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Topics - Muffinmix

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Creativity / Need an artist's help
« on: February 28, 2009, 08:37:15 PM »
This is kind of Blockland related and a request. Been meaning to try modeling again but I remembered why I gave up last time, I simply have no general idea where to start on a model, especially weapons. I haven't played allot of games with really creative weapon design so I'm kind of in a modeler's block right now. I've tried searching for some other game weapons using google but haven't had much luck inspiration-wise.

It would be cool if some of you artists could draw me a few weapons, anything really, just something to inspire me. Most of the weapons I'll be working on are Sci-fi, since then I can really play around in the special effects department.

Thanks guys

Games / Bought that new castlevania game
« on: February 27, 2009, 10:41:47 PM »
forget this piece of stuff. I'm returning it. I mean I can understand if it's "challenging" but there is not enough fun factor to make up for the ridiculous bosses you fight at the BEGINNING of every loving level and the shear annoyance of the regular enemies. Oh yeah and the main character being an emotionless brick with no actual means to defend herself efficiently doesn't help either. Oh and it also looks like it has just about 3 times more grinding then every other new gen castlevania games combined, now that potions are so coveted you need to buy them but they cost about a limb for each. Woopee looks like I'm gonna have a great time farming this here annoying enemy for hours on end so I can sell his ultra rare drop that's a piece of stuff.

Nah forget it, I'm playing Etrian Odyssey 2.

Off Topic / Inclement weather
« on: February 23, 2009, 05:37:59 AM »
Woke up this morning and decided to go look out the window. The problem? There was no window, it was just a loving wall of snow. Well gee let's check the University mail.

The Fredericton campus of the University of New Brunswick, the College Hill Daycare and St. Thomas University are closed today, Feb. 23, due to inclement weather.

All morning, afternoon and evening classes are cancelled. The universities’
administrative offices, libraries and gymnasiums are closed.

loving WALL OF SNOW CLOSED THE UNIVERSITY, this is kind of shocking since it usually takes a meteor strike to close that thing. I only had one course today and it was a midterm so from my perspective it means I won't have all that much to catch up on.

Spring's coming up so people all over the place must be getting some wacky weather by now, what have your conditions been like?

Off Topic / Best god damn beef stew in the world, also food discussion
« on: February 18, 2009, 11:09:00 AM »
Holy mother of god.

My mom came over yesterday and I had ingredients for a beef stew lying around, so while I was off to University she cooked up some beef stew. Well I have no idea what she slipped into that stew, but it's amazing. Words cannot express how loving good it is. It's perfectness reminded me of the entire reason why I'm constantly cooking for myself instead of being a cheap bastard and buying out, which is so I can maybe, just maybe be good enough at cooking to make that stew myself one day.

I figured out the secret ingredient for it (yes there is a secret ingredient), but that alone isn't enough. I swear to god she sprinkles some magic on that stew, somehow, and it becomes intoxicating. I would eat some more right now but I want it to last, just for a bit longer, maybe until Sunday.

Oh well once it's all gone I'll be stuck with plain old hash browns and scrambled eggs with ham and mushrooms and a dash of chilli pepper and savory. Actually that sounds pretty good right now maybe I'm just getting hungry again.

tl;dr my mom makes the best beef stew in the universe. Discuss meals and food in general, maybe there are some cooking experts on this forum willing to share some advice

Modification Help / [Tutorial] Making Special Effects: a complete approach
« on: February 01, 2009, 04:29:38 PM »
Tired of looking at the same old Rocket Launcher emitters go off for your grenade launcher? Want to make a cool smoke grenade, but you just can't get around how the emitters work? Well then, This is the guide for you and all your emitter needs and questions.

Purpose of this guide: Well I was tired all right? Tired of looking at the same old stuff plastered on a different model. Everyone seems to be simply copy-pasting the rocket-launcher and gun scripts, changing the names to work with a different model and then posting it as a finished add-on. It's not that those special effects aren't good or anything, it's just you'd figure people would want to make cool weapons and utilities a bit more unique! It's just special effects but if you're making something simple then that's all it will have going for it aside from function.

