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Topics - Tezuni 2.0

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Drama / More Server Crashing
« on: November 08, 2014, 06:26:06 PM »
It would appear "Theron", BLID 51492 may be responsible for crashing my servers this time.  Anyone have more info on him?

Auth Init Successfull: Theron
CADD: 3371869
 +- bl_id = 51492
51492 Theron
 +- no auto admin
*** Sending mission load to client:
Posting to master server
Posting to rtb server
Slayer (Server): Sending Handshake: Theron
Syntax error in input.
eval error >> return .jet;
BackTrace: ->fxDTSBrick::VCE_ifValue->filterVariableString

Syntax error in input.
eval error >> return .jet;
BackTrace: ->fxDTSBrick::VCE_ifValue->filterVariableString

Syntax error in input.
eval error >> return .jet;
BackTrace: ->fxDTSBrick::VCE_ifValue->filterVariableString

Error: NetStringTable::incStringRef() - id "16843009" out of range (size = 512)
Error: NetStringTable::lookupString() - id "16843009" out of range (size = 512)

Add-Ons / Moderator (v2) & supported add-ons
« on: November 07, 2014, 08:11:18 PM »
Moderator (v2)

Commands & Access Levels:
/mod [name]                      super admin
/demod [name]                   admin
/listmoderators, /listmods    moderator
/reg [name]                        admin
/dereg [name]                     admin
/listregulars, /listregs           moderator

Do you have an online staff system that stores staff lists 'in the cloud', or online?
If so, edit the top of Moderator.cs and change the variable $System_Cloud=0; to $System_Cloud=1;
If not, leave the add-on as is.  Your staff lists will be stored in config/server/prefs.cs

Moderator supported add-ons:
Moderators can use these customized add-ons REQUIRED, download this first /gc /ac /sc /tgc /tac /tsc /b [name] [time] /k [name] /kill [name] /help /mute [name] [time] /resurrect, /res [name] /warn, /w [name] /msgall [message]

Note: These add-ons are designed against moderator against moderator fighting, and have their limits tightly restricted for moderators.  For example, with the /b command, moderators cannot ban each other, but admins can ban moderators with it.  Also moderators can only ban for 10 minutes, and have limited mute powers as well.  Enjoy!

General Discussion / Tezuni's Server News, Updates, & Events
« on: October 31, 2014, 05:47:38 PM »
10/31/14: Halloween night! Come on over to the prison!

November 2014: Flood server! New maps!

Is there a way to check if a player is within a weapon's projectile explosion radius when the projectile impacts and explodes?

Modification Help / SOLVED: Sink in Liquid, no upward movement Playertype
« on: October 24, 2014, 10:10:07 PM »
Solved it myself.

set jumpforce to 0 in the sink playertype and used two functions to regulate between the playertypes for when they enter/leave water

Code: [Select]
function PlayerParkourArmor::onEnterLiquid(%this,%obj,%cov,%type)
function FloodPlayer_Sink::onLeaveLiquid(%this,%obj,%cov,%type)

Drama / Server Crashing Continues
« on: October 05, 2014, 08:38:57 PM »
2nd time all my servers were crashed today, lost track of how many they did it this week.

Code: [Select]
Got Connect challenge Request from
Got connect request from
  net name = Zoraki
AUTHCHECK: Zoraki = internet client -> internet server, regular auth
Auth Init Successfull: Zoraki
CADD: 223974
 +- bl_id = 46543
46543 Zoraki
 +- no auto admin
*** Sending mission load to client:
Slayer (Server): Sending Handshake: Zoraki
Error: NetStringTable::incStringRef() - id "163743" out of range (size = 1024)
Error: NetStringTable::lookupString() - id "163743" out of range (size = 1024)
Error: NetStringTable::removeString() - id "163743" out of range (size = 1024)

Drama / Crashed Again
« on: September 06, 2014, 03:59:06 PM »
2nd this this morning

Got Connect challenge Request from
Got connect request from
  net name = Pedrioe224
AUTHCHECK: Pedrioe224 = internet client -> internet server, regular auth
Auth Init Successfull: Pedrioe224
CADD: 39974
 +- bl_id = 113624
113624 Pedrioe224
 +- no auto admin
Slayer (Server): Sending Handshake: Pedrioe224
Error: NetStringTable::incStringRef() - id "16843009" out of range (size = 512)
Error: NetStringTable::lookupString() - id "16843009" out of range (size = 512)
Error: NetStringTable::removeString() - id "16843009" out of range (size = 512)
Error: NetStringTable::incStringRef() - id "245791" out of range (size = 512)
Error: NetStringTable::lookupString() - id "245791" out of range (size = 512)

Off Topic / Threw up into my computer case...
« on: August 25, 2014, 09:32:18 PM »
I know.. lol.

Got home sometime in the morning after drinking and partying all night and thought my computer tower was a trash can.  The puke went right through the vent and soaked everything inside.  Why?  I switched the trash can and tower's places recently, and they're both big and black rectangles.  It was dark..

