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Topics - Crêpe

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General Discussion / Where did Firecycle go?
« on: August 08, 2012, 04:01:08 AM »

Where is he?
One moment he was here, next he was gone


Off Topic / I got my braces off
« on: August 06, 2012, 07:54:15 AM »
Yeh. I got dem off

Discuss braces and sorts

Faces, Decals, Prints / BlockTorias Secret
« on: August 04, 2012, 12:02:12 PM »
Bikini Decals

Online sources



Off Topic / Hot Cartoon Girls
« on: August 01, 2012, 02:07:05 PM »
I notice we are having a lack of hot cartoon girls
This needs to be fix

Happy Picture Posting
May the bone be so ever in your favour

General Discussion / BlockBot's Blockland ID - ID 50
« on: July 30, 2012, 01:14:42 PM »
It's pretty easy to do.
Go to RTB Chat Options and turn on Chat Logging

Then message BlockBot.
After that go to Docs> Blockland >config>client> rtb> logs

then click on a notepad document labelled "50"
it will show the message sent to BlockBot


General Discussion / v21 Complaint Thread
« on: July 28, 2012, 11:31:28 AM »
I am absolutely sick of the 10 thread a day complaining about v21

So complain here!
I like v21 so when v21 comes out i will lock this thread

General Discussion / v21 Complaint Thread
« on: July 28, 2012, 11:30:24 AM »
I am absolutely sick of the 10 thread a day complaining about v21

So complain here!
I like v21 so when v21 comes out i will lock this thread

Off Topic / Its My Birthday
« on: July 19, 2012, 01:30:56 AM »
Happy birthday to me!

Off Topic / Any Blocklanders in Northern Ireland?
« on: July 16, 2012, 12:34:58 PM »
I'm going there for a small trip then heading of to bristol for my real holiday

any Blocklanders live there and where?

Drama / segfault314- Lying friend
« on: July 16, 2012, 02:47:44 AM »
Lets look at this guy shall we?
He's been quite annoying lately

How did this start Crepe?
Well his in game name cop## banned Cargon from his server because Cargon told the truth. That...
Veronica Taylor provided the voice of Ash in the first eight seasons of the English adaption of the Pokémon anime, which was dubbed by 4Kids Entertainment.
And segfault314 banned him and called him a liar.
(Information taken from Wikipedia.

But surely that can not be an excuse to drama!

Well I could show you his posts....
My answers will be in bold
yeah well my dad works for steam and he can ban u from blockland Blockland is not part of the Steam Store. Also show us proof. Plus this is not bannable, say if you bypassed Valve Anti Cheat, that would get you banned

you people are dumber than I thought, jesus. Do I need to behave like an elcor and attach adjectives to the beginning of all my sentences so that you understand what I'm saying? No we just think you are the dumb one.

Anyway, seriously: Banning somebody because they claimed to be a voice actor is dumb but bragging about being a voice actor in something called "ash was a girl" (which is allegedly in IMDB except searching for that turns up nothing even remotely relevant) is ridiculously petty.  Oh god. Ever heard of read before you post?

I completely misread the OP, I thought he said "I was the voice actor for 'Ash is a Girl'" instead of what he really said, "that the voice actor for Ash [Ketchem] is a girl." The VA for him actually is a girl btw so he's completely right.Really can you please read the OP!

Anyway I stand by my original statement that this thread is dumb because anybody permabanning someone over the gender of a voice actor is demonstrably an idiot and most likely runs a really stuffty server, so you're not missing out on anything. Then again most drama threads are dumb so whatever
Your original statement was that you would ban him form Steam. Also you are cop## so you banned him because he stated an actors gender. Stop pretending you are not cop##. Who else would come and spam a topic about some guy without being himself!

So....Crepe is that it? That was a lot.
Yeh that was a lot thanks. But it needed to be done.

Off Topic / The Strangest Week Ever
« on: July 12, 2012, 04:02:34 PM »
The week started with my dad bringing home a taser gun. I played around with the electronics and stuff and then decided to test it outside. I fired it at a pigeon expecting it to get back up but curiously it did not rise. It was dead. Shocked, I hid the taser. A day later I was rummaging through my wardrobe when the gun activated. I blacked out. I woke  up in hospital feeling sick. I was lucky to live.
That night I blacked out yet again and when i was cold i had a dream with tiny electric bolts flying everywhere
It keeps on though. I collapsed at a dinner date

This is true. Serious, no laughs

Add-Ons / 1x1 Flat No Lines (Repost)
« on: July 12, 2012, 06:48:32 AM »
Siba gave it to me a while back but never released it so I thought I might release it.
Well I already released it but the link broke so I may as well repost this.

Thanks to siba.

Hope you like it

Off Topic / Google is down!!
« on: June 04, 2012, 03:08:38 AM »
I was going to go on the forums earlier but then i found google was taken down for some reason
is anyone else having this problem. wat do?

Drama / I think i know who spammed the wiki yesterday.
« on: June 04, 2012, 02:34:35 AM »
It was Eussorrus.
It has to be.
On the other page there is a spam thread by Eussorus saying something then "i am lord tony"
supposedly yesterday Lord Tony or CarmenBL attacked the Blockland wiki with research.
That has been fixed but who ever goes on the wiki.

it was eussorus

General Discussion / Has anyone seen Blockland Wiki lately?
« on: June 03, 2012, 07:13:45 AM »
Blockland Wiki is vandalised. It's gone. Half the pictures say "research comin soon" on them.

blugh! If you're thinking about repairing it don't. It wil take ages


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