This will also double as an extra reference guide to help answer the tiny questions some more seasoned scripters might have about these things. There is a Torque Functions guide that tries to explain some of this stuff but fails in many areas, this tutorial will compliment this guide:

I will be covering 5 datablocks in particular: Particles, Emitters, Explosions, Debris, and Projectiles. I will not be covering any vehicles/characterPlayers seeing as I have never really looked at them in detail.

DATABLOCK USAGE: Even if you "recycle" datablocks, to my past V9 knowledge the script will still load an extra datablock anyways for every extra "same" datablock that is attached to some other datablock. I doubt you will need to use all 2000+ datablocks anyways, I mean come on guys!

This was changed or I was wrong. Either way re-using the same datablocks seems to cut down on datablock usage. There are also extra interpolation values you can set for your explosions which, from what I've seen so far, do not increase datablock usage if you re-use datablocks for them. I will be doing further testing on the explosion datablock interpolations to check out how exactly they affect the explosion emitters. (Thanks for bringing this issue up Space Guy)

First, we'll look at how it all gets started with the humble Particle Datablock, an example from a Fireball projectile I made. I will give an explanation of what each line does:

datablock ParticleData(Fireball2TrailParticle)
      dragCoefficient      = 3;                                    //This slows down particles over time. It will be deducted from constantAcceleration. It does NOT affect gravityCoeefficient at all!

      gravityCoefficient   = -0.0;                               //A positive value will cause particles to accelerate towards the ground. Likewise, a Negative value causes them to rise.

      inheritedVelFactor   = 0.15;                             //How much of the emitting object's Velocity (speed and direction) is given to the particle when it is emitted

      constantAcceleration = 0.0;                             //The opposite of dragCoefficient, it will cause the particle to accelerate over time.

      lifetimeMS           = 1500;                                 //How long the particle lasts, in Milliseconds. This one will last 1.5 seconds

      lifetimeVarianceMS   = 800;                             //This line randomizes the lifetime a bit. In this case it treats the lifetime with +/- 800 milliseconds. So the particle will last from 0.7 seconds to 2.3 seconds.

      textureName          = "base/data/particles/cloud";  //This is the line that determines which decal is used for the particle. In this case, I picked one of Badspot's originals and probably my favorite, the Cloud. You can also make your own decals by placing them in your packaged .zip folder and then typing in "./decalNameHere" as the value, where decalNameHere is the name of your decal obviously.

      spinSpeed      = 10.0;                                   //This value causes your particle to spin. A value of 1000 will have it make a Full Revolution every second. **A Negative value gives Clockwise rotation, and a Positive value gives Anticlockwise rotation**.

      spinRandomMin      = -150.0;                        //This is the Minimum spin, another randomizing factor. It will deduct a range value to the spinSpeed. So in this case, it's 10-150, giving you -140. So now the spinSpeed will range from -140 to 10. It has to be lower then spinRandomMax otherwise you will get some errors.

      spinRandomMax      = 150.0;                         //This is another randomizing factor that adds a range value to your particle's spinSpeed. So now, without accounting for spinRandomMin, our particle will spin at a speed anywhere from 10 to 160 when it's emitted. Adding spinRandomMax, the particle will spin from a Clockwise -140 to anticlockwise 160.

      colors[0]     = "1.0 0.9 0.8 0.6";                      
      colors[1]     = "1.0 0.2 0.0 0.5";
      colors[2]     = "0.9 0.2 0.0 0.3";
      colors[3]     = "0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0";                                      //Your color keys! These mix in with your "sizes" and "times" keys. The maximum amount of keys is 4, so 0 to 3. The scheme for colors goes Red, Green, Blue, and Transparency. The allowed value ranges are between 0 and 1, or 1 and 255. As you can see, my first key here is made to simulate a bright white slightly orange starting color. If all your values are, say, 0.5 for RGB, then you get a grey color. If they're all 1.0, you get a very bright white color, in this case I set the bar at 0.8, then give a hint of orange by mixing red with a little green. Unfortunately, this does not mean putting all values to 0.01 will give you a dark black, instead it will give you a near invisible grey (even with trans set to 1.0). To get a Black color, we use invAlpha below. The color transition from step 0 to step 1 is gradual, which is great because it causes particles to change very smoothly. Furthermore, the speed at which the particle changes color is determined by the times[] steps.

