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Messages - Plexious

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A GeForce 970 outperforms an R9 290X while costing $150 less and using half as much power. Suck it Treynolds.

Add-Ons / Re: Tracking Bot v2
« on: September 28, 2014, 04:51:48 PM »
An aimbot for Xbox 360? Seems legit.

Off Topic / Re: The best "I do not consent" video yet.
« on: September 28, 2014, 04:12:50 PM »
Figures that all these people that scream "don't search my car!" are dumbass potheads.

dosnt there exist a 4k monitor with g-sync, supports 60hz on display port (many monitors only do 30) and is a pls or at LEAST an ips panel.

even a 1440 might be ok. though i prefer 4k. none of the specs can be found in a single monitor ; ;

Off Topic / Re: Looking for an RCA to HDMI converter
« on: September 27, 2014, 04:10:19 PM »
Not really possible without buying a $50 converter.
Why would you want to play N64 on an LCD monitor anywho?
N64 is meant to be played on CRT TV's.

A case would be DOA by having the front I/O not working.
Or the LEDs being burned out.

(My case has both of these problems)

Jesus christ. I wish I could just buy a stock GTX 970 from nvidia. I could figure out how to overclock it before ASUS, EVGA, Gigabyte, or MSI gets their cards stocked.

Edit: I was just looking at the Gigabyte card, all looks really exceptional until I saw that it was loving 15.9" long.
EVGA just restocked most of their 970's on Newegg. Get 'em while they're hot.

Rubber membrane FTW

If I'm now considering a GTX 770, which manufacturer is best or if you have a specific card in mind please post it.
Pretty much anything by EVGA and most of the 2 fan designs.

The Gigabyte Windforce model is a bit noisy in my experience.

Off Topic / Re: new mouse
« on: September 14, 2014, 07:21:43 PM »
Logitech G700s

Off Topic / Re: i-be area
« on: September 14, 2014, 07:17:53 PM »
Haven't checked it through for nudity but it should be fine.

Modification Help / Re: CityMod
« on: September 14, 2014, 12:13:34 PM »
I am deeply sorry this had to happen, Jasa.  I'll tell my recollection of this incident to further clarify how this came to be:

Before CityMod had been 'officially' started, I had been asking around the community, looking for a database system to use because, at the time for some reason, I didn't fully grasp the concept.  Regardless, I eventually found someone with a working system who was willing to make a trade.  Sadly, since I don't have a very good memory, I can only pin that persons name down with about 50% certainty to be 'snk12'.  It could be someone else, but I faintly remember his name.  This person offered me a database template to build upon in exchange for some snippets of code to fix the bugs and problems that he had in the CityRPGX add-on he was hosting at the time.  I should mention, this memory of a person hosting the CityRPGX gamemode is basically one of the only ways I'm able to identify snk12.  Randomness, being the creator of CityRPGX should be able to verify that he gave snk12 his mod to host a year or two ago.  I had also asked snk12 who coded the database because I knew he wasn't too proficient in coding, but he wouldn't tell me, and at the time I really didn't care to know.  That was my first mistake.  I should've pursued the original creator.  My second was using the database this whole time without giving credit where credit was and is due.

I'm at fault here and I admit it.  Since it's now revealed that you're the original owner, Jasa, it's up to you.  Would you like me to completely rewrite your parts of the database system or do I have you're permission to keep using it?
Here's an updated version: Jassy.cs
This version supports saving data with multiple fields through TABs. The variables are loaded in the exact same format so you won't need to recode anything. Each database created also has its own simGroup. It has much better saving and loading times and no need for an 'autoload' file because it just loads every data file in the database's folder.

If you wish to use the updated version or the outdated version I ask that you keep the className as "Jassy" and put my name somewhere at the top of the database script.

Modification Help / Re: CityMod
« on: September 13, 2014, 11:37:54 PM »
Do you just stalk every open source mod on this forum looking for people ripping off your mod or what? It's not like there's an alternate set of instructions that can do what a City RPG needs to do to save its data.
I'm just wanting credit where credit is due.

