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Topics - zombekillz

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
Modification Help / can this code be used in blockland's current engine?
« on: November 30, 2014, 10:28:03 AM »
basically i want to know this because on TGE 1.2 (i think its on 1.2) you can use the following code:

Code: [Select]
%obj.setImageGenericTrigger(%slot, 1, true);  
Code: [Select]
stateTransitionGeneric1In[1]     = "XXX";  
it would be pretty cool to make your own custom state triggers...

source: (comment#7)

here is a link to where i saw the function

i did a little research on the garage games forums and found a bit, but none of it applies to blockland of course, could someone tell me what they are and how to use them please :)

id imagine you could use it to modify what texture a weapon uses through code, could be pretty useful for weapon skins and such.

Modification Help / More help on the GUI
« on: September 20, 2014, 06:51:19 PM »
just like the title states, i need a GUI made or help in making a GUI that has the following:
the things in bold are descriptions of what each check-box will do, and should also be on the GUI.

the gui should open with the chat command "ADVGUI" and should be admin only

Disable Iron-sights? <=(checkbox that changes the variable $UseScope between 0 and 1)

Disable Echo sound effects? (decreases sound quality, increases amount of audible sounds) <=(checkbox that changes the variable $FarSound between 0 and 1)

Disable Ammo system? <=(checkbox that changes the variable $UseAmmo between 0 and 1)

Disable Light Key reload Command? (you can use this if you have an addon that does something else with the light key)
<=(checkbox that changes the variable $CommandReload between 0 and 1)

Starting ammo on spawn: <=(an input box that changes the variable $StartingAmmo ranging between 0-1000)

and finally, some kind of three way switch for this script that changes how much ammo will be in a weapon when you pick it up:
Code: [Select]
if($WeaponSpawnAmmoCount != 1 && $WeaponSpawnAmmoCount != 2)
%this.toolAmmo[%slot] = getRandom(0, %data.maxAmmo);
else if($WeaponSpawnAmmoCount = 1)
%this.toolAmmo[%slot] = 0;
else if($WeaponSpawnAmmoCount = 2)
%this.toolAmmo[%slot] = %this.item.maxAmmo;

and be aware that i have NO IDEA how to make a GUI...

Help / infinate loading where my player name should be
« on: August 31, 2014, 09:37:37 PM »
i am using steam blockland as my main (i also use the old installation for dedis) and whenever i open steam blockland /title happens, when i try and start a gamemode blockland says im in demo mode, probably cant authenticate for whatever reason... im just wondering, why cant i connect through steam right now? is the master server being ddos attacked? am i overlooking some handicapped overlooked reason? (i really have no idea how the steam blockland authenticates) 

just let me know if you have had this problem/ are having this problem, and how to fix it.

Modification Help / vignette and droping problems (SOLVED)
« on: August 11, 2014, 04:07:08 PM »
im having trouble with getting the vignette to reset back to the environment settings after changing it, could someone tell me what im doing wrong here:
Code: [Select]
function Armor::onTrigger(%this,%obj,%slot,%val)
%CurrentlymountedImage = %obj.getMountedImage(0);

if(%slot == 4 && %val && $UseScope != 1 && isObject(%obj.getMountedImage(0)) && %obj.getMountedImage(0).item.ScopedFOV > 0)
if(%obj.getMountedImage(0) == %CurrentlymountedImage.item.ImagemainState.getID())
if($SetVignette != 1)
commandToClient(%obj.client, 'SetVignette', false,"0 0 0 1");
else if(%obj.getMountedImage(0) == %CurrentlymountedImage.item.ImageScopeState.getID())
if($SetVignette != 1)
commandToClient( %obj.client, 'SetVignette', $EnvGuiServer::VignetteMultiply, $EnvGuiServer::VignetteColor );

specifically this line:

Code: [Select]
commandToClient( %obj.client, 'SetVignette', $EnvGuiServer::VignetteMultiply, $EnvGuiServer::VignetteColor );
the console returns something like (, ) is not a color...


