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Topics - Becquerel

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Off Topic / What is The Rock cooking today?
« on: April 15, 2016, 05:28:18 PM »

Back in Feburary, there was an afterschool assembly that talked about a high school / college collaborative program called College Credit Plus. Basically it allows you to be able to take college courses and even earn college credits while still in High School.
Today I got some brochures in the mail about them and talked with my teacher about the program. It seemed interesting, and I learned that the program is free as long as I meet the qualifications, and that Im able to take online college courses or physically attend the campus to take said college courses. All I have to do is take the ACT and submit the score along with my application, and if I get accepted, I get to start said courses next school year, which is my Senior year.

Should I do it? Im kind of iffy on this because of the additional workload this would put on me, but the upside is that I could get my freshman year of college done my Senior year for free, giving me a head start with College.
So the question is, forums, should I go through with it?

Off Topic / Need some serious networking help
« on: November 22, 2015, 11:26:03 PM »
Ive posted about this twice in the computer thread, but didnt get any actual solution to this

Heres the gist of the situation: For the past few days, Ive been able to connect to any site I can except youtube. No matter what ive done (Resetting winsock, flush dns cache, changed dns settings on router, reset adapter, you name it), I still cannot access youtube. The error Im getting is ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED
Ive tried every solution i found on the internet and its still not working.
I really need help, this is driving me crazy

Off Topic / Programming Megathread
« on: October 28, 2015, 08:06:04 PM »
Welcome to this Programming Megathread!


Programming is one of the most important aspects of a Computer, because without Programming, Computers cant do much! By itself, Programming is a digitally written set of instructions that instructs the computer to do what the code tells the computer to do.

A computer is in its base form is a calculator of instructions that perform an output based upon the Input and what happens to the input to become Output. Please refer to the Personal Computer Megathread for more!

Programming Generations are simply a way to classify programming languages by complexity

Generation I: Machine Code. This code is very complex and is executed directly by the CPU to produce the specified output. Very hard to read and write with, but simple for a CPU to process

Generation II: Assembly Languages are low level languages more complex but requires a assembler to be useful. Each language is specific to an individual system.

Generation III: These languages are high level ones. Whereas Generation IIs are machine dependent, Generation IIIs are more programmer friendly and easier to write with. Examples are COBOL, Fortran, and more popular ones like Java, C++, BASIC, and Pascal.

Generation IV: These languages have narrower uses but are still common, like Database accessing. These languages are closer to human lanaguages than Generation IIIs.

Generation V: These languages are mostly used for Neural Networking and AI.


Code: [Select]
10 Cls
20 Print "Hello, world!"
30 Sleep
40 End

Bash (example code is a basic Bash Hello World script)
          echo Hello World    
Batch / .BAT (example code shows a Hello World Script in a BAT file)
Code: [Select]
@ECHO off
ECHO Hello World!
C (Example code is a Hello World script)
Code: [Select]
//C hello world example
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
  printf("Hello world\n");
  return 0;
C++ (Again a Hello World Script)
Code: [Select]
// my first program in C++
#include <iostream>

int main()
  std::cout << "Hello World!";

Code: [Select]
// Hello1.cs
public class Hello1
   public static void Main()
      System.Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!");
Code: [Select]
(def hello (fn [] "Hello world"))
-> #'user/hello
-> "Hello world"
Code: [Select]
Identification Division.
   Program-ID. sampleCOBOL.

   Data Division.

   Procedure Division.
       Display "Hello World!"
       Stop Run.

Code: [Select]
public class HelloWorld {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Prints "Hello, World" to the terminal window.
        System.out.println("Hello, World");

Code: [Select]
   print("Hello World")
Code: [Select]
console.log("Hello World!");
Code: [Select]
  # The traditional first program.

  # Strict and warnings are recommended.
  use strict;
  use warnings;

  # Print a message.
  print "Hello, World!\n";
Code: [Select]
  <title>PHP Test</title>
 <?php echo '<p>Hello World</p>'?>
Code: [Select]
print('Hello world!')

Code: [Select]
puts "Hello World"

Code: [Select]
SELECT * FROM Customers;
Code: (Haskell) [Select]
main = putStrLn "Hello World!"

