", "whole torso" instead of "this one particular part of your arm" so it would pick up normal players too)

Didn't I already fix the last one for you?

This is the default checkpoint brick one:
Code: [Select]
function brickCheckpointData::onPlayerTouch(%data, %obj, %player)


   %client = %player.client;



   if(%client.checkPointBrick != %obj)


      %client.checkPointBrick = %obj;

      %client.checkPointBrickPos = %obj.getPosition();

      commandToClient(%client, 'BottomPrint', "\c4Checkpoint reached! \c7- Say /clearCheckpoint to go back to the beginning", 3);

      Parent::onPlayerTouch(%data, %obj, %player);



Fixing it to be only for the brick owner depends on how the salvage mod places bricks. (Do they go in your brickgroup or the one the brick came from? Does it set brick.client which'd only work until you leave?)

Modification Help / Re: how to make a gui only useable by the host?
« on: May 31, 2011, 03:28:48 PM »
I'm tying to make a host-only GUI
As previously explained, anybody can open that GUI client-side. You can just have it so it doesn't give them any information, though.
I'm trying to use a server-sided console function that returns 1 blid associated with a specific number
You could send a tabbed list of 10-15 at a time. Wouldn't run over the character limit, saves on number of commandtoclient functions called.
and a onWake function (client-sided) that is supposed to get all the blids from that function and put them in the list. That's problem 1.
Bad. This means you're sending however many server commands whether you're an admin or not if someone gets the GUI open, which'd be annoying for the server. Make it send one "requestWhitelist", then if they're the host the above can update the list. This also solves trying to get the number of IDs clientside when that isn't necessary - just clear the list then add every received one to the end of the list, either sorted on the server or after all of them have been recieved on the client.
I'm using a clientcmd to open and close the GUI (client-sided). That works.
Alternately you could have this accessible from something like the Admin menu, provided it doesn't get in the way of RTB or other mods. Just don't make it another useless keybind I have to set.
I'm using a clientcmd to refresh the GUI. I don't know if it works.
Clearing the GUI then requesting the whitelist again. Does this need a separate client-command? I don't see a use for it (all they'd have to do is close/reopen it) unless you want it to send only on first join and when the list is updated.
There is a text box to enter in blids which is stored in a variable, and a button to add that blid to the whitelist using a server-sided console function. That's problem 2.
Well, what have you tried? You seem to know what you want so show an attempt before asking it to be spoon-fed to you.

Suggestions & Requests / Re: Blockland in 2D mod.
« on: May 25, 2011, 01:11:34 PM »
Yes, there is a top-down view player.
No, this cannot be converted into a side-view player.

There is a setting for player types called "verticalTilt", which by default makes the camera face slightly down towards you in third person. Rotondo's Smash TV player instead made this angle 90 degrees directly down.

There is no similar horizontal tilt option. I can place the camera to the side of your head, but it can still only face forwards, look up or down.

You can't control a player with the viewpoint on a spectator/F8 camera object, only another player. As a result, the v8 "2D style player" used a repeating schedule to move an invisible/tiny bot as a camera to the side of your head thirty times a second. This is as hacky as it sounds, was extremely laggy if more than three people used it at a time and crashed the server if you jumped into water.

There is no good way to do this.

Suggestions & Requests / Re: Spawnpoint team-switcher event
« on: May 22, 2011, 08:48:09 AM »

Suggestions & Requests / Re: Spawnpoint team-switcher event
« on: May 22, 2011, 06:28:42 AM »
Brick->setTeamAllied [NONE, 1-6]

Works on spawn points, control points and vehicle spawns

Placing the automatic team spawn bricks should make their team the "default" on save/load but the event still works on them

Suggestions & Requests / Re: I have a idea for a add-one....
« on: May 16, 2011, 11:35:54 AM »
To let someone join your server means the brick types, positions and colours have to be sent to their computer. Regardless of how hard you make it, this information can be saved. If you don't want that, don't run a server.

Modification Help / Re: Iban Explains it All
« on: May 15, 2011, 02:15:52 PM »
A while back I attempted to make some kind of "spawnDebris" event, which entirely failed due to this. The only two methods for creating debris objects are by weaponimages and explosions... and the only method for creating explosions is by projectiles. So that's three datablocks per type of debris you want spawned.

You also can't hack it like changing the debris type of the explosion beforehand  - it's not updated for clients and the hacky transmitDatablocks function wouldn't work in time/also affect debris spawning anywhere else at the same time. It's entirely possible to have one client seeing a different number of debris objects to another (change the number spawned in the tank explosion and don't update it for someone) which means that you can't get object IDs or anything of them from the server.

Off Topic / Re: How to bypass school webwasher?
« on: May 09, 2011, 03:11:50 PM »
every network with any blocked websites, has that website blocked as well; if the word 'proxy' is even on a website it'll likely be blocked.
Look up that list at home. Remember some of them. Try them in school.

You can set a vertical "tilt" angle on the camera (Rotondo's top-down player) but there's no equivalent option for a horizontal tilt. The one I did you had to press Z and look around - as a result you couldn't aim and see in that direction at the same time...

General Discussion / Re: Original TDM Ideas
« on: May 06, 2011, 04:07:48 PM »
:O... But only within Minigames... Damn, must have been in an update. I remember Adam487 talking about it. He's smart.
TDM adds it to the minigame menu. It doesn't hide names entirely, instead they're visible but only approximately within a 32x plate width, so you can see someone you're fighting but not far off snipers.

Suggestions & Requests / Re: primary and secondary weps
« on: May 04, 2011, 01:57:21 PM »
There's a couple files you are able to edit to add other items in - when I made it only the T/T Pistol and Pistols Akimbo existed, so they're the only ones that work by default.

Well, half a solution (message only once) is better than none at all. Do the trace thing too as then you might be able to automatically count "anyone not on whitelist" as banned.

For a complete if annoying method, ban every ID from 0 to 100,000 or something (by script) and selectively unban the ones you want.

You can ban IDs by script. Just make it ban them for a day with the message "You aren't on the whitelist" - you'll get the "connected/left the game" message once, but then they can't spam it.

If you did want to add them later you only have to go through one extra step removing a ban by the in-game menus if they've tried to join that day.

Also, try a trace on what happens when a banned player does join to see if it goes through the protected onConnectRequest only or something you can package.

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