when i drop my weapons they don't disappear from your hand, (it will is your close and reopen your inventory) this happens when the weapon is in its out of ammo state... (perhaps others too, still need to test that)


Code: [Select]
function Armor::onTrigger(%this,%obj,%slot,%val)
%CurrentlymountedImage = %obj.getMountedImage(0);

if($Sky::VignetteColor !$= "")
%obj.vignetteColor = $Sky::VignetteColor;
%obj.vignetteColor = "0 0 0 0";

if(%slot == 4 && %val && $UseScope != 1 && isObject(%obj.getMountedImage(0)) && %obj.getMountedImage(0).item.ScopedFOV > 0)
if(%obj.getMountedImage(0) == %CurrentlymountedImage.item.ImagemainState.getID())
if($SetVignette != 1)
commandToClient(%obj.client, 'SetVignette', false,"0 0 0 1");
else if(%obj.getMountedImage(0) == %CurrentlymountedImage.item.ImageScopeState.getID())
if($SetVignette != 1)
commandToClient( %obj.client, 'SetVignette', $EnvGuiServer::VignetteMultiply, %obj.VignetteColor );

(btw, im using %obj.vignetteColor now so i don't need to redefine %vignetteColor for every weapon's unmount debug scripts)

droping issues:
Code: [Select]
//drop debug
function serverCmddropTool(%client, %slot)
%player = %client.player;
parent::serverCmddropTool(%client, %Slot);

both of witch are packaged accordingly of course...

Modification Help / Advanced pack V1.7 beta testing needed
« on: August 05, 2014, 07:38:25 PM »
as the final update of the advanced pack comes around i need to make sure as many bugs and such are removed as possible, so im going to post a (mostly) completed pack with my work so far, and id like you to test it, multilayer, alone, with your best friend, with your dog, whatever you want to do, just make sure that if you find anything that is messed up, or annoying you post it here ASAP!

the one basic thing is i don't really want this to be used in projects or distributed very widely, for mostly obvious reasons.

here it is...

i will still be adding more features and such (feel free to suggest features u would like to see added) before the release, but id like to know about any issues with what i have first so they don't come around and bite me in the future.

vignette not resetting from a death when scoped in or reloading whilst scoped.
vignette not changing back to the environment settings (i need the script for this).

picking up ammo dropped by players will not add any ammo to your weapons.

Add-Ons / Zombekillz's Brick Dump (roof tiles added)
« on: August 03, 2014, 05:04:11 PM »

i made a bunch of bricks a while back and ill be releasing them here when i get the motivation to add icons to them, it absolutely tears my ass apart when bricks don't have icons, so i wont post mine here without them...

to get things started here's this...

Detailed plant and tree bricks!
in no way are these blocko nor do they try to be, they still look fine alongside your builds though...
(thanks to GSF ghost who helped me with the icon format)

Roof Tile bricks!
best if used near the ocean!

My colorset
its not a brick, but it can go here because im not going to post another colorset to the addons section.
made by me and bananastealth.

Modification Help / bottomprint not showing up in game...
« on: July 07, 2014, 01:49:26 AM »
i have kind of exhausted myself and my resources here, and was wondering if anybody out there knows what is wrong with this package...