Here's a quick implementation of quick sort just for fun:
Code: (Haskell) [Select]
quickSort :: (Ord a, Eq a) => [a] -> [a]
quickSort [] = []
quickSort (x:xs) = smallerList ++ [x] ++ largerList
     where smallerList = quickSort $ filter (<=x) xs
              largerList = quickSort $ filter (>x) xs

More to be added on request

Just what can programming do?
All sorts of things, from simple database querys to massive websites like Facebook to sattelite behaviour.
And as seen here, even functional Prototype AIs!
Have something to add to the topic? Please post or PM me the content you want to add and Ill try and add to this post

Thanks for stopping by![/code]

General Discussion / Public Boatbuild
« on: June 23, 2015, 03:58:00 PM »
Greetings, blocklanders! Unfortunately this is the first time I've made a server advertisement, so I apologize if this seems bland.
Anyway, I've been struggling with building boats in the past, but I've noticed that other than StarHawks yacht server (which I haven't seen for months), there were no servers dedicated to the production of naval vessels. So I made this topic to hopefully shine some light on the topic.

Also, if you have any suggestions or addons you feel I should include, please don't hesitate to post them.

Server name is "Mad Moxxi's Public Boatbuild"

Also, if you have any ideas for improvement for OP, do post away

I hope to see you guys soon here! Thanks!

Off Topic / One of my teachers just got arrested
« on: June 14, 2015, 12:15:13 PM »
One of my teachers from last year got arrested and charged with 4 counts of loveual Battery for having love with a senior at my school
She was one of my favourites too, I cant believe this happened
Heres the news article on it


Off Topic / Level 16 achieved
« on: June 12, 2015, 10:33:50 AM »
Yippie, my birthday is today and so far I havent gotten jack stuff yet

So yeah, happy birthday me

Off Topic / Odd chest pains; Should I be worried about them?
« on: January 25, 2015, 03:09:10 PM »
So for the past few years, every few days / weeks, I keep getting these chest pains in the center of my chest, offset to the right from where my heart is. They go away eventually but today they have been present all day. Im not sure if its something medical related and probably just something that most people feel at times. Your opinions, guys?

So today I managed to sneak into my sisters twitter (Shes in 8th grade, keep that in mind) and I was literally shocked by what I saw.
Literally 60% of the posts were borderline soft-core research, along with an uncensored, unfiltered image of Ms. Kardashians full front nude photo

Discuss disturbing things you never knew about your siblings.

Off Topic / My Voice says stuff and then you listen V2
« on: December 02, 2014, 09:38:34 AM »
Hello, Blockland Community!
I was inspired by the "how does your voice sound" threads to make this
This is simple
1. Suggest me a piece of text to read
2. At the end of each page, I will record my voice reading the suggested pieces until I get to the bottom of the page.
3. Once Theres a new page, that page will have to be full before I can do the recordings, since this time Im recording in batches, instead of immediately after someone posts.
4. Recordings will be updated in OP

This is the first one, which is a story of why you should avoid masturbating with snake fly traps.
1. snake Fly Traps

Help / Severe texture artifacts when bricks are loaded
« on: October 29, 2014, 02:50:47 AM »
This just started today, and has never happened to me before in my entire 5 years of playing Blockland.
Basically, whenever I load saves or even plant a brick, my client starts displaying a clusterforget of texture artifacts (This is the best I can describe it)
Ive already tried flushtexturecache(); but cant find any other command or fix for it.
Attached is a screenshot of my client having the textures spasm out
Any help would be appreciated

Welp, Im back in the hospital again, in the Monitored patient ward.
So glad they have Wi-Fi here, so Ill be here in the hospital for the next 48-72 hours or so.

So how are the rest of you?
Post times you had to be hospitalized

Off Topic / Backstabbers
« on: July 10, 2014, 04:07:31 AM »
This thread is to talk about those friends you trusted, who then turned against you like the jackasses they are.

I have an  example of my own

My bestest friend, (Lets call it Person A) were in a Relationship for about 4 years. We did alot of stuff together and loved eachother very much. Then come this year, and he dumps me like a piece of garbage. I tried to give Person A My final words, then recieved a threat from its friend, Person B, and now everything is over. Ive lost all positive feelings for these 2 since then. Its seriously stressing me out that now because of this, I cry myself to sleep every night, and my mind is slowly getting out of hand with all the stress.

Post your stories of betrayal by those you were allies with then dumped you and turned out to be complete starfishs.