Inspection reveals stalactites of puke hanging from the top fan, a waterfall across the motherboard, and leakage into the corner of the space between the cpu socket and motherboard.  Yeah.  Well, now the CPU can doesn't spin now and I get no-post after power on.  :panda:

I guess I need to order a new motherboard and CPU now... worst luck ever?

Drama / Server Crashes When Some People Join
« on: August 23, 2014, 10:07:45 PM »
Got connect request from
  net name = Valcle
AUTHCHECK: Valcle = internet client -> internet server, regular auth
Auth Init Successfull: Valcle
CADD: 962695
 +- bl_id = 62432
62432 Valcle
 +- no auto admin
Slayer (Server): Sending Handshake: Valcle
Error: NetStringTable::incStringRef() - id "45786" out of range (size = 1024)
Error: NetStringTable::lookupString() - id "45786" out of range (size = 1024)

I see this error every time the server crashes, or *tinfoil hat* someone purposefully crashes it...

What can you guys tell me about these functions?  Are they part of the game or some add-on?  Are they being exploited?  Is it part of slayer?

General Discussion / Tezuni's Building Contest (win $10 or a steam game)
« on: August 16, 2014, 02:12:26 PM »
What is this for?

I host a server 'Tezuni's Rotations' that features various builds and their corresponding minigames that are rotated every couple rounds based on end of round voting. Abstract made a trailer about it here

How do I enter the contest?

Post a screenshot of your build, the build save file, the minigame save file, a list of add-ons used and a brief description of the gameplay here.

What's in it for me?

If your submission gets picked: A large audience and a prize of your choosing.  Your work will be featured in the server, which gets tons of player traffic every day.  As an extra bonus, I'm awarding $10 to each submission that I select for the server or a steam gift of equivalent or less value. Submissions MUST be your work.  This contest is to generate new games for everyone to play; your submissions are public, and I am not buying them.  Keep that in mind when you post.  Include your reward choice in the post (or PM me it) and either your paypal email or steam info depending on what you want.


A: What build types can I submit?
Q: Anything, but only serious entries will be considered.

A: What minigame types can I use?
Q: Anything that works for slayer such as DM, TDM, CTF, Siege, etc... something competitive no freebuilds, family rps, etc...

A: How do I save a minigame file?
Q: Using slayer, there are options to save and load minigame configurations under 'advanced options'. Saves to your blockland folder's config/server/slayer/config_saved folder

Q: What colorset do you use?
A: I use trueno's, but most colorsets will convert over decently when I load them.

Q: What add-ons are okay?
A: I use popular add-ons such as T+T weapons, etc... so if you use less known mods, make sure there's a download link somewhere.

Q: How long will the contest last?
A: I don't expect to be closing the contest until there's a good amount of accepted submissions in this thread.

Off Topic / I cut the tip of my finger off
« on: August 07, 2014, 01:19:44 PM »
Was trying to open a bag with a very sharp (brand new) chefs knife and it went through at a bad angle, slicing the tip of my finger clean off lol.  Was bleeding like a river, but walked to the hospital across the way and waited 2 hrs to get treated lol.  No pain killers either, but it doesn't hurt that much anyways...

Suggestions & Requests / Server & Client Auto Brick Loaders/Savers
« on: July 26, 2014, 10:18:52 PM »
Dedicated Server: auto saver & loader
  • RTB prefs for save period)
  • RTB Prefs option to load a select save or the latest auto save, upon server launch
  • Loads quickly

Client Side: quick load
  • Load a new client-saved build save quickly on a dedicated server as seen on non-dedicated servers and in the /reloadbricks command

There are add-ons out there that were made to do parts of this, but many of those are not functional.  Ideally we really need something functional that can do all of this.

Drama / 'cca' Crashing My Servers
« on: July 26, 2014, 02:43:59 PM »
Code: [Select]
Got Connect challenge Request from
Got connect request from
  net name = Cca
This is the last entry in my console logs prior to immediately getting downed.  Everything prior is absolutely normal.

Code: [Select]
My blockland servers crash mysteriously with some frequency prior to being individually visited by 'cca' under the BLID 26141, from  I searched him and server crashes and he's got a history of involvement.  Is there anything I can do to confirm he is responsible or determine if it's add-ons acting alone without being manually exploited?  Thanks.

This is a message I sent to Badspot yesterday.  cca has been crashing my servers daily. 

He's also got a history of crashing servers.

Now as far as speculation I would like to invite you all to tell me what you think, and maybe how to stop it.  The whole situation reminds me of when kalphiter was perma-banned on my server and would connect, and say a couple lines of chat in the milliseconds before the ban kicks in.  I suspect cca is using some exploit in an add-on during this time period. 

I want everyone in the server to have a random number applied to them.

Let's say I have set %cl as the client group, is there a way to do something like %cl.getRandom(#, #); ?

Next I want to delay a line of code without making a new function for it and scheduling that.  Thinking of something like adding delays to in-game brick events. Simple.

Off Topic / Did I get raped by this mechanic?
« on: June 24, 2014, 11:33:19 PM »
Took it in to MIDAS for steering and brake check.  Came back and had this bill.  

Wtf. But I paid it cause the work was done.  Are those prices even fair? $1.12k total

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