      sizes[0]      = 2.25;
      sizes[1]      = 3.55;
      sizes[2]      = 2.35;
      sizes[3]      = 1.05;                                        //Size steps, how big your particle is and when. In this case, a value of 1.50 is roughly the size of a 1x1x3 brick. Sizes also change gradually from step to step so it gives you a smooth transition throughout. Of course, how long the rendition lasts is again attributed to your times[] steps, more on those below.

      times[0] = 0.0;
      times[1] = 0.15;
      times[2] = 0.4;
      times[3] = 1.0;                                              //These keys determine how long it takes for colour and size steps to jump to the next step. How they work is simple, your first times[] HAS to be 0.0, and your last HAS to be 1.0. At 0.0, the particle's lifetime count is at exactly 0, this is the moment it's emitted. At 1.0, it's the moment when the particle's lifetime runs out. Let's simplify our life by saying our particle's lifetime is 10 seconds, and has a range of 0. The rendition from 0 to 1, that is 0.0 to 0.15, it takes 15% of the particles lifetime (1.5 seconds) to happen. From 1 to 2, which are 0.15 to 0.4, it will take 2.5 seconds, and so on. These guys are extremely important, and I recommend you play around with them and see what happens. You can make very pretty particles if you can master these steps.

      useInvAlpha = false;                                     //What it does is it boldens your colors, which is both a blessing and a curse. If you set it to "true" and set your RBG values all to 0.01, you get black particles! You can also make some very nice greys, but the problem is that it messes with your particle's Transparency. Say you want to make some cool fire effects, leading to a black smoke. You need to set your RGB to say, 1.0 0.6 0.0 0.6 to get an Orange-like color as well as semi-transparency. The problem is, because Red is 1.0, the minimum transparency is 1.0 for that color key. So you get this weird thick orange gob particle instead of a pretty transparent orange that overlaps nicely with other particles to make neato fire. The trans "minimum" will be set to your key's highest value.

**This feature also causes some major sorting issues if particles from 2 different emitters or 2 entirely different types of particles overlap (one needs to have invAlpha set to true). The result is a very fast blinking between particles. You may see this in effect if you stack 2 bricks and give the first brick Fire A and the other brick, a black Smoke emitter. It is an engine issue.**

Not included are the Animation lines, animateTexture = true or false; and animTexName[0] == textureName.fileType; to [49], because animated particles don't work properly yet. (They only appear animated in single player, or for a host. They stick with the first animation decal if you join a game that has them.). **Animated particles are officially broken, so don't worry about them.**

That's allot, I know, but it becomes pretty easy to get around after a while. Next object of importance, the Emitter:

datablock ParticleEmitterData(Fireball2TrailEmitter)
      lifetimeMS = 100;                                        //This bit is used in conjunction with the Explosion datablock. It determines how long the emitter lasts before it ceases to emit particles. If you are making, say, a brick emitter, this line is useless because the brick will continue to emit forever regardless. It is also in milliseconds, so in our case the emitter will only live for 0.1 seconds. Useful for stopping special effects in Sub Explosions and in image states.

      ejectionPeriodMS = 3;                                 //How much time is spent between each particle emitted. In our case, the emitter spurts out a particle every 0.003 seconds, that's fast! Unfortunately, you can't go any lower then 1, but you will very rarely need to. Another thing, if you put a decimal value it will simply round it off. This shouldn't be an issue to you, but it means that making variable hacks (in combination with other things) to achieve really unique effects is impossible.

      periodVarianceMS = 1;                                //Our first randomizing line for emitters. This guy will add/substract from the ejectionPeriodMS to form a time range in which the particles are emitted. I might add it needs to be lower or equal to your ejectionPeriodMS

      ejectionVelocity = 10.0;                              //The starting velocity at which the emitter will emit particles. 100.0 is pretty damn fast to give you an idea. It can also be set to a negative value for reversed velocity.

