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Topics - Crøwn

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Add-Ons / Name Completion & Some More
« on: July 19, 2015, 11:14:42 AM »
Name Completion
When you use your third person bind if you have the chat open it tries to take the last word you've typed and turn it into a player's name on the server. If it can't find one it'll just toggle third person.

Wider Centerprint
Makes the centerprint the size of your screen, so if something is <just:right> or left it will actually be on the left of your screen. This makes HUDs on servers less intrusive. Normal center printed messages will not be affected by this add-on. Example from Kong's server.

Note that if your max chat lines is more than 11 it will go into the centerprint.

Lets any admin teleport up to six players in the spot they are looking. (/teleport Crown Skill4life Niblic etc)

Vehicle Timeout
Allows any superadmin to setup a vehicle timeout by using the command
/vehicleTimeout <variable> <value>
For example, if the timeout is set to 60 seconds and you exit your vehicle, it starts a timer to remove it unless you re-enter within time given time frame.
The second variable you can set is smartcleaner which makes it so the timer is only started if the server needs vehicles. So if you set it to 3 and the max vehicles on the server was 20, it would only start the timer if there were 17 vehicle on the map.

Enable All Add-Ons
Adds a button to let you enable all add-ons in the start game menu. Between the Default and None buttons.

Hide Toggle Mouse TIP
This add-on removes the "TIP: Press M to toggle mouse and click on links" text when a link appears or you have your mouse on, as most of us know already how to do this.

No Hammer Vehicles
Makes it so when you hammer vehicles nothing happens. Usually it adds velocity.

Server List on Disconnect
When you disconnect from a server it will open the server list.

Modification Help / Multi-line shapeName of sorts?
« on: May 04, 2015, 02:38:28 PM »
You can't have a multi-line shape name (or at least I couldn't figure out how to do so) so is there a better way of doing this other than creating an empty static shape with a shape name that just follows the client around? It looks terrible/laggy.

Modification Help / Loading a build/cycle
« on: April 05, 2015, 04:03:51 PM »
Code: [Select]
function JB_LoadMap_Phase1(%filename) {
%fileName = "Add-Ons/GameMode_Jailbreak/src/maps/" @ %fileName @ ".bls";
   //put everyone in observer mode
for(%i = 0; %i < clientGroup.getCount(); %i++) {
%client = clientGroup.getObject(%i);
%player = %client.player;

%camera =;
%camera.mode = "Observer";
BrickGroup_2143.chaindeletecallback = "JB_LoadMap_Phase2(\"" @ %filename @ "\");";

function JB_LoadMap_Phase2(%filename) {
echo("Loading jailbreak map " @ %filename);

%displayName = %filename;
%displayName = strReplace(%displayName, "Add-Ons/GameMode_Jailbreak/src/maps/", "");
%displayName = strReplace(%displayName, ".bls", "");
%displayName = strReplace(%displayName, "_", " ");

%displayName = "\c6Loading Map - \c3" @ %fileName;
if(%fileName $= "Gefangnis")
%displayName = %displayName @ "\c6, created by \c3Skill4Life";
if(%fileName $= "Desert")
%displayName = %displayName @ "\c6, created by \c3Niblic";

schedule(10, 0, serverDirectSaveFileLoad, %fileName, 3, "", 1, 1);

Basically ripped from the speedkart gamemode, I'm trying to load a build which works but I'm wondering if there is a way to detect when the build has loaded so I can reset the minigame. Or if there is a better way to do this, I'd just rather not have people running around while the builds are clearing/loading.

Modification Help / Removing an item from a GuiPopUpMenuCtrl?
« on: March 30, 2015, 06:56:45 PM »
I honestly cannot figure out how to do this. I'm adding one with %ctrl.add("text", 1);

When I'm searching for a server I always sort by players so I made this to do it automatically when you search for servers.

I dunno if this has been made before I looked but couldn't find it. But it adds an enable all button to the custom gamemode's settings

And this add-on removes the "TIP: Press M to toggle mouse and click on links" text when a link appears or you have your mouse on, as most of us know already.

Help / Server does not respond to connecting clients
« on: March 03, 2015, 09:59:00 AM »
My server hosted on a VPS randomly started ignoring client's connection attempts. There is no echo in the console that someone is trying to join and it doesn't say sending punch packets when I try and connect.

I've tried completely restoring my VPS's OS to new and disabling Window's Firewall so I don't think that's the issue.

General Discussion / Crown's Jailbreak [Christmas Event!]
« on: February 22, 2015, 01:28:21 AM »

Suggestions & Requests / Marble Man's Camera [gotit]
« on: February 06, 2015, 09:13:01 PM »

Modification Help / serverCmdUseInventory
« on: February 06, 2015, 08:14:55 PM »
I'm attempting to create a menu using serverCmdUseInventory and centerprint, but this would be used inside a minigame with building disabled. When the client has building disabled it just pops up that Building is currently disabled, which is client-sided I believe so I can't just make that message go away. If I use commandtoclient(%cl, 'setbuildingdisabled', false); then it just says they don't have any bricks.

Is there a way to give clients some bricks or disable the centerPrint when building is disabled?

function serverCmdUseInventory(%cl, %slot) {
   commandToClient(%cl, 'centerPrint', %slot);

I guess when building is disabled the client doesn't even send serverCmdUseInventory to the server anyways.

Modification Help / Stopped dropped items from timing out.
« on: January 26, 2015, 05:22:43 PM »
function serverCmdDropTool didn't seem to help me with this and all I could find was setCollisionTimeout, but it isn't in .dump() on an item and none of the other values seemed to help so I don't know what to do.
How do you stop a dropped item from disappearing?

General Discussion / Fixed zone bricks
« on: January 18, 2015, 04:52:29 PM »
I posted this in s/r but I didn't get a single response. I think somebody fixed zone bricks so events save when you reload bricks but I can't find it. Does anyone have it?

Suggestions & Requests / Fixed Zone Bricks
« on: January 15, 2015, 06:27:07 PM »
I can't seem to find the fixed zone bricks that I thought were released. The brickzone1x4x5 doesn't load with events when it is loaded from a saved file.
I get the following error when I load a save.

Add-Ons/Brick_Zones/Bricks.cs (421):Unknown command LoadParameters.

This is more of a help/request.

Modification Help / why cannot I stop the code here NewChatSO::addLine
« on: December 26, 2014, 07:08:18 PM »
Code: [Select]
package test {
function NewChatSO::addLine(%this, %line) {
%p = parent::addLine(%this, %line);
if(strstr(%line, "asdf") >= 0) {
return %p;
If myself or anyone else in the server types asdf in the chat it echos the 1 but doesn't stop the line from going into my chat.

Add-Ons / no more tips from the mouse guy
« on: July 17, 2014, 05:18:03 PM »
so um a lot of us have been playing blockland for a while and we know how to use the mouse toggler so I moved it away.

I tried using .delete() but it caused a ton of console spam.
I tried using .visible() but it would come back every time a link popped up, or you pressed M as that's what it does
So I used .position and move it away.

you can download it here.

so what this actually does is removes the tip that pops up when you press M that says something like "TIP: Press M to toggle the mouse".



General Discussion / Wicked & Crown's CityRPG | Thanks for playing!
« on: May 15, 2014, 11:02:52 PM »

Donations are open now.



  • Wicked
  • Crown
  • AdinX
  • Tally
  • Thorfin25
  • bubbler
  • Furdle
  • Darkeh
  • Ultimadune
  • Gizmo
  • Brickitect
  • Blox

Pages: 1 [2] 3