Code: [Select]
//support for multiple types of ammo
package ADV_SingleShotgun_AmmoTypeSwitch
function servercmdLight(%client,%this,%obj,%slot)
if(isObject(%client.player) && isObject(%client.player.getMountedImage(0)))
%p = %client.player;
%im = %p.getMountedImage(0);
if(%im == ADV_SingleShotgunimage.getID())
if(%im.item.CanSwapAmmo == 1)
switch$ (%p.UseAmmotype)
case "":
%p.UseAmmotype = 2;
commandToClient(%obj.client,'bottomPrint',"<just:right><font:impact:24><color:CDAD00> Standerd Slugs " @ %obj.client.quantity["Shotgun_Slugs"] @ "", 1, 2, 3, 4);
case "3":
%p.UseAmmotype = 1;
commandToClient(%obj.client,'bottomPrint',"<just:right><font:impact:24><color:CDAD00>Standerd Shells " @ %obj.client.quantity["Shotgun_Shells"] @ "", 1, 2, 3, 4);
case "1":
%p.UseAmmotype = 2;
commandToClient(%obj.client,'bottomPrint',"<just:right><font:impact:24><color:CDAD00> Standerd Slugs " @ %obj.client.quantity["Shotgun_Slugs"] @ "", 1, 2, 3, 4);
case "2":
%p.UseAmmotype = 3;
commandToClient(%obj.client,'bottomPrint',"<just:right><font:impact:24><color:CDAD00> Exploive Shells " @ %obj.client.quantity["Shotgun_Frags"] @ "", 1, 2, 3, 4);

as the title states, for now i just need to know why the bottomprints aren't showing, then if i need more help ill refer back to this topic...

Add-Ons / Advanced Weapon pack [6/8/15]
« on: July 01, 2014, 12:35:28 PM »
*click any image below to download*

please note:
1. the pack absolutely requires weapon_gun to be enabled to load, if you cant find the weapons when you start a game, this is probably because you don't have weapon_gun enabled!

2. use the command "/SetMyFOV 75-120" to your preferred FOV to the specified number (can be anywhere from 75 to 120) you will need to do this only once for any server using the weapons, if you do not use this command your FOV will be set to 90 by default.

3. Optional: this pack is compatible with the Critical Hit emote, if you want a cool emote for your headshots, try downloading it!

4. this pack does not support multiple slot player types, so try and use the weapons on a five slot player only.

latest update notes:

1). Fixed ads boost for scopes.
2). Fixed AddAmmo event.
3). Fixed Akimbo weapons being messed up by certain commands.
4). Added optional playertype for better scoping and jetting.
5). Added Player:ModWeapon and Player:Removemods events.
6). Remodeled the ACOG sight for better loveyness.
7). Fixed a transparency issue with the SMG's Red Dot sight.
Example events:

1). Added bullet holes with randomized sizes..
2). Added new attachment system that is way cleaner than the old one, and provides better boosts.
3). Nerfed movement speed for when a player shoots/ reloads.
4). Nerfed Pistol and Rifle a little.
5). Akimboed guns can be reloaded, dropped and dry fired.
6). Revamped HUD and notifications.
7). Fully unified weapon scripts, weapon images no longer need tons of the same functions.
8). Moved the muzzle flash light emitter to the weapon's MuzzlePoint.

1). Removed a spammy debug script.

1). Added bot reload support, bots have infinite ammo, but still need to reload.
2). Dynamic recoil: the more you sustain fire the larger the visual recoil gets (can be pretty interesting paired with /toggleammo)
3). Dynamic accuracy: accuracy gets worse the more you sustain rapid fire.
4). added RecoilScale variable to weapon's item datablocks.
Possible next update:
*more akimbo features(not started)
*more expantion packs (75%)

i have been working on tweaking some settings on an emitter datablock and for some reason after i changed it once, with awful results, i cannot change it back...

i have copied the updated cs file into my addon zip countless times and even changed all of the datablock names, restarted my computer, and just in case, i deleted my blockland cache file 3 separate times, i just simply have no idea why its still playing the old emitter when all traces of it are deleted off of my computer...

is there passably a different place blockland could be storing these files?

Gallery / The future of blockland weaponry?!?!
« on: June 21, 2014, 04:30:53 AM »
I'm currently working on a weapon pack that includes only 3 weapons, but these are NOT ordinary weapons, they STRIVE to be the BEST around, with ok maby not... features completely new to blockland!

MODABLE: each weapon has 8 different combinations of mods that can change the stats of the weapon and the appearance!