      velocityVariance = 0.0;                               //This adds a +/- range for the ejectionVelocity.

      ejectionOffset   = 0.5;                                //Now we're getting into all the stuff about what i like to call the Emitter Sphere. Imagine your emitter is a phere, and particles are emitted from the surface of that sphere. This will determine how big said sphere is, so how far away from the middle point (or source, or node, or whatever it's called) all your particles are emitted. There is no randomizing range for this one unfortunately, so you can't make the surface of your emitting sphere "thicker" to allow particles to be emitted at different distances from your middle point. I might add every Unit in offset = 2 brick distances (see example in 4th post). In this case, the particles are emitted 1 brick away from the mid point.

      thetaMin         = 0;
      thetaMax        = 90;                                   //These two guys determine what circular surface of your sphere will actually be emitting, in degrees. The range can be from 0 to 180, and Min has to be lower then Max otherwise you get some errors. 0 is along the +Z axis, and 180 is along the -Z axis. In our case, 0 to 90, we have half a sphere pointing upwards. Putting something like 89 to 90, we get an equatorial ring. 89.9 to 90, we get an even thinner ring. And making that range greater gives you a thicker ring. You can play around with these angles and the Offset to get the right effects. For a better look at angles and the emitter sphere, see 4th post.

      phiReferenceVel  = 0;                                 //These lines have baffled people. Well i know what they do, and I'm going to tell you guys so you can make "Spinning" emitters. Why would you need them? Well for great smoke trails for one, and whatever other funkiness you could think up. This line right here will determine how many Degrees the emitter will turn. Your emitter sphere is made up of two major degree units: The Theta degrees (Up to Down, 0 to 180 degrees) and the Phi units (Front to Front again, full revolution of 360 degrees). If you set this to 360, for example, and your Phivariance below is 1 instead of 360 (more on that in a bit), your emitter sphere will be emitting on the Theta range you set up, only that range will be condensed to a thin portion of the sphere. Furthermore, that portion will be revolving around the middle point of the emitter, making a full revolution (360) every 1 second. The value you set here will basically determine how many degrees of rotation are covered every 1 second, and the starting point of this thin portion is always on the +Y axis (shooting a projectile with this enabled, it will start facing Downwards). In our case, it's 0. It's not even moving, and if phiVariance were 1 it would be shooting out in the +Y direction constantly. You can also make some small variable hacks here but I won't go into details, that alone would take an entire post to explain.

      phiVariance      = 360;                                //This here determines over what degree range around the mid point particles will be emitted. Simply put, it determines how thick the "portion of the sphere" that emits particles is. Right now it's 360, which means particles will be spread out over the entire equator when they are emitted. Essentially, this means no matter where the portion of the sphere is, either due to rotation or being still, it will still be the entirety of the sphere that emits particles. It accepts values from 1 to 360. I don't think 0 works. There will be more examples portraying it's uses later.

      overrideAdvance = false;                            //This line allows you to apply new colors[]. sizes[], and times[] keys to particles. It's useful if you want to use the same basic particles you used for something else, and it might cut down on datablocks (untested)

    useEmitterColors = false;                              //If set to true, all emitted particles will have the same RGB values as their emitter object if it has any specific color arrays to it (in our case, the brick), and it will also blend the transparency values with your particles. It's nice if you're making brick emitters, amazing even. Not sure if it applies to other objects, like playerCharacter colors. If it does then god damn.

    orientParticles = false;                                  //This is another amazing line that allows you to make "straight", almost mesh-like particles. What it does is, if set to true, will lock your emitted particles' X and Y axises, leaving only the Z axis for free rotation. In other words, it turns your particles into Z Billboards. This makes it harder for them to rotate in order to "look at you". They will still rotate on that Z axis though, which is why we don't have holograms, but this bit of code still allows you to make things like Light Rays, the only problem being the particle decals will be gigantic and mostly empty in order to limit that rotation. **As of V11, this feature is broken. It has been highlighted however, and will very likely  be restored in V13.** The orientParticles function works perfectly again.