Games / EVE Online Megathread
« on: June 23, 2014, 07:06:14 PM »

Welcome to the EVE Online Megathread

EVE Online is a very popular MMORPG developed by CCP Games, which is based in Reykjavík, Iceland.
EVE Online is open-world, and features an entirely player-driven economy.
Professions in EVE include running missions issued by Faction agents, joining a Factional Militia, Mining, Hacking and Archaeology, Incursions, Trading, Manufacturing, etc.
There are 5 Main Factions, 4 of which are playable, and 15 Other NPC Factions, some of whose ships you might find on sale in the EVE Market


CONCORD is an independent organization founded a century ago to facilitate negotiations between the races to improve relations, as well as to foster inter-stellar trade through policing and regulations. Starting as a fledgling meeting ground for diplomats CONCORD has in the decades since it was founded slowly increased its power and influence. It has become an entity independent of the races, as it is able to largely fund its own operation through customs, confiscation of contraband goods, and other means..

The largest of the five main empires, the Amarr Empire is a sprawling patch-work of feudal-like provinces and a theocracy held together by the might of the emperor. Religion has always played a big part in Amarrian politics and the Amarrians believe they are the rightful masters of the world, souring their relations with their neighbours. Another source of ill-feelings on part of the other empires is the fact that the Amarrians embrace slavery.

The Caldari State is ruled by several mega-corporations. There is no central government to speak of - all territories within the State are owned and ruled by corporations. Duty and discipline are required traits in Caldari citizens, plus unquestioning loyalty to the corporation they live to serve. The corporations compete aggressively amongst themselves and with companies outside the State, resulting in a highly capitalistic society.

The Gallente Federation encompasses several races, the Gallenteans the largest by far. The Federation is democratic and very liberal in a world full of dictators and oligarchies. The Caldari State was once part of the Federation, but a severe dispute resulted in their departure and a long war between the Gallente Federation and the Caldari State. The Gallenteans are the masters of pleasure and entertainment and their rich trade empire has given the world many of its most glorious and extravagant sights.

The Minmatar Republic was formed over a century ago when the Matari threw out their Amarrians overlords in what is known as the Minmatar Rebellion. The Matari had the support of the Gallente Federation and to this day, the two nations remain close allies. Yet, only a quarter of the Matari people reside within the Republic. The rest are scattered around the world, including a large portion still enslaved within the Amarr Empire. Minmatar individuals are independent and proud, possessing a strong will and a multitude of tribal traditions.

Jove Directorate
The Jove Empire is isolated from the rest of the world to all but a selected few. The Jovians are a mystery to the other races, fueled not only by their elusiveness, but also their highly advanced technology, eons ahead of the other races. The Jovians have been civilized longer than any other race in the world of EVE and have gone through several golden ages, now long-since shrouded in the past. The current Jovian Empire is only a pale shadow of its former self, mainly because of the Jovian Disease - a psychological disorder that is always fatal. - Game notes: CCP DEV area. No Agents for jove corps.

Ammatar Mandate
The Ammatars are part of the Amarr Empire, but are of Minmatar origin. During the time the Amarrians occupied the Minmatar home worlds one of the Minmatar tribes, the Nefantars, collaborated heavily with the Amarrians. The Nefantars fled Minmatar space during the Minmatar Rebellion and the Amarr Emperor set them up in Amarr controlled areas close to Minmatar space. Soon everyone had started calling them Ammatars. Today, the Ammatars enjoy a semi-autonomy in their own space and are still embroiled in war with their former Minmatar brethren.

Khanid Kingdom
The Khanid Kingdom, also known as the Dark Amarr, was founded a few centuries ago when the last Amarr Emperor was chosen. Khanid was one of the royal heirs at the time and, in accordance with tradition, should have killed himself after failing to become emperor. This Khanid refused to do and split his vast domains from the Amarr Empire. The empire retaliated, but only managed to conquer some of the vulnerable outer regions from Khanid. The Kingdom still upholds many of the tradition of Amarr society, but has also wholeheartedly embraced the customs of others, mainly the Caldari. Many visitors to the Kingdom feel like it is a surreal mix of the Amarr and Caldari empires.

The Syndicate
Formed by Intaki exiles from the Gallente Federation during the Caldari-Gallente War. The Syndicate has slowly grown in stature and influence and now serves as an important link between the empires and the illegal elements in the outer regions. Syndicate space is a pirate haven, but still retains enough civility to allow pretty much anyone to travel there to do business. The Syndicate markets are always chockfull of contraband goods and illegal wares that are hard or impossible to come by elsewhere. Each Syndicate station is a autonomous entity, but the cooperate on security and information issues. The unofficial leader of the Syndicate is Silphy en Diabel, a former Sister of EVE that returned to Syndicate space to save her family's fortune. Since then she's turned out to be just as resourceful and ruthless as her late father.