Modification Help / Re: CityMod
« on: September 13, 2014, 07:00:03 PM »
CityMod's database system is a complete rehash of my Jassy system which I used in CRP. Here's a side by side comparison.
Quote from: Database.cs
function CityModPDB::onAdd(%this)
   %this.Name = %this.getName();
   if(%this.filePath $= "")
      %this.schedule(0, "delete");
      echo( @" needs a filepath.");
      return 0;
   %this.fieldCount = 0;
   %this.AutoLoadCount = 0;
   if(%this.AutomaticLoading && isfile(%this.filepath @"AutoLoad.txt"))
      %file = new fileObject();
      %file.openForRead(%this.filepath @"AutoLoad.txt");
         %line = %file.readLine();
         %this.AutoLoad[%this.AutoLoadCount] = %line;
      warn("[CMDB] :: CityMod has loaded " @ %loadcount @ " keys.");
function CityModPDB::addField(%this, %name, %default)
   if(%name $= "" || %this.FieldExist[%name])
      warn("[CMDB] :: Field "@ %name @" already exists.");
   %this.FieldName[%this.FieldCount] = %name;
   %this.FieldValue[%this.FieldCount] = %default;
   %this.FieldDefault[%name] = %default;
   %this.FieldExist[%name] = 1;
function CityModPDB::loadData(%this,%key)
      warn("[CMDB] :: Key " @ %key @ " has already been loaded.");
      return 0;
   if(!isFile(%this.filepath @ %key @".dat"))
      return %this.addData(%key);
   %this.Data[%key] = new ScriptObject(){class = "CityModPDBData";};
   %file = new fileObject();
   %file.openForRead(%this.filepath @ %key @".dat");
      %line = %file.readLine();
      %equalpos = striPos(%line,":");
      %this.Data[%key].Value[getSubStr(%line,0,%equalpos)] = getSubStr(%line,%equalpos+1,500);
function CityModPDB::AddData(%this,%key)
   if(isObject(%this.Data[%key]) || isFile(%this.filepath @ %key @".dat"))
      warn("[CMDB] :: Key "@ %key @" already exists.");
      return 0;
   %this.Data[%key] = new ScriptObject(){class = "CityModPDBData";};
   for(%a = 0; %a < %this.FieldCount;%a++)
      %this.Data[%key].Value[%this.fieldname[%a]] = %this.fieldValue[%a];
      %this.AutoLoad[%this.AutoLoadCount] = %key;
      %file = new fileObject();
      %file.openForWrite(%this.FilePath @"AutoLoad.txt");
      for(%a = 0;%a<%this.AutoLoadCount;%a++)
   warn("[CMDB] :: Key "@ %key @" has been added to "@ @".");
function CityModPDB::ResetData(%this,%key)
      warn("[CMDB] :: Key " @ %key @ " does not exist.");
      return 0;
   for(%a = 0; %a < %this.FieldCount; %a++)
      %this.Data[%key].Value[%this.fieldname[%a]] = %this.fieldValue[%a];
   warn("[CMDB] :: Key " @ %key @ " has been reset.");
function CityModPDB::SaveData(%this,%key)
      warn("[CMDB] :: Key " @ %key @ " does not exist in the Database.");
      return 0;
   %file = new fileObject();
   %file.openForWrite(%this.FilePath @ %key @".dat");
   for(%a = 0; %a < %this.FieldCount; %a++)
      %file.writeLine(%this.FieldName[%a] @":"@ %this.Data[%key].Value[%this.FieldName[%a]]);
Quote from: Saving.cs
function Jassy::onAdd(%this)
   %this.Name = %this.getName();
   if(%this.filePath $= "")
      %this.schedule(0, "delete");
      echo( @" needs a filepath.");
      return 0;
   %this.fieldCount = 0;
   %this.AutoLoadCount = 0;
   if(%this.AutomaticLoading && isfile(%this.filepath @"AutoLoad.txt"))
      %file = new fileObject();
      %file.openForRead(%this.filepath @"AutoLoad.txt");
         %line = %file.readLine();
         %this.AutoLoad[%this.AutoLoadCount] = %line;
      echo( @" has loaded "@ %loadcount @" keys.");
function Jassy::addField(%this, %name, %default)
   if(%name $= "" || %this.FieldExist[%name])
      echo("Field "@ %name @" already exists.");
   %this.FieldName[%this.FieldCount] = %name;
   %this.FieldValue[%this.FieldCount] = %default;
   %this.FieldExist[%name] = 1;
function Jassy::loadData(%this,%key)
      echo("Key "@ %key @" has already been loaded.");
      return 0;
   if(!isFile(%this.filepath @ %key @".dat"))
      return %this.addData(%key);
   %this.Data[%key] = new ScriptObject(){class = "JassyData";};
   %file = new fileObject();
   %file.openForRead(%this.filepath @ %key @".dat");
      %line = %file.readLine();
      %equalpos = striPos(%line,"=");
      %this.Data[%key].Value[getSubStr(%line,0,%equalpos)] = getSubStr(%line,%equalpos+1,500);
function Jassy::AddData(%this,%key)
   if(isObject(%this.Data[%key]) || isFile(%this.filepath @ %key @".dat"))
      echo("Key "@ %key @" already exists.");
      return 0;
   %this.Data[%key] = new ScriptObject(){class = "JassyData";};
   for(%a = 0; %a < %this.FieldCount;%a++)
      %this.Data[%key].Value[%this.fieldname[%a]] = %this.fieldValue[%a];
      %this.AutoLoad[%this.AutoLoadCount] = %key;
      %file = new fileObject();
      %file.openForWrite(%this.FilePath @"AutoLoad.txt");
      for(%a = 0;%a<%this.AutoLoadCount;%a++)
   echo("Key "@ %key @" has been added to "@ @".");
function Jassy::ResetData(%this,%key)
      echo("Key "@ %key @" does not exist.");
      return 0;
   for(%a = 0; %a < %this.FieldCount; %a++)
      %this.Data[%key].Value[%this.fieldname[%a]] = %this.fieldValue[%a];
   echo("Key "@ %key @" has been reset.");
function Jassy::SaveData(%this,%key)
      echo("Key "@ %key @" does not exist.");
      return 0;
   %file = new fileObject();
   %file.openForWrite(%this.FilePath @ %key @".dat");
   for(%a = 0; %a < %this.FieldCount; %a++)
      %file.writeLine(%this.FieldName[%a] @"="@ %this.Data[%key].Value[%this.FieldName[%a]]);
If you're going to rip off my code at least give credit.

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