      particles = "Fireball2TrailParticle";              //You particle datablock string. I said string, because you can actually have different particles emitted from a single emitter. How? Simply add a space, then the next particle datablock name, like so: = "Fireball2TrailParticle Fireball2FartParticle";. I don't think there is a limit to how many different kinds you can fit in there, but basically whenever the emitter hits an emitting time, it will choose one particle from the list, and emit it. If you have two, each has 50% chance, with three each has 33% chance and so on. This is MONSTROUSLY useful especially for Projectile Trails simply because you can only have one emitter per projectile. Doing the same thing with the projectile's trailEmitter string doesn't work. **There seems to be a minimal ejectionPeriodMS for this string feature, under which the particles do that whole "Switching"  bug (all particles switch from one datablock to another, causing some problems). Fortunately the minimal ejectionPeriod is quite small, I pinpointed it to be around 10, so you may not have to worry about it.**


Drama / Idiot tactics: Desperation acts, patterns, how people "go out"
« on: February 01, 2009, 09:55:49 AM »
Decided to make this thread so we can share some experiences about the flamewars, the once sturdy disliked members who disintegrated into babbling idiots, common patterns in said disintegrations and retaliations, as well as the oh-so loved Desperation Acts. I'm hoping this will become more of a guide about what NOT to do on here if you want to keep a shred of dignity. That and also how to check whether or not you might be on the forum's stuff-list.

List of players and how they died on the forums:

- Obsidian - Tried to kill a thread he didn't like by spamming it
- Yuki - Abandoned the forums without a peep, even with all the taunting. It's a first
- TruBluRage - Tried to turn the community against someone. Of course it backfired on him He isn't dead yet Nick you dumb friend.
- EliteBeatSlowpoke - Oh shock images, I once thought you were the most pointless desperation act until I met the Spam attacks.
- mercenary - MORONMORONMORONMORON, got his posts deleted and banned.
- Bazooka - "Had a lawyer dad", tried to get him to sue people for calling him bad names on the internet. Pretty much attempted to piss everyone off, it was pretty funny.
- bjwaym_bandit - Bisjac's post sums it up nicely
- SaberNinja - Talked with blue-font text, then spammed some dumb stuff to finally get perma'ed
- Lewnaja - I WANT TO BE A REAL DAD! Basically had his "father" tell everyone off, then lied some more, then was banned.
- Heavenhunter - Was banned for being a gigantic douche to everyone, tried to get Space Guy banned because he got all butthurt over some bbrown town stuff.
- Tyler man -
I am now banning you for being too stupid.
- SuperSnake117 - Was hit and killed by a semi truck while skiing on a mountain nowhere near the highway, then came here to post about it. Actually he was attention whoring and he got a little TOO much attention.
- MariovsMortalKombat - So yeah my brother who was MariovsmortalKombat died, I'm telling everyone on here who obviously hates him that he died.
- ProBuilder - Made a build out of about 20 bricks using the editor wand on the old RTB on a stuffty map and challenged everyone to reproduce that piece of stuff in Blockland. Anymore bricks would have crashed his game. Also why he didn't just model it in Torque Constructor instead has baffled all of us. He left shortly after prancing around like a friend.
- Vertzer - His little secret got out, so he internet Self Deleted with a ban-me post.
- Atticus - Posted shocking images! AGAIN! Who would have thought. Was he hacked? Was he... insane? No he just wanted attention god damnit. Looks like he'll be perma banned, again.

- I don't keep track of the people sadly, help me fill this list (this is probably not going to be factual)

I'm starting this topic mostly because of a new tactic that seems to be becoming the trend: mor spam fr yu "insert name here" desperation act.

The conditions: Not having his way after trying to defend a point no one else agrees on (common occurrence)
The result: I WIL KIL TOPIC WIHT SPAM! (Next trend?)

more spam for zoneark aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaa

and if thats not noth mega spam aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaa and virus of zeros 00000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000

The remarkable thing about this tactic is that it achieves absolutely nothing. Even less-so then flaming, somehow.