BETTER AMMO SYSTEM: better? How? Well for starts the reload sequence has been fully refurbished from the ones other weapons use, when your gun runs out of ammo and you try to shoot it will play a nice sounding *Click* but most importantly the reload systems of other guns did not allow for very good reload animations (EX: that annoying looping sound/ animation that plays when you run out of ammo), well thats all patched up now and your gun will only reload when it needs to!

BETTER/ADVANCED SOUNDS: along with nice, not too loud fire/ reload sounds a new feature has been introduced, THE FAR SOUND! WHATS THAT!: well, its simple, when a player fires a weapon you don't need to stand right next to him to hear it! the weapon plays a nice soft echo sound whenever its used! (this REALLY aesthetically enhances big battles)

FULLY ANIMATED: every weapon has all the animations to make them look the part! (fire, reload, etc) now with no intrusive modeled in hands!!

IRON SIGHTS: every weapon and every mod has its own custom iron sights toggle-able with right click!

GENERAL BUGFIXES: every bug you can think of has been tackled and removed (mostly) except you still will remain scoped in upon death, oh well, all you need to do is press F to fix that one

pistol, smg, and rifle.
(provides a great mix of semi, bolt and full automatic firing)

so when will this be in a store near me??
someday soon! (i hope), the pack its self is around 70% done with a bit of scripting, balancing and icon making left to do, it will be posted somewhere sometime soon! (and i need to finish up some of the mods)

they are now available for download here, and I'm going to make a topic on them just as soon as I get some in game pictures video and that crap, but for the time being, they can be downloaded here...

Help / ejected gunshells dont emmit on my computer
« on: June 15, 2014, 06:56:16 PM »
not even the default gun has shell emitters on it, but this only happens on one of my computers, my old one that runs like crap still renders the little basterds, how can i get my shells to show up???   it actually takes a lot out of gameplay when you cant see them :P

title  is a bit self explanitory but here it is in a nutshell, i am looking to make a weapon recolorable through scripts i have tried a few methods with no sucess, in an ideal world the items would change to match paintcan color...

i have tried...

Code: [Select]
%color = getColorIDTable(%client.currentColor);
(code modifyed from ski's scripts)

Code: [Select]
  doColorShift = true;
   colorShiftColor = %color;

with no seccess...

im just wondering if its even possable, and i believe it is.

Or should be atleast and i saw somewhere that spaceguy has accomplished this for a flag ctf item or somthing...  also this

Modification Help / playthread custom anamation problems...
« on: April 06, 2014, 09:40:06 PM »
i edited a scope script that uses animations not image changes
the only problem is the animations wont play...

Code: [Select]
package ScopeSwitch
function Armor::onTrigger(%this,%obj,%slot,%val)
if(%slot == 4 && %val)
if(%obj.Scope $= (2))
%this.playthread(1, ScopeA);
%obj.Scope = "1";
else if(%obj.Scope !$= (2))
%this.playthread(2, ScopeB);
%obj.Scope = "2";

so why wont they play?, can you just NOT play custom animations with playthread?

Help / How to reduce lag on lage brick count builds?
« on: March 30, 2014, 02:19:52 PM »
I know there are topics on how to reduce lag on your Blockland game out there but this question is more focused on reducing lag for other people joining your server if you have large brick count builds...

here are some tips i have picked up, correct me if im wrong...

1: reduce count by using larger bricks, easy: replace all of your 12 1x1x5 bricks with a 1x12x5... might be the easyest way of reducing lag.

2: fill in empty holes to reduce the amount of quads (faces) currently showing in your build, lets say every X is a 1x1x1 brick, you have built them into a hollow box in this pattern:

XXX                     XXX
X  X -before/ After-XXX
XXX                     XXX

to reduce the ammount of faces just add one brick in the middle, youll never see it because the bricks around it cover it up, this method will increase brickcount but reduce lag!

3:build large brick-count areas far away from each other so a minimal number of bricks are in someones FOV at one given moment!
here is a diagram:


tell me if you know of any more ways and ill add them to the list!

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