Gurista's Pirates
Formed by two former members of the Caldari Navy, the pair go by the names Fatal and the Rabbit, the Guristas are a constant thorn in the side of the Caldari State. The Guristas are traditional pirates in the sense that their operation is not based around some creed or ideology, but rather a plain and simple greed. The Guristas have bases close to Caldari space and from them they embark on daring raids, often into the State itself. Though the Guristas are considered more honorable than many of their counterparts, they are still extremely dangerous and not to be tampered with.

The Angel Cartel
Operating from the heart of the Curse region, the Angel Cartel is today the largest and best organized of the space-based criminal factions. The Angels are divided into several groups, each with a very special function. It is commanded by the Dominations and in the century they've been lurking in deep space they have stolen, plundered or sabotaged countless number of ships and kidnapped, molested or murdered thousands of people. The Angels recruit members from all the races, and are thus not bound to any one zone of operation, which spans almost the entire known world. Many believe that the Angels got their power by uncovering Jovian technologies hidden in their ancient homes, now infested by the Angel Cartel.

The Blood Raider Covenant
The Amarr Empire has had its share of religious cults and fanatics in the past, but few have been as successful, or been feared as much, as the Blood Raiders. The Blood Raiders are a sect of a ancient cult called Sani Sabik, which uses blood in their rituals. The Blood Raiders believe that cloned bodies have 'purer' blood than other bodies and this explains while they operate mainly in space, attacking unwary space farers and draining their bodies of blood. The Blood Raiders are led by the fearsome Omir Sarikusa, who has remained on top of the DED most wanted list for many years now. Under his leadership the Blood Raiders have become more organized and they have established several bases in the Bleak Lands region.

The Interbus
The InterBus is one of the more successful joint ventures the empires have undertaken. It was formed some 30 years ago to act as a neutral passenger transportation company that would span the entire known world. Since then it has evolved a bit, especially when it started to ferry goods too. The InterBus is used by the SCC to ferry goods between stations, as they are reliable and operate in every station in the world. As InterBus has to operate not only in empire stations, but also in pirate havens and other stations associated with organized crime, the company has to uphold a very strict policy regarding neutrality and secrecy. Even if the company is owned by the empires, no information regarding to shipments or station locations is ever given out. The strict adherence to these rules has allowed InterBus to operate without harassment in every corner of the world of EVE, making them one of the pillars of the inter-stellar community. - Game Notes: Corp that owns/owned low sec and 0.0 customs offices initially after crucible expansion.

Outer Ring Excavations, or ORE, is the largest independent mining corporation around. ORE was originally a fledgling Gallentean company, but struck gold when they found extremely rich Nocxium asteroid belts in the Outer Ring region. When the Gallente Federation tried to force ORE to reveal the location of the asteroid fields the company left Gallentean space and set up base in the Outer Ring region. They used their massive wealth to buy protection for their bases and keep their operation secret. Several pirate factions have tried to muscle in on the ORE territories, but with little success. - Game Notes: Responsible for designs of mining barges and capital industrial ships (Orca and Rorqual).

The Thukker Tribe
The Thukker tribe is one of the seven original Minmatar tribes. After the Minmatar Rebellion the Thukkers left Minmatar space and took up the nomadic lifestyles of their ancestors, only this time in space. The closest thing they've got to home is the Great Wildlands region, where they are very numerous, but the Thukkers like to be on the move, constantly going from one solar system to another in their huge caravans, trading and scavenging. Respectable citizens of EVE frown upon the Thukkers, considering them to be nothing but scoundrels and thiefs. Indeed, the Thukkers often operate on the shadier side of the law, but their resourcefulness and diligence count a lot more for their success than their criminal activities.