Post the most idiotic desperation acts, common patterns, and most notorious internet kamakazes you can remember. Feel free to comment and make fun of people as usual. I will list a summary of each of them in this post.

Edited, thanks for the help guys

Creativity / PHILOSOPHY!!
« on: January 31, 2009, 01:23:56 PM »
Yup wrote this up from my thoughts during the Christmas break. It's a summary since I have yet to expand on it with examples and such, plus there are probably contradictions in there somewhere.

A Theory Of Balance

An Event is a complex situation in which people interact with others through choices. In life, we are presented with many choices, and the outcome of those choices have an impact on ourselves and our surroundings. This impact affects our traits, personality as well as others’ if they are part of the event. We will refer to the ensemble of all the characteristics we possess as Values.

We may take up an action or inaction when presented with a choice. A choice will present itself when we acknowledge it, which may be the result of our own recollection or a result of another person’s action. There is another way in which we may shape our surroundings, and that is simply by being present in an event, while not participating in any rational way or form. In this case, we may not be aware of the event and therefore no choice presents itself. But, we will still take some sort of action or more generally no action at all which will unknowingly affect others tied to that event.

   A choice produces consequences of equal amounts of these two flavors: Positive and Negative. If a choice presents itself, then an Event is created. If we are alone, with no other rational being present, the event remains isolated to ourselves and we alone will feel the consequences of our choice. If we are interacting with another person or persons, then these consequences will also be shared with them. These consequences will affect specific values belonging to a person. We can view this effect under an unrealistically simplistic lens through examples.

   Say we have one person named Dan and another named Joe. This example will have a foremost focus on Dan. Dan is honest and Joe is touchy. Joe asks Dan one day to tell him what he thinks of his collection of fine china. Dan is presented with a choice, he thinks the china is quite ugly, and given as he’s honest he bluntly tells this to Joe. Joe gets mad, and stops talking to Dan. One of Dan’s many consequences as a result of this event is that he might become less honest, as his honesty caused him to lose a friend. This is a prime example of a negative consequence. Dan also gained in this interaction however, as he may also have become a bit more diplomatic as a result. He will try to consider the feelings of others in his interactions, and this will drive him to being less blunt. In a similar manner, Joe gains and loses from this event.

   Even a simple event can become tremendously complicated as humans interact with each other and their surroundings. The consequences we accumulate throughout our lives through events shape our values. Consequences can undermine or improve our values, and many of these effects are long-term as consequences may take a bit of time to “set-in” on our psyche, although physically they can be instantaneous. However, the consequences’ impacts are shared physically and psychologically.

But, because consequences affect the choices that people make in other events, those consequences can be carried over from person to person. However, as the distance from the source of the consequences becomes greater, the effects of those consequences on choices become much lower. Even so, consequences will expand outwardly to others unless the source is isolated. How far and how great the consequences will be are attributed to how strong the choice is.

   We can estimate that our society is a Collective of these choices and consequences, a collective of everyone’s values pooled into a single set This again is fairly simplistic, as the participation of everyone in a society varies greatly from person to person and also over time. Great choices that take the entirety of society into account, such as a choice of whether or not to go to War, can have a deep impact on this society. Society is a strong structure, however it is simultaneously frail. A society in which the values are not in balance and which are continuously offset by choices will eventually collapse. As society falls into disorder, it disintegrates. Choices prompting the improvement of values of a society while downgrading others which are already in great favor will help keep our values in balance. The promotion of balance can be viewed in the same way as balancing a scale. We will remove from one side and simultaneously add to the other to achieve a greater balance.

   Finally, consequences are not instantaneous, and may take a while to settle in. Some accumulate over time with consequences from other events, however if left alone, they will shape our values through our own self reflection and thorough thinking. Therefore choices will have immediate physical impacts, but psychologically the effects will take time to process.

