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Messages - Reactor Worker

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 [6] 7 8 9 10 11 ... 260
Game Modes / Re: Last Man Standing (LMS)
« on: August 16, 2012, 03:37:23 PM »
It already does that. %lpc being the last pushed client:

Code: [Select]
%exp = (getRandom(1,%lpc.level) + getRandom(1,5));

That's not a very aggressive reward system. I think it would be better as:

%exp = 10^(%lpc.level-%player.level)

Game Modes / Re: Last Man Standing (LMS)
« on: August 15, 2012, 10:29:59 PM »
Two suggestions:

  • Grant greater amounts of exp for kills versus higher level players
  • Have the arena start a larger size and have it gradually shrink down to nothing - this should keep stalemates brief and let everyone play more frequently

Modification Help / Re: >> GameMode Reference <<
« on: August 13, 2012, 02:32:56 PM »
Can GUI's be included as part of gamemodes? If so, how?

Help / Re: Character model appears black in Badspot's Blockparty
« on: February 25, 2012, 03:40:08 PM »
Check for any modifcations that could change your avatar

Or kompressor lord of shadows

Only the default add-ons are enabled. Nothing has been altered client-side.

Help / Character model appears black in Badspot's Blockparty
« on: February 25, 2012, 03:30:26 PM »
As seen in the attached image, my character model shows up completely black when joining the Blockparty. The issue is isolated to just that server; I tried 4-5 other servers and my character showed up fine. I also tried restarting the game (3 times) and each time I spawned in the Blockparty the character would show up black. Killing the player or altering the avatar does not fix the issue.

Just when you thought terrain looked bad enough...

I was under the impression that bricks (or at least their collision meshes) had to be convex. Like, you couldn't make a "trapdoor" brick that has a hole through it. Obviously we can have bricks like the L-shape.

I'm not a fan of the curved surfaces used in your example images Wedge but the principle seems reasonable. I think the main limitation is that bricks have to be convex shapes.

Are there any plans in place for other "official" shaders to come after shadows?

How slow are you prepared for the game to run?

Would it be a significant amount of work to add a setting that allows brick/projectile lights to cast shadows?

So has development on any other features been put on hold till this 'shadow' update is completed or are you working concurrently?

Are bricks translucent (as it appears in the first image) or is that just a by-product of the DOF? Could we see some more pictures please?

I'm afraid I can't think of any maps that I will truly miss. Interiors and terrain blocks opened up many possibilities for map creators but nothing valuable was created. We've had years to come up with some truly memorable, useful maps but it just hasn't happened.

As others have said, the brick limit is a concern.

Are the shadows generated in real-time? Do they affect everything (players, vehicles, particles, etc)?

Are the shadows dependent on the "sun" object in the mission editor? Can it be moved in real-time? Can the hue of it be altered?

How well does it handle transparency?

I like what I see in the screenshots.

Will this open up the possibility for more modern graphics settings like anti-aliasing, SSAO, and better particle effects?

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