The Servant Sisters of EVE
The Sisters of EVE are mainly known for their humanitarian aid efforts to those suffering because of war, famine or even just being lost in space. But the Sisters of EVE base their existence on strong religious believes, which they have coupled with scientific facts. They believe that the EVE gate is a gateway to heaven - that god resides on the other side of the gate. As well as dedicating themselves to aiding those in need they are also busy with scientific experiments around the EVE gate, hoping to gain a better understanding of the forces at work there.. - Game Notes: Factions that offers new player quest line. loyalty store provides high quality exploration equipment

The Society
The Society of Conscious Thought is three centuries old and was founded by a Jovian named Ior Labron, who was in search of spiritual enlightenment. The Society has since then taken many guises and been anything from a religious sect full of hermits to a political institute playing the power game. Today, the Society is mainly known for their scholastic achievements, their schools are widely regarded as the best ones in the world of EVE and rich and influential parents everywhere fight to get their kids admitted. Offering large sums of money is, however, no guarantee for admittance, as the Society has its own peculiar selection process that seems to have little rhyme or reason to outsiders. The Society operates in remote areas, where they build strongholds called kitz. Not all kitz are schools, some are still devoted to spiritual enlightenment or scientific pursuits.

Mordu's Legion
The origin of Mordu's Legion lies in the Gallente-Caldari War when a group Intaki military personnel sided with the Caldari. The Intakis were put into a separate unit with a Caldari officer named Mordu. After the war the Intakis settled in Caldari space, but unwillingly became entangled with Caldari locals in the Waschi Uprising. Mordu's Legion was formed at that time as a mercenary fighting force and after the uprising it continued in existence. The Legion is loosely associated with the Caldari Navy, but are in most part totally independent. Mordu's Legion is commonly hired by companies to protect valuable assets outside empire space, for instance Outer Ring Excavations pays them handsomely to patrol the Outer Ring region..

Sansha Nation
Sansha's Nation was founded more than a century ago, shortly after all the empires had come into contact, just when space exploration and colonization was taking off. Sansha was a Caldari tycoon that carved out a sizable piece of space for himself. There, he set out to create an Utopian state. His vision and charm attracted thousands of people and for some time the Nation flourished. But Sansha became ever more warped as his success increased. He started experiments, combining capsule technology with the human mind, creating a zombie like creatures that had the cold, calculating mind of a computer, but the ingenuity of humans. When this became public knowledge Sansha was condemned and the other empires joined forces to bring him down. His forces were decimated and scattered to the winds. Remnants still remain far in the outer regions, but the once glorious Nation has been reduced to pirates and pillagers. - Game Notes: Faction responsible for incursions.

The Serpentis Corporation was founded a few decades ago by V.Salvador Sarpati. At first it was engaged in hi-tech research, but with time its ties with the underworld grew and the Serpentis research stations, scattered around in remote areas, became infamous pirate havens. Sarpati made a deal with the Angel Cartel early on to provide protection for his stations and the duty was taken on by the Guardian Angels. Both sides have prospered enormously for this deal - Serpentis can operate in peace and the Angel Cartel gets access to the illegal research efforts of the Serpentis. It is strongly believed that Serpentis is the main developer and manufacturer of illegal neural boosters, especially since Sarpati's father was a renown specialist in that field. The home of Serpentis is in the Phoenix constellation in the Fountain region.


EVE Online's ingame history is sort of an enigma, but the backstory is pretty clear

Humanity has achieved a Golden age in space exploration, colonizing several systems outside Sol. Eventually, a massive wormhole, dubbed the "EVE Gate" is discovered. Explorers are sent forth and it is revealed that the EVE Gate leads to a remote galaxy parsecs away from the Milky Way. Mass Colonization was underway and "New Eden", as the galaxy was called, was bustling forth in a massive age of peace and prosperity. However, unexpectedly, the EVE Gate collapsed, leaving New Eden marooned away from the Milky Way. Thousands of years passed as countless colonies perished. Soon, however, the secret to Space travel was found again, and the Remnants of New Eden once again arose to be one with the stars. In 5 corners of New Eden, new faces of Humanity emerged. The Theocratic Amarr, the Tribal Minmatar, the Democratic Gallente, and the Corporatocracy that is the Caldari, and the Enigmatic Jove encountered eachother. Wars passed as each faction considered eachother a threat, until the founding of CONCORD, where the Factions would meet to discuss their differences and solve problems as diplomatically and peacefully as possible.


Off Topic / What the hell happened to the forums when I was gone?
« on: May 25, 2014, 11:17:45 PM »
So yesterday I fell asleep. I woke up this afternoon, got on the forums, and apparently everyone was panicking and saying that betelgeuse snapped and posted gay researcho.

So once again, what in all mighty loving god happened

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