   This is all fine as a theory, but how can we apply it on our daily lives? Because of the complexity this theory implies, it is impossible for mankind to make an absolutely correct decision. The reverse, which is to make an absolutely incorrect decision, is also impossible. This means so called “Evil” and “Good” decisions are out of the question, as even the most ethical decision will lead to negative consequences in some form. So then, what kind of decision would be deemed Correct? It is simply the decision that promotes the greatest amount of Balance, in a short term and in the long run. Our life is a balancing act and we react to consequences in a way to protect that balance. We also strive for a balance we think is the correct one to ourselves, and we tend to avoid anything that will cause an imbalance.

   brown townyzing a situation and then acting to promote this balance is a challenge. Care must be exercised, and the consequences that may result from our actions must be taken into account. Its practice will enable everyone in a society to support each other and keep today’s society balanced. A good balance will also buffer against any effects that may promote disorder. Warfare is obviously extremely dangerous, as it promotes a very large amount of disorder. Warfare can cripple society, and thus should be avoided, even if the long term effects might promote balance. The short term effects may ultimately disintegrate that society before the long term balance sets itself in.

***   Finally, any system, including our own society, will eventually collapse into disorder. It is fundamental nature that everything expands into chaos. What keeps us from ultimately disintegrating, and even more so pushes us to move forward? What has kept such disorder from happening may sound quite preposterous, but there is an energy that feeds this system continuously and keeps such a collapse at bay. That energy comes primarily from an outside source, the sun. This sounds silly, I’ll confess, but it was an intriguing small bit of information I realized while pondering this theory. Of course, too much energy is dangerous as well, as energy in itself is quite disorderly. It is how we use the energy in our choices that will help us shape balance within ourselves and our society as well as lives.

January 4th, 2009
Julien ******

Yes my name is Julien. Feel free to laugh :P

Games / F-Zero rant
« on: January 30, 2009, 11:24:52 PM »
I remembered this gem from a while back today, thought I'd share it with you guys since it's pretty funny.
Also, it was emailed to Nintendo.

Feel free to post funny game rant videos/mp3s

Suggestions & Requests / Request: Event Projectiles suggestions
« on: January 26, 2009, 12:25:13 PM »
I'm going to make a few projectiles for the event system, fairly simple stuff, but I need ideas for extras.

I've got a few things going like a fireball and that red laser from the other thread, but if you guys have any ideas for some cool projectiles then I'd love to hear them. I'll make a pack and release it once I get a good set of them.

Games / Pokemon thread
« on: January 24, 2009, 01:47:26 PM »
Re-playing pokemon Diamond from the beginning since Platinum is coming out in March and i just felt like replaying it. If you're bored or procrastinating like I am then get in on this while it's hot

For starters:

I don't have pokemon diamond/pearl which version should I get?

There isn't much difference between Pearl and Diamond for the DS, just pick whichever one you think has a prettier boxart. Beginning pokemon differences, the major ones anyways, would be that Diamond has a Skunk that farts and pearl has some weird ghost thing instead, that's about it.

Oh god the DS games are so slow compared to the GBA ones

Yeah I know.

I want to try these games, but I don't want to grind. How much grinding am I looking at here? Am I going to have to spend loads of time just leveling some dumb thing up?

There isn't allot of grinding, don't worry. This isn't a typical Jrpg THANK GOD, it's pokemon.

Which starter is the best?

The fire type gets fighting moves, he's so-so later on

The water type gets all kinds of cool moves later on and is all around useful

No one ever picks grass usually but it's a turtle that looks loving badass later on so it's your call

Any game breaking advice you'd like to share?

Yeah, you can get a loving Lucky Egg pretty early on in the game. It gives a nifty 1/2 exp boost to a pokemon holding it after each fight, really speeds things up a notch. To get it:

- You need access to Routes 209/210. That's where Chanseys live, and they have a chance to carry it
- You need to get your hands the TM that gives Thief, make some duder learn it
- Hunt for Chansey and steal their stuff

It's a bit of a rarity, with Chansey having 5% chance of popping up, and another 5% of holding it, but it's worth it. The rest of the times chansey will be carrying Oval stones, which net a nice 1000yen at the local shoppe. If you use thief and you get no item, you didn'tmiss don't worry, Chansey's simply carrying nothing. Thief is 100% steal rate.

Which pokemon should I get? Oh god I don't want to use "generic thing you see millions of"!

A few good ones available at the beginning would be Shinx, Ponita (only fire type you'll ever get if you didn't pick the fire starter), and Abra (which becomes Kadabra at lvl 16). If you're really patient you could take a shot at Gyarados, but his good moves are only available MUCH later on so he's not too good for starters, plus it takes a while to get a Magikarp to lvl 20 anyways. He's Gyarados is a loving tank though.

Another, easy one is Budew for a good grass type, for lightning you can get a Pikachu instead of Shinx if you don't mind waiting to get access to wherever it hangs out, Driftloom which you can get on Tuesdays I think in front of the waterworks, and of course the fossil ones which are your basic remedies to Rock types.

Could we trade online or something? I want my thing to evolve

Although i'd love to help out, my Wifi's acting gay these days so I won't be doing anything online for a bit.

All my pokemon are shiny! Hahaha I'm so great

Nobody likes cheaters.

That about sums it up. Discuss your pokemon stuff here

Off Topic / Hey gas prices went down, oh and the market is exploding
« on: January 06, 2009, 08:46:37 AM »
Woop! Not much else is going on over here though, some things got a bit more pricey like caviar.

Discuss your apocalyptic financial situations here.

Drama / Your memes suck.
« on: January 04, 2009, 03:06:57 PM »
Warren, motivational posters, shoop da woop, creep bear, creep bear again, and all that other stupid stuff that oozes from everywhere like a pungent bile.

It's not funny. It's not even remotely funny. I know it's like some gay secret handshake you pass on to others to eventually form a circlejerking contest but for those that aren't gay it's simply handicapped from their perspective. The major perpetrators here come in two flavors:

1- The guys that spread that stuff from their internet stuffterland (You know where that is)
2- The guys that are oblivious, think it's funny, and then attempt to replicate the humor themselves to fit in :'(

You can picture number 1 as an extremely obese mother with smaller number 2s orbiting her like planets around an extremely ugly sun in a wal-mart somewhere. The source of evil is 1 of course, but the 2s aren't helping much either, those little forgets.

Now before you go off and attack me because I'm from some other forum with it's own stuff, I have not in any way distributed any of the potential memes over there to you. I could plaster AYB jokes and Happycat all over the place but I don't because that humor is dried out. Get it? IT'S DEAD. It's not loving funny. Maybe, just maybe, it once was but it's not anymore so too bad.

Here's a list of these things. Try to cut down on your usage of them. Atleast let them die in peace.

2.Shoop-da-woop (It's actually a good meme, but these days people are using it in the wrong way)
3.It's over nine 9000! (It got old FAST when people kept repeating it when blockland  had 9000 ID's)
4. Lolcat (How is it funny? It's dated)
5. THIS IS SPARTA (Actually, it's okay with me if you spoof it, eg This is blockland! But if unchanged it's not funny..)
6. Any meme ROBLOX has.
8. BELIEVE IT (This is older than Lolcat!)
9. Chuck Norris "facts"
10. Motivational posters
11. creep Bear
12. Shoop da woop
13. Peanut butter jelly time
14. Rick roll (bannable offense anyways, traplinks)
Do a barrel roll

Modification Help / explodeOnDeath for debris
« on: December 18, 2008, 01:47:57 AM »
I'm trying to script this seemingly simple thing from scratch seeing as it's a basic function that should be included anyways and I thought it would be a good starting point. Problem is, I'm stuck at what %vars to put into the function's argument string thing.

Code: [Select]
function DebrisData::onDeath(%this, %obj, ???) {}
I'm trying to figure out what the variable for object Death is. I've been looking around the forums for scripts and examples that might contain it but I haven't had much luck. Maybe I could use the Debris' own lifeTime variable? But then I'm not even sure what that var is called.

I'm in a pickle, could someone help me out?

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